Simplified genealogy of biophilosophy and cybernetics

Simplified genealogy of biophilosophy and cyberne5cs Prof. MaOeo Pasquinelli, HfG Karlsruhe Cyborg Haraway “The organism is the enemy” Deleuze GuaBari Machinic Social norma8vity Biopoli8que Foucault Cybersyn Social cyberne6cs 1968 Epistemic norma8vity Canguilhem Geometric vitalism Sloterdijk Machine pathology Feedback loop Wiener Organic norma8vity Brain plas8city Goldstein WWII Soviet psychology Vygotsky Luria Umwelt Funk8onkreis von Uexküll Biopoli8k Ratzel Geopoli8k Kjellén Lebensraum Staatsbiologie EPISTEMIC FORMS organism Animal-machine Descartes Aristotele Organisches Wesen Kant machine + + state social plas8city The nesting of geometrical shapes within one another represents the hegemony of one epistemic form against others. For example, in Canguilhem the machine is considered an extension of the organism [circle within square]. Vice versa, in Descartes the organism is structured as a machine [square within circle]. In Foucault’s biopolitique the norms of life are defined by the state [triangle within circle]. On the contrary, the doctrine of Lebensraum describes the State as a macro-organism [circle within triangle]. The sign for plasticity marks positive definitions of trauma, abnormality, catastrophe and structural metastability.