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Visigothic Symposia
Visigothic Symposia 2: Iberian Spaces, Iberian Identities - September 2017-March 2018
Since years, research abaout world of Visigoths in the province of Segovia began to be at the same important level like roman investigations. Many archaeologist like Antonio Molinero began to understand this critical period, according to the lack of materials and archaeological sites. Will soon be compiling the extensive documentation that for ten years we have been getting from prospections and other emergency performances, Keywords: Segovia, Visigoths, landscape , river Eresma, Theodosius, slate
In the wake of its sister publications Iberian Interconnections, New Journeys in Iberian Studies: A (trans)national and (trans-)regional exploration and Revisiting Centres and Peripheries in Iberian Studies: Culture, History and Socioeconomic Change, this volume brings together selected texts presented at the 41st Annual Conference of the Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS) held in Lisbon in September 2019, including those from invited keynote speakers. The Association, which aims to promote and advance the study of political, social, economic, literary, artistic and cultural aspects of contemporary relevance to the Iberian Peninsula, has in recent years reorientated its objects of study, with an increased emphasis on links between the Peninsula and the wider Lusophone and Hispanic worlds. This reflects the recent epistemological turn in Iberian Studies, focusing on multicultural and multilinguistic phenomena, as well as transnational and transatlantic connections, established not only with other European countries, but also with Spanish and Portuguese-speaking South American, North America, Asia and Africa. The Association’s journal, the International Journal for Iberian Studies has been fostering original and academically informed research, as is the case with the recent special issue dedicated to new theoretical and methodological trends in Iberian Studies.
Sociedades Precapitalistas, 2021
A lo largo de la historia, la coexistencia de España y Portugal como dos realidades políticas diferenciadas compartiendo un mismo espacio geográfico ha estado sujeta a movimientos pendulares de aproximación y de alejamiento entre ambos países. Ya sea en épocas de conflicto político y bélico o de aparente calma y buena vecindad, las relaciones luso-españolas han generado, y continúan generando, imágenes sobre el otro que se reiteran en todo tipo de discursos y manifestaciones culturales.El estudio de este complejo entramado de miradas cruzadas, a partir de propuestas metodológicas provenientes de los Estudios Culturales y, sobre todo, de la Imagología como disciplina de la Literatura Comparada nos permite aproximarnos a determinadas secuencias ideológicas que han influido y siguen influyendo en campos tan diversos como la cultura, la política, la enseñanza, las campañas publicitarias o el turismo.
Rassegna Iberistica, vol. 43, n. 114, 2020
Hispania Antiqua, 2021
We dedicated this second part of the study to the investigation of the creation and transformation of Hispania’s identity, attending this time to other elements that contributed to it, as it was the creation of the "macro-ethnicities", the implementation of the administrative units and the decisive impulse to the appearance of the "Hispanic conscience" with the strengthening and political projection of the elites of Hispania.
F. Wulff Alonso and M. Álvarez (eds.): Identidades, culturas y territorios en la Andalucía prerromana. Málaga: Universidad de Málaga, 2009, 165-204., 2009
Manuscrits. Revista d'història moderna, 2015
J. Santos y G. Cruz (eds), Romanización, fronteras y etnias en la Roma antigua: el caso hispano. Revisiones de Historia Antigua VII. Vitoria, Universidad del País Vasco., 2012
The Ontology of Change in Aristotle, 2019
Journal of World Business, 2010
Dibujo y ornamento. Trazas y dibujos de artes decorativas entre Portugal, España, Italia, Malta y Grecia, S. De Cavi (ed.), Diputación de Cordoba/De Luca Editori d’Arte, Rome, 2015
Journal of Women's History, 1997
Pediatric Research, 1992
Pensa E-Jurnal: Pendidikan Sains, 2021
Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia, 2017
Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 2018
2019 MIXDES - 26th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems", 2019