Separability of Spatial Manipulations in Multi-touch Interfaces
Miguel A. Nacenta1, Patrick Baudisch2, Hrvoje Benko2 and Andy Wilson2.
University of Saskatchewan 2Microsoft Research
Multi-touch interfaces allow users to translate, rotate, and scale
digital objects in a single interaction. However, this freedom
represents a problem when users intend to perform only a subset
of manipulations. A user trying to scale an object in a print layout
program, for example, might find that the object was also slightly
translated and rotated, interfering with what was already carefully
laid out earlier.
We implemented and tested interaction techniques that allow
users to select a subset of manipulations. Magnitude Filtering
eliminates transformations (e.g., rotation) that are small in magnitude. Gesture Matching attempts to classify the user’s input into a
subset of manipulation gestures. Handles adopts a conventional
single-touch handles approach for touch input. Our empirical
study showed that these techniques significantly reduce errors in
layout, while the Handles technique was slowest. A variation of
the Gesture Matching technique presented the best combination of
speed and control, and was favored by participants.
KEYWORDS: Tabletops, separability, multi-touch interaction.
INDEX TERMS: H5.2.User Interfaces: Input devices and strategies
Multi-touch interfaces allow users to apply multiple spatial transformations to a virtual object with a single combined gesture.
Using two fingers, for example, users can translate, rotate, and
scale a photograph simultaneously. The increase in interaction
bandwidth afforded by multi-touch has two main potential advantages: it could improve the speed of complex manipulations because operations need not be applied sequentially, and it is often
referred to as “natural” because it resembles how we manipulate
objects in the physical world.
Unfortunately, multi-touch gestures also make it difficult to
perform only one (or just a subset) of the available operations at a
time. For example, it becomes hard to only scale and translate an
object (without rotating it) because the object will also react to
small variations of the angle between the contact points.
Figure 1 shows a scenario in which a designer is laying out a
poster for a chess competition. By enlarging and moving one of
the pawns of the original figure (Figure 1A), the designer intends
to create a sense of depth (Figure 1B). However, when performed
on a multi-touch interface, this might result in the pawn not only
being translated and scaled, but also rotated (Figure 1C). In many
cases, this will interfere with what was carefully laid out earlier
and stand out as a flaw, because humans are highly sensitive to
variations in rotation and scale [19, 25].
We investigated four strategies to allow users to constrain
multi-finger interaction to any subset of translation, rotation, and
scaling manipulations while preserving, as much as possible, the
freehand nature of the interactions: Handles, Magnitude Filtering,
and two variants of Gesture Matching (Frame-to-Frame and FirstTouch). The Handles technique allows users to restrict manipulations explicitly. It offers one handle for each possible
[email protected],{baudisch, benko, awilson}
Computer Science Department, University of Saskatchewan, 110
Science Place, S7N 5C9, Canada.
One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, US.
tion style; users select a manipulation by picking the corresponding handle. Magnitude Filtering acts upon touch input only when
the resulting rotation, scaling, and translations exceed a minimum
amplitude; small movements are filtered out. The Gesture Matching techniques help users avoid undesired manipulations by guessing which kind of manipulation the user is performing (e.g. rotation+translation, translation only).
Figure 1. Poster design scenario: A) initial state B) desired result
(translated & scaled) C) likely result (translated, scaled & rotated).
A user study shows that Handles, First-Touch Gesture Matching and Magnitude Filtering reduce the number of unwanted sideeffect manipulations by up to 90%, although Handles does so at
the expense of increased manipulation time. In addition to technique comparisons, we also performed a movement analysis of
unconstrained gestures that allowed us to characterize multi-touch
interaction in terms of expected error, simultaneity and order of
the different manipulations.
Our findings indicate that the First-Touch Gesture Matching
technique and the Magnitude Filtering techniques are well-suited
for bringing the benefits of multi-touch interfaces to layout tasks
that would otherwise be difficult due to the extended control freedom. Our movement characterization also provides groundwork
that can inform the design and configuration of future techniques.
Recent advances in input technology have resulted in a broad
range of multi-touch devices, i.e., devices that can track more than
one contact point (usually a finger) simultaneously. Compared to
single-point input, Multi-touch offers additional degrees of freedom. These have often been mapped to spatial manipulations such
as rotation and scaling [12, 17].
Two main motivations drive Multi-touch research. First, since
is resembles the way humans manipulate physical objects, Multitouch can lead to more “natural” interactions. Second, Multi-touch
is expected to be more efficient, because it allows users to manipulate multiple degrees of freedom simultaneously [11].
Multi-touch spatial manipulation shares some problems with
touch screens including the lack of stability on release [17] and
the fat finger/occlusion problem [22]. In this paper, however, we
focus on issues related to the added number of contacts.
Although bimanual interaction (e.g. [11]) can be considered
multi-touch, multi-touch does not necessarily require the use of
multiple hands. In this paper, we focus on a common mode of
multi-touch interaction: manipulation of a single object using
multiple fingers of the same hand. Users commonly manipulate
objects with a single hand, especially if they are located in an area
that is hard to reach with the other hand, if the object is too small
for two hands, or if the other hand is used for something else, e.g.
if it is manipulating a different object, is gesticulating, or is maintaining a posture. See [15, 16] for a detailed discussion on the
differences between same-hand and bi-manual interaction.
2.1 Characteristics of multi-dimensional manipulation
Many studies have looked at the characteristics of input in systems that allow for more than the standard two degrees of freedom. Among others, Zhai and Milgram [26], Masliah and Milgram [14], and Wang et. al. [23] analyze 3D docking tasks. Van
Rhijn and Mulder investigate slicing of 3D anatomical data [21].
Mason and Bryden observe rotation tasks of real objects [15].
Latulipe et al. found performance benefits for two mice when
performing bi-manual alignment tasks [11]. Buxton and Myers
examine bi-manual translation and scaling [6], and Balakrishnan
and Hinckley observe a continuous bi-manual tracking task [2].
Other researchers have looked at providing extended manipulations (e.g. rotation) with the standard DOF of single-point input
[8, 10, 20]; however, neither this research, nor the work from the
previous paragraph has focused on the issue of separability.
2.2 Manipulation separability
Not all interactions on a multi-touch device are intended to produce all possible manipulations, but isolating one or more manipulations can be difficult. In [17], Moscovich and Hughes observed that “due to physiological constraints on finger motion it is
difficult to rotate the fingers while keeping them at a precisely
fixed distance [to keep the same scale]”. In 3D spatial manipulation a similar effect was observed by Ware [24], who found that
3D docking was harder when participants had control over all
dimensions than when one of them was “locked”. We identify
these as two instances of lack of separability, where separability is
defined as the ability to purposefully avoid variation in one or
more of the available manipulations (e.g. rotate but not scale).
Our definition is inspired by Jacob and colleagues’ integrality
and separability concept [9]. They propose that tasks that require
multiple manipulations can be integral or separable according to
their perceptual structure; for example, translation and scaling are
integral because they are perceptually related, whereas translation
and color are separable because they rely on separate perceptual
mechanisms. Input devices can also be integral or separable (depending on how the different degrees of input are linked), and
they show in an experiment that matching the integrality of the
input device and the task results in better performance. Our use of
the separability concept is different; although the input and perceptual structure of our task and device would be considered integral in their terms, it is sometimes desirable to achieve separation
of control of the different manipulations. We believe that separability can be improved through the design of appropriate interaction techniques.
Separability is also related to Zhai and Milgram’s concept of
Efficiency [26]. The efficiency of a gesture refers to the simultaneity of manipulation of different dimensions. To quantify efficiency they used a formula that compares the Euclidean distance
between the starting position and the final state (considering each
manipulation as one of the Euclidean dimensions), to the actual
trajectory achieved by the user. Note that this efficiency does not
necessarily relate to faster interaction; a gesture could be very
slow but also efficient if all dimensions are being manipulated
simultaneously at the same rate until the final state is reached.
Separability implies efficiency because avoiding unwanted manipulation in one or more dimensions makes for a shorter Euclidean trajectory.
2.3 Related problems
Separability is related to but different from the problem of alignment. The purpose of alignment is to make dimensions equal to
pre-set values (guides, preferred directions) or to the dimensional
values of other elements in the interface (alignment, equalization).
Solutions for alignment include guides, snapping [3], and the use
of alignment tools, such as the alignment stick [18].
The goal of separability, in contrast, is to keep certain dimensions unchanged without such external references. In introducing
techniques to interactively control separability in multi-touch
interfaces, our hope is to give the user selective control while
preserving much of the flavor of existing multi-touch interactions.
To provide manipulation separability in multi-touch interfaces, we
have explored a number of techniques of which we selected the
following four for evaluation: Handles, Magnitude Filtering, and
two variants of Gesture Matching.
The selected techniques assume the use of two or more fingers.
We acknowledge that there are other ways to ameliorate the lack
of separability: for example, the iPhone interface rarely permits
translation, rotation and scaling simultaneously (separability becomes less of an issue when fewer manipulations are possible);
using virtual tools such as pins or guides [4] can help lock certain
dimensions; and the number of touches (fingers) can be used to
determine which manipulations are active [7] (one finger means
translation only, two fingers means rotation only, and so on).
Most of these alternative strategies are compatible with our approaches (we do not study the separability of translation-only
tasks because it is more meaningful to assign one-touch interactions to translation only). However, these approaches also have
important shortcomings: the assignment of number of fingers to
operations is somehow arbitrary above the distinction between
one finger and more; and using pins and guides for manipulation
requires extra steps in the interaction that may slow down the
action and complicate the interface.
3.1 Handles
Single-touch interfaces typically require explicit mode changes.
Usually, the modes take the form of handles, which are special
regions on the object that are assigned to a certain manipulation.
For example, in PowerPoint, the user may grab the object with the
cursor on specific handles that determine whether the figure is
rotated (small green handle in Figure 2.A), scaled (handles in the
corners) or stretched (handles in the middle of the sides).
Figure 2. Different kinds of handles: A) Standard cursor handles
are too small for touch input; B) Apted et al.’s [1] handle implementation for rotation/scaling, and translation; C) Our own implementation with areas dedicated to specific operation combinations.
We included Handles in our study because it is common in current single-point interfaces and it has been used before in the
multi-touch context [1]. Handles increases separability because
the operations are explicitly selected by the user at the moment of
touch. In order to prevent an object from rotating, users simply
avoid touching the “rotate” handle.
3.2 Magnitude Filtering
The Magnitude Filtering technique filters each manipulation of a
multi-touch gesture transformation (rotation, scale, translation)
such that values below a certain threshold magnitude produce no
effect. For example, we may interpose a function between input
and output such that the object will only rotate if the rotation indicated by the contact points exceeds 30° (with respect to the original orientation) (Figure 3). Separability is achieved because users
can make the desired manipulations large (over the threshold),
while small manipulations are ignored. This technique works
regardless of where the object is touched because the rotation is
calculated using the angle between the line formed by the initial
points, and the line formed by the current points, regardless of
their position in the object.
< Threshold
> Threshold
Figure 3. Rotation filtering A) initial touch points P and Q on an
object B) the touch points rotate to the P’ and Q’ positions, but the
angle is not yet above the rotation threshold C) further rotation is
above the threshold and the object rotates to the angle indicated by
the current touch points.
Starting Position Input
Snap zone
Catch-up zone
Starting Position
Unconstrained zone
Catch-up zone
Snap zone
Snap pt.
Unconstrained zone
target values
Unconstrained zone
target values
Snap pt.
Figure 4. Filtering functions. A) Snap B) Snap with buffer zone.
Since the algorithm avoids abrupt transitions between zones, interactions using Magnitude Filtering feel smooth. Initially, objects
offer some resistance to change in each dimension. When the
gesture becomes large enough in one of the dimensions (e.g.
scale) the object starts changing fast until the user’s fingers have
caught up with the initial contact point. Further expansion proceeds as with a regular unconstrained manipulation.
3.3 Gesture Matching
The Gesture Matching techniques explore the idea that when users desire a pure rotation (for example) they may strive to provide
an input gesture that itself is a pure rotation. These techniques are
based on a battery of different models that try to explain the combined motion of all the touch points on the object. Each model
tries to minimize the mean root square difference between the
actual motion and a motion generated with the manipulation subset of each model. There are models for simple gestures (translation) and compound gestures (rotation+translation, scale
+translation, and rotation+scale+translation). The technique selects the simplest manipulation mode that still explains the actual
motion reasonably well. For example, if we find that the translation-only model approximates the motion well enough, we will
not engage the more complex rotation+translation model.
Given a set of starting and ending positions of touch points,
each model generates two outputs: the error of the best fit of the
model to the data (i.e., how distant are the predicted points from
the actual points), and the magnitudes of rotation, scale and translation that minimize that error.
The error outputs of each model are then collected by a decision
algorithm that chooses which model to apply (see Figure 5): errors
are normalized using a sigmoid function, compared to the error of
the active model, and subtracted a configurable parameter. The
system changes to a new state when, after subtraction, the error of
the corresponding model is still lower than the error of the current
model. Naturally, the models with the most parameters will generate the least error, and therefore the configurable parameters
have to penalize more the more complex models (this process is
analogous to regularization in the machine learning field). Parameters for each transition can be configured individually.
P‘ P
Rot + Trans
Q‘ Q
Scale + Trans
Scale + Rot + Trans
Decision Algorithm
This technique was inspired by snapping techniques that
enlarge the motor space over the desired snap locations (e.g.
screen limits, or pre-selected values of the x or y coordinates –
guides) (e.g., [3, 5, 13]). Magnitude Filtering differs from snapping techniques in the following two aspects. First, Magnitude
Filtering “snaps” objects only to the object’s initial state, making
it easier for an object to maintain its initial rotation, initial scale,
or initial position or to return to it. Snapping techniques, in contrast, generally snap to pre-selected values or to other elements in
the environment. Second, we introduce a catch up zone where the
transformations are amplified to allow a continuous transition
between the snap zone (where variations of the input do not affect
the output) and the unconstrained zone (where the output corresponds exactly with the input). This makes all target positions
obtainable (a concept introduced by snap-and-go [3]) and allows
dragged objects to catch up with the finger dragging it (unlike
snap-and-go), thereby preventing excessive separation of finger
and object. Figure 4B explains the concept by comparing it to
snapping (Figure 4A).
Unconstrained zone
We modeled our implementation of the Handles technique after
Apted et al.’s design [1] but modified it in order to allow for separate control of the rotate and scale dimensions (Figure 2C). We
also added labels so that users could identify the operation associated to each handle. We use text labels on the handles instead of
icons in order to avoid the possible ambiguities of icon interpretation during the evaluation (e.g., an icon for scale+rotate could be
easily confounded with an icon for rotate only).
Our prototype supports multi-touch interaction. For example, a
translation+rotation gesture can be achieved by placing one finger
in the move handle (which activates translation) and another in the
rotate area (which activates rotation). Two fingers on the move
handle will not cause any rotation or scaling, just as any number
of fingers in the scale handle will not change the position or orientation of the object.
Previous Active Model
Figure 5. Diagram of the Gesture Matching Technique. A) Notation: P, Q (previous touch points); P’, Q’ (current touch points); P*,
Q* (estimated current touch points – translation model), red arrows
(estimation errors). B) Schematic of the technique implementation.
The reader might notice that the list of models in Figure 5 does
not include rotate-only or scale-only models. The reason is that
multi-touch gestures that we might consider pure rotation or scaling are usually a combination of rotation+translation and scaling+translation respectively. For explanation, consider the rotation
gestures depicted in Figure 6; all can be considered strictly rotations, but each uses a different implicit rotation center. Instead of
trying to deduce which center was meant for rotation or arbitrarily
deciding on one, we decided to merge the rotation and translation
models into one, i.e., rotation and translation explain a rotation
gesture around any center. The reasoning is analogous for scale.
Figure 6. Rotation movements around different rotation centers: A)
rotation center is in Q (the Q contact point does not move) B) rotation center is in the center of the object C) rotation center is in the
mass center of the contacts.
3.3.1 Frame-to-Frame Gesture Matching
Our two variants of the Gesture Matching technique differ in the
period of time over which the models are fitted. In Frame-toFrame Gesture Matching, models are fitted each time step using
the previous frame and the current frame, and a decision is made
each frame as to which manipulation model is used to control the
object. Most interactive systems require frame rates of 30Hz or
more. If the technique were to select a different model every few
milliseconds, the behavior of the object would be very similar to
the unconstrained movement (it can interleave many alternating
types of short manipulations to achieve any desired final result).
To avoid this we added hysteresis to the selection process: the
configurable parameters add resistance to leave the current mode.
The Frame-to-Frame Gesture Matching technique is very flexible because it allows for sophisticated behavior configurations; for
example, certain transitions (such as rotation+translation to rotation+translation+scale) can be made more difficult, allowing for a
certain “feel” of the manipulation. However the technique proved
hard to configure because the information contained in frame to
frame variation is often not enough to distinguish one type of
gesture from another reliably, and so thresholds must be set high.
Users must then indicate a change of manipulation mode through
a fast gesture that has a strong component of the desired manipulation. For example, an object in rotation mode needs a fast pinch
gesture before it will start scaling.
3.3.2 First-Touch Gesture Matching
To avoid the problems of the Frame-to-Frame gesture matching,
we implemented a variant, called First-Touch Gesture Matching,
that fits the same models over the duration of the gesture. That is,
it uses the touch positions from the first frame of the gesture (first
touch) and compares it to the most current data.
The result is a more stable estimation of the gesture (the models
have much clearer changes to discriminate the manipulation). In
exchange, when any of the thresholds is surpassed, the object
jumps to a new position (as fit by the new model). For example, if
a gesture starts with a slight scaling movement the object will start
scaling. If after a while the touch points start to rotate, hysteresis
will keep the scaling mode until it is decided that rotation is a
much better match; at that moment the object will return to its
original size and rotate to match the current rotation of the touch
points. If the rotation has gone beyond the desired rotation, the
user can rotate back a small amount without switching into scale
mode (the hysteresis will prevent the mode change unless the
touch points separate again significantly).
First-Touch Gesture Matching has the configurability of the
Frame-to-Frame version, but it does not require fast gestures to
activate different modes. In fact, the behavior of this technique
resembles that of Magnitude Filtering. There are several important
differences between the First-Touch Gesture Matching and the
Magnitude Filtering techniques: First-Touch Gesture Matching
will jump to a new position whenever a better fit is found,
whereas Magnitude Filtering will never “jump”, but change
gradually instead. To access the object positions abandoned by a
jump, the First-Touch Gesture Matching requires returning towards the initial state, whereas Magnitude Filtering can reach any
magnitude in a monotonous movement; and First-Touch Gesture
Matching can distinguish between composite manipulations (e.g.
rotation and translation), whereas in Magnitude Filtering each
manipulation is independent. This last difference is irrelevant for
simple configurations, but it can help design a better technique if
we know that certain combinations of manipulations are more
likely to take place together or in certain orders.
We designed our evaluation with two goals in mind: to compare
the different alternatives that enhance separability in multi-touch
interfaces; and to gain insight into the nature of unrestricted motions that could help us design better techniques in the future.
4.1 Techniques
We tested the four techniques described in the previous section
and a baseline condition that does not constrain rotation, scale or
translation; we call this the Unconstrained technique.
The Magnitude Filtering technique snap zones were configured
as follows: translation 20 pixels (in each direction); rotation
11.25° (for each, positive and negative angles); scale 20% (for
each, enlargement and reduction). Buffer zones were set to the
same size than the corresponding snap zones. The other two techniques (Frame-to-Frame and First-Touch Gesture Matching) were
configured through an iterative process that resulted in thresholds
similar to those of the Magnitude Filtering configuration (numeric
configuration values of the different techniques are not comparable because of the different implementations).
4.2 Apparatus
The experiment was run on the commercially available version of
Microsoft Surface, which provides a touch input rate of 60Hz. The
size of the interactive area is 76.2cm diagonal (30”) for a
1024x768px image (4:3 aspect ratio – see Figure 7A).
Figure 7. A) Experimental setting. B) Beginning of a trial.
Rotation Error
For each trial, participants manipulated a rectangular object (initial size 10x7.5cm) located on the right side of the screen until it
matched the scale, rotation, and relative position of a reference
object displayed on the left side of the screen (Figure 7B). Participants were instructed not to change dimensions that already
matched the reference object. Participants pressed a button with
their non-dominant hand to end the trial.
Some trials required manipulating only location, only rotation,
or only scale. Others required changing two or all three manipulations, resulting in seven types of trials. Each manipulation had two
possible values: short and long trajectories for translation (12 and
21cm respectively), small and large rotation (30º and 60º respectively), and small and large enlargement (50% and 100% size
increase respectively). There were tasks for all combinations of
values (2 rotation, 2 scaling, 2 translation, 4 rotation+scaling, 4
rotation+translation, 4 scaling+translation, and 8 rotation+scaling
+translation): 26 different tasks overall.
In order to control noise and make technique comparisons fair,
participants were instructed to always grab objects with two fingers. Participants were also encouraged (but not required) to complete each trial with a single gesture, i.e., without releasing and reacquiring the object.
errors (F4,52 = 38.0, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.74) and on scale errors (F4,52
= 19.6, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.60). The rotation data does not meet the
sphericity assumption, but the corrected test (Greenhouse-Geisser)
shows the same results.
The post-hoc analyses show that Frame-to-Frame Gesture
Matching has the largest rotation error average (μ = 2.6°), significantly larger than the rest. Unconstrained gestures followed (μ =
1.3°), also significantly larger than the other three. The three remaining techniques had smaller errors, but not significantly different from each other (μHandles = 0.4°, μFirst-Touch_G.M. = 0.3°, μMagnitude_Filtering = 0.2°).
Results for the scale errors follow similar lines, but the most error-prone were now Unconstrained (μ = 7%) and Frame-to-Frame
Gesture Matching (μ = 4%), not significantly different from each
other. Both techniques were statistically different from the rest
(μMagnitude_Filtering = 2%, μFirst-Touch_G.M. = 2%, μHandles = 1%) except
for the comparison between the two Gesture Matching techniques.
These results are summarized in Figure 8.
4.3 Tasks
Scale Error
4.4 Participants and Study design
15 participants (8 female, 7 male) of ages between 18 and 59 participated in the study in exchange of gratuity. All participants
were right handed except one, who could use either left or right
hand as dominant.
The experiment was divided into two parts. The first part consisted of a single block of 78 trials with the Unconstrained condition (3 repetitions of each task, in random order), preceded by
training (1 trial of each task – 26 trials). In the second part, the
participants performed five blocks like that of the first part, one
for each condition (including Unconstrained). The order of the
conditions was assigned through a random Latin square and the
presentation of each task followed no predictable order.
Dividing the experiment into two blocks corresponds to the
goals of analyzing unconstrained gestures and comparing the proposed techniques. To analyze Unconstrained gestures without any
bias from our proposed techniques we ran it first; we replicated
the Unconstrained block in the second part to avoid biasing
against Unconstrained due to possible learning effects. Instead,
our design may have biased this condition positively.
At the end of the experiment the subjects filled in a questionnaire about their technique preferences.
4.5 Results: Technique comparisons
To compare how well techniques achieved separability we performed statistical analyses on the final rotation and scale errors of
trials that did not require rotation or scaling respectively. We did
not perform analysis on translation-only tasks because of a similar
problem to that discussed in section 3.3 (it is unclear what a translation-only motion is when there is rotation and scaling involved)
and because the translation-only case is less relevant (see discussion at the beginning of section 3). The analysis does not include
the data from the first part of the experiment (one block of unconstrained trials). Data from one participant in the Frame-to-Frame
condition was lost due to an error, and therefore the participant’s
data is removed from the repeated measures analyses. All significant differences reported in the post-hoc analysis are signficant at
the 0.05 level after applying Bonferroni’s correction.
Two-way repeated measures ANOVAs with technique and task
as factors showed a strong main effect of technique on rotation
Frame-Frame G.M.
First-Touch G.M.
Figure 8. Rotation and Scale errors for no-rotation and no-scale
tasks. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.
We also tested the proportion of trials with any rotation and
scale errors (for tasks that did not require either rotation or scale
changes). The results follow the trend of the previous analysis:
Unconstrained resulted in the maximum percentage of trials with
error (98%), followed by Frame-to-Frame Gesture Matching
(65%), Handles (21%), Magnitude Filtering (8%) and First-Touch
Gesture Matching (6%). Scale errors shuffle the pattern except for
Unconstrained, that still shows the most trials with error (98%),
followed by Magnitude Filtering (42%), Frame-to-Frame Gesture
Matching (36%), First-Touch Gesture Matching (23%), and Handles (13%). These results are summarized in Figure 9.
100 %
Trials with rotation error
80 %
Trials with scale error
60 %
40 %
20 %
Frame-Frame G.M.
First-Touch G.M.
Figure 9. Percentage of trials with any rotation or scale errors for
tasks that do not require rotation or scale (respectively).
Two non-parametric Friedman analyses of the percentage data
grouped by user and technique indicate a main effect of technique
in both rotation and scale percentage of trials with errors (χ 2rot(4)
= 44.3, p < 0.001, χ2scale(4) =43.0).
We also performed a repeated-measures ANOVA on logtransformed task completion times with the same two factors (task
and technique) to find out which techniques were faster. Time was
measured from the moment that the user touched the object for the
first time and transformed logarithmically (as is usual for linear
analysis of temporal data). All means presented henceforth are
back-transformed from the logarithmic domain. The analysis
shows a strong main effect of technique (F4,52 = 8.3, p < 0.001, η2
= 0.39). The post-hoc analyses show that Magnitude Filtering (μ =
2,622ms), Unconstrained (μ = 2,629ms), and First-Touch Gesture
Matching (FT) (μ = 2,779ms) were fastest (and statistically indistinguishable from each other); while Frame-to-Frame Gesture
Matching (μ = 3,482ms), and Handles (μ = 3,482ms) were significantly slower than the other three.
From pilot studies we observed differences between techniques
in the time users took to start interacting with the object after each
trial started. To test these differences we performed an ANOVA
on the time to start gesture. The result shows a strong main effect
of technique (F4,52 = 49.3, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.79). Post-hoc analysis
show that it took significantly longer to start with Handles (μ =
1,404ms) than with any of the other techniques (μFrame-to-Frame_G.M.
= 775ms, μFirst-Touch_G.M. = 708ms, μUnconstrained = 692ms, μMagnitude_Filtering = 686ms). Results are summarized in Figure 10.
Each participant ran a block of unconstrained trials before they
used any other technique. We collected these data to understand
the basic characteristics of unconstrained rotation-scaletranslation gestures in multi-touch interfaces and to look for general patterns that could help us design the next generation of techniques. This section discusses three analyses: gestural noise, allocation of control and manipulation order.
Each of the signals referred to in the following sub-sections
were conditioned using standard human movement signal processing procedures: the signal (variation of a magnitude in time for a
given trial) was recorded directly by our software at a typical
sampling rate of 60Hz; then it was resampled at 50Hz to correct
for sampling period variability, then padded and processed
through a four-order low-pass Butterworth filter (cut-off frequency: 8Hz). The signals of manipulations that changed were
further differentiated to find the rate at which error was reduced
towards the goal state, and filtered at 4Hz.
4.7.1 Gestural noise
Completion Time (from touch - ms)
4.7 Results: Characterization of Unconstrained Gestures
Time to start gesture (ms)
Frame-Frame G.M.
First-Touch G.M.
Figure 10.
Completion and time to start trials. The sum of
the two columns is the total trial time. Units are milliseconds. Numbers in the bar indicate order from 1 (fastest) to 5 (slowest).
We analyzed trial data to characterize the expected variability of
quantities that were not supposed to change; i.e., we measured the
typical scale changes for tasks that do not require scaling, and
orientation changes for tasks that do not require rotation.
We found that the maximum orientation error in a trial averaged
across all trials that did not require rotation was 5.1º and the average maximum scale error across all trials that did not require scaling was 100% (a doubling in size). Figure 11 shows the overall
distribution of all orientation and scale points for the trials indicated above. The distribution of the error for the different manipulations can help set appropriate parameters for the techniques.
Rotation values distribution
Scale values distribution (% over initial scale)
Across participants Magnitude Filtering and First-Touch Gesture
Matching were ranked as the preferred techniques, closely followed by Unconstrained and, at a distance, by Handles and
Frame-to-Frame Gesture Matching (see Table 1). Ordered nonparametric statistical contrasts of the technique preferences (pairwise Wilcoxon Signed Ranks) showed statistical differences between Handles and Frame-to-Frame Gesture Matching and the
other three. Participants also ranked the techniques in terms of
speed and accuracy with very similar results (not reported here).
Table 1. Subjective preferences (# users assigning the rank).
Magnitude Filter.
First Touch G.M.
Frame-Fr. G.M.
Many participants disliked the Handles technique because “[I
have] to think a little bit more” and “I cannot just automatically
instinctively do it [manipulate the object]”. These comments refer
to the fact that, with Handles, the type of movement must be decided before contact, whereas with the other techniques you can
decide as you go. Several participants commented that the Frameto-Frame Gesture Matching technique was difficult to control; a
participant noted that “it has a mind of its own”.
4.6 Results: Subjective
Figure 11.
Histograms of the rotation (left) and scale
magnitudes (right) for trials not requiring rotation or scaling respectively.
4.7.2 Allocation of control
An important characteristic of any multi-dimensional gesture is
degree to which objects are manipulated simultaneously in several
dimensions [9, 14, 26]. Several metrics of control allocation have
been proposed in the input control literature, from which we chose
the m-metric proposed [14] for being the most comprehensive.
The m-metric measures the degree of simultaneity of two or
more signals on a continuous scale between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates that the signals never change simultaneously (e.g., they take
turns in how they change) and 1 indicates that they are perfectly
synchronized (e.g., one signal is an amplified version of the
other). In our case we used the m-metric to calculate which manipulations are more coordinated with each other. We calculated
three m-metric coefficients, one for each of the possible manipulation couples: rotation-translation, rotation-scale and scaletranslation. Each unconstrained trial generated one measure for
each of the combinations. A two-way repeated-measures ANOVA
with task type and manipulation-couple as factors showed a strong
significant main effect of manipulation-couple (F2,28 = 48.3, p <
0.001, η2 = 0.77). Post-hoc comparisons confirmed that rotation
and translation are more simultaneous (average 0.43) than either
scale and translation (0.32) or scale and rotation (0.32 – all posthocs p < 0.05, with Bonferroni correction). These results indicate
that whereas rotation and translation seem simultaneous, scaling
proceeds more independently.
4.7.3 Order of manipulations
To learn about the temporal distribution of the different manipulations in time we performed an analysis similar to Mason et al.’s
[15] and Wang et al.’s [23] temporal analysis. In a first step we
normalize the signals in magnitude and time to have equal areas;
then we calculate the contiguous area of the signal that contains
the time of fastest change and covers the 50% of the total variation towards the goal value. This calculation gives the estimated
periods when the signal experienced most of its change.
The results are summarized in Figure 12. Periods of high
change occur within the first quarter of the gesture, consistent
with the usual movement patterns of targeting and docking tasks.
The graph also shows how manipulations start in a typical order:
first translation, then rotation and finally scale. The rotation manipulation is contained within the translation manipulation, which
is consistent with Wang et al.’s analysis of 3D docking problems
(rotation and translation only) [23].
Normalized Time (% of gesture duration)
Figure 12.
Duration of the periods of maximum activity of
each manipulation with respect to the total duration of the gesture.
Dotted lines represent confidence intervals.
We divide our discussion in three main themes: how to reduce
undesired manipulations; the limitations of our experiment and
what we learned about unconstrained motions.
5.1 Reducing Undesired Manipulation
The data from our study confirms that the lack of manipulation
separability can be a problem for tasks where any error in size or
rotation is important: 98% of the unconstrained gestures contain
some undesired rotation or scale; and the average error amounts to
2.5° and 7% respectively.
All but the Frame-to-Frame Gesture Matching technique succeeded in reducing both the average error and the proportion of
trials with errors. However, there are important differences in how
the techniques perform.
5.1.1 First-Touch Gesture Matching vs. Magnitude Filtering
These two techniques were rated best by users and were among
the most successful in reducing scale and rotation error (together
with Handles). The similarity of the results is consistent with the
similar behavior of the techniques; however, the main differences
between these techniques are not in our empirical data, but in the
way they are implemented and the configurability they afford.
Magnitude Filtering is a straight forward technique to implement and configure: each manipulation is filtered separately, and
only a couple of parameters can be adjusted (the snap and buffer
zones of the transfer function). In contrast, the Gesture Matching
technique requires the setup of parameters for each transition. Our
experience proved that the configuration of the Gesture Matching
techniques is complex; on the other hand, the large parameter
space offers many possibilities. Gesture Matching techniques
could be configured differently for different applications so that
interaction designers have control not only of the level of noise
that is tolerated in certain manipulations, but also in the way that
the technique feels: for example more or less “sticky”. We also
believe that Gesture Matching techniques could take advantage of
a deeper knowledge of human spatial manipulation gestures. For
example, we could configure it to take into account the order in
which manipulations are usually performed: transitions from
translation to translation+rotation modes could be made easier
than transitions from translation+scale to translation+rotation.
5.1.2 Problems with Handles
The Handles technique might seem the obvious choice for preventing unwanted operations because it is explicit and works as
most single-point interfaces. However, we discovered that trials
took about 50% longer than with other techniques, and that it does
not reduce error better than any of the two winners. We speculate
that, with handles, the user must think at touch time about the
manipulations that the movement will require and also target a
smaller region of the object. We also speculate that it is likely that
sometimes the initial grip of the object is not accommodating
enough to comfortably reach the goal position (anatomical constraints of the hands, see also [16]), requiring changes in touch
positions in the middle of the gesture. The high percentage of
trials with errors (21% for no-rotation tasks and 13% for no-scale
tasks) also points to the difficulty of selecting proper handles in
advance (grabbing the wrong handle was scored as an error). We
rule out that these results are due to the difficulty in finding the
correct handle because the tasks always started with the object in
the same position and orientation, and the participants had plenty
of opportunities (training) to learn the handles arrangement.
Although our design of handles might be improved through design (e.g. intelligent handles that adapt to the users’ position, circular handles), we believe that the problems exposed by our experiment, and some other intrinsic problems of handles (visual
clutter, occlusion of content, fat finger issues with small handles)
should be carefully taken into account by designers when choosing multi-touch techniques for spatial manipulations.
5.1.3 Frame-to-Frame Gesture Matching
Even though we implemented and configured all techniques to the
best of our abilities, Frame-to-Frame Gesture Matching showed
very little benefit for separability, and was by far the least preferred. We believe that two factors explain the failure: there is
very little information about a gesture between two frames, making the technique error-prone and hard to configure; and participants found difficult to perform the required fast gesture.
5.2 Limitations of the study
It is important to note several significant limitations to our study.
We performed the study on one-handed multi-touch gestures on a
horizontal surface. It is difficult to use our results to draw conclusions about the performance of single touch interactions, bimanual
interactions or performance on vertical surfaces, and further studies are needed to investigate those comparisons.
Our study was also constrained to tasks with relatively large
angle, distance and scale changes. The techniques that we compared do not make impossible to perform small adjustments (see
details in section 3), but they might hinder these tasks. The trade-
off between the configuration of techniques to improve separability (e.g. thresholds of magnitude filters) and performance with
small adjustments deserves further study.
5.3 Nature of multi-touch spatial transformations
Although most of the results from our characterization of unconstrained gestures do not help us address the separability problem,
we believe that they are useful for understanding the nature of
multi-touch movements, and can be useful to configure and inspire future techniques. For example, scale error has a larger variability than we expected, which may explain why Magnitude Filtering performed relatively poorly in the no-scaling trials (the
threshold was probably too low in the scale dimension).
We also learned that unconstrained gestures have large variations in all dimensions before they approximate the goal position.
This suggests that it is difficult to solve the separability issues
with techniques based on thresholds that disappear once they are
surpassed (unlike the tested version of Magnitude Filtering) or
techniques where it is difficult to go back to the original state of
the object. Our analysis also indicates that there might be benefit
in considering scaling as a different class of manipulation (it is
less simultaneous than the rest), and that different manipulations
tend to start at slightly offset times within the gesture. All of these
findings offer promising avenues for future advances.
5.4 Lessons for practitioners
We summarize the contributions of our study in four main
Separability can be a serious issue for spatial manipulation
Magnitude Filtering and First-Touch Gesture Matching can
help improve separability.
The Handles technique makes manipulation slower and it
has intrinsic problems, although it does help separability.
Gesture Matching techniques can be difficult to configure,
although they offer configurability.
Layout tasks often require careful control of the ways in which
objects are manipulated. Multi-touch interaction can be faster and
more natural, but it also presents the problem of separability: it
becomes difficult to control one of the dimensions (e.g. orientation) without slightly affecting other (e.g. size). In this research
we explored four different techniques to reduce unwanted manipulations for single-hand multi-touch spatial transformations.
We found that First-Touch Gesture Matching and Magnitude Filtering improve separability without negatively affecting performance, and that using Handles results in similar gains in separability, but at the cost of extra interaction time.
In the future, we are interested in developing new techniques
based on what we have learned. For example, in the case of Gesture Matching, more sophisticated temporal models such as Hidden Markov Models may allow the calculation of transforms from
moments other than “first touch”. Also interesting are techniques
that balance the explicitness of the handles and the implicitness of
Gesture Matching; for example, techniques that give subtle cues
about what mode it is about to activate, and allow the user to react
in consequence. Finally, we are also exploring how to improve
separability in situations where many other manipulations are
available (e.g. stretching, shearing and perspective transforms).
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