The Algebraic Calculator
and Mathematics Education
Barry Kissane
The Australian Institute of Education
Murdoch University, Murdoch, Australia 6150
[email protected]
This paper describes the recent development of hand-held algebraic calculators
and evaluates their significance for secondary education. Sophisticated
computer algebra systems (CAS) have been available to mathematicians for
some years now but have been too powerful, too sophisticated and too
expensive and have required too much access to powerful computers to have
had much impact on teaching and learning elementary algebra and calculus.
Unlike CAS, algebraic calculators have been developed to meet the needs
mathematics students rather than those of mathematicians, scientists and
engineers. Access to an algebraic calculator will allow students to deal with all
of the symbolic manipulation demands of the conventional secondary school
algebra and calculus curriculum. The implications of such access for the
mathematics curriculum, teaching methods, assessment and the professional
development of teachers are discussed in the paper. Alternative ways of
regulating access to and controlling the use of algebraic calculators are
discussed, together with the desirability of doing so. Parallels are drawn
between the significance of the algebraic calculator for the secondary school
and of the arithmetic calculator for the elementary school.
The idea of using computer technology for symbolic manipulation purposes is not a new
one. Useful and powerful software that could deal with the more routine aspects of algebra
and calculus first appeared in the 1970's on mainframe computers and were available on
microcomputer platforms by the late 1970's and early 1980's. Since then, such software
has developed considerably in sophistication, usability and the range of capabilities.
Indeed, from the outset of the Asian Technology Conference on Mathematics four years
ago, computer algebra systems (CAS) such as Maple and Mathematica (among others)
have featured prominently on the conference programs. For the most part, interest in CAS
has been strongest among research mathematicians and senior undergraduates, as well as
computer scientists interested in how such software is optimally designed.
The same conference programs have included papers concerned with graphics calculators,
arguably of increasing importance to mathematics education because of their potential
accessibility to secondary school students as well as early undergraduates. (Kissane,
1995). It is now often stated that a graphics calculator is also a computer, albeit a relatively
small, inexpensive and limited one. The present paper is an attempt to summarize how
much the gap has closed between CAS and graphics calculators with the development of
algebraic calculators and to consider the implications of this development for mathematics
education in secondary schools and the early undergraduate years.
The Progression of Calculators
Although there are variations on the themes, it is now possible to identify four distinctly
different levels of calculators, all of which have been developed (or at least refined) with
mathematics education in mind. Calculators at each level generally have the capabilities of
calculators at previous levels.
Arithmetic calculators
Arithmetic calculators (sometimes called four-function calculators) allow for arithmetic
computation to be carried out with small numbers. They meet the needs of everyday
calculation for most people and thus most of the computational needs of elementary
school students. These are in widespread use almost everywhere in society .(except some
school systems, paradoxically), especially in business and commerce. They are typically
described as providing one of three ways of computation (mental, calculator and paper) by
many school curricula.
Scientific calculators
Scientific calculators extend arithmetic calculators by providing access to mathematical
tables (such as trigonometric and logarithmic tables), some statistical computation. They
also handle larger and smaller numbers, using scientific notation. They deal with most
aspects of scientific calculation and are in use in very many secondary school systems
around the world. Recent models have been tailored more clearly to the needs of
secondary school students rather than scientists and engineers.
Graphics calculators
Graphics calculators have many more capabilities than scientific calculators, typically
allowing lists and complex numbers to be dealt with and include many more computational
capabilities (such as numerical differentiation and integration, equation solving, matrix
arithmetic, recursion). The graphics screen (after which such calculators are named)
provides opportunities for function and statistical graphing. Significant memory storage
means that data can be stored and analyzed and elementary programming is possible,
Graphics calculators permit quantitative exploration by students. All models have been
developed with the field of education in mind as the major market.
Algebraic calculators
Algebraic calculators include the symbolic manipulation capabilities characteristic of
secondary school algebra and calculus, such as: expanding, factorizing and simplifying
expressions (both algebraic and trigonometric); substitution of variables; solving
equations, inequalities and systems of equations; differentiating and integrating elementary
functions; finding sums of series; and evaluating limits. Some models include other
capabilities such as producing Taylor Series expansions, solving differential equations and
manipulating matrices which include symbolic expressions. Some examples of these
capabilities are provided in the next section. Algebraic calculators permit mathematical
exploration by students.
Algebraic Capabilities
To illustrate typical capabilities of algebraic calculators, a number of examples have been
chosen, using the Casio Algebra FX 2.0 calculator, released to schools during 1999. While
this particular calculator is not the most powerful available, in terms of mathematical
capabilities, it has been designed with the needs of unsophisticated students in mind. (For
example, it includes a tutoring aspect, designed to help students see how to solve various
kinds of linear and quadratic equations.)
In devising suitable learning activities for senior secondary school students, Etchells et al
(1997) provided examples of typical CAS operations available on various platforms:
approximate, expand, factorize, simplify, substitute, differentiate, integrate, solve, limit and
sum, together with some graphing commands such as plot, scale and zoom. The screens
below have been chosen to illustrate some of these various generic capabilities as they
appear on the Algebra FX 2.0.
Figure 1 shows two of the basic algebraic commands, factorizing and expanding.
Although the calculator entry syntax is a little awkward (for example, using ^ for
exponentiation and upper case letters throughout), the results are given in slightly more
conventional algebraic notation.
Figure 1: Expanding and factorizing elementary expressions
Figure 2 shows that commands can be combined together to make more complicated
commands. In this case, the calculator is finding the sum of the squares of the first N
integers, giving the result in factorized form.
Figure 2: Combining commands (factorization and summation)
Equations can be solved (symbolically) with a single command, as shown in Figure 3,
although not all elementary equations have a closed form solution.
Figure 3: Solving exactly a quadratic equation
One of the features of a calculator designed for educational use is that students might use
it to see the steps along the path to a solution, if desired. To illustrate this idea, the
calculator screens in Figure 4 show one possible set of steps carried out successively to
solve the same equation as that shown in Figure 3. The final screen shows that the whole
series of steps can be recalled, so that students can see where they have been in seeking a
Figure 4: Steps in solving a quadratic equation
Similar kinds of things are possible with the solution of inequalities, as suggested by
Figure 5, which shows only the short and simplified version of the solution, using
conventional notation for an interval.
Figure 5: Solving a quadratic inequality
Figure 6 shows two examples of symbolic manipulation in elementary calculus, one
concerned with differentiation and the other with finding an infinite limit.
Figure 6: Elementary calculus operations
Finally, Figure 7 shows examples of integration on the calculator. Both indefinite integrals
and definite integrals are available, with results given exactly in the latter case.
Figure 7: Indefinite and definite integration
These examples together suggest that much, if not all, of the symbolic manipulation
demands of conventional secondary school mathematics can be completed on an algebraic
A Continuum of Responses
In considering how we might respond to this technological development, Kissane, Bradley
& Kemp (1996) suggested that it might be helpful to think about algebraic calculators in
secondary mathematics education in the light of four-function calculators in elementary
school arithmetic, despite the hazards of reasoning by analogy. They identified the
following continuum of responses to the arithmetic calculator, in a sequence from tighter
to looser control by the teacher or other educational authorities.
For some elementary school students, calculators are still prohibited (in school). In some
cases, it is a general prohibition, while in other cases, it is more particular. (For example,
they cannot be used during assessment.) To date, using technology for symbolic
manipulation has been prohibited in most schools, partly because it is too expensive.
Equity issues associated with examinations are obvious if only some students have access
(although it is interesting to note that the Advanced Placement calculus examinations in the
USA now permit at least three different algebraic calculator models for examination use.)
Prohibition is a risky strategy, as French (1998, p.70) notes:
We may just ignore such developments in the hope that they will go away, in
which case many students are likely to become machine dependent or be put
off mathematics altogether because readily available technology is ignored.
An additional problem with this strategy is, of course, that we are unlikely to learn
anything about the matter by a policy of prohibition.
Elementary school students might be allowed, or even encouraged, to use their calculator to
check their arithmetic. It is still expected that they will do their work without the calculator
first, and they may even be denied access to a calculator until quite late in their school
career. Although this practice is hard to defend, it still seems quite common. It is
conceivable that similar uses for an algebraic calculator might be contemplated, with
algebra and calculus instead of arithmetic. If the use of algebraic calculators is restricted to
checking, students (and others) will realize that this practice will not deal with the essential
issue of why it is necessary to learn to do by hand what a machine does more efficiently,
reliably and quickly. Such a reaction would reflect that of many people restricted to using
arithmetic calculators in such a restricted way.
Usually (but not always) without sanction from their teacher, elementary school students
might use their calculators to do arithmetic instead of learning to do so mentally or with
paper and pencil. The analogy with a symbolic manipulation device is easy to make. At the
least, substitution is rendered possible by technology. If we want to prohibit students from
doing this, we need to be able to defend our policy. To dissuade students from substituting
inappropriately with algebraic calculators, we will need better arguments than merely, "the
batteries might go flat" or "you won't really understand what you are doing unless you do
it the long way by hand".
Simultaneous use
Developing arithmetic competence may take place in an environment in which paper-andpencil, mental and calculator work all happen together. At issue is the locus of control:
whether it is the teacher or the students who decide which kinds of technologies to use at a
particular time. It seems likely that this sort of environment is the most likely one for
students to develop some discretion about when to use a calculator and when not to use a
calculator, although some explicit attention needs to be paid to helping them make such
decisions. An algebraic calculator such as the Casio Algebra FX 2.0 will provide an
expectation that students make their own decisions about what to do. For example, Figure
8 shows the transformation menu, which makes clear that a number of equivalence
transformations are available for dealing with symbolic objects
Figure 8: Equivalence transformations available
Students must learn what these are, as well as why, where and when to use them. Access to
an algebraic calculator may help this sort of learning by focussing on these contextual
questions rather than on the mechanics of performing the transformations by hand.
Elementary school students may be encouraged to use their calculators for complicated
situations, such as those involving large numbers, those for which numbers are not
integers or those requiring many successive calculations. In the analogous way, an
algebraic calculator might be used when a situation demands particularly complicated
algebraic manipulations or especially difficult integrals, for which general solutions are
This continuum of responses is suggested as a first step in considering these new forms
of technology from an educational perspective. Now that we have a generation of
experience with less sophisticated technology, we may be able to learn something from it
when thinking about more powerful technologies.
Symbol Sense
In the same way that the development of less sophisticated calculators has generated
interested in 'number sense' in recent years, it now seems important to consider the
analogous situation for symbolic manipulation associated with secondary school algebra
and calculus. The best formulation of this has come from Arcavi (1994), who described
symbol sense as:
… a complex and multifaceted "feel" for symbols. Paraphrasing one of the
definitions provided by the Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary for the
word "sense", symbol sense would be a quick or accurate appreciation,
understanding or instinct regarding symbols. (p. 31)
In his seminal paper, Arcavi (1994) suggested that symbol sense includes (but is not
restricted to) the following aspects:
• An understanding of and aesthetic feel for the power of symbols
• A feeling for when to abandon symbols in favor of other approaches
• An ability to manipulate and to "read" symbolic expressions as two
complimentary aspects of solving algebraic problems
• The awareness that one can engineer symbolic relationships and the ability to do
• The ability to select a possible symbolic representation of a problem, to
acknowledge dissatisfaction with a choice and to be resourceful in finding a
better replacement
• The realization of the constant need to monitor and compare the meanings of
symbols with one's intuitions when solving a problem
• Sensing the different roles symbols can play in different contexts (p.31)
Similarly, French (1998) referred to 'mental algebra' as a parallel idea to mental arithmetic,
and similarly important for senior secondary school mathematics in a technological age:
Students need an understanding, knowledge and certain skills that they have 'at
their fingertips' in the sense that they can immediately call to mind particular
key ideas, explain them simply and do simple calculations with them, without
reference to text or machine, and without extensive written working. (p.66)
This kind of thinking goes to the heart of what is important about secondary school
algebra (and, to a lesser extent, calculus). For generations, the focus for many students in
secondary school has been the development of procedural skills with algebraic
expressions, often in quite complicated situations. Many students have required a great
deal of time to develop such skills, while many others have abandoned hope of doing so
relatively early. Although we have long realized that competence with the skills themselves,
while necessary to making progress in mathematics, does not necessarily reflect a sound
understanding of algebra (or calculus), our common practices do not seem to reflect this.
For example, formal assessment (the most powerful way in which we communicate our
goals and what we value) frequently includes symbolic manipulation in both algebra and
calculus, apparently for its own sake. Tasks that begin with imperatives such as 'expand',
'factorize', 'simplify', 'solve', 'differentiate' or 'integrate' (or their symbolic abbreviations) can
usually be answered by the routine application of symbolic skills. Some of these are rather
complicated (such as integration by parts or partial fractions), but nonetheless they still
demand only procedural skills from students. Thus, almost a decade ago, Bibby (1991)
For many students current practice in A-level mathematics seems largely to
consist of the assimilation, rehearsal and implementation in stereotyped
contexts of a more-or-less well-defined set of standard algorithms–in short,
"plug-and-chug" mathematics, as Philip Davis has described it. With the aid
of computer algebra systems, demonstrations of "A-level papers in ten
minutes" have recently been possible, and this clearly illustrates the essentially
"plug-and-chug" nature of the assessment tasks. (p. 40)
While computer algebra systems have been confined to desktop computers and priced
beyond the means of the great majority of students, it has been possible (although clearly
undesirable) to choose not to respond to this situation. However, the development of handheld, portable and relatively inexpensive versions of CAS in the form of algebraic
calculators gives rise to a new imperative to reconsider the matter.
Some Educational Directions
In considering possible educational directions associated with algebraic calculators, it is
interesting to continue the process of reasoning by analogy. The Calculator Aware
Number project, directed by the late Hilary Shuard in the UK in the 1980's involved
allowing children just entering elementary school unrestricted access to arithmetic
calculators. Contrary to the expectations of some, the longitudinal project found that
students used the calculators to help them learn about number, and did not become
dependent on them for calculation. Indeed, it was reported that many students developed a
culture that prized mental arithmetic and their own ways of calculating, rather than using
the calculator as a crutch. Torres-Skoumal (1999) reported informally on the equivalent
kind of experience with 9th -grade Austrian students learning algebra with regular access to
the powerful Texas Instruments TI–92 algebraic calculator:
Since the machine renders all solutions exact (unless specifically instructed to
do otherwise) the students have developed a natural preference for fractional,
surd or transcendental answers over decimal, approximate answers. It is ironic
indeed that this latest stage of technology is bringing back the "beautiful
numbers" whose loss was one of the greatest criticisms aimed at all previous
generations of calculators. Make no mistake; a machine with CAS is a
mathematician's tool. Just as with numbers, the machine that can do algebra
for my students has actually made them better at algebra.
Also in Austria, Kutzler (1999) has suggested that one of the plausible reasons for the
value of an algebraic calculator to young students is that it permits students to attend to
higher-order processes (such as deciding what operation to perform next) rather than
becoming distracted by lower-order operations (such as carrying out a particular
equivalence transformation). He suggests that this kind of scaffolding is useful to students
even if the ultimate goal is to develop traditional symbolic manipulation skills in a context
in which neither the curriculum nor the associated means of assessment are changed.
It seems increasingly difficult to argue, however, that neither the curriculum nor the
assessment procedures associated with elementary algebra should remain immune to
influence from technology of this kind. At the very least, some reconsideration of the
balance of procedural skill, conceptual content and strategic thinking associated with
algebra and calculus seems necessary. In this vein, both Heid et al (1995) and Etchells et
al (1997) have provided valuable collections of ideas and activities that incorporate
symbolic manipulation tools using technology. Similarly, Kissane, Bradley & Kemp
(1996) give examples of activities that use symbolic manipulation on a calculator to help
students learn important mathematical ideas in both algebra and calculus. The great
majority of these kinds of activities can be completed using an algebraic calculator
designed for school use, rather than a more sophisticated CAS, devised mainly for
professional use. These rich collections each serve to show how access to technology can
be a source of mathematical enrichment and insight, likely to aid learning of important
material and to provide students with access to new ways of solving problems.
Bibby (1991) noted that two concerns likely to be prominent in curriculum thinking
associated with algebraic calculators are those of calculator abuse and calculator
dependence. Indeed, such concerns have been frequently voiced before in the context of
less sophisticated calculators. It is important to acknowledge the concerns: no-one is likely
to be comfortable with the idea of students using algebraic calculators inappropriately
(such as to factorize x2 + x or to solve 3x – 2 = 7); nor are we likely to be comfortable with
students unable to do any symbolic manipulation without their calculator. Avoiding such
problems would seem to be a matter of conscious planning rather than pious hope. For
example, students who are denied access to calculators may well come to see their
occasional use as opportunities to avoid thinking. In addition, it is much too optimistic to
expect students to learn discriminating use of algebraic calculators unaided. Only if the
experience of using calculators is part of the curriculum, and thus part of the work and
responsibility of the classroom teacher, can we expect that students will get real help in
learning how to avoid dependence.
Change in education is always a difficult matter, especially so for classroom teachers of
mathematics, whose energies and intellectual resources are mostly consumed by the daily
realities of teaching. In many countries, teachers have yet to come to terms with the
implications of the graphics calculator, providing access to quantitative exploration as
suggested above. In some cases, curricula and assessment methods have adjusted to this
form of technology, but there are many others for which this is not yet so. Many teachers
will find the prospect of coming to terms with the much more far-reaching changes
associated with access to algebraic calculators daunting, to say the least. (Indeed, the first
reaction of many teachers to this sort of technology is a mixture of apprehension and awe,
particularly those who lack confidence in their own command of mathematics.) It is crucial
that teachers are provided with ample support and reasonable time frames for any changes.
Although there will always be teachers eager for new challenges, happy to take the lead in
adapting curriculum and teaching to new technologies, there will normally be many more
for whom such an expectation is quite unreasonable. Curriculum change that does not deal
with this reality is unlikely to lead to real change and certainly unlikely to be successful.
By way of example, a recent paper by a self-confessed enthusiast for new technology
(Podlesni 1999) expressed concern with the rate of change of technology for mathematics
education. Indeed, he questioned the source of the changes:
Are we getting to the point where technology companies are making de facto
curriculum decisions for us? Are they paving the way, consciously or
unconsciously, for their future leadership in that process by making
calculators upgradeable–through their software, one presumes? … Are we
doing our job as teachers or relinquishing part of it to the electronics industry?
Are we becoming unpaid salespeople for that industry with every new model?
(p. 89)
Podlesni's concerns are understandable, although the necessity of education responding to
the changing world external to the school is neither new nor inappropriate. As for other
changes such as television and educational computing, it is less important who is asking
the critical educational questions than it is that someone is trying to answer them. A
healthy dialogue between educators and industry people is clearly desirable, so that we
understand each other and can learn from each other. But while it is important to keep the
needs of classroom teachers in mind when technological change is underway, it is also
important that the messenger not be shot in the process. In the case of algebraic
calculators, an important part of the message is that it is now possible to manufacture
relatively inexpensive and powerful hand-held technologies that at first glance seem to be
capable of performing the symbolic rituals of secondary school algebra and calculus. It is
important to know this as soon as possible in order to give ourselves the greatest chance of
exploiting it for educational gain and adapting our conventional practices sensibly to it.
Clearly, more research and more time are needed before we will have good answers to the
critical questions of which activities and which kinds of uses for algebraic calculators are
most beneficial, part of the process of providing guidance and support to classroom
teachers as well as curriculum developers). To date, the limited experiences reported
suggest that the technology is more likely to be helpful rather than harmful to students.
Symbolic manipulation on hand-held calculators which are affordable to many students
and schools is already a reality. The major implications for practice may be a consequence
of providing students with access to opportunities for mathematical exploration that would
not otherwise be available to them. Inevitably, the development of algebraic calculators will
demand that we look more carefully than before at what is crucially important about
algebra, how to develop appropriate symbol sense in students and what can be comfortably
left to a machine. It is unlikely that strategies based on ignoring or marginalising such
technologies will provide much insight into how to deal with them. The real needs of
teachers must be adequately taken into account, if genuine progress is to be made.
Arcavi, A. 1994. Symbol sense: Informal sense-making in formal mathematics, For the
Learning of Mathematics, 14, 3, 24-35.
Bibby, N. 1991. Wherefore "plug-and-chug"?: Computer algebra versus A-level
mathematics, Mathematical Gazette, 75, 40-48.
Etchells, T., Hunter, M., Monaghan, J., Pozzi, S. & Rothery, A. 1997. Mathematical
Activities with Computer Algebra, Bromley, UK: Chartwell-Bratt.
French, D. 1998. Matters for debate: School algebra and the challenge of the TI-92,
Mathematical Gazette, 82, 493, 62-71.
Heid, K., Choate, J., Sheets, C. & Zbiek, R. 1995. Algebra in a Technological World,
Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kissane, B., Bradley, J. & Kemp, M. 1997, Symbolic manipulation on a TI-92: New threat
or hidden treasures? In N. Scott & H. Hollingsworth (Eds), Mathematics: Creating the
future, Melbourne, Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, 388-396.
Kissane, B. 1995. The importance of being accessible: The graphics calculator in
mathematics education. In First Asian Conference on Technology in mathematics:
161-170. Singapore: The Association of Mathematics Educators.
Kutzler, B. 1999. The Algebraic Calculator as a Pedagogical Tool for Teaching
Mathematics, (June 13)
Podlesni, J. 1999. A new breed of calculators: Do they change the way we teach?,
Mathematics Teacher, 92, 2, 88-89.
Shuard, H. et al 1991, Calculators, Children and Mathematics, London, Simon & Schuster.
Torres-Skoumal, M. 1999. Calculator Wars Part 4: The Phantom Math-Menace. (June 13)
Original Source
This paper is reproduced with permission from:
Kissane, B. 1999. 'The algebraic calculator and mathematics education'. In Yang, W-C,
Wang, D., Chu, S-C & Fitz-Gerald, G (Eds) Proceedings of 4th AsianTechnology
Conference on Mathematics, (pp 123-132) Guangzhou, China, Asian Technology
Conference in Mathematics.(ISBN 957-97420-2-2)
Refer to for further information.