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Kİ Dergisi, 2024
Dergide yayınlanan yazıların sorumluluğu yazarına aittir. Yazılardan, kaynak gösterilerek alıntı yapılabilir.
Lecture at the 3rd International Researchers' Workshop on the Usage of Ego-documents in Jewish Historical Research, Western Galilee College, 6-7 June 2023.
Green Press, 2020
Assalamualaikum Wr, Wb Alhamdullilah, Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, karena berkat karuniaNya kami diberi kekuatan dan semangat untuk dapat menyelesaikan buku Merdeka Kreatif di Era Pandemi Covid-19 (Suatu Pengantar). Buku ini merupakan rangkuman dari hasil penelitian dosen yang tergabung dalam Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi yang terdiri dari beberapa kampus di Indonesia. Ulasan yang dibahas pada buku ini merupakan merupakan pembahasan dari penelitian dosen pada Era Pandemi Covid-19. Semoga buku ini memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi kalangan peneliti, baik mahasiswa maupun dosen yang ingin melakukan penelitian serupa. Semoga buku ini dapat memberikan pengetahuan bagi pembaca yang tertarik di bidangnya.
FIESP, 2018
Com a aprovação em 2018 da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Brasileira, fica ainda mais evidente a urgência do assunto e necessidade de atenção da sociedade como um todo para o tratamento de dados pessoais coletados no dia a dia. Com a intenção de apoiar as Empresas no período de adequação à nova lei, a Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo, FIESP, e o Centro das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo, CIESP, elaboraram a Cartilha de Proteção de Dados Pessoais. Desde 2015, com a criação de grupos de trabalho dedicados e através de Congressos e Seminários, a FIESP e o CIESP se debruçam sobre o tema da Segurança e Defesa Cibernética e promovem conhecimento para toda a sociedade. De forma objetiva e simplificada, a Cartilha apresenta as principais informações sobre a nova Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados para que as empresas possam avaliar os riscos futuros de sua forma de atuação e planejar mudanças e adequação
Objective: Metacognition is a multi-component psychological construct, characterized by the ability to identify and describe one's own mental states and those of others. Evidence has been found for an association between impairments in metacognitive abilities and poor social functioning, low quality of life, severity of psychopathology in Personality Disorders (PDs). However, to date, there are few psychometrically validated instruments available for assessing the different components of metacognition. A self-report questionnaire, the Metacognition Self-Assessment Scale (MSAS), has been developed to evaluate the different functions of metacognition (Monitoring, Integration, Differentiation and Decentration) as defined in the framework of Metacognitive Multi-Function Model (Semerari et al. 2003, 2007). The aim of the present study is to preliminarily investigate the psychometric properties of the MSAS in a large non-clinical sample. Method: The MSAS was administered to 6659 people randomly recruited from the general population. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were carried out to examine the dimensionality of the MSAS. Results: The results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses revealed a good fit for a four-factor model of metacognition and suggested that metacognition as measured by the MSAS is a multidimensional construct consisting of one general factor with several sub-components. All Monitoring and Integration items loaded on the first factor which appeared to correspond to self-directed reflective cognition, that we named Self-Reflectivity. The Differentiation and Decentration items loaded on the second factor that captures the ability to distance oneself from cognitions and evaluate them critically, we named it Critical Distance. Items related to Monitoring Others' cognitions constituted a separated factor, related to the ability to understand others' minds, we named this factor Understanding Other Minds. The results also supported the hyp othesis that metacognitive regulation (i.e. Mastery) constitutes a separate metacognitive function, relatively independent of the metacognitive knowledge-related functions. Conclusions: These preliminary results confirm that the MSAS has the premises to be validated as a reliable instrument for measuring metacognition and its components. In particular, the MSAS could represent a useful and flexible instrument for a rapid screening of metacognitive abilities in both clinical and non-clinical contexts.
This pdf gives full details of material science and metallurgy
Myths and stories offer a window onto medieval and early modern musical culture. Far from merely offering material for musical settings, authoritative tales from classical mythology, ancient history and the Bible were treated as foundations for musical knowledge. Such myths were cited in support of arguments about the uses, effects, morality, and preferred styles of music in sources as diverse as theoretical treatises, defences or critiques of music, art, sermons, educational literature, and books of moral conduct. Newly written literary stories too were believed capable of moral instruction and influence, and were a medium through which ideas about music could be both explored and transmitted. How authors interpreted and weaved together these traditional stories, or created their own, reveals much about changing attitudes across the period. Looking beyond the well-known figure of Orpheus, this collection explores the myriad stories that shaped not only musical thought, but also its styles, techniques, and practices. Moreover, music itself performed and created knowledge in ways parallels to myth, and worked in tandem with old and new tales to construct social, political, and philosophical views. This relationship was not static, however; as the Enlightenment dawned, the once authoritative gods became comic characters and myth became a medium for ridicule. This collection provides a foundation for exploring myth and story throughout medieval and early modern culture, and facilitating further study into the Enlightenment and beyond.
Near-death experiences (NDEs) are life transformational events that are increasingly being subjected to empirical research. However, to date, no study has investigated the phenomenon of a meditation-induced near-death experience (MI-NDE) that is referred to in ancient Buddhist texts. Given that some advanced Buddhist meditators can induce NDEs at a pre-planned point in time, the MI-NDE may make NDEs more empirically accessible and thus advance understanding into the psychology of death-related processes. The present study recruited 12 advanced Buddhist meditators and compared the MI-NDE against two other meditation practices (i.e. that acted as control conditions) in the same participant group. Changes in the content and profundity of the MI-NDE were assessed longitudinally over a 3-year period. Findings demonstrated that compared to the control conditions, the MI-NDE prompted significantly greater pre-post increases in NDE profundity, mystical experiences and non-attachment. Furthermore, participants demonstrated significant increases in NDE profundity across the 3-year study period. Findings from an embedded qualitative analysis (using grounded theory) demonstrated that participants (i) were consciously aware of experiencing NDEs, (ii) retained volitional control over the content and duration of NDEs and (iii) elicited a rich array of non-worldly encounters and spiritual experiences. In addition to providing corroborating evidence in terms of the content of a Bregular^ (i.e. non-meditation-induced) NDE, novel NDE features identified in the present study indicate that there exist unexplored and/or poorly understood dimensions to NDEs. Furthermore, the study indicates that it would be feasible—including ethically feasible— for future research to recruit advanced meditators in order to assess real-time changes in neurological activity during NDEs.
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Jewish Folklore and Ethnology, Volume 2 , 2023
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 2019
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, 2022
OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information), 2021
Studying Teacher Education, 2017
The Journal of organic chemistry, 2018
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2016
Revista Salud Publica Y Nutricion, 2005
Вялікае княства Літоўскае: заканадаўчае забеспячэнне дзяржаўнага суверэнітэту, 2022
Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 2016