Nel deserto occidentale d'Egitto - Archeoincontri 2015

Resoconto della campagna di ricognizione 2014 presso l'insediamento romano di Umm el Dabadib, nel deserto occidentale egiziano.

Umm el Dabadib 18 Febbraio – 3 Marzo 2014 Oasi di Kharga Umm el Dabadib Viaggiatori & Studiosi 1895 H. W. Blundell ➢ 1900 J. Ball ➢ 1909 H. J. L. Beadnell ➢ 1925 W. J. Harding King ➢ 1952 G. Caton-Thompson ➢ 1997 - 1998 Corinna Rossi ➢2000 NKOS (North Kharga Oasis Survey) ➢ Insediamento Settentrionale Il Tempio Insediamento Orientale Insediamento Fortificato Il Forte La Chiesa Gli acquedotti Pozzi di un acquedotto nell'oasi di Farafra L' Eremo I Cimiteri La Cermica Conclusioni Forti Romani Fine III – inizio IV secolo "The Arab tradition is full of references to unknown oases, encountered by chance in the middle of the desert by lost travellers, and then never found again. The most famous of them is Zerzura, the lost oasis lying somewhere in the Great Sand Sea which became a legend for explorers of the '30s [...]. Zerzura has never be found, and probably never will be. Bagnold however wrote: "I like to think of Zerzura as an idea for which we have no apt word in English, meaning something waiting to be discovered in some out-of-the-way place" Rossi 2000, p. 350-352 Grazie dell'attenzione Bibliografia ➢ C. Rossi (2013), Controlling the Borders of the Empire: the distribution of Late-Rom ➢ C. Rossi and S. Ikram (2013), North Kharga Oasis Survey 2003 Preliminary Report: ➢ C. Rossi (2000),Umm El-Dabadib,, Roman Settlement in Kharga Oasis: Description ➢ A. K. Bowman, Egypt after the Pharaons [L'Egitto dopo i Faraoni, trad. B. Draghi 1 ➢ E. Ferron (2013),Conquête d'un milieu, adaptation à une multitude de réalités: l'exem ➢ C. Rossi and S. Ikram (2010), North Kharga Oasis Survey 2007 Preliminary Report: ➢ C. Rossi and S. Ikram (2007), North Kharga Oasis Survey 2004 Preliminary Report: ➢ C. Rossi and S. Ikram (2004), North Kharga Oasis Survey 2001-2002 Preliminary R E. Ferron (2011),Comprendre, maîtriser et préserver l’eau souterraine : transmission ➢