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Engage key social concepts for sustainability
Social indicators, both mature and emerging, are underused
ith humans altering climate processes, biogeochemical cycles, and
ecosystem functions (1), governments and societies confront the
challenge of shaping a sustainable future for people and nature.
Policies and practices to address these challenges must draw on social sciences, along
with natural sciences and engineering (2).
Although various social science approaches
can enable and assess progress toward sustainability, debate about such
POLICY concrete engagement is outpacing actual use. To catalyze uptake, we identify seven key social concepts
that are largely absent from many eforts to
pursue sustainability goals. We present existing and emerging well-tested indicators and
propose priority areas for conceptual and
methodological development.
Indicators represent a particularly powerful tool. They are scalable across geographic
areas and, when designed well, reduce com38
plex phenomena to simple measures (3).
Social indicators can be used to ensure
accountability or track progress toward
normative goals, for example, increasing
well-being (3, 4). Further, they can evaluate
local conditions to direct decision-making
for more desirable futures, for example, by
identifying if local values are conducive to
collective management approaches. Indicators can thus describe what exists, and in
doing so, they define what is important.
Conversely, that which is not measured can
disappear from public debate and political
consciousness (3). Bias toward easily quantifiable concepts, coupled with the tendency
for indicators to direct change, can hinder
progress, particularly where biases ignore
key determinants of human equity and action (5). Consequently, suitable indicators
are required for key social phenomena fundamental to a sustainable future.
man well-being is dependent on healthy
ecosystems, yet short-term pursuit of wellbeing may negatively affect those same ecosystems (6). Tracking only economic growth
has been detrimental to social and environmental progress (4), which demonstrates
the need for broader understanding and assessment of human well-being. The recent
surge of interest in measuring well-being
from local to national scales has tended
toward consensus around what to measure
and how (4, 7). Human well-being remains
variously defined but can be thought of
as a state of being with others, where human needs are met, when individuals can
act meaningfully to pursue self-defined
goals, and when they can enjoy a satisfactory quality of life (4, 8). Well-being is thus
multidimensional (i.e., more than gross domestic product or happiness) and consists
of both objective and subjective elements
(i.e., it reflects what people have or have
achieved and how they feel about this).
Although well-being manifests differently
across contexts, three components appear
universal: material well-being, quality of
Center for Ocean Solutions, Stanford University, CA, USA.
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral
Reef Studies, James Cook University, Australia. 3Lancaster
Environment Centre, Lancaster University, UK. 4Geography,
San Diego State University, CA, USA. 5School of Natural
Resources and the Environment, University of Michigan,
USA. 6Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University,
NC, USA. 7Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA, WA,
USA. 8School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of
Alaska Fairbanks, USA. 9U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, USA. 10Northumbria University, UK. 11School of Marine
and Environmental Afairs, University of Washington, USA.
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, WA, USA. 13Anthropology
and Marine Afairs, University of Rhode Island, USA. 14Moore
Center for Science, Conservation International, VA, USA.
Washington Sea Grant, University of Washington, USA. 16The
Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability,
University of British Columbia, Canada. 17Department of
Geography, Rutgers University, NJ, USA. *Corresponding
author. E-mail:
[email protected]
1 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6281
Published by AAAS
By Christina C. Hicks,1,2,3* Arielle Levine,4
Arun Agrawal,5 Xavier Basurto,6 Sara J.
Breslow,7 Courtney Carothers,8 Susan
Charnley,9 Sarah Coulthard,10 Nives
Dolsak,11 Jamie Donatuto,12 Carlos
Garcia-Quijano,13 Michael B. Mascia,14
Karma Norman,7 Melissa R. Poe,7,15 Terre
Satterfield,16 Kevin St. Martin,17 Phillip S.
life, and relational well-being (7). These established, multidimensional elements have
well-tested indicators (see the table).
Material well-being, quality of life, and
relational well-being can in part be understood from people’s values. Values reflect
the importance something holds for us and,
in doing so, guide human thinking, feeling,
and behavior to frame the pursuit of wellbeing. Social psychologists in particular
have developed systematic approaches to
assess values. Values in this sense are transsituational goals that vary in importance
and serve as guiding principles in people’s
lives, such as conformity or compassion (8).
Broad agreement has emerged that a limited number of values exist, that they relate
to each other in a consistent manner, and
that specific values are similar to one another, whereas others conflict. Analogous to
the agreed upon constituents of well-being,
all identified values are considered present,
in varying degrees of importance, in all human societies (8). Academics and international agencies have measured a common
set of values, across nearly 100 countries,
that represent more than 85% of the world’s
population (8) (see the table).
The success of sustainability polices will be
influenced by agency: the ability to act (and
achieve) on the basis of what one values and
has reason to value (9). People often strive to
adapt to their social systems (e.g., laws and
policies) and their natural environments (e.g.,
resource availability) as they pursue greater
well-being for themselves and their families.
Where people have agency, they may reject
policies that impinge on their values or their
ability to improve well-being. Where people
lack agency, they may be unable to take advantage of the potential for desirable change
or may be coerced into undesirable situations. Trajectories to desirable futures can
falter because people have, or lack, agency,
even when values have been used to inform
policy. Measures for agency are less developed than those for human well-being or
values, but progress has been made (10). Indicators often measure assets (e.g., education);
control over specific domains (e.g., household
decision-making); or global proxies (e.g., the
“ladder of power”) (10) (see the table). There
is mounting evidence that multidimensional
process-based measures of agency are necessary to account for people’s (i) direct control
or efective power; (ii) ability to pursue and
achieve goals; (iii) capacity to direct their
pursuits toward what they value or have reason to value; and (iv), ability to improve their
own, or others’, well-being (10).
Inequality—the unequal distribution
of costs, benefits, power, and access to resources—exacerbates both socialand environmental conditions; it undermines
Social measures for
Promising indicators for measuring
well-being, values, agency, and inequality
1. OECD’s “how’s life” framework (7). Quality
of life: Eight elements (e.g., health status,
subjective well-being). Material conditions:
Three elements (e.g., income): Sustainability
of well-being over time: Four capitals (e.g.,
human, economic, social, and natural).
2. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2003 from
“voices of the poor” (7). Material well-being
(e.g., enough food); bodily well-being (e.g.,
health); security (e.g., civil peace); freedom of
choice and action; social well-being (including
psychological well-being, self-respect and
dignity, peace, harmony, and good relations).
3. Ten universal capabilities [e.g., Nussbaum 2001
(7)]. Life; bodily health; bodily integrity; senses,
imagination, and thought; emotions; practical
reason; affiliation; other species; play; control over
one’s environment (e.g., political and material).
1. Human values [e.g., Schwartz et al., 2012 in (8)].
Two dimensions capturing self-enhancement
to self-transcendence and openness-to-change
to traditionalism that contain 10 value types.
2. World values survey [e.g., Inglehart and
Welzel 2005 in (8)]. Two dimensions
capturing traditionalism to secularism
and survival to self-expression.
3. Cultural dimensions theory [e.g., Hofstede 2001
in (8)]. Six dimensions capturing individualism
to collectivism; uncertainty avoidance; social
hierarchy; masculinity to femininity; long-term
orientation; indulgence to self-restraint.
1. Moving out of poverty’s “ladder of power”
[Narayan and Petesch 2007 in (10)]. Assesses
one’s power up a hypothetical ladder.
2. Agency and empowerment [Alsop and Heinsohn
2005 in (10)]. Reflects asset endowments (e.g.,
psychological, informational, organizational,
material, social, financial, and human).
3. Demographic and health survey [Orc-Macro
2006 in (10)]. Determines control over six
domains (own earnings, partners earnings,
own health care, major household purchases,
daily household purchases, visits to family).
1. Gini index [e.g., (11)]. Measures the
extent to which the distribution of income
deviates from perfectly equal.
2. Social mobility indices [e.g., (11)]. Measures
the movement of individuals, families,
households, across a social layer (e.g.,
changes in income levels, education levels).
3. Fractionalization indices: Measures the social
heterogeneity and conflict in a group.
sustainability (11). Inequalities shape who has
agency and who lacks it (11). Consequently,
reduction of inequality is a central theme in
the United Nation’s Sustainable Development
Goals. Indicators of inequality have not been
specified, but, analytical lenses have been developed (see the table).
NEEDS. Power, the ability to influence or con-
trol the beliefs or actions of others, is created
by, and recreates, many inequalities, which
include the ability to exercise agency (12, 13).
Power at different scales can be exerted over
others, through various means (e.g., knowledge or policies), or to achieve certain ends.
Understanding and monitoring power that
is exerted in both overt ways (e.g., state control) and diffuse ways (e.g., hegemonic ideas)
is central to crafting a sustainable future.
Work is needed to determine how elements
of power, in the context of sustainability, can
be measured and monitored through time.
These efforts may draw from progress in
related fields; for example, the HerfindahlHirschman index measures the extent to
which market shares are concentrated within
a few companies and could be adapted to
measure the extent to which influence is concentrated within a few individuals, organizations, or states. Social network analyses can
be used to measure the influence of a group,
organization, or idea.
Existing measures of values may provide
broad context for well-being but may lack the
depth and breadth that an understanding
of culture enables. Culture is a multifaceted
concept that includes the shared language,
knowledge, meanings, values, beliefs, norms,
customs, and practices that are transmitted through social learning (14). Culture
is expressed through social, political, and
economic systems, as well as through symbols, artifacts, and landscapes, such as the
British badger or suburban American lawn,
that serve to reinforce beliefs or norms of
behavior. Comprehensive indicators of culture are yet to be developed, but indicators
exist for elements of culture, such as place attachment. A comparative cultural database,
based on in-depth ethnographic work, exists
for nearly 300 cultures, and it could inform a
measurement-based indicator system (
Although inequality may persist, the extent
to which this represents an injustice determines when conflict may arise and action is
necessary. Thus, progress toward sustainability goals must be evaluated through the lens
of justice, a normative principle centered on
how people should be treated (15). Existing
indicators assess distributional and procedural justice in workplaces, or environmental
injustice in federal jurisdictions; however,
1 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6281
Published by AAAS
adequately addressing justice will require
additional assessments of what is considered
“fair,” to and by whom, and programmatic
steps regarding how justice can be achieved
and maintained (15).
Progress has been made toward development of some indicators, and in many instances, relevant data and expertise exist
within national and international, ofcial
and unofcial statistics bureaus (e.g., national censuses, representative surveys, and
polling reports). Further work is needed to
understand and communicate desirable directions of change. Reasonable consensus
exists that it is desirable to increase wellbeing and agency and to reduce inequality, injustice, and imbalances of power. In
contrast, although extreme values are detrimental to sustainability goals, there is no
desirable direction of change for values or
culture. Instead, these concepts facilitate
understandings of how sustainability goals
manifest and how policies can be crafted.
Although critical gaps remain with concepts in need of indicator development,
quantitative indicators are alone insufficient for understanding these concepts.
Complementary, qualitative, and reflexive
assessments will remain critical for development, implementation, and interpretation of robust measurement systems. j
W. Stefen et al., Science 347, 1259855 (2015).
N. Castree et al., Nature Clim. Change 4, 763 (2014).
J. G. Kelley, B. A. Simmons, Am. J. Pol. Sci. 59, 55 (2015).
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development, Guidelines for Measuring Subjective Wellbeing (OECD Publishing, Paris, 2013)
J. C. Scott, Seeing Like a State (Yale Univ. Press, New
Haven, CT, 1998).
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Ecosystems
and Human Well-Being: Biodiversity Synthesis (World
Resources Institute, Washington, DC, 2005).
A. McGregor, S. Coulthard, L. Camfeld, “Measuring what
matters: The role of well-being methods in development
policy and practice” (Project 04, Overseas Development
Institute, London, 2015).
T. Brosch, D. Sander, Eds., Handbook of Value Perspectives
from Economics, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Psychology,
and Sociology (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 2016).
A. Sen, J. Philos. 82, 169 (1985).
S. Ibrahim, S. Alkire, Oxf. Dev. Stud. 35, 379 (2007).
T. Piketty, Capital in the 21st Century (Harvard Univ. Press,
Cambridge, 2014).
S. Lukes, Power: A Radical View (Palgrave Macmillan,
Hampshire, UK, ed. 3, 2005).
N. Kabeer, Dev. Change 30, 435 (1999).
L. Kroeber, C. Kluckhohn, Culture, A Critical Review
of Concepts and Defnitions (Peabody Museum of
Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge,
MA, 1952).
G. Walker, Environmental Justice: Concepts, Evidence
Politics (Routledge, New York, 2012).
Funding was provided by Washington Sea Grant and NOAA
Fisheries. This is a contribution of the California Current
Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Program. N. Graham, R.
Martone, R. Hicks, and three anonymous reviewers provided
invaluable insights to earlier versions.
Colloidal crystal ordering
in a liquid crystal
A nematic phase promotes the formation of
dilute, low-symmetry colloidal crystals
By Christophe Blanc
anoparticles (NPs) can now be synthesized with a wide array of controlled sizes, shapes, and properties.
However, turning them into nanomaterials often requires packing them
into ordered assemblies to manifest
specific electronic or optical properties
for applications in nanoelectronics, optics,
and metamaterials. Colloidal self-assembly
(1) of NPs is relatively simple but is often
restricted to high-symmetry crystals by
the lack of specific directional bonds, especially for dilute NP solutions. To obtain
lower symmetries that confer useful optical
or electronic properties, long-range directional interactions must be imparted. On
page 69 of this issue, Mundoor et al. (2)
make clever use of an anisotropic host fluid,
a liquid crystal, to promote the formation of
a low-symmetry crystal in a dilute dispersion of nanorods.
In simple fluids, the absence of directional interactions between dispersed particles tends to favor the formation of only
a few types of crystals. For example, concentration of hard spherical colloids mainly
produces high-symmetry face-centered cubic or hexagonal close-packed lattices. Progress in colloidal engineering has partially
lifted this limitation with the introduction
of colloidal particles that can organize via
directional interactions because of the specific control of their shape or of their surface patterns (3). Such “shape-anisotropic”
or patchy colloids can promote preprogrammed structures when they are in close
contact, but their interactions in dilute dispersions remain mostly isotropic.
Mundoor et al. show that the situation
can be very diferent in a liquid crystalline
matrix when the proper combination of interactions is present. They studied the dispersion and self-assembly of semiconductor
nanorods in an aligned nematic liquid
crystal. In thermotropic nematic phases,
rodlike molecules develop a long-range oriLaboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C), UMR 5221 CNRS–
Université de Montpellier, Montpellier, France.
[email protected]
entational order caused by the spontaneous
molecular alignment. The alignment ccurs
only over a given temperature range, and
is a time average as the molecules can still
move and fluctuate. Uniformly aligned domains are easily obtained at large scale in
thin films formed over suitable substrates.
The spontaneous formation of colloidal
crystals of the triclinic pinacoidal symmetry
class (almost the lowest symmetry possible)
was observed at very low concentrations
(<<1%). In crystals of this class, none of the
unit cell edges are equal, and none of the
angles between the edges are equal, nor are
they right angles. Repulsive electrostatic interactions between the NPs compete with
attractive interactions mediated by the orientational elasticity of the liquid crystal (see
the figure). The NPs have positive surface
charges, and although they are elongated
rods, the electrostatic interaction is efectively isotropic at large distances. However,
each particle also gives rise to an elastic
“The mesophase nature
of the host is essential to
the formation of the lowsymmetry crystal...”
distortion of the matrix with a quadrupolar
symmetry. This distortion creates the longrange and anisotropic elastic interactions
between the NPs. The mesophase nature of
the host is essential to the formation of the
low-symmetry crystal because only the electrostatic repulsion remains if the liquid is
heated into the isotropic phase, where the
orientational ordering disappears.
The control of the organization of solid
inclusions by means of mesophases already
has a long history. For example, spontaneous alignment of nanorods by the nematic
phase is well known and is caused by a restoring torque created by a preferred orientation of the host fluid molecules at the
surface of the particles (a phenomenon
called anchoring). This phenomenon was
discussed theoretically as early as the 1970s SCIENCE
1 APRIL 2016 • VOL 352 ISSUE 6281
Published by AAAS