AIAA 2002-6122
AIAA Space Architecture Symposium
10-11 October 2002, Houston, Texas
Andreas Vogler, dipl. Arch ETH
University of Technology Munich
The aim is the successful product.
K. Ehrlenspiel (1995), p.329
Looking back on 6 years teaching experience at
the Institute of Architecture and Product
Development at the University of Technology in
Munich, many innovative, prize-winning student
projects resulted from a particular way of
teaching. During that time 3 years of space
architecture teaching were concerned with
developments for the micro gravity environment
of the ISS Habitation Module and the manned
Mars Mission Habitation Module. The programs
included: Practicing the design process as such,
defining design problems, solving them and
achieving high-quality results based on
technical feasibility. The paper will in retrospect
analyze the achievements, the existing design
environment, define the methodology and make
it accessible for other programs, not only at
universities, but also in industries.
The Institute for Architecture and Product
Development led by Prof. Richard Horden at the
University of Technology Munich has been very
successful integrating the building process into
the education of an architect. Starting in 1996,
six micro architecture student projects have
been built so far (Horden 1999, Detail 1998). A
special care is given to a very fine-tuned design
environment. Since 1998 two programs in
Space Architecture were taught. The first one
studied the microgravity environment by making
proposals for the ISS Habitation Module (Vogler
2000), which ended in building and testing
prototypes for microgravity furniture. The other
studied a surface habitat for the NASA Mars
Reference Mission (Vogler 2001). The
experience made with these programs will be
used in a first step to define the important
elements of a successful space architecture
program within a standard education of an
architect. This might help universities as much
as outreach programs from space agencies to
use the enthusiastic energy of young designers
to help to improve the working and living
environment on space stations and to create
technically viable concepts for future living in
space. Many of these elements may seem not
very specifically related to Space Architecture
as such, but it is our experience that especially
Space Architecture doesn't allow negligence
with any of the elements without potentially
compromising the result.
an architect should have that perfect knowledge
of each art and science which is not even
acquired by the professors of any one in
particular, who have had every opportunity of
improving themselves in it.
Pytheos, 4th century BC, (Vitruvius, 25/15BC)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Copyright © 2002 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Modern architecture and product development
means problem solving not only in complex
technical systems but also in complex working
environments. Thereby, the design process is
influenced by factors from various fields, the
task, the individual, the team, the context and
the environment in which it takes place. This
complex network of influences turns product
development into a challenge with requirements
for the designers aside from technical problems.
Richmond (1993, p 121) writes, “doing good
systems thinking means operating on at least
seven thinking tracks simultaneously.” This
ability is and has been absolutely necessary in
the over 5000 year old profession of the
architect. Dealing with complex systems on both
the technical and logistic side is inherent to the
our normal, sound reasoning according to the
circumstances of the individual situation”.
Dörner reduces systems thinking to the formula:
systems thinking = systemic, complex situation
+ situation-adequate thinking. Richmond (1993)
refers to the ability to think simultaneously on
multiple layers. It is an ongoing educational
research to develop methods of how to train
system thinking. Ossimitz (1998) outlines 4
characteristic dimensions:
Thinking in models
Interrelated thinking
Dynamic thinking
Steering systems
System Thinking
These could be easily taken as a skill set for an
architect and is actually trained in a projectbased education and a 'learning by doing
approach' most architecture faculties follow. In a
highly organized culture based on a high
division of labor, the question about how to
steer systems becomes extremely relevant.
Steering a system has to happen on all levels
and by proactively interacting with one's
environment. We live in a time where
complexity and the amount of knowledge grows
so rapidly that basic things need to be
reestablished and communicated. ‘Sound
reasoning’ or ‘taken-for-granted’ abilities seem
to become more and more difficult to rely on.
System, n. an assemblage or combination of
things or parts forming a complex or unitary
“And once lost, common sense can only be
recovered, it seems, by way of science and
peer-group activity.” (Economist 2001)
Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary,
System Thinking and Creativity
Architects traditionally combined the "engineer",
the “scientist” and the "artist" in one person.
With the growth of knowledge and
specialization, this has become more and more
difficult. Nevertheless the architect is still
considered to be the main professional entity to
be responsible for the complete system of
turning customers’ needs into a full working
building. Architects developed different methods
to train these abilities.
System Thinking describes the ability to
understand and interact with complex systems
as opposed to a linear action-reaction thinking,
which is closer to the way we usually
experience the world. The German cognitive
psychologist Dörner says at the end of his book
„Die Logik des Mißlingens“ (Dörner 1989, pp.
308-): “I hope I could clarify the fact that we
cannot grasp what is often generally called
«systems thinking» as a simple entity, as an
individual, distinguishable ability. It is a bundle
of abilities, and essentially it is the ability to use
Intuition, n. direct perception of truth, fact, etc.,
independent of any reasoning process;
immediate apprehension
Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary,
Two kinds of thinking can be identified: Logicanalytical or 'rational' thinking and intuitiveholistic thinking (Ehrlenspiel 1995). They can be
located in the left and right hemispheres of the
human brain. Science and Engineering are
dominated by the success of rational thinking.
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Artists often overemphasize pure intuitive
thinking. The successful combination of both is
the key to successful product development.
Intuitive thinking can be extremely efficient, but
it needs to be constantly controlled by rational
thinking. The traditional complexity of building is
forcing the architect more than any other
profession to develop skills in this thinking
method. The professional reality of being an
architect requires covering the span from a
precise, systematically thinking manager to a
creative designer. The student has to develop
these skills and abilities by learning and
training. The statement of Dörner is very familiar
to an architect. Whereas system engineering
makes complex tasks manageable, it does not
guarantee high engineering or design quality as
such. This is often dependent on the
qualification of the individuals. A good musician
plays well on all instruments, whereas for an
untalented and/or untrained person the
instrument would not have a major impact on
the quality of the music.
Architects use a basic set of working methods.
Sketches, drawings and models are sensual
and visual abstractions of reality. Engineers
reduce reality to be able to use mathematical
(rational) abstractions and build a physical
model at the end of the process. Architects very
early start to work with physical models and do
the necessary calculations later in the process.
Although a mathematical model is very precise
and predictable, a real model contains much
more ‘intuitive’ information on much more
different levels. Architects develop these
‘manual’ skills of drawing and model building in
parallel to their intellectual skills. In English, as
in many other languages, the verb "to grasp" is
used to describe a physical as well as a mental
process. (Aicher 1991a).
Franz Füeg (1984), Architect and Teacher,
describes why the architect is forced to rely on
an intuitive working process:
Two obvious and two probably surprising
characteristics characterize the external
conditions of the design work:
1. The framework like design brief, site and
its environment are relatively easy to
oversee and to control.
2. The amount of theories to consider is
3. The number of possibilities for the
synthesis - the project - is infinite
4. In addition (…) on the level of synthesis
theories can contradict each other and
often no synthetic solution can
Out of these reasons the architect is forced
especially in relevant aspects to make a free
choice: The architect is forced to be free.
Architects mainly learn from architects.
Lord Norman Foster
To develop the skills to deal with complex
systems requires a combination of learning and
practicing. Like a pilot needs to learn a lot of
theory, yet will never be a pilot without flying an
aircraft again and again, so architecture
students need to practice design by working
through several projects during their studies.
Practicing means building up experience, which
is a powerful source of intuitive thinking. It is
one of the main tasks of the education of an
architect to make him or her understand the
complex interrelation of all elements, which
define a building (or a project) and make it work.
This has to happen on all levels: Technology,
Function, Economics, Sociology, Aesthetics etc.
They need to be 'grasped' and trained.
Students learn about these scientific fields,
while at the same time they start to design more
and more complex projects to understand the
interrelations between the elements. This
'Learning by Doing' approach is used highly
effectively at universities, often combined with
internships in architects’ practices.
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design environment
The Design Environment
Environment, n. the aggregate of surrounding
things, conditions, or influences, esp. as
affecting the existence or development of
someone or something.
Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary
An environment usually is a highly complex
entity, which is – astonishingly (!) – often
perceived integrative. Although everybody
would agree how important a good working
environment is, generally most people are not
very proactive creating their environment.
Environment is often perceived as something
given or grown, not necessarily as something
that can be changed by an individual. On one
hand this is increasingly bewildering, since e.g.
in a modern city environment about 90 percent
of the environment is man-made and thus
based on planning decisions of individuals or
groups. On the other hand the interdependencies of the environment can become
very complex, so that the individual just does
not see any immediate effect of an interaction.
This short-term view of the environment as
something that is given, rather than made by
ourselves, has to change in dealing with
complex systems. There is the need to find
soft environment
communication system
video conferences
round table
people system
strong feedback, feed forward and cross relations
hard environment
An outline of our teaching system is given in
Fig. 1. We identified the importance of the
environment as an active steering element of
the production system. Often it would be more
important to know in what environment
something took place, than actually how it took
place. The environment communicates on a
subconscious level, whereas the setup of a
communication system provides the platforms
for exchange of knowledge and ideas. People
need to be supported to act as proactively and
forward orientated as possible. In an education
situation they form the triangle between student,
teacher and external expert. The production
system contains the methods and processes,
which actually create ideas and physical
production system
design process
working method
Figure 1. Outline of the project based teaching system
used at the Institute for Architecture and Product
ways to pro-actively influence and change the
environment to steer the system. But also the
insight has to grow, that all elements of the
system are actively influencing their
environment and are influenced by it. The
architect, who designs by profession urban,
working and living environments, has usually a
higher awareness of the possibility to interact
and knows that interaction means to work on all
elements in parallel to achieve a better system
result. At our institute we have been very careful
to establish and control the environment, which
allows high quality design to happen. This
applies to the physical environment as well as
to the social one.
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produce high-quality work: internally to the
students and new employees and externally to
other institutes and potential clients. This would
not have been possible with a wooden floor,
dirty walls and a complete mess, as university
studios still can be found to be. A good
environment can save a lot of words!
Figure 2, showing design studio with full-scale mock-up
of an ISS Standard Rack and students with early fullscale design mock-ups
Hard (physical) Environment
Often the physical environment is strongly
predefined by existing spaces and missing
budgets to change them. Although even small
changes in the layout of the furniture, color or
lighting can make big improvements. Generally
the design studios at the University of
Technology in Munich are in old 1950’s
buildings designed for a classic use by officials:
dark aisles with closed doors and invisible
activities or non-activities behind them.
From my experience a creative design
environment is better with a high degree of
transparency and spatial communication. This is
even more so for a teaching environment.
Design students learn the most from their
colleagues and the exchange and comparison
with them. (Aicher 1991b, pp. 142-147).
We opened some walls and we introduced soft
gray-blue carpet, white walls, small lightweight
aluminum tables on wheels and light foldable
chairs. The change was dramatic: a prime
office-like working environment for more than 60
students with highly improved acoustics
(carpet), color and light concept. A modern
atmosphere is created with light furniture, no
heavy and noisy chairs and tables. The design
work displayed in images and models
communicates unspoken the credibility to
But just changing the physical environment is
not enough. No, at the same time students (or
employees) have to be taught or communicated
that it is – at least for a limited amount of time –
their environment and they have to take
ongoing care of it. Some of them will only
realize later the value of it, but they actually
start to appreciate it. An environment which
communicates quality naturally fosters people to
take more active care of it, which benefits the
intuitive learning process that quality is
something which does not just happen by
chance or talent, but needs daily attentivness.
To achieve high quality, quality has to be
explicitly pursued and actively taken care of.
This needs to be communicated constantly:
spoken or unspoken. Architects use their own
office environment more or less consciously to
do that. The physical environment is – although
a complex system itself – an effective intuitive
steering device of other systems, which are in
contact with it. It communicates 'intuitively', 'at a
glance', on multiple layers simultaneously or
holisticly the level of quality expected to take
place in it.
Soft (psychological) Environment
Create possibilities. The intellectual and
psychological environment has to be fine-tuned
as carefully as the physical environment. When
we started 1996 in Munich the mindset of the
students and professors was, that students
don’t build and don't get money for it. Within
nine months we had two projects built by
student teams and financed by private industry!
Since then several little projects were designed
and built successfully by architecture students
and most of them published in international
magazines. How did that happen? We
introduced non-hierarchical teamwork and take
students seriously as designer ‘colleagues’. We
show them how to design by using a working
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method, and last but not least we opened up the
possibility that already a student can achieve
top quality design and building. To open
possibilities in the minds of students (or
anybody) and to show them how to turn
possibilities into something real is the most
important step to create a creative environment
and probably the most rewarding for a university
teacher. Students have to learn to see
possibilities rather than problems. Problems
want to be solved; they don't want to be studied
Design attitude. Designing means to be able to
play with the odds of complex systems, where a
problem is generating a possible solution, which
may change the way we looked at the problem
first hand, and ask for a re-evaluation of the
problem and a new solution. To keep up
innovation and design quality in such a
changing environment, this has to become an
attitude of mind. Our design attitude is
proactively modern, international, innovative,
interdisciplinary and result orientated. Students
are highly exposed to that attitude, which
usually helps them to proceed much faster.
Enthusiasm is an important element for good
work, which is difficult to impose and not easy to
quantify. In a student-teacher situation it works
best when the teacher not only takes the critical
reactive role, but also is enthusiastic and proactive about the projects himself. Teacher
enthusiasm needs to be paired with a nonhierarchical work environment, where students
are seen as ‘colleagues’ rather than
subordinates. A design process requires a lot of
hard work since often time pressure is high.
Enthusiasm and having fun makes the work
going easier and helps to be open and positive
for changes.
Implicit Innovation is a further element, which is
used to challenge the students to investigate a
variety of solutions. This means that we actively
ask students to be innovative and direct their
mind to the future rather than to the past. There
is nothing as powerful as a vision followed with
passion! Architecture history is full of creative
visionaries, who serve as examples.
Temporal Environment
Stress is good, stress makes us work.
Richard Horden to a student during a
space architecture design studio.
Time frame. A university environment is clearly
structured in semesters or units wherein
students have to deliver a certain package of
work. The Munich Program for the ISS
Habitation Module ran 12 months. During that
time all knowledge about the space
environment (microgravity!) was acquired,
concept designs were presented to NASA,
prototypes were built and successfully test flown
on the KC-135. This is rather extreme and will
be difficult to repeat on a planned basis.
Nevertheless most universities do not allow a
longer program with architecture students than
2 semesters. But within 2 semesters a valid and
good design can be achieved assuming a high
dedication of the students and the teachers to
the subject. It is also recommended that basic
knowledge about the space environment is
acquired before the studio starts.
Time pace
A design process needs a time program with a
certain rhythm. We introduced minimum weekly
design sessions with the students with about 4
major critiques in a semester and a final review
with guests at the end of the semester, when
also grades are given. This allows us to actively
control the design progress and urges the
students to proceed to results and develop
them. Time stress can be a worthy friend for a
designer. Designs proceed when decisions are
taken, and time helps in that process. I often
noticed that one problem of architecture
students is reluctant to take decisions early on,
since they worry they might be wrong. This
often results in working a whole semester on
ideas, realizing at the end that there is not
enough time to develop them. Students who
take decisions early and test ideas come much
further, even if their decisions may prove wrong
in the beginning and they have to correct them.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Goal Definition. Usually the outcome of a Space
Architecture Studio is very dependant on the
input given. Since the required input needs to
be very high compared to a normal studio and
very highly qualified, the outcome of such
studios is often too far away from interesting
proposals for the space industries. Once the
track of technological feasibility is abandoned
the studio is lost and the comments reduced to
"It's nice, but it doesn't work". The goals should
be clearly set and communicated to the
students. The set of goals we used are:
To work in the field of Space Architecture a
high level of understanding of science and
technology is required. This is usually
assumed to be the case with graduate
architecture students at a university of
technology. In the first two years not only
basic architectural skills are trained, but
students are required to prove their
knowledge in structural engineering, building
physics, mechanical and electrical
engineering, ergonomics, sociology, art and
history. The importance of the scientific and
engineering focus of these base studies
must not be underestimated and faculties of
architecture shifting their focus from
engineering requirements to art or sociology
are not helping the profession in the long
For a space architecture class the usually
high technological understanding of an
architecture student has to be relied upon at
an even higher level. Otherwise there is the
danger that too much time is spent in
studies of the space environment, which in
the end do not turn out useful if they are not
related to the task to discover and solve a
design problem.
Architecture students need to be highly
capable of thinking in systems and
necessary abstraction. They also need to be
able to evaluate the importance of
information in a given phase of the design
process. Basically, gather information and
make sense out of it. This is actually one of
the main problems a majority of students
have. Since they do not have the
experience, it is difficult for them to judge
what is relevant. Some students cover
themselves with information and don’t
produce anything; others produce
something that is not even based on
common knowledge of physics. Both are
user friendliness
highest possible design quality
technical feasibility
improvement of environment
prototype building whenever possible
Since we have to deal with many technical
restraints and problems, we have to prevent
them from becoming the main problem. We are
not designing a ‘machine’, but a human habitat.
The human being has to be put explicitly in the
The human being and its well-being is
the most important
Human well-being is dependant on a
complex system
Space Architecture is not top-down, but
an interaction with this complex system
The elements of that system have to be
understood to interact with them.
Obviously people are the most important part of
any product-developing system. But it is not
only important that the people have the right
technical qualification. They also need to be
able to interact with the creative system. They
need to have or be willing to develop the
personal skills to be flexible, pro-active, team
players, problem-aware and solution-orientated.
For a space architecture curriculum, students
should be graduate level, have acceptable
design skills and be familiar with the design
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
process. They should bring a high interest in
technology and a high degree of enthusiasm. If
a pre-selection process is possible at the
university it should be done. Although, we had
never more than 10-15 students, which are 23% of all upper semester design students,
which indicates, that the vast majority of
students do not see a relevance of space
architecture to their future professional life as an
Coaching.The qualification of a teacher (or a
manager in private industry) is often taken for
granted. This is not always the case and
probably one of the main troubles in education
and private industry. As modern System
Engineering tries to shorten time-to-market and
promotes ‘integrated problem-solving’, the role
of the teacher in modern university education
becomes one of an active ‘coach’. Classic
unidirectional teaching roles still practiced have
to change into participation. The teacher takes
the role of a coach or co-pilot and is using 'push'
and 'pull' inputs, but is also taking care of a
friendly, open and human atmosphere, where
hard work and stress is compensated by having
fun and being enthusiastic. The main task of the
design coach is to lead the student through the
'tunnel' of a project and encourage him or her to
achieve a good result. The coach is acting as
an active catalyser of the students skills.
Architects use in their offices a similar concept
by often consulting their colleagues and
discussing their ideas.
The majority of human beings think in predefined subjects. Architects think in
architecture and many would have problems
to look at a car as a piece of architecture,
although there are many interesting parallels
which bear a lot of potential for innovation. I
consider it as one of the main tasks of a
teacher and a main source for innovation to
enable the student to think laterally and
cross-reference into other fields of
technology or engineering, even into nature.
A modern design environment is not
hierarchical. This change has to be
introduced top down. The student cannot
change it. It is the teacher’s task to create a
one-level team spirit, where the teacher is
not respected merely for the position, but for
experience and competence. This means
that teachers can deal with criticism as
much as the students are expected to.
The teacher never has to pretend to know
everything. Architects actually never can
know everything possibly relevant to their
work, so they become very trained to get
know-how when they need it and manage
the skills of the experts. The students learn
this by seeing other architects doing this.
At the TU Munich Professor Richard Horden
has 4-5 Assistant Professors to support
teaching. In average we spend about 1 hour a
week with each design team, which is already a
lot. For a Space Architecture studio this is
increased to 2-3 hours due to more excursions,
visits to the engineers, the need to learn with
the students and to monitot their design for
technical feasibility.
A good set of experts includes aerospace
engineers, astronauts and space architects. A
collaboration with an outreach program of a
space agency can give access to experts.
Although, the quality of the outreach programs
in our experience is strongly varying and
dependant on the people involved.
Engineers should be asked to give an
introduction in space environment, space
stations, rocket systems, space construction
and materials and Life Support Systems. Best is
the collaboration with the engineers of one’s
own university, since they are accessible.
Astronauts are the people who will be the
potential users of the designs and access to
their opinion and experience is very important.
A lot of experience can be accessed through
books written by astronauts. Often Space
Agencies send out Astronauts, if they are
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invited. There seem to be two generations of
astronauts at the time being: The "old guys",
who were pioneering in space flight and mostly
on short-term missions, and consider 'design' or
'space architecture' as completely superfluous,
and the younger generation, who potentially
face long-term missions and appreciate that
somebody takes care of a better habitability of
their environment.
Space Architects are usually the only ones who
can give the architecture students an idea,
which problems are important to work on and
how to tackle them as an architect. Also, they
are often very practical and straightforward in
their advice.
The qualification of experts is not easy to
control in an education environment. This does
not mean that highly qualified engineers cannot
be found in a university of technology, but for
many of them it is strange to deal with architects
and they know neither what they really want nor
need, with the disadvantage that the information
is often not related to the specific design task.
The experts have to be aware of their active
role in creating results. They need to be
honest and open. They need to react if
designs go wrong as much as the design
It would be of very high importance to find
experts who have a background in Space
Figure 3. Videoconference from TU Munich to NASA JSC
for a project presentation. On screen Space Architect
Constance Adams and Engineer David Ray.
Communication describes a wide field of human
interaction that can influence a design
environment. At this point more specific
communication elements are meant, which
control the learning and development of a
design process. In our case these were:
Video Conferences
Round Table Discussions
At the University of Technology in Munich Prof.
Igenbergs leads a very open-minded Institute of
Astronautics. It has included his own lectures,
the lecture series of Dr. Peter Eckert about the
space environment and life support systems
and last but not least of astronaut Dr. Reinold
Ewald, who reported on the daily life on a space
station. These lectures were part of the
curriculum of aerospace engineers. If such an
offer can be used at a university it is great,
although we noticed, that in the design process,
the need for specific and detailed information
comes much earlier than what is possible to
cover in a weekly curriculum. On the other
hand, if the lectures are before the design
process, their content might be too remote to
what architecture students consider as relevant.
This suggests that ‘experts’ should be available
to answer specific questions at the moment they
Figure 4. Astronaut Reinold Ewald explains the space
shuttle to students
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become important. Especially for habitability
issues it is difficult to find experts with
experience in that field.
Video Conferences
Prof. Igenbergs provided us with the possibility
to meet with space architects Constance
Adams, Nathan Moore and others at Johnson
Space Center by video conference (Fig. 3). This
was most valuable, since it gave us access to
these space architecture experts. Alternatively
we used telephone conferences with Kurt
Micheels in the Mars program and in parallel
email communication. The possibility to discuss
models by video conferencing is invaluable.
One should not underestimate the effect of
putting ‚real’ things in front of ‚real’ people
working on ‘real’ projects.
Very early comes the need to see and touch
space hardware. Learning by the real thing – to
'grasp' – is very important for an architect.
Dimensions, materials, construction methods
need to be understood physically. The Munich
environment was very supportive for that. The
„Deutsche Museum“ has a mock-up of the
SpaceLab Module. At space company KayserThrede we were able to ‘touch’, understand and
measure an ISS-Standard-Rack, which would
also be used for Crew Quarters in the
Habitation Module. DLR and the European
Astronauts Corps EAC in Cologne have mockups of the Mir Core Module and the new ISS
Columbus module. This was very important
input at the beginning. It was topped by a visit at
the end of the first semester to Johnson Space
Center and the mock-up facilities in Building
Figure 5. Round table discussion with various experts
For the Mars program, there was considerably
less ‘real’ hardware to be studied, but the visit to
companies that fit out civil aircraft proved to be
important for students to understand possible
methods of interior construction.
Round Table
Especially at the beginning of the program we
established round table discussions with
experts from the Department of Mechanical
Engineering at the TU Munich. This was a sort
of open brain storming discussion, where
possible projects and actual problems were
discussed with people who had project
experience. This turned out to be very efficient
for team building. Special round tables were
after the lecture of astronaut Reinold Ewald,
who was our ‘real’ client and the only one
accessible who was in space and was able to
share first hand experience. Later in the
process these round table discussions were
integrated in the presentations and crits of the
students’ work.
Design Reviews
During the semester a series of design reviews
is established. The teaching staff sees the
students and their work weekly. About 2 or 3
times a semester a design review with external
guests is scheduled. Regular design reviews
give students a pace to work and allow a good
survey about the work in progress. They also
allow the professors to intervene, if designs
don't develop or go in the wrong direction. The
critical character of these reviews is very typical
for an architect's education and it is very
important to ask critical questions and to be
honest about the quality of the design work.
Often non-architects are not used to this
efficient straight-forward method.
Figure 6. End of semester presentation.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
become able to deal with complexity and the
more they understand that there is no other
'recipe' for good design, than to actively work on
problems and create a sensitivity where
problems may occur.
Our basic design method follows the principles
of integrated product development as described
by Ehrlenspiel (1995).
Architects mainly learn from architects. They
look at existing designs and learn from their
success or failure. The critical look at the
human environment and the conscientious responsibility to improve it, is a trademark of good
architects. A sound analysis of existing space
architecture is a very effective learning method.
We studied Skylab, Mir and ISS looking at the
organization and distribution of the habitability
functions. Literature, drawings, illustration and
especially videos were important media to learn
from existing designs. The analysis also bears a
big potential for new project ideas, since
problematic designs can be identified and
improved. The idea for the Munich Space Chair
came from the dissatisfaction about foot loop
restraints and the PHA Space Shower (Fig. 17,
18) from the dissatisfaction about flying towels
up to orbit and down for washing again, being
aware of the energy used.
The design process has been described in its
sequence by Daenzer (1992) and others,
studying the process of problem solving. It is a
very iterative process with the need for a
constant feed-forward and feedback throughout.
The core process has been described by Miller
et al. (1960) with the TOTE (Test-Operate-TestExit) Model (Fig. 7). To understand the process
is important, but there is no ‘recipe’ for good
design. Design has – like music or flying – a lot
to do with practicing. The abilities have to
become intuitive to be able to use them in all
their complexity. A design student has to design
again and again to gradually establish a set of
skills. A design process can be very complex
and many problems have to be solved in
parallel. There is a certain structure that can be
taught, but a major amount of the education is
practice. The more successful students have
been to develop good designs the more they
design process
working method
organised step-by-step approach
defined interfaces, milestones
still unused potential in feed-back
and feed-forward method
architects (contious) working method
which incorporates intuitive and
rational design methods. solution
driven, rather than problem driven
tote scheme
base diagram of thinking process
"trial-and-error", intuitive
design problem
feed forward
detail design
solution orientated
feed back
design solution
Figure 7. Concept model of the design process at our institute.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
The concept is one of the most powerful and
important elements of an architect’s work. A
good convincing concept can help to assure the
project quality from the beginning to the end
and is an important steering element.
Accordingly in architectural design and
education an emphasis is put on the
development of a good and convincing concept.
The concept for the foldable space Table FLOW
(Fig. 9-12, 15) came together through the
inspiration of the Future Systems Space Table,
the Munich Space Chair restraint system and
the need to pack any kind of galley table
structure to withstand take-off loads. The idea
came very early, at a point when the students
even haven’t even been aware of many other
implications. But the concept was strong
enough to develop up to parabolic test flights.
The actual design work controls the concept
and makes it functional. Other than the concept
finding, designing is very rational work
controlled by intuition. A design is developed by
adding more and more information and testing
on different levels. Changes have to be made
constantly. A designer has to be very flexible
and open for change; even the concept may be
changed or extended while information comes
together. At the end of it all basic principles
have to work and a high quality of design has to
be reached.
The design phase of the space Table FLOW
went right through the detail design and
prototyping; also the PHA developed parallel in
design as prototyping was already going on. It is
very important that design control does not stop
after the design work. The loss of ‘intuitive’
information from the design phase to the
prototyping can be immense and a source of
expensive mistakes. The design team should be
involved through all phases.
industry is intensified. Every screw and bolt
becomes important. Engineering sketches and
calculations have to be turned into working
drawings for mostly different manufacturers.
Many new and unforeseen technical and
financial problems occur and the design and the
design team have to be strong enough to
withstand all of this.
During detail design, we realized that the
conditions and requirement for a parabolic flight
were so special and different to space that we
decided to make two prototypes each: test
prototypes to withstand the loads of a parabolic
flight, and design prototypes to show the
intended design. (Fig. 15/16, 17/18)
Building a fully functional prototype is usually at
the end of the design process, but different
partly working prototypes should be considered
as early as possible to develop the design.
Usually in the prototype phase most of the
money goes away and the possibility to change
or correct is the lowest. Also if things go wrong
it is expensive and painful. The students spent
many hours in the companies helping us to
build the prototypes in a very short time. This
made it possible to react to problems fast.
An example for a feed-forward process is that
we started with full-scale models early on.
Dimensional mock-ups (Fig. 2), ergonomic
models (Fig. 8) and several prototypes have
been made to be able to develop the first testflight prototype.
Detail design
In the detail design phase the collaboration of
the design team with more engineers and
Figure 8. Ergonomic Mock-Up of FLOW being tested by
students in the Olympic Swimming Pool in Munich
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Architecture and design live to a big extent from
mimesis. In architecture education this often
means, when students e.g. have to design a
hospital, they look at existing ones, analyze
them, try to improve the design and fit it to the
new demands. But looking only within their own
field for references limits the potential of
innovation severely. Looking at a modern
airline, aircraft and even boats could inform the
design of a new hospital. (Vogler, 1996)
Referencing means exactly that. Be inspired by
what you like, regardless from what discipline it
This systematic referencing is a source of
inspiration for new ideas and actually nothing
else than applying lateral thinking. Referencing
also allows the alienated and segregated world
of experts to come closer again and opens new
potential. An engineer who likes nature is
allowed to integrate it into his work and
suddenly a new highly inventive source of new
technologies is developed: Bionics. We often
use simple diagrams to define a task. (Fig. 9)
Also we ask students to find their own sources
of inspiration. For the space table we worked
with the reference to a briefcase, which allows
the astronaut to take everything along he or she
needs to work, including restraints. (Fig. 10)
Figure 10. The astronaut's workstation FLOW uses a
briefcase as a reference.
The sketch is one of the most important and
efficient working tools for all who are engaged in
designing the 3 dimensional world.
Unfortunately the sketch is too much
undervalued in the education of engineers. The
sketch not only helps to understand and
analyze the existing world, but is as well the
source of inspiration. During sketching
knowledge and inspiration are coming together
trying to find solutions, which are visually
evaluated. Reasoning and intuition play
A sketch is a perfect tool to simplify complexity
by abstraction, without (!) limiting it.
Figure 11. Sketch by Arne Laub showing handle and
bungee system of astronauts table ‘FLOW’
Figure 9. This simple diagram was used to show the
relation of a "house in space" and a house on earth.
A good drawing is as much a presentation,
planning and clarification tool for others as it is
for the designer. To draw something precisely
means to make it work – or at least make visible
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
where it doesn't work. One is forced to
understand the problems, find solutions and
make decisions. A drawing is a rational process.
This means sketches should be developed into
drawings as early as possible, also to serve as
a basis for new decisions. Usually students who
are drawing well proceed much faster with their
designs, than students who are sloppy about
their drawings.
Figure 12. Axonometric drawing explains function and fitout of Astronaut’s table ‘FLOW’
The model is not to be considered as the end of
a design process, but as much a working tool as
the sketch. The model is pushing ideas into the
physical and material world. Problems become
apparent while building a model as much as it
confirms ideas and leads to improvements. In
our studio we have a high emphasis on model
building. This is demanding a lot of work, but
the benefit of working directly in the third
dimension is very high. The model can convey,
besides the 3 dimensional geometric definition
of an object or space, a sense of light and
shadow, surfaces, colors and atmosphere.
A good model can be investigated with scale
figures and photographs to simulate reality at
relatively low costs. The strong emphasis we
put on good quality model building is probably a
main reason for the good output of our studio.
Building a model is also to a certain degree a
simulation of the real construction, and the
technical details can be simulated.
Virtual Models are very valuable to simulate
processes, movements, light and time. We used
them in the Mars Studio in parallel to physical
models (Fig. 22, 23). Virtual models should not
replace physical models, since they often cut
out many aspects of reality, especially
mechanics. They bear the risk that their
transition to reality is not possible and this is
found out too late, since it always seemed to be
okay in the computer.
Figure 13. Model view shows table arrangement in the
galley area. The 1/6 model was used for a presentation
All the above tools are not only working tools
but also presentation tools. Actually the closer
the product of these tools is to a high quality
presentation standard, the better they serve as
working tools as well. Once a high quality level
in presentation is established, the design work
becomes more efficient. This effect is still
underestimated. Usually the presentation effort
is made at the end of a phase. The more the
quality of a public presentation can be fed
forward into the design process, the more
efficient it becomes. This becomes apparent
with layout. If students are required to pin up
every week with a laid-out presentation, they
are forced to layout their ideas, with is usually
forcing them to clarify their ideas and make the
story clear.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
To educate space architects will not play a
major role in the near future since the
opportunities to work professionally in this field
are much too limited. On the other hand these
limited opportunities would require highly skilled
architects with a sound technological
engineering background. To integrate space
architecture into the education of an architect,
nevertheless can bring big advantages and
learning effects for the students. It can further
create an interdisciplinary work environment
within the university, which otherwise is very
difficult to impose. Especially the interchange of
architecture and mechanical engineering offers
potential new approaches in the fields of
System Engineering, Vehicle design and
Lightweight Construction. The importance of
designing the work environment and coaching
the people should not be underestimated, both
in an educational and in a professional
environment. Creating a controlled qualityconveying working environment and applying a
disciplined working method and quality standard
are the first steps to high quality results.
Architects are trained intensively in intuitive
thinking and rational thinking, which is a key to
deal with complex systems. They develop
working methods not to reduce the complexity
by splitting it into elements only, but to make it
accessible intuitively again by various forms of
close-to-reality models early in the design
process. To be able to understand and evaluate
the working methods of an architect and to
integrate them with engineering methods to
create a holistic design environment is most
valuable for space agencies and industries, to
put successful design teams together and to
provide the safest and best working and living
environment for human beings in space.
Aicher, O. (1991a). analog und digital,
[analogous and digital], Berlin, GERMANY:
Daenzer, W.F., Huber, F. (1992) Systems
Engineering, Zurich, SWITZERLAND: Verlag
Industrielle Organisation
Detail (1998). Beach Point, Cliffhanger, Detail,
Vol 5, p781-786, Munich, GERMANY:
Institute für Internationale ArchitekturDokumentation GmbH
Dörner, D. (1989). Die Logik des Misslingens Strategisches Denken in komplexen
Situationen, [The Logic of Failure – Strategic
Thinking in Complex Situations], Reinbek
near Hamburg, GERMANY: Rowohlt.
Ehrlenspiel, Klaus (1995). Integrierte
Produktentwicklung, [Integrated Product
Development], Munich, GERMANY: Carl
Field, T. (2002, Jan 26), Losing our Common
Sense, The Economist p 78, London, UK:
The Economist Newspaper Ltd.
Füeg, F., Zusammenhänge zwischen Theorien
und Entwurfsarbeit in der Architektur,
[Relations between Theories and Design
Work in Architecture], Niederteufen,
SWITZERLAND: Niggli, pp 270
Horden, R. (1999), Richard Horden – Architect
and Teacher, Basel, SWITZERLAND:
Miller, G., Galanter, E. & Pribram, K. (1960),
Plans and the structure of Behaviour,New
York, USA: Henry Holt & Co.
Ossimitz, G. (1998). The Development of
Systems Thinking Skills. In E. CohorsFresenborg, H. Maier, K. Reiss, G. Toerner,
H.-G. Weigand (Eds.), Selected Papers from
the Annual Conference of Didactics of
Mathematics 1996 (p. 98). Osnabrueck,
1998, GERMANY: FMD e.V.
Richmond, B. (1993): Systems thinking: critical
thinking skills for the 1990s and beyond.
System Dynamics Review, 9, no. 2, p113133. Chichester, UK: John Wiley and Sons
Aicher, O. (1991b). Die Welt als Entwurf, [The
World as Design], Berlin, GERMANY:
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Vitruvius, M. (25/15BC), De Architectura, Vol. 1,
chap. 1,No. 12, Retrieved June 21, 2002
from University of Kansas, History
Departement Web site:
Vogler, A. (1996, January), Sainsbury Wing.
Bauwelt, 4, pp. 154-157, Gütersloh,
GERMANY: Bertelsmann Fachzeitschriften
Vogler, A. (2000, July). Micro-G-Architecture - A
Transdisciplinary Education, Research and
Product Development Project for Engineers
and Architects, (SAE 2000-01-2328), 30th
International Conference on Environmental
Systems, Toulouse, FRANCE, July 10-13,
2000, Warrendale, PA: Society of
Automotive Engineers.
Vogler, A. (2001, July). Mars Habitat Studies
2001, (SAE 2001-01-2170)
, 31th
International Conference on Environmental
Systems, Orlando, FL, July 9-12, 2001,
Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive
Habitation Habitation
Teachers (TUM)
Experts (TUM)
Experts (EAC/DLR)
Experts NASA
Experts Mars Society
Experts Industries
Total costs EUR (no
Funded costs
Industry contribution
Final product
4 prototypes 1 model
tested on proposal
Table 1: Project description of space architectute studios
at the University of Technology Munich with time and costs
A space architecture studio can be much more
time consuming than a standard studio. Table 1
gives an estimate of time an money spent and
quantifies the passion and energy behind it.
ISS-Habitation Module
The program started with much enthusiasm and
a very good constellation of people. None of the
architects had experience in space design. The
Professor of the Institute of Astronautics had
positive experience in working with architects
though, and prepared the connections to his
colleagues, astronauts and – with his
videoconferencing system – to NASA. The
working topic was defined to be the ISS
Habitation Module and the objective was to
design technically viable proposals for all living
functions on the ISS. Literature, Internet search
and lectures at the Institute of Astronautics
allowed gathering first knowledge about the
problems of human space flight. Video material
offered an insight into existing solutions and the
way astronauts move in microgravity and
handle objects. Round table meetings allowed
interdisciplinary brainstorming sessions.
Biweekly meeting with astronaut Reinold Ewald,
helped to get a further understanding of life in
microgravity and the working reality of an
Very soon the need to see and understand real
hardware came. Especially to get a feeling for
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
the dimensions. The Munich Aerospace
Company Kayser-Threde was working on ISSStandard Racks. An Aluminum workshop
helped us with a dimensional mock-up (Fig. 2).
Out of the need to understand the dimensions
this studio went very fast into full-scale mock-up
building. Without the model building skills of the
students the design development would have
been difficult. Videos and the full-scale models,
which could be touched and tested, contributed
a lot to understanding the world of micro-gravity.
For larger scale objects like the whole ISSHabitation Module we worked in 1/6 scale,
which allowed us to test the models with a 1/6scale toy puppet (fig. 24, 25). Ingress, egress
reach etc. could be simulated very realistically
that way. After a while of parallel work, the
students were divided into topic groups, working
on the galley area, the hygiene unit and the
crew quarters. Students produced different
proposals for the plan of the Habitation Module,
which was an important decision to take, so
everybody could work on their topics in a
defined geometry. The Hygiene Unit was moved
into Node 3 and reduced to one rack, by
suggesting a new toilet and a diagonal
arrangement. Although the crew quarters would
be best at the end of the module, in terms of
privacy, we decided to swap them with the
galley, avoiding floating over the table, when
accessing the crew quarter (Fig. 14). Students
then designed their parts and built a whole 1/6aluminum model of the Habitation Module and
Node 3 (Fig. 15).
The work with microgravity issues produced
many inventive designs and concepts for hair
washing, showering, storage, oven, fridge and
water storage design. After 3 months of
intensive work we visited Johnson Space
Center and presented the designs for the
Habitation module. NASA was very impressed
by the quality and the closeness to real
problems of the work and offered us test flights
on the KC-135 in 4 months (!), if we could
manage to build prototypes of some of the
ideas. Of special interest was the modular
Astronaut Table ‘FLOW’ (Fig. 16,17) with
integrated seat restraint and the space shower
‘PHA’ (Fig. 18,19). Furthermore, a thin storage
system ‘BOCS’ and a ‘SpaceBed’ with inflatable
restraints were successfully tested. Naturally
this was a major challenge for the students:
things needed to become real. Money had to be
found, construction details developed, data
packages written etc. The further design
development continued in parallel with contacts
to companies helping the prototypes.
Ergonomic models were built and tested under
water (Fig. 8); different mechanisms were
Naturally the stress level of this second
semester was high, since the chance given by
NASA was unique and time was very short. This
could only be achieved by having the students
already prepared for fast professional working
methods and having the designs in a state that
interested NASA.
Figure 14, showing section through ISS Habitation module
with galley area and windows on the left side and crew
quarters on the right connecting to Node 3.
Figure 15. 1/6 scale aluminum model of the Habitation
modules showing the connected astronauts’ tables ‘FLOW’
with retractable ovens above.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Figure 16. ‘FLOW’ (Flexible On-Orbit Workstation).
Foldable modular Astronaut table with integrated restraint
system. Designed, developed and tested in parabolic
flights by architecture students Björn Bertheau, Claudia
Hertrich and Arne Laub, TU Munich
Figure 18. Design Prototype of the Space Shower ‘PHA’
(Personal Hygiene Assistant). Water recycling, suctionbased space shower designed, developed and tested by
architecture students Bianca Artope and Brigitte Borst.
Figure 19. Flight Prototype of ‘PHA’ under microgravity
conditions. Superfluous water gets sucked away before it
can float off.
Mars Mission Habitation Module
Figure 17. Astronaut Mary Ellen Weber testing the flight
prototype of the ‘FLOW’ workstation.
In 1999 Constance Adams, Space Architect,
who gave a key input to our ISS Habitation
Module studio, brought us together with Kurt
Micheels, at that time the architect of the
M.A.R.S (Mars Arctic Research Station) of the
Mars Society, to work with our students on the
Habitation Module for Mars. We were in email
and telephone contact with Kurt Micheels and
the German Chapter of the Mars Society, which
happened to be assistants at the Institute of
Astronautics at the TU Munich. We studied to a
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
certain extent the exterior – such as the green
house, rover garage and entrance situation - of
the HAB Module, based on the 'tuna-can'
concept (Fig. 20). After several layout studies a
proposal for a layout of the working level and
the habitation level was made and the crew
quarters planned in further detail (Fig. 21-22).
This second program was accompanied with
many more difficulties and hiccups on various
levels than the first one and offers some
lessons to be learnt, how well-tuned systems
can perform less if the chemistry between the
people doesn’t play. The Institute of
Architecture and Product Development had a
reduction in available teachers. At the same
time the first group of 9 students, most of them
neither with a high technical background nor
well enough experienced in the design process,
were led too much into problems of
environmental conditions on Mars and
engineering problems unrelated to habitability
functions. Unfortunately the good contact to
NASA could not be re-established and thus
reliable technical problem-orientated information
was missing. This led later to a focus on
habitability functions, leaving some major
problems like integrating the necessary lifesupport, food storage, and recycle-system not
unstudied, but unresolved. Also the vertical
circulation needs changing.
Another strange effect hit this program. The
Mars Habitat could easily be compared to a
single-family house, and every architect should
be capable to define and distribute the
necessary functions. In addition they would
have to be put in the specific relation of a longduration space flight mission. But many
students couldn’t deal with the size at all. It was
too big to be built and tested with no budget and
too small to be understood by comparison of
existing houses. As a result the design progress
was relatively slow and partly off track. Also a
new group of students who joined in one
semester later, suffered under similar problems.
They eventually started to build a dimensional
mock-up of a crew quarter, just to realize that
the necessary design work was not far enough
yet to build. But this insight resulted then in a
pretty fast development of the design with 1/20
and 1/6 models and computer simulations (Fig.
Figure 20. 1/50 scale Model of the Mars
Habitation Module showing early concepts for
Inflatable rover garage and staircase with
platform for entrance.
The main difficulty with designing the Mars
Habitat is having to make design assumptions,
which can only be validated by long term tests
of full-size mock-ups. These tests need to be
accompanied scientifically to get planning data.
But until this can be achieved a lot of common
sense and terrestrial experience has to be used
to design the habitat for these 6 astronauts.
Probably not the worst design basis.
Figure 21. Plan of the upper Living Level of the Mars
Module. Crew Quarters segments use the circular
geometry to widen the space from the entrance. Opening
the wall in-between can combine each two crew quarters.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Figure 22. Light studies of a crew quarter. The bed can be
folded, so it can be used as a seat during the day.
Foldable tables allow a variety of uses.
Figure 24 and 25. 1/6 scale model using a model figure for
‘ergonomic’ tests.
Acknowledgments for ISS Habitation Module
Figure 23. Axonometric view of the habitat module
An extraordinary program like this, naturally involves the
help of many people, who all gave their important
contribution. I hope nobody feels underestimated, when I
personally thank Lockheed Martin Space Architect
Constance Adams and NASA Mock-up facilities engineer
David Ray for their incredible support and hospitality that
they extended to us. They stand representative for all the
hospitality and positive reactions we received at the NASA
facilities at Johnson Space Center and Ellington fields.
John Evanoff of Johnson Engineering provided us with an
on site office and supported us in the stressful time of the
flight preparations in Houston. Further I would like to thank:
my colleagues Claudia Pöppel and Hans Huber for
supporting me when the project came into its hottest phase
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
in summer 1999; the involved Institutes at the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering; German Astronaut Dr. Reinold
Ewald; Dr. Winter and Dr. Zell from Dornier
Friedrichshafen to get the PHA trough the Test Readiness
Review with a 50 USD DIY Vacuum –Cleaner as an airsuction device, the team at Alu-Meier workshop Munich;
and last but not least the students and their incredible
persistence and energy!
These projects were made possible by the great
enthusiasm, work and support of the following people and
Bianca Artopé
Björn Bertheau
Brigitte Borst
Thomas Dirlich
Julia Habel
Claudia Hertrich
Christian Hooff (1 semester only)
Sandra Hoffmann (1 semester only)
Arne Laub
Prof. Richard Horden, Institute of Architecture and
Product Development
Assistant Professors:
Lydia Haack, dipl. ing. AA
Hans Huber, dipl. Ing. Arch (KC 135-Coordinator)
Claudia Pöppel, dipl. ing. arch
Andreas Vogler, dipl. arch. ETH (Teamleader)
Division of Astronautics TU Munich, Prof. Dr. ing. E.
Departement of Light Weight Construction, Prof. Dr.
ing. H. Baier, TU-München
Prof. H. Bubb, TU-Munich
Prof. H. Hamacher, TU-Muncih, DLR Cologne
Dr. Reinhold Ewald, European Astronaut Centre, DLR
Dr. E. Pfeiffer, Kayser-Threde, Munich
Dipl. Ing. Herbert Ertl
Dipl. Ing. Heinz Kutsch
NASA Team:
Constance Adams, Lockheed-Martin
The Habitability Design Center at JSC Houston
Tommy Capps
Janis Connolly
David Fitts
Nathan Moore
David Ray and the other employees of the Mockup
facility building 9 NW
Noel Skinner and others from the Reduced Gravity
Office JSC
John Evanoff, Johnson Engineering
Bayern Innovativ
Bund der Freunde der TU-München
DLR Cologne, Medical Department
Alu-Meier, Munich, especially Peter Meier and Ralf
Hans Grohe, Schiltach, especially Werner
Heinzelmann and Günter Glunk
Dornier Friedrichshafen, especially Dr. Martin Zell and
Dr. Josef Winter
Vontana Wasserbetten, Oererckenschwig, especially
Tasso and Thomas Schielke
Brück Leichtbautechnik, Nister-Möhrendorf
Krauss-Maffay, München-Allach
Horbach Werbetechnik, München
Hoogovens Aluminum Sidal
Rosner Lacke, München
Odlo International, Switzerland
Specken Drumag, Bad Säckingen
SLV, München
We apologize and thank the many others who are not
named here, but nevertheless made an important
contribution to the projects.
Christian Brandstetter, Rocco Cerilli, Annegret
Michler, Eva Rothmaier, Katrin Schumacher,
Wolfgang Sirtl, David Wong
Hanna Babusceac, Christian Bengl, Renate Binder,
Veronika Dangl, Daniela Dinerva-Kopp, Maleen
Fromm, Caroline Maier, Mathias Meess, Oliver Rob,
Johannes Talhof, Kristina Vollmer
TU Munich Teaching Staff:
Prof. Richard Horden, Dipl. Ing. Omar Guebel, Andreas
Vogler, dipl. Arch ETH, Dipl. Ing. Hans Huber, Prof.
Dr. Dipl. Ing. Eduard Igenbergs and his teaching
assistants (especially Thomas Dirlich), Prof. Dr. Dipl.
Ing. Hans Hamacher (DLR), Prof. Dr. Dipl. Ing Bubb
(Human Factor), Prof. Dr. dipl. Ing Baier (Lightweight
construction), Dr. Ing. Eckehard Fozzy Moritz (Sport
Faculty) and their assistants.
I would like to specially thank my colleagues at the institute
for supporting all the additional work necessary for
such a ‘space architecture studio’: Lydia Haack,
Christian Kern, Markus Meier, Claudia Pöppel,
Michael Schneider, Thomas Straub, Alexandra von
External Coaching:
Kurt Micheels, project architect of the Mars Arctic
Research Station of the Mars Society, spent many
hours on the telephone with us to discuss our ideas.
Our work was seen and commented on by Constance
Adams (Lockheed Martin), John Connolly (NASA
Exploration Office), Dr. Dipl. Ing. Peter Eckart, Dr.
Reinold Ewald (ESA Astronaut), Dipl. Ing. Jürgen
Hartung, Kriss Kennedy (Nasa Exploration Office),
Dipl. Ing. Barbara Imhoff (TU Vienna), Dr. Dipl. Ing.
Lutz Richter (DLR), Dipl. Ing Hans Schartner (TU
Vienna) Mars Society: Dr. R. Zubrin, and the German
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
chapter of the Mars Society especially: Dipl. Ing. Gerd
Hofschuster, Dipl. Ing. Kristian Pauly
Models: Hr. Lörzel, Schröter Modellbau, Zorneding Peter
Meier, Alu-Meier, München
We thank the many others, who may not be named here,
but nevertheless made an important contribution to the
Andreas Vogler, dipl. Arch ETH
Technische Universität München
Fakultät für Architektur
Lehrstuhl für Gebäudelehre und Produktentwicklung
Univ. Prof. Richard Horden
Arcisstrasse 21
D-80290 München
Fon: +49 (0)89 2892 2491
Fax: +49 (0)89 2892 8408
[email protected]
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics