UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI “L’ORIENTALE” DAAM - DIPARTIMENTO ASIA AFRICA E MEDITERRANEO CISA - CENTRO INTERDIPARTIMENTALE DI SERVIZI PER L’ARCHEOLOGIA ISMEO/ASSOCIAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE DI STUDI SUL MEDITERRANEO E L’ORIENTE Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte Iranica (L-OR/16) Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte dell’Asia Centrale (L-OR/16) Prof. Bruno Genito Dottorato Turchia, Iran e Asia Centrale Dottorato Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo Dottorato Archeologia: Rapporti tra Oriente ed Occidente WORKSHOP The Achaemenid Horizon in the Light of Ceramic Data: Production-related Issues and Cultural Interactions from the Ancient Near East to Central Asia NAPOLI, 25 JANUARY 2016 (10:00–18:00) 10:00-10:05 Welcome Speech by the Organising Committee 10:05-10:10 Welcome Speech by Michele Bernardini, Head of DAAM 10:10-10:15 Welcome Speech by Adriano V. Rossi, Scientific Director of ISMEO 10:15-13:15 Morning Session Chaired by Remy Boucharlat 10:15-10:45 Opening Keynote Lecture by Bruno Genito 10:45-11:15 Alessandro Poggio:“From Monumental to Portable. The Achaemenid Horizon in the Anatolian Material Evidence” 11:15-11:45 Rocco Palermo:“Living and Dining in «No Man’s Land»?: Settlement Patterns and Pottery Horizon from the Achaemenids to the Seleucids in the Heartland of Assyria” 11:45-12:15 Roberto Dan, Priscilla Vitolo, Manuel Castelluccia:“From Urartu to Media: A Reassessment of «Post-Urartian» or «Median» Pottery” 12:15-12:45 Manuel Castelluccia: “Local Tradition and Imported Types: Achaemenid-time Pottery Assemblages from Transcaucasia” 12:45-13:15 Marco Galuppi: “Pottery of the Achaemenid Period in Fars (Iran). A Preliminary Study on the Basis of Recent Excavations by the Iranian-Italian Joint Archaeological Mission in Fars” 13:15-14:15 Lunch Break 14:15-17:30 Afternoon Session Chaired by Bruno Genito 14:15-14:45 Giulio Maresca: “The Achaemenid Ceramic Horizon as seen from Ancient Zranka: an Overview” 14:45-15:15 Jacopo Bruno: “Between the Iranian Plateau and Central Asia: the Ceramic Complex of the Upper Atrek Valley during the Achaemenid Period” 15:15-15:45 Fabiana Raiano: “In Search of an Achaemenid Horizon in Sogdiana according to the Ceramic Data from South-Western Area of Samarkand (Uzbekistan)” 15:45-16:00 Coffee Break 16:00-16:30 Gian Luca Bonora: “The Cultural Achaemenid Evidence in the Inner Syrdarya Delta (Chirik Rabat, Sengir Tam and Surrounding Sites)” 16:30-17:00 Elisa Iori: “Local persistence and Iranian legacy in Gandhāra” 17:00-17:30 Keynote Lecture by Remy Boucharlat 17:30-18:00 Discussion and Concluding Remarks