Behavioural Brain Research 133 (2002) 323 /332
Research report
Emotional changes related to age in rats* a behavioral analysis
Pawel Boguszewski, Jolanta Zagrodzka *
Department of Neurophysiology, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, 3 Pasteur St., 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
Received 24 August 2001; received in revised form 14 January 2002; accepted 14 January 2002
The present study investigated age-related differences in the emotional behavior of rats using factor analysis to identify
motivational factors influencing spontaneous behavior in open field with illuminated center (OF), plus maze (EPM) and social
interactions test. Animals of the same strain, bred under the same conditions, formed two experimental groups: young adults (YA,
N /20) tested at the age of 4 months and old rats (OA, N/16) tested at the age of 24 months. The computer video based tracking
system EthoVision was used for automated acquisition and analysis of data. The results of each test were analyzed separately for YA
and OA by factor analysis. Two main independent factors emerged from the analysis of OF measures */factor 1, which appeared to
reflect motor activity, and factor 2, reflecting anxiety. The measures best reflecting motor activity (distance moved in the peripheral
zone) and anxiety (time spent in central zone) decreased significantly with age. Factor analysis for EPM measures revealed, in both
groups, three independent factors. In YA, factor 1 reflected motor activity, factor 2 */anxiety, in OA measures of anxiety loaded on
factor 1, measures of activity on factor 2. Factor 3 in both groups appeared to represent a decision making process. The number of
entries to the closed arms declined significantly in OA, showing an age related decrease of motor activity. Also, the ratio of open
arms entries in relation to the total number of entries decreased in OA, indicating a higher anxiety level. Three independent factors
emerged from the analysis of social interaction measures. The pattern of factor loading was different in young and old animals,
although the number and time of social interactions did not show age-related differences. In addition to a decrease of motor activity
we conclude that old rats also differ from young animals in emotional and social behavior. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights
Keywords: Emotions; Aged rats; Factor analysis; PCA; Open field; Elevated plus maze
1. Introduction
Changes in emotional behavior represent one of the
important aspects of aging in humans and are a
consistent focus of the gerontological literature
[16,20,25,38]. They are often considered as secondary
to personal experience, socioeconomic conditions and
lifestyle. However, the differences between young and
old animals in emotional reactivity have been noted in
ethological observations as well. Relatively few systematic studies have been devoted to the evaluation of
emotional behavior in old animals. It has been found
that age-related changes occur in emotional reactivity to
a novel environment, as assessed by performance of rats
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 48-22-668-6103; fax: 48-22-8225342
E-mail address:
[email protected] (J. Zagrodzka).
in the open field and hole box tests [4,24,31]. Also, in a
plus-maze task which is based on the natural aversion of
rodents for open space conflicting with the drive to
explore a new environment, significant changes indicating the increased level of anxiety were observed in old
mice [23] and rats [10]. It might be supposed that hyperemotionality and/or increased anxiety affects the social
interactions of old animals. Some authors [6,37] have
reported decrease of aggressiveness toward conspecifics
in old rats and mice compared with young adults, while
Blanchard et al. [2,3], on the basis of longitudinal
observations, did not find age-related changes in aggressive behavior during social encounters.
It is well known that aging is a multifactorial process
[4,11/13,22,23,27,31]. A variety of neurobehavioral
functions decline at different rates with age in animals
as well as in humans. While some deficits occurring with
age are interrelated, some others appear to arise
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P. Boguszewski, J. Zagrodzka / Behavioural Brain Research 133 (2002) 323 /332
independently from one another. For instance, it has
already been found that impairment of learning and
memory in aged rats can be dissociated from changes in
motor and emotional behavior [31]. Blokland and
Raaijmakers [4] reported a lack of correlation between
cognitive and noncognitive parameters of behavior in
aged rats. Gage et al. [12] demonstrated no relationship
between the severity of sensorimotor deficits and the
degree of learning impairment among old rats.
The present experiment was intended to study the
spontaneous behavior of old rats in comparison to
young adults in a set of standard laboratory tests
designed to examine the level of anxiety and social
interactions. Spontaneous behavior in the open field,
plus maze and during social encounters includes emotional as well as motor components. Most authors have
described an age-related decline in horizontal motor
activity in rodents [12,18,23,35], however, there are also
studies that have not found such a result [17,19,30]. In
some cases, a decrease in habituation to motor activity
was observed with aging [9].
The aim of our study was to differentiate possible
motivational factors influencing spontaneous behavior
in various tasks with the use of factor analysis and
therefore to further explore the question of age-related
changes in emotional behavior. Factor analysis is
considered a particularly beneficial statistical tool for
the interpretation of behavioral data [7,33,34]. In our
experiment, factor analysis was applied for three principal reasons: to regard the individual differences between
subjects*/it is well known that marked variation in
behavioral impairments is seen between individuals of
the same aged rat population [12,26], to identify the
relationship between specific test indices and factors
such as motor activity, anxiety and social or/and
aggressive tendencies, and finally, to assess the applicability of commonly used behavioral tests to the
investigation of aged animals.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Animals
The experiments were performed on 36 male Wistar
rats: 20 young (YA) i.e. 4 months of age, weighing 370/
450 g and 16 old (OA) i.e. 24 months of age, weighing
470 /630 g. All animals were bred in the licensed animal
husbandry of the Institute of Occupational Medicine in
Lodz, Poland and kept in collective plastic cages with
food and water ad lib under a 12 h:12 h light/dark
schedule. The behavioral recordings took place between
10:00 and 16:00 h.
The project was approved by the Local Ethics
Committee at the Nencki Institute.
2.2. Sensorimotor tasks
Before the proper experiment, the rats were subjected
to a series of sensorimotor tasks designed to assess
muscle strength and coordination, equilibrium and
orienting reactions [29]. Each test (maximum 60 s) was
given once a day for 3 consecutive days.
. Turning in an alley. The rat was placed facing the
back wall of an alley (6 cm wide, 30 cm high). The
time of turning around to face the open end of the
alley was recorded.
. Turning on an inclined screen. The rat was placed on
the center of a horizontal screen covered by rough
fabrics (35 cm square), located 60 cm above the floor.
The screen was inclined to 458 with the rat facing
downward. The time of turning face upward was
. Wire suspension. The rat was placed to hang by its
front paws on a horizontal wire, approx. 60 cm above
a foam cushion. The time until the rat fell from the
wire was recorded.
. Bridges. Three flat bridges made of wooden plank (2,
4, 6 cm width) and one round (dowel, 2 cm in
diameter), each 60 cm long suspended between two
platforms, 60 cm above the cushion, were used. The
rat was placed in the middle of the bridge. If the
animal reached the platform within 60 s, the latency
to reach the platform was the time in seconds taken
to reach the platform, and the latency to fall was 60 s.
If the rat fell, the latency to fall was the time in
seconds until it fell, and the latency to reach the
platform was 60 s.
As an index of visual acuity, the visual placing reflex,
i.e. the response of an animal to extend its forepaws
when lowered gently by the tail towards a flat surface,
was used [23].
The behavioral tests, i.e. open field with an illuminated center (OF), elevated plus maze (EPM) and social
interactions (SI) were performed once for each animal
according to the following schedule: OF */3 days
break */EPM */3 days break*/SI. Before each trial in
each test, the arena was cleaned with water containing a
detergent and dried with a towel.
Video-based EthoVision System (Noldus, Wageningen, The Netherlands) recording spatiotemporal measures of a rat’s movements was used to collect and
analyze data of open field and plus maze tests.
2.3. Open field with illuminated center
The test arena was a black painted square (95 /95
cm) enclosed by walls (30 cm height), illuminated in the
center by a 50 W halogen bulb suspended 30 cm above
[39]. The animal was placed half way between the light
P. Boguszewski, J. Zagrodzka / Behavioural Brain Research 133 (2002) 323 /332
and border, and the track of its movements was
recorded for 9 min. For further analysis, additional
software (Track Explorer, Boguszewski, 1999) was used
to define, on the basis of place preference plot for all
rats, ‘‘safe’’ (peripheral) and ‘‘unsafe’’ (center) zones of
the open field. Then, using EthoVision the following
parameters were calculated: (1) in the whole arena: time
of motor activity, distance moved and mean velocity; (2)
in the central zone: total time spent in zone, number of
entries into the zone, time of motor activity and distance
moved; and (3) in the border zone: time of motor
activity and distance moved. In addition, the ratio
(percentage) of motor activity time/total time was
calculated (named motor activity time/total).
Ambulation of non-social character, i.e. the number
of crossings, was registered and analyzed as a sixth
2.4. Elevated plus maze
2.6. Statistics
The black, wooden apparatus was based on that
described by Pellow et al. [32] and consisted of two
opposite open and closed arms (40 cm long and 10 cm
wide, closed arms were enclosed by walls 40 cm high
forming a cross with a 10 /10 cm square center area).
The apparatus was mounted 50 cm above the floor
illuminated by a dim red light (40 W bulb). Each rat was
placed into the center of the plus maze facing a closed
arm. Spatiotemporal measures were recorded for 5 min.
After the experiment, the borders between the central
arena and both arms were defined (with the use of Track
Explorer) for automatic EthoVision data analysis. The
following parameters were calculated: (1) in the whole
apparatus: time of motor activity, distance moved, total
number of entries (an entry was counted when both
forepaws were placed into the arm */this parameter was
additionally verified by a human observer from the
video tape); (2) in the central platform: total time spent;
(3) in the closed arms: number of entries, time of motor
activity inside the arm, total time spent and distance
moved; and (4) in the open arms: number of entries,
time of motor activity inside the arm, total time spent
and distance moved. In addition, the ratio (percentage)
of open arm entries relative to the total and ratio of
motor activity time/total time were calculated.
In order to assess the performance of young (YA) and
old (OA) rats in the sensorimotor tasks, the data were
standardized for separate days and tasks and then
summarized for each animal. For both groups, the
distribution of individual scores was tested using
Shapiro /Wilk’s W test.
The results of each behavioral test were analyzed
separately for YA and OA by factor analysis, using a
principal components solution (PCA) with a varimax
orthogonal rotation of the factor matrix. PCA ensures
that the extracted factors are independent of one
another and therefore reflect separate processes [34].
The number of factors extracted for each analysis was
obtained on the basis of two criteria-Kaiser criterion, i.e.
only factors with eigenvalues greater than 1 were left
and the 75% variance rule, i.e. sum of eigenvalues
exceeds 0.75. According to the Statistica for Windows
Manual [36], the choice of the number of factors is
arbitrary and in practice an important aspect is the
extent to which a solution is interpretable. For data of
the social interactions test, factors with eigenvalues
greater than 0.9 were chosen. The factor loading
indicates the correlation of each behavioral variable to
each factor. Only factor loadings higher than 0.5 (or
lower than /0.5) were reported.
In the next step, the variables found by PCA as the
measures best reflecting the extracted factors were
compared (for open field, EPM and social interactions,
separately) by the Mann /Whitney rank test to assess the
differences between the groups of young and old
2.5. Social interactions test
Each experimental rat was placed in the test arena
(50 /95 cm, 30 cm high) for 10 min and then confronted
for the next 10 min with a stranger rat of the same age
and similar body weight. The encounters were videotape recorded for 10 min and then different behavioral
events were encoded from the video recordings by two
independent observers using a computer-based method
(EthoLog, Boguszewski 2000). The data were then
processed for each experimental rat. Each variable
related to social behavior was a sum of corresponding
behavioral events (measures):
(1) Number and (2) time of active pro-social episodes
(including: approaches and chasing the partner, nose
to nose contact, investigation, allogrooming, crawling over/under).
(3) Number and (4) time of passive pro-social
episodes (including: head orienting, attention, cling
close */the rats sitting or lying with their bodies in
contact, but without interacting with each other).
(5) Number of withdrawal episodes (including: retreat, flight, evade).
3. Results
3.1. Sensorimotor tasks
Sensorimotor tests were provided only to test the
homogeneity of groups, i.e. eliminate animals with large
P. Boguszewski, J. Zagrodzka / Behavioural Brain Research 133 (2002) 323 /332
physical impairments. Shapiro /Wilk’s W test for normal distribution showed that we cannot reject the
hypothesis that a respective distribution is normal. For
both groups, W statistics are insignificant (young rats
P B/0.8568; old rats P B/0.5531).
with factor 1). As can be seen in Fig. 3, the time spent in
the central zone decreased significantly with age (P B/
0.005), indicating an increase of anxiety in OA compared with YA.
3.3. Elevated plus maze
3.2. Open field with illuminated center
Factor analysis of open field measures, made at first
for 9 min of test duration, allowed the extraction of two
factors for old rats, but only one for young animals. In
OA, two independent factors with eigenvalues /1
representing 87% of the total variance emerged. Factor
1, on which the parameters measured in the whole arena
and peripheral zone loaded highly, appeared to reflect
motor activity. Factor 2, with high and exclusive
loadings of the parameters measured in the central
zone, appeared to reflect anxiety. In YA, all measures
loaded highly on one factor representing 85% of the
total variance (Table 1).
Factor analysis made for the first 3 min revealed, in
both groups, two independent factors with eigenvalue
higher than 1, representing 93.3% (YA) and 86.7% (OA)
of the total variance (Table 2; Fig. 1). In both groups,
factor 1 appeared to reflect motor activity with parameters measured in the whole arena and peripheral zone
highly loading on this factor. Factor 2 appeared to
reflect anxiety with high loadings of parameters measured in the central zone of arena.
Factor analysis confirmed that the parameter ‘distance moved’ measured in the peripheral zone was the
variable best reflecting motor activity of the animal
because it highly correlated with factor 1 and poorly
correlated with factor 2 (Table 2). As shown in Fig. 2,
this variable declined significantly (P B/0.05) with age.
The parameter ‘‘time spent in central zone’’ was
considered as the variable best reflecting the anxiety
level (high correlation with factor 2, poor correlation
In both groups, three independent factors with
eigenvalues /1, representing 95.8% (YA) and 89.6%
(OA) of the total variance, emerged from a factor
analysis of the EPM measures (Table 3; Fig. 4). In
young animals, factor 1, on which close arms activity
loaded highly, was considered to reflect motor activity.
The parameters measured in open arms all contributed
to factor 2. Thus factor 2 appeared to reflect the anxiety
level. As seen in Table 3, the order of the factors in old
rats (the proportion of original variance represented by
the factors) representing motor activity and anxiety was
reversed, i.e. measures of anxiety loaded on factor 1 and
measures of activity loaded on factor 2.
Factor 3, on which the time spent in the central
platform of EPM loaded highly in both groups, was
considered to reflect decision making processes (Table
The number of entries to the closed arms declined
significantly (P B/0.001) in OA, showing an age related
decrease of motor activity (Fig. 5). Also, the ratio of
open arm entries in relation to the total number of
entries decreased significantly (P B/0.001) in OA, indicating a higher anxiety level in OA compared to YA
(Fig. 6). Factor analysis confirmed that these measures
are the best indicators of respective behaviors in young
as well as old animals.
3.4. Social interactions test
In both groups, three factors with eigenvalues above
0.9, representing 84.2% (YA) and 85.8% (OA) of total
Table 1
Orthogonal factor loadings for open field measures in young and old rats (9 min test)
Distance moved in whole arena
Distance moved in border zone
Distance moved in central zone
Number of entries into the central zone
Total time spent in central zone
Mean velocity in whole arena
Motor activity time/total in whole arena
Motor activity time/total in border zone
Motor activity time/total in central zone
Factor 1
Motor activity
Factor 1
Motor activity
Factor 2
The percentage of the total variance accounted for by each factor is given in parentheses. Young rats accounting for 85% and old rats accounting for
87% of the total variance.
P. Boguszewski, J. Zagrodzka / Behavioural Brain Research 133 (2002) 323 /332
Table 2
Orthogonal factor loadings for open field measures in young and old rats (3 min test)
Factor 1
Motor activity
Distance moved in whole arena
Distance moved in border zone
Distance moved in central zone
Number of entries into the central zone
Total time spent in central zone
Mean velocity in whole arena
Motor activity time/total in whole arena
Motor activity time/total in border zone
Motor activity time/total in central zone
Factor 2
Factor 1
Motor activity
Factor 2
The percentage of the total variance accounted for by each factor is given in parentheses. Young rats accounting for 94% and old rats accounting for
86% of the total variance.
variance, emerged from a factor analysis of the social
test data (Table 4). There were, however, important
differences in these factors between the two age groups.
In young rats, factor 1 received the most significant
contribution from the variables related to active social
behavior, including pro-social as well as withdrawal
attitudes. Factor 2 correlated with the number of
episodes of clinging close, head orienting and attention
directed to the partner, i.e. passive social behavior. The
duration of these episodes loaded negatively on factor 2.
Factor 3, on which the number of crossings loaded
highly and exclusively appeared to reflect motor activity.
In old rats the, number and duration of active prosocial episodes and the number of passive social
episodes contributed to factor 1. Factor 2, with the
highest loading of the number of crossings, was con-
sidered as an index of motor activity. The duration of
passive social episodes loaded negatively to this factor.
Factor 3 received the most significant contribution from
the variables associated with withdrawal from social
Mann/Whitney test showed no significant differences
between old and young animals in the number and
duration of active pro-social behavioral events. Also,
there were no significant differences in the number of the
episodes of withdrawal from social contacts (unsociable
behavior) between groups.
A significant increase (P B/0.001) in the number and
duration of passive social behavior was observed in OA
compared to YA. Motor activity unassociated with the
presence of partner decreased significantly (P B/0.001)
in OA compared to YA. Typically agonistic events (of a
Fig. 1. Factor loadings for the measures in 3 min open field. Gray transparent rectangle covers factor loadings B 0.5.
P. Boguszewski, J. Zagrodzka / Behavioural Brain Research 133 (2002) 323 /332
Fig. 2. Distance moved in peripheral zone during first 3 min of open
field test (mean9SEM). Significant difference (*) P B 0.05 compared
to young rats group.
Fig. 3. Time spent in central zone during first 3 min of open field test
(mean9SEM) expressed as a percent of total test time. Significant
difference (***) P B 0.001 compared to young rats group.
mild intensity) were only observed in a few cases,
exclusively in the group of young animals.
4. Discussion
It has been demonstrated in many studies that motor
activity in rodents declines with age [12,18,23,35]. There
were also reports about an increased level of anxiety in
old rats and mice [10,23]. However, it was unknown
whether this effect results from the decrease of motor
behavior, which is important since all commonly used
tests include motor as well as an emotional component.
Our experiment proved that these two factors, i.e.
anxiety and motor activity, predominantly influence the
spontaneous behavior in open field and EPM and they
are independent from each other in both age groups.
Therefore, the increased level of anxiety found in old
rats does not result from the decreased level of their
motor activity.
Our data also showed qualitative changes in the social
behavior of old rats when compared to young individuals.
Factor analysis revealed independent factors of anxiety and motor activity in the open field for both
groups*/YA and OA. It should be noted, however,
that in young animals, two independent factors emerged
only if the analysis was made for the first 3 min of the
session. According to Lalonde and Badescu [21], motor
activity at the beginning of the session may serve as a
measure of exploration and information gathering since
the animal moves around to investigate the new arena.
As time passes, the animal habituates to the environment. Fraley and Springer [9] found that aging slows
down the process of habituation to motor activity in the
open field. Thus, the lack of differentiation between
motor and emotional components in young animals
might be due to the long duration (9 min) of the open
field session.
The order of the factors reflecting motor activity
(factor 1) and anxiety (factor 2) revealed in 3 min open
field test was the same in young and old rats. However,
in the latter group, the anxiety factor accounted for
more of the total variance then motor activity. This
suggests that the open field behavior of old animals is
more related to anxiety than to motor activity, compared with young rats.
Factor analysis revealed not only two independent
factors characterizing the behavior in the open field but
it allowed the establishment of further comparison of
the variables that best reflect them. As seen in Table 2 in
the case of motor activity, the variable of highest
correlation to this factor was the distance moved in
the peripheral zone while in the case of the anxiety
factor-time spent in the central zone.
The comparison of these variables between age
groups showed a significantly higher level of anxiety
and significantly lower motor activity in old rats
compared with young animals.
Factor analysis of the behavior measured in the EPM
revealed three independent factors for young and old
animals. There were, however, important differences in
the factor loadings on these measures and in the order of
factors 1 and 2.
In young animals, factor 1 seemed to reflect motor
activity since the measures traditionally used as indices
of motor activity in EPM loaded highly on this factor.
In agreement with previous results [5,34], our data
indicate that the number of closed arms entries is the
most reliable index of motor activity, since it loaded
highly and exclusively on factor 1. The other measures
with high and exclusive loadings were: ratio of motor
P. Boguszewski, J. Zagrodzka / Behavioural Brain Research 133 (2002) 323 /332
Table 3
Orthogonal factor loadings for EPM measures in young and old rats
Factor 1
Motor activity
Total time spent in central platform
Distance moved in closed arms
Number of entries into closed arms
Total time spent in closed arms
Distance moved in open arms
Number of entries into open arms
Total time spent in open arms
Distance moved in whole apparatus
Total numbers of entries
Ratio open/total entries
Motor activity time/total in closed arms
Motor activity time/total in open arms
Motor activity time/total in whole apparatus
Factor 2
Factor 3
Decision making
Factor 1
Factor 2
Motor activity
Factor 3
Decision making
The percentage of the total variance accounted for by each factor is given in parentheses. Young rats accounting for 96% and old rats accounting for
89% of the total variance.
activity time in closed arms/total time spent in closed
arms, and distance moved in closed arms, which were
recorded in our study additionally to conventional
measures. These measures may therefore serve as good
indices of motor activity in EPM. The total number of
arm entries loaded considerably on factor 1 as well as on
factor 2, which confirms the notion of several other
authors [5,8,28,34] that this measure provides a con-
Fig. 4. Factor loadings for the measures in EPM. Gray transparent rectangle covers factor loadings B 0.5.
P. Boguszewski, J. Zagrodzka / Behavioural Brain Research 133 (2002) 323 /332
Fig. 5. Number of entries to the closed arms in EPM (mean9SEM).
Significant difference (***) P B 0.001 compared to young rats group.
Fig. 6. Ratio of open arm entries in relation to the total number of
entries in EPM (mean9SEM). Significant difference (***) P B 0.001
compared to young rats group.
taminated index. Factor 2 in young rats was considered
an index of anxiety, since open arm activities and open/
total entry ratio loaded highly and exclusively on this
factor. In addition to the total/open ratio reported by
many authors as the best index of anxiety, our analysis
revealed other variables highly and exclusively loading
on this factor, i.e. distance moved and time spent in
open arms, and ratio of motor activity time/total time
spent in open arms. Again, they may therefore serve as
useful measures of anxiety in EPM.
Besides the anxiety and motor activity factors, the
analysis also revealed a third independent factor, most
probably related to decision making, on which the time
spent at the central platform loaded highly. This finding
is in agreement with the results of other authors who
included central platform time into the analysis of EPM
behavior [5,8,34]. As in the Rodgers and Johnson [34]
study, the time spent in closed arms loaded highly, but
negatively on factor 3, although only in young rats.
In old animals, the order of factors separately
reflecting motor activity and anxiety was reversed so
that measures of activity loaded on factor 2, while
measures of anxiety loaded on factor 1. Also, a much
greater percent of the total variance was accounted by
the factor reflecting anxiety in OA than in YA. These
data suggest that the behavior of old individuals in the
EPM was mostly driven by the anxiety component.
Measures of open arm activity loaded highly on factor 1.
The time spent in closed arms loaded highly but
negatively on this factor. This indicates that the time
in the closed arms in old rats is correlated with their
anxiety level, while the same measure in young animals
is related to the process of decision making. The time
spent on the central platform in OA loaded highly and
exclusively on factor 3, seemingly reflecting decision
The comparison of the most reliable indices of anxiety
level (open/total ratio) and motor activity (number of
closed arm entries) significantly demonstrated a lower
motor activity and significantly higher level of anxiety in
old rats compared with young rats.
Three independent factors emerged from the analysis
of social interaction measures. The pattern of factor
loadings was different for young and old animals, except
for the motor activity factor, on which the number of
crossings loaded highly at each age. In young rats, factor
1 was related to active social behavior in its full
dimension. Measures of pro-social as well as withdrawal
attitudes loaded highly to this factor. Factor 2 seemed to
represent passive social behavior with high and exclusive
loading of the number of passive events and time spent
on passive interactions (with negative sign). Factor 3
appeared to reflect motor activity.
In old rats, factor 1 showed a high loading for the
number of active social events and the time spent on
active interactions. Also, the number of passive events
loaded highly on this factor. Factor 2 appeared to
represent motor activity. The time of passive events also
loaded highly but negatively to this factor. This might
indicate that the passive form of interaction in old rats is
rather related to motor activity than to social behavior
per se. Factor 3, which is particularly interesting,
received the most significant contribution from the
variable representing withdrawal from social contacts,
i.e. unsociable behavior.
The comparison of the number and time spent on
social interactions did not show age-related differences.
Factor analysis indicated, however, that the ‘‘structure’’
of social behavior is distinct in OA compared with YA.
It might be supposed that factor 1 in both YA and OA
referred to social motivation, but while in YA it
represented the tendency to active pro-social contacts
on one side and the tendency to withdrawal from
P. Boguszewski, J. Zagrodzka / Behavioural Brain Research 133 (2002) 323 /332
Table 4
Orthogonal factor loadings for social interaction measures in young and old rats
Factor 1
Active social
Ambulation of non social character
Time of passive pro-social episodes
Time of active pro-social episodes
Number of active pro-social epi0.87
Number of passive pro-social epi- 0.52
Number of withdrawal episodes
Factor 2
Passive social
Factor 3
Motor activity
Factor 1
Social behavior
Factor 2
Motor activity
Factor 3
The percentage of the total variance accounted for by each factor is given in parentheses. Young rats accounting for 84% and old rats accounting for
86% of the total variance.
interactions on another, in OA this polarity did not
exist */active pro-social time and events correlated with
the number of passive episodes. Withdrawal tendency,
the motivation to avoid interactions, was represented by
an independent factor (factor 3) in old rats. This might
be associated with their hyperemotionality proved in OF
and EPM tests.
It was previously found that studies involving different models of anxiety fail to produce a unique anxiety
factor [1,8,15,33]. File [8] and Belzung and Pape [1]
reported that different measures of anxiety recorded in
the EPM, Vogel test, social interactions test and others
yield separate anxiety factors. In our attempt to analyze
measures from both the EPM and social interactions
test, the total/open arms ratio and the number of
withdrawal episodes did not load on the same axis,
thereby suggesting that they may relate to different types
or aspects of anxiety. Further studies are needed to
verify this supposition.
In our experiment, aggressive episodes (neither defensive/offensive postures nor attacks) were unobserved
during social encounters, which is probably due to the
fact that the animals in the present study were socially
housed. According to Blanchard et al. [3], rats housed in
stable social groups are much less likely to exhibit
aggressive tendencies. The duration of such experiences
might affect the pattern of social interactions. In our
experiment, OA were socially housed for 2 years,
whereas the period of stable socialization was much
shorter for YA. Thus, it should also be taken into
consideration that different socialization periods might
cause, or at least contribute to, the distinct structure of
social behavior in old versus young animals as revealed
by factor analysis.
The results of our study both confirmed and extended
earlier observations indicating age-related changes in
emotional behavior in rats [4,10,24,31]. The factor
analysis allowed the definition of various motivational
factors that underlie spontaneous behavior of young
and old rats in commonly used tests and identified the
relationships between specific test indices. The PCA
approach helped the assessment of the validity of the
tests. This is necessary when comparing two age groups
because the differences between animals of different age
might not only be quantitative but also qualitative*/as
pointed out by Giuliani et al. [14] in their multivariate
analysis of behavioral aging.
Factor analysis proved especially useful in the analysis
of more complex behavior, i.e. social interactions. As we
have shown, the simple comparison of means did not
find significant differences in social behavior between
old and young animals, whereas factor analysis demonstrated that the pattern of social encounters is distinct in
OA compared to YA. Further studies are needed to
answer the question whether this difference is related to
the changes in emotionality or to the long lasting
socialization experience in old animals.
This work was supported by grant No. 6P04C 087 14
from the State Committee for Scientific Research and
statutory grant to the Nencki Institute of Experimental
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