PG Cavalcanti ;; SOURCES FOR TAGI OF GINTIKIRMIL Note: it was considered that Hazor and Jerusalem were conquered since there was no more messages from the governors of those cities but the result may be disputed. EA 287, lines 10-19 – Gezer, Ashkelon and Lakish “May the king know that all the lands are at peace with one another, but I am at war. May the king provide for his land. Consider the lands of Gazru, Asqaluna, and Lakisi. They have given them food, oil, and any other requirement (to the Habiru). So may the king provide for archers and send the archers against men that commit crimes against the king, my lord.” EA 287, lines 43-47 – Lakish and Shiloh (or Seir?) “Behold, servants who were joined to the Habiru smote Zimredda of Lakisu, and Yaptih-Hadda was slain in the city gate of Silu”. EA 288, lines 18-22 – Jerusalem, Arrabah, Gath and Beit-Shean “Such was the deed that Milkilu and Tagi did: they took Rubutu. And now as for Jerusalem, if this land belongs to the king, why is it not of concern to the king like Hazzatu? Gintikirmil belongs to Tagi, and men of Gintu are the garrison in Bitsanu”. EA 290, lines 5-12 – Gezer, Gath and Keilah “Here is the deed against the land that Milkilu and Suwardata did: against the land of the king, my lord, they ordered troops from Gazru, troops from Gimtu, and troops from Qiltu. They seized Rubutu”. EA 256, lines 19-28 – Ashtaroth, Galilee (or Geshur?) and Pella (through Ayyab, identified as Joab) “I went to the aid of Astartu, when all the cities of Garu had become hostile: Udumu, Aduru, Araru, Mesta, Magdalu, Heni-anabi, Sarqu. Moreover, seeing that, after you sent me a tablet, I wrote to him, before you arrive from your journey, he (Ayyab) will surely have arrived in Pihilu”. EA 364, lines 17-24 – Hazor (through Ayyab, identified as Joab) “Note that it is the ruler of Hasura who has taken 3 cities from me. From the time I (Ayyab) heard and verified this, there has been waging of war against him”. PG Cavalcanti SOURCES FOR AZIRU SON OF TUTU Note: The map gives an idea that Tyre and Byblos were conquered but they actually suffered a coup by their own people that remove the current leaders and negotiate an oeace with Aziru. EA 98, lines 16-22 – Sigata, Ampi and Arwada “Why have you been neglectful of Sumur so that all lands from Gubla to Ugarit have become enemies in the service of Aziru? Sigata and Ampi are enemies. He has now stationed ships of Arwada in Ampi and in Sigata so grain cannot be brought into Sumur”. EA 140, lines 10-20 – Irqata, Ardata, Sumur and Ulassa “Moreover, why did the king communicate through Aziru? He does as he pleases. Aziru killed Aduna, the king of Irqata; he killed the king of Ammiya, the king of Ardata, and a magnate. He took their cities. To him belongs Sumur; to him belong the cities of the king. Gubla alone is a (..) of the king. Moreover, he broke into Sumur and Ullassa. EA 140, lines 26-32 – Amqu and Kadesh “Aziru even [com]mitted a crime when he was brought into you. The crime was against us. He sent his men to Etakkama (of Kadesh) and he smote all the lands of Amqu, lands of the king. Now he has sent his men to seize the lands of Amqu and their territories”. EA 147, lines 56-60 – Sidon “Moreover, Zimredda, the king of Sidon, writes daily to the rebel Aziru, the son of Abdi-Asratu, about every word he has heard from Egypt.”. EA 89, lines 16-26 – Tyre “I (King of Byblos) made connubium with Tyre; they were on good terms with me. But now they have, I assure you, killed their mayor, together with my sister and her sons”. EA 141, lines 14-25 – Byblos “When I had gone to Hammuniri, my younger brother turned Gubla (Byblos) into an enemy in order to give the city to the sons of Abdi-Asirta. When my brother saw that my messenger had come out empty-handed and that there was no garrison with him, he despised me. Accordingly, he committed a crime and drove me from the city”.