Sequential Branch Points in Hierarchical Cell Fate Determination
David Foster, Sui Huang, Stuart Kauffman
arXiv:0903.4215v1 [q-bio.MN] 25 Mar 2009
Institute for Biocomplexity and Bioinformatics, University of Calgary, Biological Sciences Building, 2500 University
Dr. N.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
Multi-potent stem or progenitor cells undergo a sequential series of binary fate decisions which
ultimately generates the diversity of differentiated cell. Efforts to understand cell fate control
have focused on simple gene regulatory circuits that predict the presence of multiple stable states,
bifurcations and switch-like transition. However, existing gene network models do not explain
more complex properties of cell fate dynamics such as the hierarchical branching of developmental paths. Here, we construct a generic minimal model of the genetic regulatory network
which naturally exhibits five elementary characteristics of cell differentiation stability, branching, exclusivity, directionality, and promiscuous expression. We argue that a modular architecture
comprised of repeated network elements in principle reproduces these features of differentiation
by repressing irrelevant modules and hence, channeling the dynamics in the high-dimensional
phase space through a simpler, lower dimensional subspace. We implement our model both with
ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to explore the role of bifurcations in producing the oneway character of differentiation and with stochastic differential equations (SDEs) to demonstrate
the effect of noise on the system in simulations. We further argue that binary cell fate decisions
are prevalent in cell differentiation due to general features of dynamical systems. This minimal
model makes testable predictions about the structural basis for directional, discrete and diversifying cell phenotype development and thus, can guide the evaluation of real gene regulatory
networks that govern differentiation.
Key words: cell differentiation, genetic regulatory network, dynamics, modularity
1. Introduction
The genetic regulatory network plays an essential role in controlling cell differentiation and
maintaining the stability of cell types. Each cell type has its own stable gene expression profile, the set of genes in its genome which are actively expressed [1]. Thus, understanding cell
differentiation requires a model of the behavior of many interacting genes which establish the
expression profiles associated with each cell type.
Gene regulatory interactions are often described as a network, with each node representing a
gene and links between two genes indicating a regulatory interaction. The large scale characteristics of genetic regulatory networks have been studied in some detail [2, 3], but only in terms of
network structure: the degree sequence [4], the prevalence of network motifs [5, 6], and so forth.
In terms of GRN dynamics, most efforts have been “bottom-up” - devoted to simulating specific
regulatory interactions or analyzing models of small genetic circuits [7, 8] and therefore focused
on specific subsections of the network. Our goal is to work in a “top-down” fashion to construct a
Preprint submitted to Journal of Theoretical Biology
September 24, 2009
minimal dynamical model which captures many important features of cell differentiation. Most
significantly, we capture the sequential branching differentiation of cells from the multipotent
progenitor cell to more lineage-restricted cells and finally to terminal cells.
To construct our model, we first note five elementary characteristics of cell differentiation
which we wish to capture: stability, directionality, branching, exclusivity, and promiscuous expression. Of course, this is not meant to be an all encompassing or fully detailed description
of cell differentiation. However, these simplified characteristics prove rich enough to create an
interesting model. We review here our definition of each characteristic.
Stability : Cell types should be stable states of the dynamics. A cell which is in specific cell
type should remain in that cell type for a “long time” (relative to the time scale of gene activation,
transcription and translation), unless altered by an external signal.
Directionality: Progenitor cells should reliably differentiate into a variety of more specialized
cell types [9] and should only very rarely to regain pluripotency by de-differentiating [10].
Branching: Differentiation should occur through discrete lineage specifications, in which a
multipotent cell makes a binary fate decision and commits to one of two different lineages.
Exclusivity: Once cells in our model have committed to a specific lineage, they should lose
the ability to produce cell types from the other lineage. Each differentiation event both selects a
specific lineage and forecloses the possibility of the other.
Promiscuous expression: Multipotent progenitor cells should simultaneously express genes
specific to all of their prospective lineages. For example, a hematopoitic stem cell expresses
genes found in all of the lineages into which it can ultimately differentiate [11].
2. Model specification
To create a model which exhibits these characteristics, we take our inspiration from the purported network properties of real GRN. Biological networks exhibit modularity [12, 13, 14].
Modular networks can be divided into largely independent subnetworks, called modules. The
nodes in a given module interact strongly with other nodes in the module, but only weakly
with nodes in other modules. In our model, the network is composed of many modules, each
responsible for a specific cell fate decision. These modules influence each other in an hierarchically organized fashion, as shown in Fig. 1, which ensures that differentiation events occur in a
branching, sequential fashion. The dynamical state associated with each cell type is a product of
the dynamics of the associated module. Arrows pointing from one module to another indicate
influence of the former on the latter. Influence between modules acts as follows: a parameter in
the regulated module depends on the expression level of a gene in the regulating module. In the
top pairs of panels the system is in the “Multi” (multi-potent) state, and in the bottom pair, the
system is in one of the two available progenitor cell types. On the dynamical side, the module
A undergoes a change in its state (the specifics of which we will discuss shortly). In making the
change, it exerts an influence on the two modules downstream, in this case turning off module
C and allowing module B to enter a state which describes “Pro 1” (Progenitor 1). Notice that
like module A, modules B and C are also linked to down-stream modules on which they exert
influence, and that module A is itself influenced by a module “higher up” on the differentiation
cascade. This allows the process to proceed sequentially through as many levels as are required.
Our model suggests an important role for modularity: restricting the available flows in the state
space of the dynamics. These restrictions ensure that only the appropriate pathways of differentiation are available to a given cell type. The modular structure of the network is what imposes
the branching structure on cell differentiations.
Cell type
Pro 2
Pro 1
Pro 1
Figure 1: Transition of a module in our network from the multipotent cell type to one of the progenitor cell types.
Modules consist of two genes, each of which activates its own transcription and inhibits the transcription of the other
gene. In the top panels, both genes in module A are active at a moderate level, represented by the gray coloration. This
intermediate steady state is poised between the two subordinate lineages. Modules B and C are also both expressing
their genes at a moderate level, as a result of the influence of module A. In the lower panels, the cell has differentiated
from the multipotent cell type to progenitor type 1. Module A has switched from the intermediary stable state to the
stable state in which gene x1 is highly active, whereas gene x2 has become inactive. As a result, module C has become
completely inactive due to the signals from module A, whereas module B remains in the intermediate steady state, and
is thus prepared to make further cell fate decisions.
3. Dynamics of a single module
Previous work has studied the behavior of GRNs using a variety of different dynamical system
models: Boolean networks [15, 16, 17], differential equations [18, 19], and chemical master
equations [20, 21]. Although each model has its merits, for our current purposes differential
equations provide the best combination of rich behavior and analytical tractability.
To model a set of N interacting genes as differential equations, we associate the expression
level (number of proteins produced by the gene which are present in the cell) of each gene with
variable xi . The state of the system is given by the vector x = [x1 . . . xN ]. Since genes influence
the transcription rates of other genes, the rate of transcription (or equally the instantaneous rate
of change of the expression level) of each gene, ẋi , is given by:
ẋi = Fi (x)
If we plot the possible expression levels of each gene as one axis in a graph, the state space of
the dynamics is given by {R+ }N . For a given state, the growth or decay of the expression level
of each gene defines a vector ẋ = [ ẋ1 . . . ẋN ], which points in the direction that the state of the
system will move in state space under the dynamics of the system. This is the trajectory of the
A stable fixed point is any point in state space in which the state of the system is “trapped”
(under the deterministic dynamics, ignoring noise). Formally, this occurs for any point x⋆ such
that ẋi⋆ = Fi (x⋆ ) = 0 for all i. In our model, each cell type is represented by a stable fixed
point of the dynamics. Our goal is to construct the simplest plausible set of genetic regulatory
interactions for which the state of the system moves, either by random fluctuations or external
signals, through a sequence of branching, exclusive steps from the fixed point which represents
a multipotent cell type, to states which represent a series of intermediary cell types, and finally
to a terminal cell type.
Huang et al [22] provide experimental evidence to show that the genetic circuit controlling
hematopoetic (blood cell) stem cells consists of a pair of mutually repressing genes, each of
which also acts as a self-activator. Such a feedback loop is alleged to be an over-represented
motif in real genetic networks [4]. We have chosen the Huang switch for our cell-fate controlling
module, as shown in Fig. 1. The differential equations describing this system are:
b1 ψn1
a1 x1n
− k1 x1
x1n + θ1n x2n + ψn1
a2 x
b2 ψ
x˙2 = n 2 n + n 2 n − k2 x2
x2 + θ2 x1 + ψ2
x˙1 =
These equations model the dynamics of self activation and mutual inhibition with Hill functions.
The parameters a1 , a2 give the maximum transcription rate due to self activation, and θ1 , θ2 describe the concentration of protein x1 or x2 at which the inflection point in the Hill function
occurs. Parameters b1 , b2 give the basal rate of transcription, which is suppressed by a downward
sloping Hill function with ψ1 , ψ2 controlling the concentration of protein at which its inflection
point occurs. The cooperativity of the interactions is given by n, which controls the steepness of
the Hill function. The rate of protein degradation is controlled by k1 , k2 .
To simplify our analysis we impose certain symmetries on the equations, and select specific
values for some parameters which produce the desired behavior. We make the maximum contributions of the basal expression rate and the self-activation the same (a1 = b1 ) and thus have
a single parameter which controls the overall maximum transcription rate of the gene. For simplicity, we also set the cross-over points of the two Hill functions (for the self-activation and
inhibition) to the same value (θ1 = ψ1 = θ). Finally, we choose to make all parameter values a,
θ, and k identical between the two equations (so k1 = k2 ), thus making the behavior symmetric
between x1 and x2 . Thus we can write the new set of parameter values as:
a1 , a2 , b1 , b2 = a
θ1 , θ2 , ψ1 , ψ2 = θ = 1
k1 , k2 = k
We choose specific parameter values θ = 1 and n = 4. These parameter choices are not unique,
and do not require careful tuning: as long as n ≥ 4 a wide range of values of θ, a, and k produce
the desired tri-stable behavior. This leaves us with the new simplified equations:
− kx1
+ 4
x˙1 = a 4
x1 +4 1 x2 + 1
− kx2
x˙2 = a 4 2 + 4
x2 + 1 x1 + 1
These equations have only two free parameters: a and k. These are the parameters which are
influenced by other modules, following the schematic shown in Fig 1, and as detailed below. In
order to better understand the influence of these parameters, we explore the bifurcation which
occurs as they are change. A bifurcation is a dynamical event in which a small change of a parameter leads to a qualitative change in the dynamics of the system. Bifurcations can destabilize
fixed points, or cause points which were previously unstable to become stable. While a fixed
point may be stable under the deterministic dynamics of the system, in the presence of noise
even a stable fixed point may not trap the system indefinitely. Thus bifurcations which change
the stability of a fixed point are the dynamical equivalents of cell fate decisions in differentiating
cells. For example, a parameter change may destabilize the fixed point representing a multipotent
cell type, thus driving the state to a different fixed point, which represents the new progenitor cell
For a = 2 and k = 1, the two variable system is “tri-stable”, meaning that there are three stable
fixed points in the dynamcs. This state space is shown in the top left panel of Fig 2. The three
stable fixed points are given by black dots: there is an intermediate fixed point, characterized by
moderate amounts of x1 and x2 , and two exterior fixed points, characterized by large amounts
of one variable, and small amounts of the other. Leaving the parameter a = 2 fixed and tuning
k from 1 to 1.5 drives a bifurcation from tri-stablity to bi-stabliltiy, as shown in the subsequent
three panels of Fig. 2. The intermediate fixed point is destabilized, leaving only the two exterior
stable fixed points. The bifurcation also occurs if the overall transcription rate, a, is increased
while k is kept constant –only the ratio of these parameters have a real effect on the qualitative
dynamics. Their absolute values merely set the time scale.
In their analysis of the tri-stable switch, Huang et al [22] argue that the “intermediate” fixed
point represents the hematopoitic stem cell, and the two “exterior” fixed points represent the two
committed lineages. They provide evidence that the differentiation from hematopoesis to the
erythroid or myelomonocytic lineages is caused by the destabilization of the intermediate fixed
point via a subccritical pitchfork bifurcation. This in turn forces the cell to shift to one of the
k = 1.166
k = 1.333
k = 1.5
[x2 ]
[x2 ]
[x1 ]
[x1 ]
Figure 2: Each panel shows the state space of the two gene toggle switch for the parameter values chosen (a = 2 and
k = 1, 1.166, 1.333, 1.5). For k = 1.0 there are three stable fixed points in the dynamics (shown as black dots) and two
unstable fixed points (shown as gray diamonds). The arrows give the trajectory of the system at each point in phase
space, with longer arrows indicating faster movement and shorter arrows slower movement. As k changes from 1 to 1.5
the module undergoes a subcritical pitchfork bifurcation [23] (shown in more detail in Fig. 3). The two interior unstable
fixed points converge on the central stable fixed point eventually destabilizing it when k ≈ 1.3, leaving only the two
exterior stable fixed points.
[x1 ]
Figure 3: The x1 position of the fixed points as the parameter k changes from 1.0 to 1.5. The black circles represent stable
fixed points while the gray diamonds represent unstable fixed points. As the module undergoes a subcritical pitchfork
bifurcation, a cell at the intermediate stable fixed point moves along the trajectory shown by the arrow a). When k ≈ 1.3
the fixed point is destabilized and the cell is pushed by any random fluctuations from the now unstable fixed point to one
of the exterior fixed points following either trajectory b) or the dotted trajectory. Once the cell has been drawn to one of
the exterior fixed points, if the module reverses the bifurcation and once again becomes tri-stable, the cell will remain at
its new stable fixed point, following trajectory c). So once the state of the system has undergone the bifurcation, it cannot
easily be driven back to its starting position, thus making the differentiation event modeled by this bifurcation one-way.
two other fixed points. In Fig. 3 we show the bifurcation diagram corresponding to this event.
The black dots indicate the stable fixed points, and the grey, the unstable fixed points. The x-axis
shows the value of the bifurcation parameter, k. When k = 1.0 the circuit is tri-stabile: there are
three stable fixed points. When k = 1.3, the intermediate stable fixed point is destabilized by the
approach of the two unstable fixed points. Thus, the state of the system must migrate to one of the
two remaining stable points. However, starting from one of the exterior fixed points, if we reverse
the process and decrease the bifurcation parameter, the system will not return to the intermediate
steady state–the exterior fixed points remain stable to small perturbations throughout. Thus, to
reverse the cell differentiation, not only would the the intermediate fixed point need to be restabilized, the state of the system would also need to be driven from the exterior fixed point. This
ensures that cell differentiation is directional: a simple, transient, one parameter perturbation can
drive the system toward specificity, but there is no similarly simple way to de-differentiate back
to multipotency.
Noise is ubiquitous in biological systems and important for many functions [24]. The GRN
as a whole, but especially the genes responsible for the process of development (and cell differentiation), must be organized for reliable performance. Thus we require that our model behaves
robustly in the presence of noise. Feedback loops [25] and modularity [26] have been shown
to contribute to robustness, and because our model makes use of these design characteristics,
we find that robustness is easily attained. We simulate noise in the dynamics using a Langevin
ẋi = Fi (x) + gi (x)ηi (t)
Here, Fi (x) is the same function as in the deterministic dynamics. In the second term, an arbitrary
function gm
i (x) describes the influence of the random function ηi (t) on the variables. We choose
to introduce only additive noise: gi (x) is simply a constant value for all i, with no dependence on
x, as suggested elsewhere [27]. We can then simulate the evolution of the system forward by one
time step of size ∆t with the equations:
xi (t + ∆t) = xi (t) + ∆t ∗ ẋi (t) + ∆t ∗ g ∗ σi
The parameter g sets the amount of noise in the dynamics; we have chosen to make it the same
for every gene. The parameter σi drawn at each time step from a gaussian distribution with mean
0 and standard deviation 1. The influence of the random variable is similar to a random walk.
Since the variables in our system describe the concentration of protein products, we also require
that no variable be allowed to drop below zero, since a negative concentration is non-physical.
In the presence of noise, we find that the transition between stability and instability for the
intermediate fixed point is no longer abrupt. As the module approaches the bifurcation point, the
restoring force which pushes the state of the system back towards the intermediate fixed point
weakens. We simulated 500 cells starting at each of the three stable fixed points for values of
k = 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 with g = .1 and ∆t = .001 for 40, 000 time steps (40 units of t, a fairly lengthy
period in simulation time relative to the timescale of transcription and translation). The distribution of the final states for cells starting at the intermediate fixed point spreads as k increased
(shown in Fig. 4). As the value of k increases, the variance of the gene expression increases.
This behavior may soon be observable in vivo, using flow cytometry to measure the approximate
expression level of a gene for each cell in a population of cells approaching differentiation. By
observing the variance of genes as cells differentiate, we may gain a clearer picture of which
genes are controlling cell fate decisions: the expression level of significant genes should become
more varied across the population as the cells approach a cell fate decision.
k = 1.1
k = 1.2
k = 1.3
[x2 ]
[x2 ]
[x1 ]
[x1 ]
Figure 4: The behavior of the module in the presence of noise as it approaches the bifurcation. Each panel shows the
final positions of 500 simulations (“cells”) starting from the central fixed point simulated for 40 units of t (in ∆t = .001
time steps). The noise magnitude is g = .1 and the overall activity a = 2.0 for various values of k. Black circles show the
positions of the stable fixed points and gray squares show the end points of each simulation. As k increases, the variance
of expression levels of x1 and x2 increases near the intermediate fixed point. For k = 1.0, 1.1 none of the simulated cells
“escape” from the intermediate fixed point. For k = 1.2 approximately 50 cells (or 10%) escape, divided evenly between
the two exterior fixed points. When k = 1.3 approximately 90% escape. In similar simulations at the same noise strenght,
g = .1, if the “cells” start near one of the exterior fixed points, none of them transitioned to the intermediate fixed point
for any parameter values tested.
Before the actual bifurcation point is reached, we see non-trivial numbers of cells have already
moved to one of the exterior, ‘differentiated’ fixed points. This indicates that for values of k ≤ 1.2
the intermediate fixed point becomes metastable (weakly stable). Thus in the presence of noise,
the state of the system will not remain near this fixed point indefinitely. As we discuss later,
progenitor cell types may be metastable fixed points in which the state of the network rests for
a short while before continuing its differentiation. This would explain the difficulty of culturing
and maintaining such cell types in vitro.
Finally, our model provides a potential dynamical explanation of the observed prevalence of
binary (as opposed to trinary, etc) branches in cell differentiation. The sub-critical pitchfork
bifurcation found in our modules arises from the topology of the regulatory interactions and
is present for many choices of parameter values without careful tuning. This bifurcation leads
naturally to binary cell differentiations. In Fig. 4 the distribution of final states does not spread
evenly throughout the state space: it spreads preferentially along a pair of trajectories which
correspond to the two sides of the unstable eigenvector of the intermediate fixed point. These
trajectories, in turn, lead to one of the two exterior fixed points. In general, only one of the
eigenvalues of the fixed point becomes positive at the bifurcation point. Thus, near the interior
fixed point, flows along the other eigenvectors still push the state of the system toward the interior
fixed point, concentrating flows along the unstable eigenvector. Trinary branchings, since they
cannot depend on such simple mechanics of the state space, are comparatively much more fragile
and require much more careful selection of parameters. We have found in our model that binary
branching occurs ‘for free’ from a robustly occurring pitchfork bifurcation, with the simulated
cells flowing away from their starting state along one of the two ends of the single, destabilized
4. Sequential Differentiation
Now we are ready to build the full hierarchical model. In Fig. 5, we show a differentiation
event in more detail: three modules are shown, A, B, and C. Module A influences B and C. In
the top panel, module A is in the intermediate fixed point, but this fixed point is only meta-stable.
This meta-stability is caused by the influence of the signal ∆A . If module A is part of a larger
cascade, then the signal will originate from a gene in the module above A in the hierarchy; if
A is at the top of the hierarchy then the signal may originate from outside the cell. Module A
expresses moderate levels of x1 and x2 , which in turn influence the parameters kB , aB and kC , aC
in modules B and C, through the functional relationships:
kB = G(x1 ), kC = G(x2 )
aB = H(x1 ), aC = H(x2 )
For simplicity, the same functions G and H are used throughout the network. In Fig. 6 we
show how the piece-wise linear functions G and H respond to changes in the variable on which
they depend. The specific functional form chosen is not important; sequential differentiation will
occur as long as the functions reflect two basic requirements. First, if the value of x decreases
dramatically, indicating that the gene x has been shut off, then transcription rate, a, of the downstream module, which is under the influence of x, should be dramatically decreased. To achieve
this, for small values of x, H(x) should be small, effectively silencing the genes in the influenced
module. Second, if the value of x increases substantially, then the fixed point in the influenced
module should be destabilized, preparing it to undergo differentiation. Thus, the function G(x),
kA = G(∆A ) = 1.25
Module A
kB = G(x1 ) = 1.0
x3 aB = H(x1 ) = 2.0
kC = G(x2 ) = 1.0
x5 aC = H(x2 ) = 2.0
Module B
kA = G(∆A ) = 1.25
Module B
Module A
kB = G(x1 ) = 1.25
x3 aB = H(x1 ) = 2.0
Module C
Noise drives differentiation:
kC = G(x2 ) = 1.0
x5 aC = H(x2 ) = 0.2
Module C
Figure 5: The modular network and consequences of a single cell fate decision, in detail. In the top panel, the state of the
system is poised in the meta-stable intermediate stable state of module A. Modules B and C are both in the intermediate
stable state, expressing x3 , x4 , x5 , and x6 at a moderate level. In the lower panel, module A has undergone differentiation,
driven by noise, switching to one of the two exterior stable states, x1 high, x2 low. This in turn has caused module B to
become meta-stable by increasing the value of kB from 1.0 to 1.25. Module C is inactivated by the change in parameter
aC from 2.0 to 0.2, essentially silencing the genes in the module. The k and a parameters in all three modules are
functionally dependent on one of the genes in the module directly above them. In the case of module A, we denote
the stimulus as a generic external signal ∆A to reflect the fact that it could come from another gene, or some external
differentiation signal.
Figure 6: The piecewise linear response functions G and H. In the top panel we show the function G, which controls
the decay rate k, and in the bottom panel we show the function H, which controls the transcription rate a. Specifically,
G = 1.0 for x ≤ 2.7 and G = 1.25 for x ≥ 3.0 and interpolates between these values for 2.7 ≤ x ≤ 3.0. Similarly H = 0.2
for x ≤ 1.0 and G = 2.0 for x ≥ 1.5 and interpolates between these values for 1.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.5.
which controls k, should increase slightly in value in response to higher values of x. This higher
value of G(x) will drive the bifurcation above.
Returning to Fig. 5, moderate levels of x1 and x2 result in parameters in modules B and C
which maintain stable, moderate expression levels of their genes x3 , x4 , x5 and x6 . Note that any
modules downstream of B and C would also express their genes at an intermediate level. Since
module A is in merely a meta-stable state, the state of the system is driven by noise after some
time to one of the two exterior fixed points, in this case x1 high, x2 low. The result is shown
in the lower panel: module C has been silenced by the decrease in expression of x2 (thus also
shutting off all the genes which are in modules downstream from it, under the control of x5 or
x6 ). Module B, under the influence of increased x1 , has become meta-stable, and is thus waiting
to drive a differentiation event as the system “chooses” between expressing x3 and x4 .
The suggested links that integrate the modules correspond to the simplest possible regulatory
connections that generate the observed branching behavior. Whether real networks utilize similar
connections remains to be seen, however, modules of mutually regulating transcription factors
clearly are linked in real GRN.
Module A
Meta-stable state
Module B
Meta-stable state
Module C
Figure 7: A simulation of three interacting modules with noise g = 0.1. At t = 5 the intermediate fixed point of module
A is changed from stable to meta-stable by an external stimulus. For the next ≈ 10 units of time t the top module remains
meta-stable, then finally falls into the x1 high exterior fixed point, as shown in the top panel. This silences module C
(and thus genes x5 and x6 ) which are rendered inactive, as shown by the bottom panel. Finally, in the middle panel
we see module B, which became meta-stable after module A made its cell fate decision and entered the exterior fixed
point. Module B remains meta-stable for ≈ 25 units of t until it transitions to an exterior fixed point, completing the
differentiation of the cell through this segment of the network.
5. Whole network results
Fig. 7 shows the result of a simple three module simulation, with the noise parameter g = 0.1.
The differentiation tree functions properly in the presence of noise: at the outset, all genes are
expressed at a moderate level. At time t = 5, a signal is introduced which destabilizes the
top module. After some time, the state of the the top module is decided in favor of x1 . As x2
decreases, we see that genes x5 and x6 are also silenced. The genes x3 and x4 continue to be
expressed at moderate levels for some time, until through random fluctuations, the system exits
the meta-stable state, resulting in increased x4 expression and decreased x3 expression. At the
outset, when any outcome was possible and the cell multipotent, all of the genes were expressed.
As the cell differentiates and loses its pluripotency, the genes which correspond to the lineages
which are no longer accessible to the cell are silenced.
As seen in the simulation described above, individual cells can remain in the meta-stable
state for a long time before continuing their differentiation. We simulated 2000 iterations of the
model, and measured the length of time the system spent in meta-stable states. We found an
exponential distribution of waiting times, with some of our simulated cells spending as many as
290 units of t in the meta-stable state. For the purposes of comparison, we note that once the
state escapes the region of state space close to the meta-stable fixed point and the transition to
one exterior fixed points begins, the transition often occurs in less than 5 units of t. So while
individual cells cannot be maintained in these meta-stable states indefinitely, they can be quite
long lasting. We have not considered the proliferation of cells, as described by Hoffmann et al
[27]. The proliferation rate is a function of the state of the GRN. Thus if the proliferation rate
is high in the meta-stable and intermediate states, a population of cells could be maintained in
the meta-stable state indefinitely. The number of progenitor cells found in vivo is the result of a
balance between cells differentiating into the meta-stable state from more multipotent cell types,
progenitor cells proliferating, and progenitor cells differentiating out of the progenitor cell type
to a more lineage committed state through the stochastic dynamics described above. The metastability of the dynamical fixed point may provide an explanation for the limited capacity for self
renewal of some progenitor cell types in vitro.
6. Conclusion
Our model reproduces all of the desired behaviors of cell differentiation by using established
network properties of real genetic nets. Cell differentiation occurs in a branching, exclusive
fashion between a dynamically distinct cell types. A cell type higher in the differentiation tree
exhibits promiscuous expression of all its accessible lineages. Cell fate decisions are directional:
small parameter changes can easily drive differentiation down the tree, but not back up again.
It is easy to add additional control mechanisms to this model. For example, we could add a
necessity for external signals, in concert with the influence of “higher” modules, to drive each
bifurcation. Our goal however is merely to create the minimal outlines of a dynamical system
capable of capturing the general observed behaviors of cell differentiation.
In addition, our model suggests a new role for modularity and an explanation for the prevalence
of binary cell fate decisions. Modules allow for the easy implementation of repeated behaviors,
in this case facilitating the repeated branchings observed in cell fate decisions. A hierarchical,
modular network topology serves to channel trajectories in the state space through lower dimensional sub-spaces. This channels the state of the system through an orderly progression of fixed
points, representing the various cell types. Many of the important properties of cell differentiation can be captured quite naturally by a system of loosely coupled genetic modules. Further we
found that binary cell fate decisions emerge effortlessly and robustly from the topology of our
network modules due to the behavior of flows near the intermediate fixed point. The dynamical simplicity and robustness of binary cell fate decisions could explain their prevalence in cell
Building progressively more accurate whole-system models that recapitulate key functionalities provides an important complement to the traditional “bottom up” approach, which seeks
maximal integration of all available details. A “top down” approach, focused on less detailed
minimal models, allows us to focus on understanding the influence of the topology of the genetic
regulatory network on the resulting dynamics. The details of our individual modules and their interconnections are of course over simplified and incomplete. However, emerging evidence from
the topology of real genetic networks suggests that the overall modular architecture is likely to
be correct. We hope that future experimental results will show to what degree the genetic regulatory network in general, and the cell differentiation network in particular can be treated as a
collection of loosely coupled modules. As large-scale models improve through interaction with
experimental evidence, we believe that the top down and bottom up approaches can eventually
“meet in the middle”, fitting carefully specified subsections of the genetic network into a larger
network framework.
7. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Jacob Foster for useful comments and discussions.
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