PALESTINE EXPLORATION QUARTERLY THE FOUR-CHAMBERED GATE AT MEGIDDO Matthew J. Adams, Israel Finkelstein and Eythan Levy ABSTRACT KEYWORDS Work at Megiddo in 2018 shed light on Gate 3165 of Stratum VIA (late Iron I) and the six-chambered Gate 2156 of Strata VA-IVB and IVA (late Iron IIA and early Iron IIB). The disputed question of the number of gates which post-date Gate 2156 was only briefly discussed. Continued investigation of the gates’ area in 2022 assembled information for the existence of a four-chambered Gate 500b, described by the University of Chicago excavator as a construction error, which was replaced by the two-chambered Gate 500a. The new data is presented here. Megiddo; Iron Age II; Gates; 8th Century BCE ; Ancient Israel; Fortifications; City Walls The Iron Age II gates at Megiddo were the focus of fierce disputes regarding the date and method of their construction (e.g., Yadin 1970; Shiloh 1980; Ussishkin 1980). In 2018, we carried out excavations in the area of these gates, in preparation for the reconstruction of the six-chambered gate’s western wing by Israel’s Nature and Parks Authority. In addition to shedding light on Gate 3165 of Stratum VIA (late Iron I), we addressed debated issues regarding six-chambered Gate 2156,1 which was built immediately on top of Gate 3165 (Finkelstein et al. 2019; rejoinder by Ussishkin 2020; an answer to the rejoinder in Finkelstein and Adams 2021). We concluded that: 1. The floor of Gate 2156 was located at the level of the lowest course of the gate’s piers (supporting Yadin 1970; Shiloh 1980; contra Lamon 1948; Ussishkin 1980).2 2. Gate 2156 was built in the days of Stratum VA-IVB (supporting Yadin 1970; contra Lamon 1948; Ussishkin 1980). In its early days, the gate was not connected to a city wall, meaning that it served as an elaborate ceremonial entrance to the city with its two palaces (6000 and 1723). 3. Gate 2156 was reused in the early days of Stratum IVA. At that time, a solid city wall (Wall 325) was constructed and connected to it (abutting; picture in Lamon 1948: Fig. 109). Another disputed question was whether the remains exposed by the University of Chicago team above Gate 2156 belonged to one gate (500) or to two gates (termed 500b and 500a in Finkelstein et al. 2019 and here). In our previous publication we addressed this topic, arguing for the existence of two gates based on the logic of the stratigraphic sequence and general observations; but we did not investigate this issue in the field. In the 2022 season, we returned to the area of the gates in order to tackle this problem (Fig. 1).3 CONTACT Matthew J. Adams © Palestine Exploration Fund 2024 [email protected]