Definitions nations are characterized by immigration policies, a procedure that can enter, who must leave, and who qualifies for membership, which is central to nation-state sovereignty. In the United States, immigrants are welcome, but it has also been observed that they are inferior based on classification, such as the poor class of the immigrants; they are undesirable and racially lower in the society or community. The American immigration policy thus shows its commencement. Decision-makers such as political leaders are worried about undocumented immigrants, who burden the U.S. public resources and increase crimes. Lawmakers, therefore, are trying to implement various penalties through lawful adjustment. Every state of the United States set up an admission criterion and established a state immigration board to regulate passengers at the port. The initiative has been taken due to the federal government's need for more capability to handle newcomers. The federal and local governments of the United States had a long struggle over the issue of immigration policies, newcomers, and the role of regional and national police over the issue. Federally, a naturalization law had been passed, but it did not regulate the eviction of foreigners. Local-based laws have been created to control immigration, and conflicts have been raised every time between the local and federal governments; after all, the management of immigration control is in the national hands, but local authorities have tried to manage immigration policies in their territories. Several lawful and unlawful arrests by the local police occurred, which is why issues continue to increase. The paper aims to understand the problems of U.S. regional and federal government immigration policies. The outcome is to know clearly about the control of immigration policies and its regulations both locally and federally. The methodology was based on the constant reading of articles and a documentary analysis. The feature question is how immigration policy has been accepted by both federal and local government and their police system to control immigration.

3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS, 08/09 JUNE, 2024 CONGRESS ID CONGRESS TITLE 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS DATE and PLACE 08/09 JUNE, 2024 BİTLİS/TÜRKİYE GENERAL COORDINATOR Dr. Bahar ALTUNOK EDITOR Dr. Nurten Ebru ÖZDEMİR ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chairman of the Organizing Committee Dr. Nurten Ebru ÖZDEMİR University Academician Representative Prof. Dr. Aitkul MAKHAYEVA/Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Doç. Dr. Adem DOĞAN/Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Doç. Dr. Fatih KOÇYİĞİT/Dicle Üniversitesi Doç. Dr. Semra AY/Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Dr. Ayten CANTAŞ BAĞDAŞ/Pamukkale Üniversitesi Dr. Derya KARATAŞ/Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi-Türkiye Dr. İbrahim PINARCI/Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Dr. Merdin DANIŞMAZ/Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi, Türkiye Dr. Şermin KOÇYİĞİT/Dicle Üniversitesi Members Professor Geoffrey Mitchell Prof. Dr. Hassan ZARIOUH Associate Professor Abdelkarim BOUA Professor Laura DIACONU MAXIM Doç. Dr. Gökçe CEREV Doç. Dr. Kader DAĞCI KIRANŞAN Doç. Dr. Mehmet Veysi BABAYİĞİT Associate Professor Mohammad Jafar Chamankar Doç. Dr. Murat DÜZGÜN Doç. Dr. Mehmet ILKIM Doç. Dr. Pelin AKSEN Dr. Bala Subramani Gattu Linga Dr. Bentahar Mohammed Dr. Kardina Engelina Siregar Dr. Mansoor Ahmed Dr. Moses Adeolu AGOI Dr. Murat KIRANŞAN Dr. Sándor Földvári Dr. Yılmaz Ulvi UZUN Öğr. Gör. Murat ÇELİK ORGANIZATION BİLSEL All rights of this book belong to ASTANA PUBLICATIONS. Authors are responsible both ethically and juridically Release Date: 24 June 2024 Bu kitabın tüm hakları ASTANA YAYINLARI yayınevine aittir. Kitap ticari bir kar amacı gütmemektedir. Yayın Tarihi: 24 Haziran 2024 ISBN: 978-625-6501-86-7 I 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS, 08/09 JUNE, 2024 SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Doç. Dr. Özkan AÇIŞLI Atatürk Üniversitesi-Türkiye Doç. Dr. Pelin AKSEN Kırıkkale Üniversitesi-Türkiye Doç. Dr. Ümit AYATA Bayburt Üniversitesi-Türkiye Doç. Dr. Yavuz Selim Kafkasyalı Kafkas Üniversitesi-Türkiye Dr. Anitha R. Bharathi Women’s College-India Dr. Ayşe ŞALLI Karabük Üniversitesi-Türkiye Dr. Belkacem BELABBAS Université Ibn Khaldoun - Tıaret-Algerıe Dr. Bentahar Mohammed University Moulay Tahar of Saida- Algeria Dr. Binyam Zigta Wachemo University-Ethiopia Dr. Brahim Meziani University of Djillali Bounaama-Algeria Dr. Fuat TÜRK Kırıkkale Üniversitesi-Türkiye Dr. Göksel ULAY Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi-Türkiye Dr. Hamid GADOURI Khemis Miliana University-Algeria Dr. İbrahim PINARCI Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Dr. Irina-Ana DROBOT Technical University of Civil Engineering BucharestRomania Dr. Kardina Engelina Siregar, Islamic University State of Sultan Syarif Kasim RiauIndonesia Dr. Mirela KAPO New York University-Albania Dr. Moses Adeolu AGOI Tai Solarin University of Education-Nigeria Dr. Mansoor Ahmed Government College University Faisalabad- Pakistan Dr. Murat GENÇ Atatürk Üniversitesi-Türkiye Dr. Murat KIRANŞAN Gümüşhane Üniversitesi-Türkiye Dr. Musa ÇAKIR Siirt Üniversitesi-Türkiye Dr. Safa BEJOAUI University of Tunis El Manar-Tunisia Dr. Sándor Földvári Debrecen University, Hungary Dr. Vidya Padmakumar Bangalore University-India Dr. Yılmaz Ulvi UZUN Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Türkiye Professor Geoffrey Mitchell Polytechnic Institute of Leiria Centro Empresarial da Marinha Grande Rua de Portugal Prof. Dr. Hassan ZARIOUH Mohammed I University, Oujda Morocco Professor Laura DIACONU MAXIM Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi- Romania Prof. Dr. Lindita DURMISHI Aleksander Xhuvani University, Elbasan-Albania Prof. Dr. Margherita Mori University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila-Italy Prof.Dr. Nana Jincharadze European University-Georgia Prof. Dr. Natalia Shchukina Tiraspol Shevchenko State University-Republic of Moldova Prof. Dr. Razika Ihaddadene Med Boudiaf University-Algeria Prof. Dr. Sadhna Jain University of Delhi-India Prof. Dr. Süleyman GEZER Hitit Üniversitesi-Türkiye Prof. Dr. Tursun Xazretali Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi-Kazakistan Prof. Dr. Yusuf ÖZKIR Medipol Üniversitesi -Türkiye Prof. Dr. Zariouh Hassan Mohamed I University, Maroc Doç. Dr. Abdulkerim DİLER Atatürk Üniversitesi-Türkiye Associate Professor Abdelkarim BOUA Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University- Moroc Doç. Dr. Akın KIRBAŞ Atatürk Üniversitesi-Türkiye Doç. Dr. Ayhan KARAKAŞ Bartın Üniversitesi-Türkiye Doç. Dr. Gökçe CEREV Kocaeli Üniversitesi-Türkiye Doç. Dr. H. Burçin HENDEN ŞOLT Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi-Türkiye Doç. Dr. Kader DAĞCI KIRANŞAN Atatürk Üniversitesi-Türkiye Doç. Dr. Mehmet ILKIM İnönü Üniversitesi-Türkiye Associate Professor Mohammad Jafar Chamankar Urmia University- Iran Doç. Dr. Murat DÜZGÜN İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi-Türkiye Doç. Dr. Murat TASTANBEKOV "Aziret Sultan" Müzesi, Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi- Kazakistan Doç. Dr. Nurlan Baigabylov L.n. Gumilyov Eurasian National University-Kazakhstan Doç. Dr. Özge TEMİZ Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi II 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS, 08/09 JUNE, 2024 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS 08-09 JUNE-2024 BİTLİS/TÜRKİYE CONGRESS PROGRAM Join Zoom Meeting ID: 834 8140 4386 Passcode: 211028 Join Zoom Meeting PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES Italy/Pakistan/Azərbaycan/Hungary/Kosovo/Romania/Morocco/Albania/Serbia Algeria/Bulgaria/Vietnam/Bosnia and Herzegovina/Nigeria/Brazil Iran/Canada/Indonesia/India/Malaysia/Slovakia/ Australia NUMBER OF INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPANTS: 146 NUMBER OF TURKEY PARTICIPANTS: 140 TOTAL NUMBER: 286 III 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS, 08/09 JUNE, 2024 IMPORTANT To be able to make a meeting online, login via site, enter ID instead of “Meeting ID or Personal link Name’’ and solidify the session. The presentation will have 10 minutes . The Zoom application is free and no need to create an account. The Zoom application can be used without registration. The application works on tablets, phones and PCs. Speakers must be connected to the session 10 minutes before the presentation time. All congress participants can connect live and listen to all sessions. TECHNICAL INFORMATION Make sure your computer has a microphone and is working. You should be able to use screen sharing feature in Zoom. Attendance certificates will be sent to you as pdf at the end of the congress. ÖNEMLİ Kongremizde Yazım Kurallarına uygun gönderilmiş ve bilim kurulundan geçen bildiriler için online (video konferans sistemi üzerinden) sunum imkanı sağlanmıştır. Online sunum yapabilmek için sitesi üzerinden giriş yaparak “Meeting ID or Personal Link Name” yerine ID numarasını girerek oturuma katılabilirsiniz. Sunumlar için 10 dakika süre ayrılmıştır. Zoom uygulaması ücretsizdir ve hesap oluşturmaya gerek yoktur. Zoom uygulaması kaydolmadan kullanılabilir. Uygulama tablet, telefon ve PC’lerde çalışmaktadır. Sunum yapacakların sunum saatinden 10 dk önce oturuma bağlanmış olmaları gerekmektedir. Tüm katılımcılar oturumlara online katılıp dinleyebilir. Kongreye katılım zorunludur, katılım sağlamayan katılımcılarımıza Kongre Katılım Belgesi gönderilmeyecektir. TEKNİK BİLGİLER Bilgisayarınızda çalışır durumda mikrofon bulunmalıdır. Zoom'da ekran paylaşma özelliği kullanılabilmelidir. Katılım belgeleri kongre sonunda tarafınıza pdf olarak gönderilecektir. IV 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS ENFORCEMENT OF IMMIGRATION AND IMPLEMENTATION: A NARRATIVE OF NATIONS POLICIES Ananda Majumdar (0000-0003-3045-0056) - ORCID | Connecting Research and Researchers Ananda Majumdar | University of Alberta - [email protected] Abstracts: Definitions nations are characterized by immigration policies, a procedure that can enter, who must leave, and who qualifies for membership, which is central to nation-state sovereignty. In the United States, immigrants are welcome, but it has also been observed that they are inferior based on classification, such as the poor class of the immigrants; they are undesirable and racially lower in the society or community. The American immigration policy thus shows its commencement. Decision-makers such as political leaders are worried about undocumented immigrants, who burden the U.S. public resources and increase crimes. Lawmakers, therefore, are trying to implement various penalties through lawful adjustment. Every state of the United States set up an admission criterion and established a state immigration board to regulate passengers at the port. The initiative has been taken due to the federal government's need for more capability to handle newcomers. The federal and local governments of the United States had a long struggle over the issue of immigration policies, newcomers, and the role of regional and national police over the issue. Federally, a naturalization law had been passed, but it did not regulate the eviction of foreigners. Local-based laws have been created to control immigration, and conflicts have been raised every time between the local and federal governments; after all, the management of immigration control is in the national hands, but local authorities have tried to manage immigration policies in their territories. Several lawful and unlawful arrests by the local police occurred, which is why issues continue to increase. The paper aims to understand the problems of U.S. regional and federal government immigration policies. The outcome is to know clearly about the control of immigration policies and its regulations both locally and federally. The methodology was based on the constant reading of articles and a documentary analysis. The feature question is how immigration policy has been accepted by both federal and local government and their police system to control immigration. Keywords: Migration, Forceful Migration, Immigration, Emigration, Unlawful Migration Versus Lawful Migration, Homeland Security, Department of Justice, Narcotics and Irregular Migration, Mobilization of International Partnership, Strength Border Security, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Canada Border Service Agency, Immigration India and South Asian Illegal Migration to India, Biometrics, Refugee Reformation, Privacy Act. Southern Asia. 1296 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS Introduction: The current 1Biden-Harris administration of the United States has taken decisive action to strengthen the border and its security. This is a sustained effort by the administration to exercise its full authority for law enforcement and impose consequences for irregular migration, including entering the United States unlawfully. 2 Homeland Security thus takes steps to leverage existing resources within its boundary coordination with federal and international partners for a meaningful impact. 3 Homeland Security has taken actions to strengthen immigration laws and deter irregular migration, including its recording system about individuals' data. 4DHS has responded to the government's response to irregular migration, increasing the number of agents and officers on the southwest borders to over 24000, adding more support personnel from across the department, and securing the first significant increase of Border Patrol agents. 5Homeland security bolstered the technical developments along with the border by deploying surveillance towers and non-intrusive inspection systems at ports of entry to detect narcotics and other contraband more actively. It has implemented significant infrastructure and process improvements to enhance the ability to deploy consequences for unlawful entry at the border. 6Since 2021, DHS has taken facilities, such as constructing many facilities, modernizing processing systems, supporting transportation systems, and creating a fair process for removing people. As a result, an estimated 740,000 7 people have been removed from the United States within a fair system and method. 8In 2023, DHS implemented the 'Circumvention of Lawful Pathways' rule to discourage irregular immigration and used the lawful pathways by placing a commonsense condition on asylum ineligibility for certain noncitizens who fail to pursue the safe, orderly and lawful process for entry into the United States or seeking protection in another country through which they travelled. 9USCIS has revised guidance for asylum officers to consider whether an asylum seeker could reasonably 1 fact sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen St Partnerships—paragraph 1 . Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International 2 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships— paragraph 2nd. 3 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships. Strengthening and Expanding Enforcement of Consequences. Paragraph 1 st. 4 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships. Strengthening and Expanding Enforcement of Consequences. Paragraph 1 st. 5 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships. Strengthening and Expanding Enforcement of Consequences. Paragraph 2 nd. 6 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships. Strengthening and Expanding Enforcement of Consequences. Paragraph 3 rd. 7 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships. Strengthening and Expanding Enforcement of Consequences. Paragraph 3 rd. 8 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships. Strengthening and Expanding Enforcement of Consequences. Paragraph 4 th. 9 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships. Strengthening and Expanding Enforcement of Consequences. Paragraph 6 th. 1297 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS claim future persecution in all credible fear cases. 1The Department of Justice prioritizes prosecution involving smugglers and increased penalties for the most prolific and dangerous human smugglers. 2It has announced the 'Anti-Smuggling Reward' initiative to offer financial rewards for information leading to the identification, location, arrest or conviction of high-priority human smuggling targets. Homeland Security also worked with many 3 international partners throughout the hemisphere to stem extracontinental migration through increased use of transit visas and passenger vetting. 4The administration acted from partner nations to expand lawful pathways, address the root causes of irregular migration, and reduce the flows of migrants through Darien and Central America and Mexico. Literature Review: internationally, Homeland Security and the other migration departments of the United States have taken steps such as coordination with the 5Mexican Government on continued enforcement efforts to include their independent decision to accept certain non-Mexicans being returned and removed to Mexico from the United States. It has continued the Lod Angeles Declaration6 on Migration and Protection alongside 22 countries across the hemisphere, including a second anniversary ministerial in 7Guatemala to reaffirm shared responsibility for reducing and managing irregular migration. 8DHS (Homeland Security) has negotiated worldwide to conduct additional removal flights, with several flights doubling or trailing for some countries. Every week, DHS conducts dozens of removal flights worldwide across the Western hemisphere. DHS has partnered with the Department of State and partner countries to impose transit visa requirements for specific nationalities and sanction charter airlines that knowingly bring migrants to the Western hemispheres who arrive at the southwest border. Through 1 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships. Strengthening and Expanding Enforcement of Consequences. Paragraph 9 th. 2 Fact Sheet: DHS's Key Achievements in Strengthening Border Security, Reducing Irregular Migration, and Mobilizing International Partnerships. Strengthening and Expanding Enforcement of Consequences. Paragraph 9 th. 3 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships. Mobilizing International Partnerships and Bolstering Cooperation. Paragraph 1 st. 4 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships. Mobilizing International Partnerships and Bolstering Cooperation. Paragraph 1 st. 5 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships. They are mobilizing International Partnerships and Strengthening Cooperation—paragraph 1st. 6 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. They are mobilizing International Partnerships and Bolstering Cooperation—Paragraph 2nd. 7 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. They are mobilizing International Partnerships and Bolstering Cooperation—Paragraph 2nd. 8 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. They are mobilizing International Partnerships and Bolstering Cooperation—Paragraph 3rd. 1298 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS collaborations such as 1'Joint Task Force Alpha' and targeted operations such as 2'Operation Plaza Spike and other high-impact efforts, it has worked with Mexico and other partners in Central America and across the hemisphere to destroy and dismantle smuggling operations at every level. 3An estimated 18000 smugglers throughout the region have been arrested, and thousands here in the United States have been prosecuted under federal law. Even though irregular migration, smuggling, and human trafficking continue across the world. Therefore, migration is a dangerous issue, just like other global issues, which has also been focused on by the Canadian Immigration program and has taken many initiatives for refugee claimants, asylum claimants, student travellers, and permanent emigrants to Canada. Emigration and migration issues in the Indian subcontinent have been indicated differently. Because of the population explosion, people have migrated regionally from country to country, especially from the neighbourhood of India to Indian territories. Methodology: The paper has been assumed through subordinate data sources, including academic articles, websites, etc. The description of sources follows the essay's writing method, reading, gathering in-depth insights on topics, exploring ideas, summarizing, interpreting, and mainly expressing them in words (documentary analysis through a qualitative approach). The paper discussed the immigration policies implemented by both Homeland Security in the United States and Citizenship & Immigration Canada for the betterment of the migration policies, rescuing irregular immigrants, human trafficking, smuggling, etc. It has been a problem in the Western hemisphere for illegal immigration from the South, especially from Central and South American countries. It was not the people's fault, but they were influenced by the smugglers for illegal immigration and faced problems with homeland security. For the betterment of the refugee problem, reducing unlawful migration and creating better rational policies, both Homeland Security and Citizenship and Immigration Canada took initiatives to escape the Western hemispheres from migration problems. Many people from developing countries come to Canada as tourists under tourist visas. Then they apply for political asylum for a permanent stay, which is a wrong idea and dream for them. Political asylum is only possible if their original countries are war-affected. Without strong and proper documentation for the reason of political asylum, they were finally deported, making their travelling record worse. They may be banned as well. Therese is all through the falsified agents and smugglers who let them 1 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. They are mobilizing International Partnerships and Bolstering Cooperation—Paragraph 7th. 2 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. They are mobilizing International Partnerships and Bolstering Cooperation—Paragraph 7th. 3 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. They are mobilizing International Partnerships and Bolstering Cooperation—Paragraph 7th. 1299 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS understand all fraudulent policies and rules. Therefore, this paper has discussed steps that Homeland Security and Canada have taken for lawful immigration through permanent residency, which can be done quickly. The programs and policies of the United States and Canada have been expressed for better communication and coordination for the immigration departments and for reducing illegal immigration. Discussion: Homeland Security has taken steps like partnering with the 1Department of State for the establishment of 2'Safe Mobility Offices throughout the region for the expansion to access lawful pathways such as the 3U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) and others in the United States and partnered countries such as 4Canada, and Spain. Therefore, people can take safe journeys to the southwest border. 5Over 10,000 refugees have arrived in the United States through this initiative thus far. 6Home security established country-specific parole processes for certain nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela (CHNV). 7Throughout the end of April 2024, an estimated 435,000 CHNV nationals with a U.S.-based supporter had been screened, vetted and received advanced travel authorization for a lawful arrival to the United States. 8It has expanded H-2 non-immigrant visa programs and has nearly 450,000 H-2 visas, the highest ever, to ensure individuals seeking economic opportunities can pursue these visas instead of taking irregular journeys to the U.S. border. 9Homeland Security expanded the capacity at ports of entry by more than 4x using CBP, one mobile application that allows noncitizens to schedule an appointment to present for the inspection. 10Since January 2023, through the end of April 2024, more than 591,000 individuals have successfully planned to present at ports of entry using CBP instead of risking their lives by 1 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Expanded Lawful Pathways and Processes. Paragraph. 1 st. 2 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Expanded Lawful Pathways and Processes. Paragraph. 1 st. 3 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Expanded Lawful Pathways and Processes. Paragraph 1 st. 4 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Expanded Lawful Pathways and Processes. Paragraph 1 st. 5 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Expanded Lawful Pathways and Processes. Paragraph 1 st. 6 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Expanded Lawful Pathways and Processes. Paragraph 2 nd. 7 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Expanded Lawful Pathways and Processes. Paragraph 2 nd. 8 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Expanded Lawful Pathways and Processes. Paragraph 3 rd. 9 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Expanded Lawful Pathways and Processes. Paragraph 4 th. 10 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Expanded Lawful Pathways and Processes. Paragraph 4 th. 1300 Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS crossing illegally in the hands of smugglers. Homeland Security has implemented a new 1family reunification parole process that has allowed thousands of nationals of Colombia, El-Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Ecuador, whole family members are American citizens or lawful permanent residents and who are the beneficiaries of an approved family-based petition, to travel to the United States. It was an initiative for the family reunification parole processes, making it possible for the petitioners from Cuba and Haiti. Throughout this, coordination between Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, and private agencies, southwest border management has been tightened by the U.S. Customs and Immigration. It has thus secured and increased 2Border Patrol staffing in over a decade with 300 additional Agents added in Fiscal Year 2023 and funding Fiscal Year 2024 that would raise that to as many as 2000 total new agents—deployed hundreds of personnel, support contractors, health providers, and wrap-around services at 11 soft-sided facilities. 3That also included over 2000 non-uniform and contract personnel to return agents to the front-line duties in the past two years. 4U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) modernized its systems to allow for increased removals and returns after May 2023. 5A shared activity shave has been opened with non-profit and local communities to receive noncitizens. 6Public Safety Canada provides federal policy leadership and coordination on various immigration and border issues to ensure that those policies and programs help to facilitate the flow of legitimate trade and travel and ensure that safety and security are obtained. 7 The Government of Canada works to improve the visa processes and modernize programs by centralizing more of its overseas processing in Canada. Overseas visa screening is a key tool in preventing the entry of individuals who threaten Canadians' safety and security and maintaining the integrity of the immigration and refugee systems. Canada has specific requirements for who can and cannot enter Canada and the type of identification they need. 8 The Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) is vigilant in determining the admissibility of individuals by 1 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Expanded Lawful Pathways and Processes. Paragraph 5 th. 2 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Our Dedicated Workforce: The Backbone of Our Security. Paragraph 1 st. 3 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Our Dedicated Workforce: The Backbone of Our Security. Paragraph 1st. 4 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Global Collaboration: A Key Strategy in Reducing Irregular Migration. Paragraph 2nd 5 Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration and Mobilize International Partnerships. Global Collaboration: A Key Strategy in Reducing Irregular Migration. Paragraph 2nd 6 Immigration Enforcement. Paragraph 1st. 7 Immigration Enforcement. Admissibility to Canada. Paragraph 1st. 8 Immigration Enforcement. Admissibility to Canada. Paragraph 2nd. 1301 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS verifying and identifying them and checking for violations of Canadian law. The CBSA also manages the 1'wanted by CBSA program' to enlist the public's help in identifying individuals to execute the warrants for their removal. 2 Citizenship and Immigration Canada, in consultation with CBSA and other federal partners, launched a review of the 3Immigration and Refugee Protection Act in 2010 regarding inadmissibility and related provisions to ensure that immigration and border officials continue to have the tools necessary to maintain the integrity of Canada's immigration system. In this context, 4'The Faster Removal of Foreign Criminals Act' has made for the removal of dangerous foreign criminals and makes it harder for those who pose a risk to Canadians to come to the country while removing barriers for genuine visitors. The government also manages the 5'War Crimes programs' that seek to deny war criminals and officials from designated regimes haven in Canada through visa screening, exclusion from the refugee process, citizens revocation, removal from Canada, criminal investigations and prosecutions. 6In 2013, travellers, students, and cooks from certain visa-required countries and territories were now required to provide their fingerprints and photos taken before arriving in Canada. When the visa holder arrives at the port of entry, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) uses the information to verify that the visa holder is the person to whom the visa was issued and to determine if they are admissible to Canada. Using 7biometrics strengthens the integrity of Canada's immigration policy by helping prevent known criminals, failed refugee claims and those deported in the past from using different identities to obtain visas. 8Biometrics also make legitimate travel easier by readily confirming identity. Privatization protection is a primary concern for the Government of Canada. Applicants' Personal information will be used, retained, shared and disposed of according to Canada's privacy legislation. 9On December 15, 2012, the changes to the immigration and refugee protection system under the Protecting Canada's Immigration System Act (Bill C-31)10 and the 11 Balanced Refugee Reform Act were implemented. 12Canada introduces a major reformation to its refugee status determination system to deliver faster decisions and remove unsuccessful refugee claimants. These reformations include measures to strengthen the 1 Immigration Enforcement. Admissibility to Canada. Paragraph 2nd. Immigration Enforcement. Admissibility to Canada. Paragraph 3rd. 3 Immigration Enforcement. Admissibility to Canada. Paragraph 3rd. 4 Immigration Enforcement. Admissibility to Canada. Paragraph 4th. 5 Immigration Enforcement. Admissibility to Canada. Paragraph 5th. 6 Immigration Enforcement. Biometrics in Immigration. Paragraph 1st. 7 Immigration Enforcement. Biometrics in Immigration. Paragraph 1st. 8 Immigration Enforcement. Biometrics in Immigration. Paragraph 2nd. 9 Immigration Enforcement. Refugee Reform. Paragraph 1st. 10 Immigration Enforcement. Refugee Reform. Paragraph 1st. 11 Immigration Enforcement. Refugee Reform. Paragraph 1st. 12 Immigration Enforcement. Refugee Reform. Paragraph 2nd. 2 1302 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS immigration system by reducing identity fraud using biometric data such as fingerprints and photos in the 1 Temporary Resident Program. The new legislation also has taken initiatives to address irregular arrivals and smuggling. The Balances 2Refugee Reform Act and the 3Protecting Canada's asylum system included enduring fairness, protecting genuine refugees and upholding Canada's humanitarian tradition. Migration in the Indian subcontinent is different. 4People from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, The Islamic Republic of Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka have been shaped by major migratory movements in the sub-region and globally. 5International labour migration has been spared throughout this region as a major labour supplier. The number of displaced persons and the population of refugees has also increased. The sub-region has been seriously affected by the pandemic. India accounts for most of both sub-region's infections and deaths, followed by the Islamic Republic of Iran with nearly 62.6 million cases. It has also been affected in Pakistan and Bangladesh, with an estimated 7845,833 and 769,160. In most countries, testing has been shallow, raising questions about the available data's reliability. Migration has been done for many reasons, such as major political events. 8After the independence of India in 1947, about five million Hindus and Sikhs left Pakistan for India, and about six million Muslims moved to Pakistan from India. decolonization also triggered large flows from India to the United Kingdom. After that, many issues have occurred in Southern Asian countries due to the displacement of people. 9 By mid-year 2020, an estimated 13.9 million international migrants resided in the sub-region. Of these, the vast majority, an estimated 10.9 million, were from within the sub-region. 10Nearly 43.4 million people live in the subregion, with the most emigrants globally. 11 By the end of 2019, southern Asian countries had hosted nearly 3.6 million refugees and asylum seekers. Irregular migration has occurred within southern Asian countries through smuggling. There are no reliable figures or data, but due to the facilitation of land borders between countries, it has been easier to migrate to each country. 1 Immigration Enforcement. Refugee Reform. Paragraph 2nd. 2 Immigration Enforcement. Refugee Reform. Paragraph 3rd. 3 Immigration Enforcement. Refugee Reform. Paragraph 3rd. 4 Migration Data in Southern Asia. Paragraph 1st. 5 Migration data in Southern Asia. Past and Present Trends in Migration. Labour Migration. Paragraph 1st. 6 Migration data in Southern Asia. Recent Trends. COVID-19. Paragraph 1st. 7 Migration data in Southern Asia. Recent Trends. COVID-19. Paragraph 1st. 8 Migration data in Southern Asia. Past and Present Trends in Migration. Major Political Events. Paragraph 1st. 9 Migration data in Southern Asia. Recent Trends. Paragraph 3rd. 10 Migration data in Southern Asia. Recent Trends. Paragraph 3rd. 11 Migration data in Southern Asia. Recent Trends. Paragraph 3rd. 1303 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS Conclusion: The feature question is how immigration policy has been accepted by both federal and local government and their police system to control immigration. It has been done through coordination, cooperation, and networking. The United States and Canada have been great examples of the enforcement system in their immigration program. Millions of people are coming to Canada and the United States, and information about migrations is needed. Similarly, migration policy has been observed in developing countries in another way. In southern Asian countries, migration has occurred due to displaced migrants, political issues, natural calamities, poverty, labour migrants, etc. Therefore, enforcement initiatives have been taken in other areas by South Asian countries, mainly through India as a regional power and economically advantaged countries in the rest of South Asian countries. Therefore, enforcement initiatives have been taken in developed countries like the United States Department of Homeland Security, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and British Immigration because of millions of migrants yearly. On the other hand, it has been taken differently in Southern Asia, especially by India over overseas citizens. The networking has been made both federal and local, as well as non-governmental services for information about the locality, the information of illegal people, and so on. It is, therefore, an extensive communication process between local, regional, and federal departments for the betterment of the system of immigration, as well as for immigrants. In Canada, the migraine system is evaluated yearly based on occupation demand. Student immigration has changed a lot as well. Many provincial programs have been paused due to housing and employment problems in the country and provinces. Immigration has been affected. Therefore, the scenario of the migration policies has been taken through various ways to regrade its demand, which is citizens' demand due to the security of their everyday lives. A combined networking process has been crafted for such steps and announcements, benefiting citizens and immigrants. Intergovernmental activities, including global cooperation between governments such as the Canadian and the Mexican governments, non-governmental collaboration, and Indian collaboration with South and Southeast Asian countries, have been possible for implementing the enforcement globally. Therefore, it has not only been surrendering within countries but also being the border for the arrests of illegal migrants and smugglers. The development of South Sudan and North Sudan has increased due to many global crises, such as the migration crisis. COVID-19 was a disaster for more illegal migration for the livelihood due to poverty in developing countries. Therefore, border security forces worked hard to control this illegal migration, as well as unlawful migrants inside the countries. References: Fact Sheet: DHS Continues to Strengthen Border Security, Reduce Irregular Migration, and Mobilize International Partnerships | Homeland Security. (2024, June 4). 1304 3. BİLSEL INTERNATIONAL AHLAT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES CONGRESS ICE. (2016). ICE. Immigration Enforcement. (2018, December 21). Immigration, R. and C. C. (2017, November 29). Immigration and citizenship enforcement and violations. India's immigrant crackdown leaves nearly 2 million in limbo. (2020, February 22). PBS NewsHour. Migration data in Southern Asia. (n.d.). Migration Data Portal. Figure 1: enforcement and migration cartoon - Search Images ( 1305