Effect of some heating parameters on volume expansion of borax B. Kahraman and M. Ozel Mining Engineering Dept. and Geophysieal Engineering Dept., respeetively, Dokuz Eylul University, Buea, Izmir, Turkey O.F. Ozguven Eleetrieal & Eleetronies Engineering Dept., Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey T. Batar Mining Engineering Dept., Dokuz Eylul University, Buea, Izmir, Turkey N. Erdogan Ministry of Energy & Natural Resourees, Eleetrieity Generation Co. Ine., Ankara, Turkey Z. Diele, S. Safak and S. Kurt Eleetrieal & Eleetronies Engineering Dept., Mining Engineering Dept. and Department of Statisties, respeetively, Dokuz Eylul University, Buea, Izmir, Turkey Abstract About 70% ofthe world's total boron reserves are located in Turkey. Boron minerals are typically concentrated by attrition scrubbing followed by screening and classification to remove clay minerals and other impurities. These wet concentration methods, however, result in a considerable amount of accumulated tailings in large tailings dams. The tailings are approximately 28% solids and contain 14% B 2 0 3. Problems caused by these tailings can be minimized by employing dry beneficiation techniques involving heat treatment. This method has been successfully tested on laboratory and pilot scales. During heat treatment, borax undergoes expansion in volume. The amount of expansion is dependent on the particle size, temperature and du ration of heat treatment. Because the optimum temperature and the duration of the heat treatment are not weil defined, the boron ore acts as a calcined clay mineral and is discarded along with the gangue. It is important to predict such parameters using mathematical formulations. Thus, a mathematical model is used to predict the required temperature and duration period prior to heat treatment. In the experimental study presented here, aseries of systematic thermal tests was carried out in a muffte furnace. Two variables, temperature and time, were studied in a response surface design. A quadratic regression model was chosen and regression coefficients were calculated. Using a regression equation, the volume expansion of the particles in various circumstances can be predicted. The mathematical test results are then correlated with the experimental results co relate the optimum expansion of borax with heating time and temperature and with borax grades and recoveries. Key words: Calcination, Expansion, Boron minerals Introduction Boron eompounds are essential ingredients in the manufaeture of a variety of industrial produets. Together, Turkey and the United States possess about 90% of the world's boron reserves, with two-thirds ofthese loeated in Turkey (Celik et al. , 1993). Turkey has a total of224 Mtofproven boron reserves, and 339 Mt of probable reserves (Kose et al., 2002; Helvael, 2005). The most eommereially important boron minerals are: • • • • tineal (Na2B40i IOH 20) , eolemanite (Ca28 60 ll '5H 20), ulexite (NaCa8 50 9'8H 20) and kernite (Na2840i4H20). Equally, boron minerals and brines rieh in boron are subjeeted to preeoneentration during the benefieiation proeess. To remove unwanted clay minerals, this step usually eonsists of a serubbing operation. Unfortunately, Paper number MMP-07-024. Original manuscript submitted June 2007. Revised manuscript received and accepted for publication January 2008. Discussion of this peer-reviewed and approved paper is invited and must be submitted to SME Publications Dept. prior to Feb. 28, 2009 . Copyright 2008, Soeiety for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Ine. MINERALS & METALLURGICAL PROCESSING 169 Val. 25, No. 3 • August 2008 ROM Figure 1 - A general flowsheet of processing of tincal ore (borax). because the boron minerals are rather friable, they tend to join the fine fraetions that are lost in the tailings. Thus, those fines discarded as waste usually eontain large amounts of valuable boron minerals. While Turkey provides a substantial percent of the world's eoncentrated boron needs and while Turkey's proeessing plants yield 32% B 20 3 concentrates from 24% B 20 3 tincal ore, the fine tineal tailings eontain from 14% to 18% B 20 3 ,mostly less than 0.2 mmin size (Bataretal., 1995). More than a quarter of a million metric tons of tineal in the saturated brine has now aecumulated in vast tailing ponds, and this is available for a new remediation technology (Akar et al., 2005). For discarded slurries obtained from wet processing methods, new tailing dams are needed every four years, eonsidering a plant life of250 years, the seriousness of the problem is apparent. As a eountry that supplies a great amount of the world's boron eoneentrate, it is essential for Turkey to apply an alternative method. Because tincal mineral is dissolved in water, the reeommended method eannot be included water in any stage of proeessing. Although there are many laboratory, pilot and semi-pilot applieations for the heat treatment of boron, application on an industrial-seale is limited. Heat proeessing of colemanite by deerepitating followed by air tabling has been applied at the Ameriean Borate Corporation near Lathrop Wells, Nevada (Miles, 1973; Wilson et al., 1975; Smith and Walters, 1980). Other industrial-scale borax production is from rasorit (kernit), known as eommercial boron in the United States, which eonsists of the precalcination of the rasorit. Produets containing 65% and 46% B 20 3 , wh ich are referred as Rasorit 65 or 46, are marketed after calcination either in powder form or grindable produet (Civelekoglu et al., 1987). In Turkey, researehers have conducted a number of laboratory-scale, pilot-plant-seale and semi-pilot-plant-seale experiments supported by universities with the eooperation of government institutions. Experiments August 2008 • Vol. 25 No. 3 on laboratory-seale applieations were supported by TUBITAK and were performed by Aytekin at al. (1992). The test results showed that a eoneentrate containing about 60% B20 3 with a waste eontaining about 15% B 20 3 eould be obtained from feed assaying 26% B 20 3 (Aytekin et al., 1992). In a study on a semipilot-scale application carrled out by Akdag et al. ( 1993), a 54.8 % B20 3 eoneentrate with a 16.4% B 20 3 waste was achieved from a tineal ore assaying 26% B 20 3 . In pilot-seale studies, 52.67% and 56.63% B 20 3 eoneentrates were obtained from eolemanite ores eontaining 30.49% and 31.80% B 20 3 , respectively, by means of heat treatment (Buyuran and Ylldmm, 1984). All experimental studies carried out by various researchers have nearly followed the same flowsheet shown in Fig. 1. Etimaden Klrka Borax Enterprise, wh ich is the first industrial-scale heat proeessing application in Turkey, produeed 500 t of ealcined concentrate in 2006. A coneentrate assaying 56% B 20 3 was produced with a tailings containing 11 % to 14% B 20 3 . Therefore, with a high B 20 3 eoncentrate final product and a low B 20 3 waste, this environmentally friendly method is expeeted to be applied to ulexite and eolemanite ores, whieh are eurrently concentrated using wet methods. It is expeeted that the ideal ealcination parameters for the production of tineal coneentrate will be determined as the wet methods are abandoned. Because the expansion eharacteristies of ulexite and eolemanite ores during heat proeessing are totally different than that of tineal, the results of this study cannot be applied to boron minerals such as ulexite and eolemanite. The majority of boron minerals exist in the hydrated form and they lose their water of crystallization on heating to a certain temperature. Boron minerals undergo different alterations when subjected to different temperatures. As eolemanite undergoes deerepitation, another boron mineral of eommercial importance, ulexite, exhibits shrinkage under heat treatment with no significant fragmentation (Sener et al., 1992; Batar, 1996; Batar et al., 1998). Tineal deserves special attention beeause of the different structure it aequires while loosing its erystal water. Its volume gradually expands and pops up in a manner similar to popcorn. Solids expand in all directions and volume expansion depends on the change in temperature, the original volume and the type of substance (Celik et al., 1998). This behavior may allow for the separation of gangue minerals,mainly montmorillonite-type clays and carbonates from lineal. The literature on the proeessing of boron minerals is vast, but a mathematical interpretation of the volumetrie changes of the expanded tincal particles exposed to thermal treatment is not mentioned. A mathematical expression is needed for multiple independent variables affecting the volumetrie expansion of the tineal partieles treated with heat at different times and temperatures . Of those applications, multiple regressions are widely used in the industrial world, partieularly in situations where several input variables potentially influenee some performance measure or quality charaeteristie of the product or proeess. In many areas, either a first-order or a second-order model has been used. The seeond-order model is very flexible and would likely be useful as an approximation to the true response surfaee in a relatively small region. For this reason, the second-order model will be used to develop an appropriate relationship between the process variables x and Y and the volume expansion z as follows z = ßo + ß,x+ ß2Y+ ß3 X2 + ß4l + ß5XY+E (1) where eis the error term and determines the parameters (the ß's) by the least squares method (Meyers and Montgomery, 1995). 170 MINERALS & METALLURGICAL PROCESSING The model eontaining a seeond-degree funetion derived by the determination of parameters provides volumetrie expansions at different times and temperatures. Equation (1) yields the volume expansion ofthe tineal mineral (NazB40i lOH 20) sized between 25.0 and 12.5 mm (8 g) at any time and any temperature by determining the parameters. The results of ealeined produets of four different fraetions are given in Table 1. The 25.0 to 12.5-mm (8 g) fraetion ealcined data were only used for estimating the regression equation. Similar regression equations ean be obtained eorresponding to the other three fraetions. Thus, it is possible to build the eorrelation among the temperature, time and volume expansion as weIl as for other fraetions. Table 1 - Volume expansion of tineal ore (zi) with respeet to temperature (7j) and time (ti)' Time (t;), Fraction Experimental Samples for the experiments taken from Klrka Borax Works were erushed below 25 mm and then classified by sieving to -25.00+ 12.50, -12.50+9.51 and -9.51 +4.76 mm size fraetions. In the tests, particle groups that have simi1ar shape to a sphere were seleeted and subjeeted to heat treatment. To determine eaeh volumetrie expansion that eorresponds to different heat and time, three different particles with identieal size were used. Subsequently, the particle that was least deformed was taken as the basis. Aseries of heat treatment experiments were performed in a muffte fumaee to determine the ideal ealcination time and temperature. The temperatures for the tests were kept between 200° and 450°C for aIl the size fraetions at time intervals of 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 and 30 minutes to examine the behavior of the borax samples. The results of experiments for the four fraetions are given in Table 1. Beeause of the porous strueture of the ealcined produets, the approximate volumetrie ealculations for the expanded ealcined produets were made using mieronized quartz particles instead of eonventional methods sueh as image analysis, the Arehirnedes Prineiple and nitrogen gas measurement. In the volumetrie determination of expanded ealcined produets, where the surfaee irregularity and roughness ends and the porosity begins is very erueial for eaeh material. Therefore, this material was immersed in the free-ftowing mieronized quartz particles (approximately -30 !Am) with a eertain volume, and the displaeed volume was measured as the volume of the expanded ealcined produet. In the ealcination tests, low temperature and short duration periods were found to be suffieient for the fine particle fraetions but not for the eoarse fraetions. For example, at low temperatures «300°C) and espeeiaIly with smaIl grains sizes, fuIl ealcination is aehieved, and the grade and effieieney rate is therefore high. When using coarser grains sueh as -25.00+ 12 .50 mm, ete., at the same temperature, the inner part of the grains are not affeeted due to insufficient heat. During the heat treatment, higher heat and longer duration of the heat treatment, or inversely, lower heat and shorterduration ofthe heat treatment, the mineral will harden by melting or it will aet as a clay mineral beeause of insuffieient ealcination, respeetively. Images obtained throughout the heat proeess are shown in Fig. 2. It is of great importanee to know the ideal temperature and heat duration beforehand to avoid a ehange in volume eausing exeessive or insufficient ealcination. In ideal ealcination eonditions, borax undergoes an inerease in size, and this enables the dry separation ofborax from its aeeompanying gangue minerals. Determination of the ideal ealcination eonditions takes longer for the different size fraetions. Therefore, it is very important to determine the optimum heat and the optimum duration of heat treatment for a minimum amount of waste. In this study, MINERALS & METALLURGICAL PROCESSING min Temperature (Ti), oe 200 250 300 350 450 0.9 g, 9.51-4.76 mm 5 8 11 14 17 30 0 5 10 10 5 10 15 10 15 15 10 5 20 20 15 10 5 10 30 25 15 10 15 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.8 g, 12.5-9.51 mm 5 8 11 14 17 30 0 10 15 10 20 20 20 15 50 30 20 15 5 30 25 10 20 15 15 25 20 10 5 10 0 0 0 5 5 0 5 5 10 25 15 15 10 20 40 35 40 30 35 25 35 30 20 40 50 10 60 55 65 60 50 5 5 5 15 0 5 5 10 10 25 35 25 25 30 35 45 45 20 30 60 90 50 65 45 35 85 30 70 80 65 5 5 5 25 20 10 5 g, 25-12.5 mm 8 11 14 17 30 8 g, 25-12.5 mm 5 8 11 14 17 30 a quadratie regression model was ereated to find the optimum heat value and duration of heat treatment by eonsidering the data for the 25 to 12.5 mm fraetion. The relationships among volume expansion (Zi) , the duration of heat treatment (t) and the fumaee temperature (T) ean be determined by the equation obtained from the ealculation of the regression eoeffieients of the model developed (Eq. (1». Statistical analysis offitting a second-order model of the volume expansion of the borax mineral In this study, 30 observations involving volume expansion values of borax for the 25.0 to 12.5 mm (8 g) fraetion is eonsidered. The test results are given in Table 2. Table 2 presents the response variables and the data resulting from an investigation into the effeet oftwo variables, time (ti) and temperature (1j). The table eontains values for the eorresponding eoded variables Xi and Yi x; = t; - (maxt; + mint; )/2 (max t; _ min t; ) 12 = t; -17.5 12.5 (2) and Y; = I; - (max I; + min I; ) 1 2 I; - 325 (maxI; -minI;)/2 = 125 (3) where Zi denotes the volume of the particle eorresponding to time (ti) and temperature (T;). 171 Val. 25, No. 3 • August 2008 (e) (b) (a) Figure 2 - Different images of borax particles exposed to heat process: (a) with insufficient calcination time and temperature, (b) at the ideal calcination time and temperature and (c) with excessive calcination time and temperature. Table 2 - Data for calcined borax experiment. Run order 1ime It;), min 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 Temp oe IT;), Process variables x; Y; Z; 200 250 300 350 450 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.0 -0.6 -0.2 0.2 1.0 5 25 30 35 5 8 8 8 8 8 200 250 300 350 450 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -0.76 -1.0 -0.6 -0.2 0.2 1.0 10 30 60 85 5 11 12 13 14 15 11 11 11 11 11 200 250 300 350 450 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -0.52 -1 .0 -0.6 -0.2 0.2 1.0 10 35 90 30 5 16 17 18 19 20 14 14 14 14 14 200 250 300 350 450 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -1.0 -0.6 -0.2 0.2 1.0 25 45 50 70 25 21 22 23 24 25 17 17 17 17 200 250 300 350 450 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04 -1.0 -0.6 -0.2 0.2 1.0 35 45 65 80 20 26 27 28 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 200 250 300 350 450 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 -1.0 -0.6 -0.2 0.2 1.0 25 20 45 65 10 17 August 2008 • Vol. 25 No. 3 In this response surface experiment, two factors (time and temperature) were used . The effects of these factors were studied in a response surface design. First of all, a regression model is fitted for the experimental data given in Table 1 for the 25.0 to 12.5 mm (8 g) fraction. This is a full quadratic model and includes all linear terms, all squared terms and all two-way interactions. Using the coded variables, the model is given as Z; = ß" + ßIX ; + ß2Y; + ß3 X/ + ß4Y/ + ß5 X ;Y; + E; (4) The regression coefficients are obtained as follows Z = 68.665 + 5.47 x - (5) 0.438 y - 19.607 x 2 - 44.075/ - 0.457 xy This can be converted into an equation using the natural variables tj and T; by substituting the relationships in Eqs . (2) and (3), x and t, and Y and T as follows Z; = 68.665 + 5.47 ( t; -17.5) _ 0.438(T; - 325)_ 125 12.5 19.607C;-17.5)2 12.5 _44.075e~-325)2 125 (6) 0.457 ( t; -17.5) (T; - 325) 12.5 125 or Z; = -275.89293 + 4.924456t; + 1.8351344T; 0.12548t;2 - 0.0028208T;2 - 0.OOO29248t;T; (7) The response surface has also been analyzed to see the adequacy of the fitted model and the degree of fit of the error term by using Minitab DOE. The estimated regression coefficients, the analysis of variance and unusual observations for Z are given in Tables 3,4 and 5, respectively. For this model, the Minitab printout is given as: Response Surface Regression: Z versus x;y. The analysis was made using coded units. It is essential to verify the adequacy of the fitted model Z; = 68.67 + 5.47 x; - 0.44 Y; - (8) 19.61x; - 44.08yJ- O.46x;y; 172 MINERALS & METALLURGICAL PROCESSING Table 3 - Estimated regression coefficients for z. eoef SE eoef T p 68.6646 5.4703 -0.4380 -19.6074 -44.0752 -0.4574 5.329 4.173 4.151 6.556 6.084 5.936 12.885 1.311 -0.106 -2.991 -7.244 -0.077 0.000 0.202 0.917 0.006 0.000 0.939 Term Constant x Y x*x y*y x*y •• (a) 99 1! . e CU ~ 50 Q. 10 1 -40 S = 14.45 R-Sq = 72.3% R-Sq(adj) = 66.5% 0 Residual -20 (b) Table 4 - Analysis of variance for z. Source DF Seq 55 Adj. MS F P Regression 5 13,075.3 13,075.3 255.6 Linear 2 366.2 Square 2 12,818.5 12,818.5 Interaction 1.2 1.2 2,615.07 183.12 6,409.24 1.24 12.53 0.88 30.71 0.01 0.000 0.429 0.000 0.939 Residual Error 5,008.8 5,008.8 208.70 29 18,084.2 24 Total Table 5 - Adj 55 o Obs 9 13 14 30 9 13 14 30 "'ijGi: z Fit residual SE fit, Residual St 85.000 90.000 30.000 10.000 51.401 58.795 58.715 9.557 4.674 4.146 4.388 11.793 33.599 31.205 -28.715 0.443 2.46 R 2.25 R -2.09 R 0.05 X 20 0 -20 I -30 -20 -10 0 10 Residual • • -• ••• • •• o 15 20 n 30 • • .•:... 30 45 Fitted Value •60 ••• • (d) 40 R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large influence. No evidence of lack of fit (p '" 0.1). 20 Because an incorrect or under-specified model can result in misleading conclusions. For this quadratic model, the p-value for lack offit is >0.10, suggesting that this model adequately fits the data. It is also seen that the adjusted-R2 is 66.5%, and this can be accepted as a high value for such designs .An adjusted-R2 of 66.5% indicates that the predictors (time and temperature) explain 66.5% ofthe variance in response variable. The error term for this model, S = 14.45, is smaller because the error variability was reduced by the model used. Table 3 gives the coefficients for all terms in the model. The great p-values for the linear terms (p = 0 .202 and p = 0 .917) suggest there is no significant linear effect in the response surface. But the small p-values for the squared terms (p = 0.006 and p = 0.000) suggest there is curvature in the response surface. Small p-values for time squared and temperature squared suggesting these effects may be important. Minitab generates residual plots (Fig. 3) that can be used to examine how weIl the data fit the model. The normal probability plot shows an approximately linear pattern with a norMINERALS & METALLURGICAL PROCESSING I (c) 40 Unusual observation for z. Std order 2 1 40 20 173 -20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Observation Order Figure 3 - Residual plots for z: (a) normal probability plot of the residuals, (b) histogram of the residuals, (c) residuals VS. the fitted values and (d) residuals vs. the order of the data. mal distribution. The plot of residuals versus the fitted values shows that residuals get greater as the fitted values increase, which may indicate the residuals have nonconstant variance. The plot of residuals versus observation order shows that residuals are independent. Vol. 25, No. 3 - August 2008 Conclusions The concentrate grade and recovery of B 2ü 3 increase at the maximum expansion values, while the grade ofB 2ü 3 decreases. Thus, in this study, to lower the amount of tailings produced, a quadratic model was chosen that predicted the applied temperature and duration of the material placed in the oven. With this model, the coefficients and the relation to the volume expansion (z), period of heat treatment (t) and temperature (T) were determined for the fraction of 25.0 to 12.5 mm (8 g). The adequacy of the fitted model and the degree offit ofthe errorterm are regarded as encouraging. Thus, by means ofthis quadratic model it seems possible to predict volume change of a borax particle in the muffle fumace. Determining the similar parameters for any scale fumace, it will be possible to make new modeling.1t is hoped that this procedure will contribute a novel concentration process in the field of tincal beneficiation particularly in Klrka Plant, Turkey. References Akar, A, Mordogan, H., Kemal, M., Batar, T, Kahraman, B., and Helvacl, C., 2005, "Bor Cevherine Uygulanan ISII 1~lemler," I. 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