3 Month Computer Basic Course Syllabus: Table of Content: A) Fundamentals of Computer: 1. Introduction 2. Input / Output & Processing (CPU) 3. Memory Device 4. Types of computers 5. Characteristics of Computer 6. History & Generation 7. Applications of Computer B) Windows XP Overview: 1. Some Basic Terminology & Typing Skills 2. Desktop Settings & Control Panel 3. Ms. DOS 4. Ms. Paint 5. WordPad 6. Accessories & Multimedia C) E-mail & Internet: 1. Introduction 2. E-mail Account & Its Functions 3. Search Engine 4. Surfing WebPages 5. Basics of Social Networking Site Page No. 2 2 4 5 6 7 7 8 13 14 15 17 21 21 23 23 24 24 D) Virus: 1. General Introduction & Antivirus Utilities 25 E) Application Software: 1. Microsoft Word 2. Microsoft PowerPoint 3. Microsoft Excel 26 35 38 F) More: (#Practically Performed activities)  Widows Seven Overview  Burning CD/DVD  Basics of Audio/Video editing  Fundamentals of Hardware & Networking  Formatting Hard disk  Installing Windows Page 1 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course A) Fundamentals of Computer 1. Introduction: The term 'Computer' is derived from the Latin word 'Computar' which means to calculate.         C = Commonly O = Oriented M = Machine P = Properly U = Used for T = Training E = Education R = Research Computer is an electronic machine, that process the input data according to the given instruction & gives output as a result. It also saves the result for future use. Input Process Output 2. Input / Output & Processing of the Computer: INPUT DEVICES Keyboard Mouse Scanner Digital Camera Joystick Pen drive OUTPUT DEVICES Monitor Printer Plotter Page 2 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course PROCESSING OF THE COMPUTER: (CPU) The most essential part of the computer that perform the various operations provided. It is also called the brain of the computer. It is mainly divided into three categories: Arithmetic & logic Unit: It performs all arithmetical as well as logical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication & division. Also it performs the comparison between the entities & thus help in decision making to the computer. Control Unit: It controls the flow of instruction within the system. CU gets the program instruction from memory & executes them one after another. Memory Unit: It saves the instructions that are being executed for the future use. Each instruction takes certain memory for its proper execution. Components of the CPU        Motherboard Hard disk RAM ROM Processor SMPS & Connecting wire UPS      DVD/CD R-W Floppy Drive Modem Graphics Card Sound Card Page 3 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 3. Memory Device  The storing capacity of computer expressed in bytes. Bytes store one character of data. 0.1 4 bits 8 bits 1 bit 1 nibble 1 byte 1 byte 1024 bytes 1024 KB 1 character 1 Kilobyte (KB) 1 Megabyte (MB) 1024 MB 1024 GB 1 Gigabyte (GB) 1 Terabyte (TB) There are mainly two types of memory: Primary Memory: This is the main memory of the computer. This memory is used frequently by the CPU for execution of the instructions. There are again two types of Primary Memory.  RAM: RAM stands for Random Access Memory. Initially every task is stored in RAM & then executed or stored in Hard disk. It is volatile, it stores data temporarily. So no data will remain when the power is switched off. It ranges from 64 MB to 16 GB.  ROM: ROM stands for Read Only Memory. It is a programming chip, where all the system information are recorded & can't be changed. Its types are PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, etc. It is nonvolatile. Secondary Memory: These are the storage devices & are used to save the programs files permanently. There are different types of Secondary Memory. They are:  Hard disk (ranges from 40 GB to 1 TB)  Floppy disk (1.44 MB)  CD (720MB), DVD (4.7 GB, 8.5 GB)  Blue ray Disc (25 GB, 40 GB)  Pen Drive (ranges from 128 MB to 256 GB) Magnetic Tapes, Zip disk, etc. Page 4 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 4. Types of Computers: ON THE BASIS OF WORKING:  Analog computer  Digital computer  Hybrid computer (Digital + Analog) ON THE BASIS OF SIZE:      Mainframe computer Mini computer Super computer Work station Micro computer  Desktop computer  Laptop computer  Palmtop computer  Network computer ON THE BASIS OF BRAND:  IBM PC  IBM compatible  Apple/ Macintosh ON THE BASIS OF PROCESSING:      XTI 8086 & 8088 processor AT 286 AT 386 AT 486 Pentium I, II, III,IV Page 5 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 5. Characteristics of Computer:  SPEED AND ACCURACY Computer performs complex calculation at a very high speed. Computer takes a few micro/nano second to execute an operation. Fraction of a second: 1 millisecond= 1/1000 of second 1microsecond= 1/1000000 of a second 1 nanosecond= 1/000000000 of a second 1 Pico second= 1/1000000000000 of a second Computer always gives 100% actual outputs (result), if the user provides correct Input and Instructions .If any mistake occurs in any calculation they are due to manual error but not of computer. Since it is100% accurate, it is reliable.  STORAGE Computer can store a huge amount of data for the future use in auxiliary device like floppy disk, hard disk or compact disk. The storing capacity of computer is expressed in bytes. Normally one byte stores one character of data. 0.1 4 bits 8 bits 1 bit 1 nibble 1 byte 1 byte 1024 bytes 1024 KB 1 character 1 Kilobyte (KB) 1 Megabyte (MB) 1024 MB 1024 GB 1 Gigabyte (GB) 1 Terabyte (TB)  VERSITALITY: Computers are being used in different fields such as offices, school, hospital, etc. to perform various tasks. Versatile means ability to perform various tasks & computer can capable to do so. A computer can process any kind of data.  DILLIGENCE: It is a capacity of performing repeated operation without any tiredness & any mistakes. A computer is capable of performing the required tasks continuously with the same speed, accuracy & efficiency without any error. Page 6 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 6. HISTORY & GENERATION OF COMPUTER It took thousands of years for the computer to develop in to the present state. Earlier the process of computing was done by counting with their own figures, stones & through scratches on the sand or walls. But this idea is only for the counting of small entities. So later, various types of computing devices such as ABACUS, Napier's bone slide rule, diffence engine, lady Augusta Ada Lovelace, etc. On the processing of previous calculating machines & continuous development on them, makes modern computer come to this stage. Generations of Computer  First generation of computer (1946 to 1958) i. ii. iii. iv. v. Vacuum tubes are used to electronic circuit Storage capacity was limited (1kb to 4kb) Slow processing (millisecond) High voltage needed up to 150000 volts. large in size (51002 feet) i. ii. iii. iv. Transistor were used processing speed was faster Smaller in size(512 feet) Input and output device were faster VLSI and micro processer are used processing speed is very high Giga bytes very smaller size input and output devices were versatile  5 th generation of computer (1990 to incomplete…) i. ii. iii. iv.  3 generation of computer (1965 to 1974) rd i. processing speed is faster than second generation minicomputer were in produced during this generation Storage capacity in measured in mega byte.  4th generation of computer (1975 to 1990  2 nd generation of computer (1959 to 1964) i. ii. iii. iv. ii. iii. iv. ICs were used in place of transistor Intelligent processing Easy human computing computer will understand natural language They have artificial intelligence. 7. Applications Of Computer: Now a days, it is difficult to find the field or the criteria in which there is no use of computer. Directly or indirectly there is vast use of computer. However some of the major fields of Computers are given below: Personal use, School & College Graphic designing, Audio/ Video mixing, Entertainment, Design & Modeling. Satellites & Networking System, Research Center, Hospitals, Banks & other offices, National & Multinational organizations, Robotics, Page 7 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course B) Windows XP Overview 1. Some Basic Terminology:                      AC ALU CD-RW BIOS CPU FDD HDD MS MS-DOS PC ROM RAM DVD CU ISP WWW LCD NTFS USB XT AT : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Alternating current Arithmetic and logical unit compact disk re-writable basic input and output system central processing unit floppy disk drive hard disk drive Microsoft Microsoft disk operating system personal computer read only memory random access memory digital video disk control unit internet service provider world wide web liquid crystal display network transfer file system universal serial bus extended technology advanced technology FIG: Windows XP Page 8 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Types of keys of the board Alpha et ke s = A, B …) Number keys = 0, 1, 2...9 Fu tio ke s = F , F …F “pe ial ke s = Del, Alt, Ctrl…… Function of keys Caps lock: - It is used to make the alphabets capital or small. When it is pressed on it gives capital alphabets and when it is off it gives small alphabets. In case of Nepali font it shows half character, when it is on. Enter: - It is used to break the lines, paragraph or columns. Shift: - it is used to display capital and small alphabets by holding shift we can bring changes in the character. Tab: - It is used to give long space between two character and words Space bar: - It is used to give space between two character and word. Back space: - It is used to remove character at the back of the cursor. Delete: - It is used to remove character at the right of the cursor. End: - It is used to move the cursor at the end of the line. Home: - It is used to move the cursor at the beginning of the line. Page up: - It is used to move the cursor one page up. Page down: - It is used to move the cursor one page down. Esc: - It is used to cancel any job function. Num lock: - It is used to lock and unlock the numeric pad. Alt + ctrl: - For special purposes only Arrows: - There are 4arrow keys Down arrow: - It is used to move the one line down UP arrow: - it is used to move the one line up Right: - It is used to move the cursor one character right Left arrow: - It is used to move the cursor one character left. Page 9 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course  How TO START THE COMPUTER IN MS-WINDOWS MODE?     SWITCH on the electric(AC) power supply. Switch on the volt guard or UPS(uninterrupted power supply) Turn on the power switch of the CPU Turn on the power switch of the monitor Just wait few minutes when computer display windows environment.  HOW TO SHUTDOWN THE COMPUTER     o o o  Save and close all the programs Click on start menu Click on Turn off computer Then you will see: Stand by shut down re-start Click on Turn off Just wait few minutes, your computer will automatically shutdown. Some basic terms related to start button  Start button: It is the especial button, is used to start almost all of the programs based on the windows. When you click the start button, you will see a menu, which contains everything you need to begin using windows.  Program: It display a list of program's name and program group that can be directory used  Document: It displays a list of 15 files, which are recently created or opened.  Setting: It displays a list of system component's, which lets you to change the configuration as your requirement.  Find: It provides online help  Run: It helps to run any program by browsing the location and also used to setup any new program.  Shut down: It enables you to shutdown or restarts your computer  Log off: It enables your close the multi user's desktop setting Basic terms related to windows  Desktop: It is the background area of windows on which windows on which windows, icon, menu and dialog box appear. Page 10 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course  Icon: Icon is the graphical presentation of the computer's items. Desktop icons are those icons, which remains on the desktop.  Taskbar: Taskbar is the grey horizontal line location at the bottom of the desktop with start button and indicators. It is especially used for switching between opened programs and folders. Typing Skills: The keyboard we use is QUERTY Keyboard. The figure is given below: For simplicity on typing we accept the following rule: # (Left Hand __ Right Hand) Number Keys ~ l 1 r 2 m 3 i 4 i 5 i 6 i 7 i 8 m 9 m 0 r r = l Top Keys Q l W r E m R i T i Y i U i I m O r P l [ l ] l Home Keys A l S r D m F i G i H i J i K m L r ; l ' l Bottom Keys Z l X r C m V i B i N i M i , m . r / l \ l \ l Here: 1. l = little finger 4. m = middle finger 2. r = right finger 3. i = index finger # space key is pressed by thumb finger. Page 11 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course  HOW TO ENTER INTO TYPING PROGRAM : TYPSHALA Click on start button  Program  Typshala or, Click on start button  Run & then type typeshala.exe on the box & press enter key. or, Double click on desktop icon of Typshala. & typshala will appear like in figure below: Now choose you key Tab (Home, Top, Bottom , All) Also choose Level & language. ( Options  Fonts  Ka tipur/Khaki…  Press Enter Key) # If you want Free typing Then: Click on Free button  Typing button & “tart T pi g….! Page 12 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 2. Desktop Setting & Control Panel: For Desktop Setting: Right Click on Desktop Click on properties. Or, Start  Control Panel  Display Then the following box will occur. Here: Themes: Changes the current theme on desktop Desktop: Changes the wallpapers or fill color on background of desktop Screen Saver: Apply screen saver using photo slideshow, text, flag, ribbons, etc. Appearance: Just as Themes, but only changes the outlook for windows & have more customizable option. Setting: Using this features, resolution & refresh rate of the monitor can be adjusted. For Control Panel On category view: Changing keyboard setting: Start  Control Panel  Keyboard Changing Mouse Setting: Start  Control Panel  Mouse Changing Time & Date: Start  Control Panel  date & Time Page 13 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course  Organization files and folders: You can organize the files and folders by using the My computer icon from the desktop.  Creating a new folder: 1. Double-click My computer and then double-click the disk drive or folder in which you want to place the new folder. 2. On the file menu, Select New Folder or right click on mouse --> new --> folder 3. Type the name of the folder and then press enter  Coping or moving a file or folder: select the item click on edit --> click copy or move open folder on which you want to copy the selected item click --> edit --> paste  Deleting the file or folder: Choose the file or folder direct press delete from keyboard click on yes, if confirmation is asked.  Renaming a file or folder: click the right mouse button on selected item click on rename & write a new name press enter key.  Recycle bin: It consists of the deleted item for recovery. We can restore the accidently deleted item form recycle bin. Or we can delete permanently delete any file from recycle bin  Start button: Right click on taskbar  properties  choose your option from dialog box Click on start tab for changing the start button interface. 3. Ms DOS Ms DOS: Microsoft Disk operating System. It is a popular operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is an TUI (Text user Interface). All commands & correct syntax has to keep in mind & all are in text form. Some of the common commands are described below:      dir: used to open & display any directory (folder) time: displays current time  c:\>time date: displays today's date  c:\>date cls: makes the screen clear  c:\>cls copy: allows user to copy file in different location c:\>copy aaa d:  c:\>dir  c:\>copy aaa bbb or Page 14 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course       del |erase: it delete the files  c:\>del aaa md: makes a new directory  c:\>md ram cd: change any folder to directory  c:\>cd ram rd: remove directory  c:\>rd ram ver: displays the version of MS-DOS  c:\>ver exit: close the DOS mode  c:\>exit 4. Ms. Paint:  Starting System 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on start button. Choose program. Choose accessories. Choose paint and click on it, or, Click on start Button. Click on Run. Type Mspaint inside the box. Click on Ok. To show| hide Tools, Color box, Status bar: 1. Go to View menu. 2. Enable or disable required options by clicking at once. Saving your work: To close and exit from Wordpad After finishing your work, After finishing your work, 1. Go to file menu. 1. Go to file menu. 2. Click on save. 2. click on close. Or, Direct press Ctrl + S key. Or, Direct press Alt + f4 key. 3. Then, click on yes, if you want to save and click on No, if you don't want to save. Page 15 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Go to image menu  stretch/skew  define needed value  ok To open the stored file: 1. Go to file menu. 2. Click on open, Direct press Ctrl + O key. Then, Open dialog box will appear. 3. Type the required file name at file name box or, direct choose the required file, which you want to open.  To set the bitmap as desktop wallpaper: Go to file menu  click on Set as wallpaper  then selected bitmap will appear in your desktop.  To edit color: 4. Click on open. Go to option menu  choose edit color  choose the color  click on Ok. To get new document:  Print: 1. Go to file menu. 2. Click on new. Or, Direct press Ctrl + N key. Go to file menu  print. Then, New dialog box will appear. 3. Choose required document type. 4. Click on ok.  Importing existing image: Go to edit menu  click on paste  paste from dialog box  choose reqd. image file  open.  To flip or rotate: Select the reqd. figure  go to image menu  click on flip/ rotate  give your option & click on Ok.  To stretch or skew the image: Page 16 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 5. WordPad  To start WordPad: 1. Start  Programs  Accessories  WordPad or, 2. Start  run  type WordPad & press enter.  To show/hide Toolbar, format bar, ruler, status bar: 1. Go to view menu. 2. Put or remove the tick mark from required above items.  To save the document first time: 1. Go to file menu. 2. Click on either or save As. Or, _direct click on save icon on Toolbar. Or, _ Direct press Ctrl+ s key. Then, save as dialog box will appear. 3. Give required file name. 4. Click on save.  Methods for selecting the text: 1. One word = Double click any where inside the required word. 2. One paragraph = Triple click any where inside the required paragraph. 3. One line = single click just in front of required line. 4. Required text: Click the left mouse button either in initial or final point of the text and drag it up to destination and release it. 5. Whole document = Press ctrl+A key. Or, go to edit menu and click on select all.  Deleting required text: 1. First select required text. Page 17 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 2. Then press either Delete or, Backspace key.  Saving your work: After finishing your work, 1. Go to file menu. 2. Click on save. Or, Direct click on save icon on the toolbar. Or, Direct press Ctrl + S key.  To close and exit from WordPad After finishing your work, 1. Go to file menu. 2. Click on close. Or, Direct click on close button of the program. Or, Direct press Alt + f4 key. 3. Then, click on yes, if you want to save and click on No, if you don't want to save.  To open the stored file: 1. Go to file menu. 2. Click on open button at toolbar (Standard toolbar) Or, Direct press Ctrl + O key. Then, Open dialog box will appear. 3. Type the required file name at file name box or, direct choose the required file, which you want to open. 4. Click on open.  To get new document: 1. Go to file menu. 2. Click on new. Or, direct click on new button at standard toolbar. Or, Direct press Ctrl + N key. Then, new dialog box will appear. 3. Choose required document type (either Word 6 document or Rich text document or, text document). 4. Click on ok.  Changing Font ,Size and Font color: 1. First select required text. 2. Then click on dropdown arrow of Font size and Font color tool on the format bar. 3. Select required font, size, and Color from the dropdown list. Or, Page 18 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 1. Select the required text. 2. Go to Format menu. 3. Click on font. Then Font dialog box appear: 4. Choose required font, font size and font color. 5. Click on ok.  To change the text appearance/style: 1. First select the required text. 2. Then direct click on B, I, U icon on the format bar as per required. Or, 3. Direct press: Ctrl + B= bold, Ctrl+ I =Italic, Ctrl +U = Underline Or, 1. Go to Format menu. 2. Click on Font. 3. Choose Bold, Italic, Bold & Italic as per required. 4. But, in case of Underline, put the tick mark on Underline. 5. Click on Ok  Undo/redo 1. Click on edit --> undo (to remove changes) 2. Click on edit --> redo (to attain changes)  Alignment: Alignment is a position of text on a paper. There are 3 types of alignment in WordPad. 1. Left Alignment. 2. Center Alignment. 3. Right Alignment. Methods: 1. Select the required text. 2. Direct click on alignment icon on format bar. Or, Ctrl+ L= for Left Alignment Ctrl+ E= for Centre Alignment Ctrl+ R= for Right Alignment Or, 1. Go to Format menu 2. Click on paragraph. Page 19 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 3. Click on dropdown arrow of alignment. 4. Choose required one. 5. Click on Ok.  Replacing text: 1. Go to Edit menu. 2. Click on replace Or, direct press Ctrl+H key. 3. Then type the required word, which you want you want to replace at find what box. 4. Click on replace all.  Inserting Current date & time 1. Click on insert 2. click on date & time  cut/copy & paste 1. select the item to be copy or cut. 2. click on edit 3. click on cut or copy for the selected item if you want to paste that item, then click to paste from edit  To print documents: 1. click on file 2. click on print 3. choose your printer & then click on print.  some useful shortcuts: ctrl+N open new document ctrl+O open saved documents ctrl+S save the current documents ctrl+C copy the selected item ctrl+X cut the selected item ctrl+V paste the selected item ctrl+Z undo changes ctrl+Y redo changes ctrl+P print documents Page 20 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 6. Accessories & Multimedia: Media Player: Click on start button Program  Accessories  Multimedia  Media player Go to file menu  open  browse  choose CD or any drive to choose reqd. media files to play. Click on open  ok Calculator: Click on start button  Program  Accessories  Calculator Recording Sound: Click on start button  Program  Accessories  Multimedia  Sound recorder C) Internet & E-mail: (We will go practically along every section individually.) 1. Some Basic Terminology: o o o o o o o http: hypertext markup language www: world wide web Kbps: Kilobyte per second Mbps: Megabyte per second Server: main computer in the network Client: sub-computer that are networked to server. E-mail: electronic mail Internet is the world's largest network in the world that has made the communication easy around entire globe. Now days, internet is so popular that it becomes basic need of human beings. It can be used not only in PC but in some of the mobile Page 21 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course phones, ITV, digital vehicles, etc. We all peoples can share our ideas around this whole planet & also get the news & information more accurate & fast. Some of the common features of Internet are: Sending & Receiving mails, Listen radio, watch video & TV programs, Chat with anybody arou d orld, Edu atio , E tertai e t & Ga es, Ne s & a ore… For internet surfing we need a PC or mobile, modem, cable line & Internet browser software. To access internet we need some browsers such as Internet Explorer (IE), Opera, Firefox, K-melon, etc. However Internet Explorer & Firefox are the most used browsers in the world. To open any website: Click on start  Programs  Internet Explorer Type address of webpage on the Address bar & press enter.  E-Mail is the most widely used futures on the Internet. You can exchange any massage with people around the world by using e-mail. Even with the multimedia excitement of the wed, electronic mail is the most frequently used application of the internet. Many people who have access to the internet at school, and work, use the internet for no other purpose then to send and receive email. An example of webpage: Page 22 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 2. E-mail Account & its functions: E-mail Account can be made by signing up with some e-mail service provider, a form is filled & accept the agreement. We will study this section practically. E-mail address:E-mail address is the location of individual's mail box on the internet. Email address consists of two parts which is separated by @ (at the rate) symbol. User name & Domain name For ex. [email protected] Features of e- mail 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. sending mail Receiving mail Forwarding mail Storing mail Deleting mail Printing mail # There are many free e-mail service providers such as:,,, etc. The process of making e-mail account & differ according as the service provider. There are mainly four location of inside the e-mail account. 1. Inbox: it contains receiving mail 2. Outbox: when we send mail then it will store at outbox folder at first 3. send items: after sending mail offer connecting your computer to the internet then it will store sent items folder 4. Deleted items: when we delete any unwanted mail them it will store at deleted items folder. 3. Search engines: These are the website that are loaded with each & every type of database in the main server. So they makes our search fast & accurate. Some of the common ex. of search engines are: Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, etc Page 23 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course 4. Surfing WebPages: There is a list of most popular websites till date. Write these addresses on Address bar & watch. Basics of social Networking site: Social Networking sites are the most popular sites of today's world. Over 2,000,000,000 users use these sites. We can make new friends, find old as well as new friends & also chat with them. And the pictures & videos can also be uploaded so as to share them with this whole world. e.g.,,,,,,, etc. Page 24 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course D) Virus:  Introduction:  What is computer virus? Virus is a program that has been coded to cause problems on someone else computer. Viruses may cause data to be lost or corrupted. A virus is usually passed from computer on floppy disk or pen drive or internet. Virus is defined as the program inserted into another program. It gets activated by its host program. It replicates itself and spread to other.        Some of the common virus activities are as follows: The computer may not boot The window may crash Data may automatically delete. The size & format of the file may change The computer becomes slow Computer perform wrong data & instructions      How to save computer from Viruses: Computer must be kept in safe & clean place with optimum temperature Floppy disk or pen drive must be carefully used. A strong antivirus must be installed & update regularly using internet. Don't use others pen drive until you are sure that there is no virus.  Antivirus Utilities: There are many antiviruses like Avira, Norton, Kaspersky, K7, Panda, Avast, etc. # Their way of usage is different according to different version & product. So we go on practically. Page 25 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course MS-Word Application File Name: winword.exe Extension Name: doc Introduction Ms-Word is an advanced word processing program, developed by Microsoft Corporation USA. It is a family member of Ms-Office group. With the help of this program we can create any type of documents report, thesis, designing & news paper etc. It also save the document for future use with revision facility.  How to load Ms-Word? Click on start menu Choose program Click on Ms-Word File Menu New ( Ctrl+N) :- To create a new blank document. Go to file menu Click on new command Click on blank document Open( Ctrl+O) :- To open saved file. Go to file menu Click on open button Then display small dialog box. Choose required file Click on open button Page 26 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Save( Ctrl+S) :- To save current document for future use, Go to file menu Click on save command Then display small dialog box, Type file name Click on save button Save as command :- To change file name & its location Go to file menu Click on save as Choose target location to change file position Type another name to change file name Click on save button. Page Setup :- To fixed pages properties. Go to file menu Click on page setup Then display page setup dialog box, Choose margin & fixed page margin Choose paper size When finish page setting, click on Ok Close (Alt+F4):- This command is used to close opened file. Go to file menu Click on close Print (Ctrl+P):- This command is used to print document on paper by the help of printer. Page 27 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course At first ready your document Keep paper inside the printer Go to file menu Click on printer Choose printer Choose no of copies Choose pages Click on print button. Edit Menu Undo(Ctrl+z) :- To cancel some recently working document. Go to edit menu Click on Undo Cut(Ctrl+X) :- To create original clipboard from selected text & objects. Select text or object Go to edit menu Click on cut command Copy( Ctrl+C) :- To create duplicate clipboard from selected text. Select text or object Go to edit menu Click on copy Paste( Ctrl+V) :- This command is used to Paste Clipboard in particular place. Keep the cursor in required place Go to edit menu Click on paste command Page 28 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Special Paste :- In this command we can paste special effect. Select required text Go to edit menu, Click on Cut or copy command Again Go to edit menu Click on paste special Choose any option (Picture) Click on ok Replace: - Using this command we can replace required text in selected place. Go to edit menu Click on replace command Type target text in find what criteria. Also type required text in replace criteria Click on replace button View Menu Page Number: - This command allows adding page number on the document. Go to insert menu Click on page number Choose position of page for page number Click on OK Date & Time :- This command is used to insert current date & time on the document. Go to insert menu Click on Date & Time Choose any format Click on OK Auto Text :- Using this command we can add automatic text set in the document. Go to insert menu Click on auto text Choose any required text Page 29 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Symbol :- This command is apply to insert symbolic text from symbolic page. Keep cursor in required place Go to insert menu Click on symbol Choose any required symbol Click on insert button Click on close button Picture :- Using this command we can insert different type of picture. Go to insert menu Click on picture Choose any option which you want If choose from file, computer display dialog box with picture file Choose required picture file Click on insert button File :- To insert another file in the current document Keep the cursor in required place Go to insert menu Click on file, then display dialog box Choose required file Click on insert button Format Menu Font :- Using this command we can change font size, style & font effects. Select your text Go to format menu Click on font Then display font dialog box, Choose any one option what you want Click on OK Page 30 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Bullets & Numbers :- To format our selected text with bulleting & numbering. Select required text Go to format menu Click on format menu Click on bullet & numbers Choose any bullets Click on OK Border & Shading :- This option is used to applying borders in the pages. Go to format menu Click on borders and shading command Choose page border tab Choose any border Click on OK Columns :- Using this command we can divide our document page into column wise. Select your page Go to format menu Click on columns command Then display small dialog box, Choose column number click on OK Change Case :- Using this option we can change our document in different case. Select your text line Go to format menu Click on change case Choose any one case Click on OK Background :- This command is used to change background color of pages. Page 31 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Go to format menu Click on background Choose any color Tools Menu Spelling & Grammar :- This command is used to check spelling error & grammar. Go to tools menu Click on spelling & grammar command Then display dialog box Choose right word Click on change button Word Count:-This command is used to counting word of documents. Select required text Go to tools menu Click on word count Then display dialog with result. Protect Document: - Using this command we con not modify file only read documents. Go to tools menu Click on protect document Then display dialog box. Click on forms Type password, Click on OK Again type same password Click on OK Latter & Mailing: - In this command we can easily join particular letter in different address. At first type your letter Go to tool menu Click on letter & mailing & choose mail merge wizard Page 32 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Select letter option & click on next Choose Use the urre t do u e t & li k o Choose T pi g a e list Cli k o reate… The displa e t e address list dialog o , Click on OK Type required address Click on customize button & fixed address list Click on OK Type required address Click on new button to entry more address Click on close button Type name to save address list Click on save button Click on OK Then display letter & mailing toolbars Cli k o ^^^^ I sert erge field i o Choose field, Click on insert button Click on close button Click on ^^^^merge to new document tool icon Table Menu Draw Table :- Using this command we can draw require table. Go to table menu Click on draw table Now drawing your image by using toolbars. Insert: - This command is used to insert defined table in the document. Go to table menu Click on insert Click on table Page 33 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Then display small dialog box, Define number of row & column Click on ok. Delete: - This command is used to remove table from document. Select table Go to table menu Click on delete Choose table Merge cells: - This command is used to join two or more cells each other. Select required cells Go to table menu Click on merge cells Formula: - This command is used to apply formula on the calculation. Keep the cursor, where you want Go to table menu Click on formula Choose required formula Click on OK **************************MS-WORD END************************** Page 34 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course MS-Power point Application File Name: Powerpnt.exe Extension Name: .ppt Introduction: Ms-Power point is the presentation package. This application software is developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is used to make slideshow, design, & formatting, set animation, sound in particular slide. This is mostly use in display project overview, display program on monitor or projector. How to open Power Point? Go to start menu Choose program Click on power point  How to create slide? Click on slide Type required text  How to create duplicate slide? Select slide Go to Insert menu Click on duplicate slide  How to remove slide from presentation? Select slide which you want to remove Go to edit menu Click on delete slide  How to remove slide object? Select slide Go to edit menu Click on clear  How to arrange slides? Go to view menu Page 35 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Click on slide sorter This display slide sorter window,         Hold mouse & drag up to target place. How to display slide in full screen? Go to view menu Click on slide show How to change slide color? Select slide Click on color/grayscale Choose any color style How to show/ hide line from slide? Go to view menu Click on grid & guides Select display grid on screen Click on OK How to add new slide in the presentation? Go to insert menu Click on new slide How to add slide number? Go to insert menu click on slide number Select slide number Click on apply button How to insert slide from another file? Go to insert menu Click on slide from file Choose require file Click on insert button How to insert movies & sounds slide in current slide? Go to insert menu Click on movies & sounds Choose movies from file Choose any one movies file Click on OK How to Change slide design? Page 36 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Go to format menu Click on slide design Choose any design  How to change slide layout? Select required slide Go to format menu Click on slide layout Choose any one layout what you want.  How to change slide background color? Select slide Go to format menu Click on background Choose any color what you want.  How to displaying presentation with continuous? Go to slide show menu Click on setup show Then display setup show dialog box, Choose Loop o ti uousl u til Es Click on OK  How to add custom animation in the slide object? Select object or text Go to slide show menu Click on custom animation Click on custom animation Click on add effect button Choose a optio e tra e, e phasis… Choose any one effects  How to add effect when slide transition? Select slide menu Click on slide transition Choose any one effect Speed, sound & select automatically after *********************MS-POWER POINT END******************** Page 37 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course MS-Excel Application file name: excel.exe Extension Name: xls Introduction Ms- Excel is one of the DBMS Software. It manipulates and manages the database in very well manner. It provides the sophisticated tool for calculating, projecting and analyzing numeric data & presenting the result in professional quality documents & chart. Excel, for that matter any spreadsheet essentially comprises of row & column. Inter section of row & column is called cell. Work Book: - A work book is the main document of excel. By default a work-book has three work-sheet, we can add more work-sheets. Work sheet:-A work-sheet is the working document of excel. It has an electronic sheet where calculation & operation are performed. The worksheet has 256 column & 65536 rows. How to load Ms-Excel Go to start menu Click on program Click on Microsoft Excel To setting print area Select required cell range Go to file menu Click on print area Click on set print area Click on clear print area to remove print area Page 38 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course To remove sheets element. Select required cell range Go to edit menu Click on clear Then display dialog box, Choose all to remove whole element Choose formats to remove formatting effect Choose Comments to remove comment text. To Delete Cell. Keep cell pointer in target cell Go to edit menu Click on delete Choose any one option what your requirement To Jump defined place of sheet. Go to edit menu Click on Go to command Type particular address Click on OK To Show page with page effect. Go to view menu Click on page break preview Formula Bar :- To show/hide formula bar from screen Go to view menu Click on formula bar Comment :- To show/hide comments from sheet. Page 39 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Go to view menu Click on comment Custom View :- This command is used to define particular cell range. Select required cell range Go to view menu Click on Custom view Click on add button Type required name Click on OK Fill :- This command is used to fill data, value, contents of sheet. Select required cell from target cell Go to edit menu Click on fill, then appear small dialog box Choose series Type the starting or stop value Click on OK Clear :- This command is used to remove particular effect, value from selector cell. Select cell range Go to edit menu Click on clear Choose all to remove whole data from cell Choose format to remove only formatting effect After define effect click on OK Delete :- Remove selected cell from sheet. Keep the cursor in particular cell Go to edit menu Click on delete Choose any one option what you want Click on OK Page 40 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Delete Sheet :- Using this command you can remove selected sheet from work book. Select Sheet Go to edit menu Click on delete sheet Move or Copy sheet :- This command allows changing sheet position & creating Duplicate sheet. Select sheet Go to edit menu Click on move or copy sheet Then display a dialog box, Choose Sheet & its location Click on OK INSERT MENU Cells :- To add cell in the work sheet. Keep the cell pointer in required place Go to insert menu Click on cells Then display dialog box, Choose any one option Rows :- To insert row in the work-sheet. Select row where you wanton add cell Go to insert menu Click on rows Columns :- To add column in particular place of sheet Select column Page 41 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Go to insert menu Click on column Work-Sheet :-This option allows inserting more worksheet in the work book. Go to insert menu Click on work-sheet Chart :- Using this command you can insert different type of chart depending upon data Prepare data select it Click on insert menu Click on chart, then display dialog box Choose any chart format Click on next tab Click on series tab & define series name Choose axis tab & define grid line Click on finish Function :- This option allow you to apply formula in your calculation. Keep the cell pointer in required place Go to insert menu Click on function Choose any types of formula Select required formula Click on OK Comment :- This command is used to add comments about particular cell object. Keep the cell pointer in required place Go to insert menu click on comment Type required text. Click outside the box. Page 42 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course FORMAT MENU Cells:- I helps to change cells format & also change font, font color, border, number format, alignment of the cell. Go to format menu Click on cell Choose number tab & select any one number format Choose alignment tab & select alignment After finishing format click on OK Rows :- Using this command we can change rows height, hide/unhide row Keep the cell pointer Go to format menu Click on rows Choose height to determine row height Click on OK Column :- This command helps to determine the column width, Auto fit, hide/unhide & also fixed standard width. Go to format menu Click on column Choose any one option Choose its value Click on Ok Sheet :- It helps to change sheet name, hide/unhide sheet, define sheet, and define background color. Go to format menu Click on sheet Choose rename & type its name Choose background to change background effect Click on OK Auto Format :- This option is used to apply automatic style in to the required sheet. Page 43 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Prepare data & select it Go to format menu Click on auto format, then appear dialog box with different style Choose any one style Click on OK Conditional Formatting :- This option is used to set data in selected condition format. Fill data & select it go to format menu Click on conditional format Choose any condition as you like Click on format option Choose any format Click on OK Click on OK, & then appear data in selected format TOOL MENU Spelling :- This command is used to check spelling of work-sheet. Keep the cell pointer in the beginning of the cell Go to tool menu Click on spelling, then display spelling dialog box Choose any correct word & Click on change button After finishing checking spelling click on OK. Protecion :-  Protect Sheet :- This option is used to secured work-sheet. In this mode Excel cannot allow modifying document. Go to tools menu Click on protection Click on protect sheet Type password for protect sheet Retype same password to conform password Click on OK Page 44 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course  Protect Work-book :- Using this command we can protect a work-books structure & window. In this mode excel cannot allows to delete sheet, rename sheet & insert. Go to tools menu Click on protection Click on protect work –sheet Type password to protect work –book Retype same password to conform password Click on Ok Goal Seeks :- Goal seek command allows to adjust the value in a specific cell until the formula that is dependent on that cell reaches a target value. Keep the cell pointer on the result where must be apply formulas Go to tools menu Click on goal seek T pe target alue o to alue riteria T pe ell a e hi h alue ou a t to ha ge o ha gi g ell Click on OK Formula Auditing :- It helps to auditing the required cell where must be apply formula. Place cell pointer where formula apply Go to tools menu Click on auditing, then display small dialog box Choose trace precedents, then show arrow key up to formula Choose trace dependents, then show arrow key up to first value cell Click on remove arrow to clear arrow Data Menu Sort :- This is used to arrange data in ascending or descending order in the selected column of the work-sheet. Select required data Go to data menu Click on sort, then display sort dialog box Choose column & select order Click on OK Page 45 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Filter :- Using this command we can display only defined data of the column. Select required cell range Go to data menu Click on filter & select auto filter Then appear drop down arrow on the selected top of the row Click on ^^ arrow & choose required value. Form :- Using this command we can convert selected table data in to form. We can also fill data & delete other unnecessary data. Select require data Go to data menu Click on form, then display data on form Now fill your data Click on close WINDOWS MENU Split :- This command is used to break windows in to two or more parts. Split command allows working easy in to the large sheet at a time. Select entire row where you want to break window Go to window menu Click on split Then display sheet in to two window If you want to remove splitting window click on remove split window. Freezing Window :- This command is used to fix(unmovable) of the some rows & columns of work-sheet. In this mode we can fill data in large table with easily. Keep the cell pointer where you want to freeze sheet Go to window menu Click on freezing window If you want to remove this effect, click on unfreeze panes. Page 46 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course Some Mathematical Operations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. * (asterisk) :- Used for Multiplication /(slash) :- Used for division +(plus) :- Used for addition –(minus) :- Used for subtraction >(greater than :- Used for compression ∑ “u atio :- Auto sum. ***********************MS-EXCEL END********************* Best of Luck! Page 47 RACE COMPUTER INSTITUTE (RCI): 3 Month Computer Basic Course