PHD thesis research project

2019, Intinerary of Medieval Monarch

PHD thesis project 1. Type of research-"Itinerary of a Medieval Monarch"-scientific research thesis 2. Goals of research Historiography of the political scene of Medieval Polish-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire rising and its influence of changing Europe political map. The research focuses on the itinerary of the Polish King Vladislav III Jagiello (Varnensi), from Jagiellonian Dynasty, who supposedly died on the battlefield near Varna, Bulgaria. We will base our research on this initial thesis. If it is confirmed, than we can discuss in the case of his (the King) survival, more sensational consequences are also fitting in the puzzle about another famous person within XV c. 3. Research task The research task of the suggested topic is a meticulous reconstruction of the events, happen after the battle near Varna, 1444. Nature of these events changed over the time, as did the position of the Polish King, as well as the power and the influence of Papacy, Portugal, Spain and the Order of St. Catherine. Its certainly not the same to study the published throughout following centuries dogmatic statements about the monarch death, which definitely had closed the door to any further possible investigations. That's why merely nobody from any Academic circles, has made any attempt to explore by visits certain places in Europe and the Middle East, searching for any artefacts , documents, etc. All of such aspects will have to be taken into consideration, during the research process. 4. Research materials and research methodology For the elaboration of this topic use to be made of unpublished archive materials, published sources, found many artefacts and literature.

PHD thesis project Type of research – “Itinerary of a Medieval Monarch” – scientific research thesis Goals of research Historiography of the political scene of Medieval Polish – Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire rising and its influence of changing Europe political map. The research focuses on the itinerary of the Polish King Vladislav III Jagiello (Varnensi), from Jagiellonian Dynasty, who supposedly died on the battlefield near Varna, Bulgaria. We will base our research on this initial thesis. If it is confirmed, than we can discuss in the case of his (the King) survival, more sensational consequences are also fitting in the puzzle about another famous person within XV c. Research task The research task of the suggested topic is a meticulous reconstruction of the events, happen after the battle near Varna, 1444. Nature of these events changed over the time, as did the position of the Polish King, as well as the power and the influence of Papacy, Portugal, Spain and the Order of St. Catherine. Its certainly not the same to study the published throughout following centuries dogmatic statements about the monarch death, which definitely had closed the door to any further possible investigations. That’s why merely nobody from any Academic circles, has made any attempt to explore by visits certain places in Europe and the Middle East, searching for any arte-facts, documents, etc. All of such aspects will have to be taken into consideration, during the research process. Research materials and research methodology For the elaboration of this topic use to be made of unpublished archive materials, published sources, found many arte-facts and literature. Unpublished materials: It is of crucial value for this research to study the materials, found during several research trips: Secret archives of Vatican National archives in Budapest, Hungary National archives in Funchal, Portugal National State Museum Hermitage, Skt. Petersburg, Russia Published materials and literature: British Library, London, UK Bodleian Library, Oxford, UK University Library in Gottingen, Germany St. Catherine Library, Sinai, Egypt Methodology of research The information, obtained by archive research is compared with the results of King Vladislav III historiography, to facilitate a generation of original remarks and conclusions. Historical me- thodology will be respected, with an emphasized critical approach. Positive methods of other fields of science, like political theology, will be used as well in the individual specific cases, where they are deemed applicable. Structure of the thesis The subject will be elaborated and presented in III chapters The young Vladislav Vladislav III, born October 31, 1424, the King of Poland and Hungary is one of the most mysterious figures in the history of Poland. The ruler of whom little was written. He took two states, but in reality, he did not control any of them. The Habsburg party, which waged a civil war on the Danube, was not eager to see his coronation, in Poland the nobles demanded his return to the country, to start the deals with the affairs of Poland. In the distant 1444 , twenty years old Vladislav, crowned King of Poland and Hungary at the age of ten, was preparing for a decisive battle. A peace treaty has been signed at Jalomnicy with the Sultan Murad II, who managed to destroy the emirate Karamanski and has won the majority of Serbia and Greece. The peace treaty was signed in Szeged for a period of 10 years. Maybe it was seen as a tactical solution to the problems in the two countries. In Poland, ongoing disputes between the nobility, and in Hungary, Elizabeth, widow of King Albrecht II, demanding louder the rightful king should be her son Ladislaus Posthumous were still actual. But the king, instead of listening to the advices of his trusted men, listened to the proposals of Julian Cesarini, the papal legate, who developed in front of the young king a vision, similar to Christ’s glory as the liberator of the oppressed and enslaved Christians. Despite the ceasefire, and the fact that the king swore on the Gospel, the winners are not judged, right? Emperor John VIII Palaeologus of Constantinople also promised to help. Albanian army under the command of Kastrioti (Skenderbeg) was declared as an ally. Venice sent a fleet to prevent the intrusion of Turkish troops to Europe, engaged in battles in Anatolia. Meanwhile, the peace treaty with the Polish-Hungarian kingdom was a Murad’s tactical move . Not willing to fight on two fronts, he wanted to secure his back in Europe and to complete an offensive war in Anatolia. Following the Treaty of Szeged, forcefully took to destroy the emirate Karamanski. Meanwhile Vladislav has not listen to the wise counsel - Polish and Hungarian nobleman. Hastily called an army of Hungarian, Polish, Czech and Russian troops, joined along the way by Serbs, Bosniaks, Vlachs and Bulgarians. The whole army commanded indeed capable strategist – Hungarian John Hunyadi . From the west, however, neither the army nor the money promised was visible. In contrast, the Venetian fleet already blocked the Bosphorus. Vladislav, confident of the victory, seized Adrianople. At the same time, Murad was able to raise an army in Anatolia and headed for Europe. Bosphorus Strait had been protected by Venetian ships. Yes, protected, but for the glow of money, treacherous Italians helped the Turks to cross to Europe. And three times larger Turkish army opposed the Hungarians, and the rest of the joint forces. Vladslav, already informed of the betrayal, Venetians have done, sobered . The vision of a new Alexander the Great evaporated and ...he ordered the retreat. But it was too late. Murad the II cut way back. The Command of the Slavic troops took over experienced John Hunyadi. He commissioned a plan to break out of the enemy’s encirclement. Unfortunately, the heavy cavalry commanded by Vladislav didn’t wait for a sign from Hunyadi. The king himself decided that there was the right moment and began to attack. His troops were immediately surrounded by Janissaries. When his horse fell free of the king, the Crusaders fell into a panic. The battle ended in a mass slaughter. One of the janissaries, a descendant of hussars, who beheaded Vladislav, took it as a gift to the Sultan. Murad ordered to be preserved dip in a honey jar. But did really the janissary cut off the head of the king? Vladislav was dark, but the head immersed in honey, have blond hair! The envoys of the Pope from Venice went personally to see that it is so! Never moreover, was found the rest of the body of the king, or his armour. Casimir, Grand Duke of Lithuania, was in no hurry with the adoption of the throne after his elder brother. The coronation was delayed by a full three years! Maybe he has a reason in a form of an actual news that his brother is alive. John Hunyadi finally admitted to almighty Bishop of Cracow, Zbigniew Olesiński, that the king was either injured or taken captive or in the guise fled from the battlefield. And to this statement, he came as the commander, with the best view of the background events. Arte-facts found in Russia, Portugal, UK, Germany, Hungary In 1828, during the Russian-Turkish war on the battlefield near Varna Tsar Nikolai I, while still having the title King of Poland, was also looking for the grave of Vladislav. In a letter dated 11 October 1828, from Vorontsev, Tsar Nikolai I offers from captured Turkish cannons to cast a monument of Vladislav in Warsaw. This proposal, however, has not been implemented. It is worth remembering another interesting note, which is waiting for its confirmation. In 1800s, around 4 km away from the battlefield, a local guy dug by chance Vladislav Varnensi’s sword (most likely during cultivation to harvest). Vladislav's sword can not be mixed with someone’s else - it has a specifical handle, made of ivory and encrusted inlaid cross. The sword was given to the Armoury in Tsarskoye Sielo, St. Petersburg. In 2014 the author tried to verify this information, but unfortunately the administration of Tsarskoye Sielo did not find this exhibit, suggesting that it might have been transferred to the Hermitage during the Second World War. * Finally, the long-awaited information has been confirmed in the middle of 2015! Initially, after the Russian Empire annexed Bessarabia, it existed as local autonomy until 1812, then has been converted into an imperial protectorate (province), ruled by "provisional government" with two departments: civil and religious administration under the management of the elderly Moldovan Boyar Skarlata Sturdza . It was he indeed, who handled this sword (sabre) to Tsar Nicholai I, but not that poor peasant, wrongly interpreted in chronicles as Sturidz ( an easy confusion when copying over the centuries - Jan Dlugosz, Professor Ziejka, and others). From this period comes the letter of Pope Eugene IV, located in the secret archives of the Vatican, in which he warned against the invitation to Ragusa (now Dubrovnik), the rulers of all the Balkan kingdoms on joint action against the Turks, and first of all - the ruler of Upper Herzegovina, Stepan Micholai Vukcic since, "he says ...... that Polish- Hungarian king lives, and we conclude that we can not prove that." Raguza was then, outside Venice - the largest centre of maritime trade at the time. Indeed that was exactly the port, which from two galleys joined to the papal fleet before the Battle of Varna. In Eugene’s correspondence (later bishop of Siena, and then Pope Pius II) Dr. Kielanowski discovered another very interesting letter, which posed a threat to the policy pursued by the pope, and thus defined by Vatican as a lie or fake. In that same letter Palatine of Hungary, Lawrence Hedervary , reported to the imperial court that he had received a letter from the King Vladislav. The letter bears the royal seal, sent in October 1445, almost a year after the battle. King reported that he goes to Cyprus, but intends to return to Hungary and Poland, to take again the fight against the Turks. Disclosure of the letter would certainly harm the policy of the Habsburg court, so the pope reacted angrily, calling Palatine of Hungary "enemy of the Habsburgs, who wanted to thwart the takeover of the throne of Hungary by Ladislaus the Posthumous". The letter of King Vladislav III, or at least a copy of it thereof is to be stored at the National Museum of Hungary in Budapest. We embarked on another scientific and research expedition at the beginning of February 2019 (National Historical Archives, Budapest, Hungary), tracing the king's footprints in the clues of that another - the most distinguished researcher of King Vladislav III past - Leopold Kielanowski. Once again we were lucky (like in the Azores or in Funchal, Madeira)! After long, tedious hours of studying the King's official correspondence, typed in Hungary as Ulaszlo I, I combed over 1,500 official letters from the fifteenth century. We finally managed to notice, in our opinion, the most important one, which was written on the order of King Vladislav exactly on.. .16.02.1445 r. !! As a standard, we have consulted academic dormitories from Poland, England, and Greece. Some of them expressed doubts, explaining that in this period in the Polish-Hungarian reign, the Julian calendar was used (but it is also known that the difference between the Julian and the Gregorian calendar is around 10 days), but here we have a difference OVER 90 days! Nevertheless, it was not the only official royal letter, drawn up with the date 10/11/1444 (battle of Varna). In the National Archives in Budapest, there is another letter from King Vladislav from ...... 21/12/1444 at cat. No. 88194 !! (more than a month after the Battle of Varna). I was personally surprised by another matter - at a first glance, inconspicuous correction. Well, the last digit of the 1445 date has been corrected (with a pencil!) from 5 to 4! When asked about this, a duty dormitory in the Research Room, explained to me that this correction had been made ONLY...... to indicate the page number of the copies of the microfilm of this letter?! Immediately the logical questions arise: Why exactly this digit "four" had to be put on the number 5, not on the very bottom of the page? Or maybe, the person copying this letter, obviously possessing historical knowledge, regarding at least important dates of events from the 15th century, noticed that something here is not guesswork, does not match the academic dogma established for more than 500 years, which maintains that King Vladislao supposedly perished near Varna November,10th, 1444. This situation reminds me of another great fraud - the fake testament of King Vladislav's son - the famous discoverer of the world, Christopher Columbus, written about 80 years after his death in the takeover, by the "heirs" - wealthy noblemen from Italy, his heritage, property, privileges. Fortunately, the Spanish court did not believe such a blatant fake and carelessness - inter alia - no signature of a public notary, the counterfeit of Columbus signature and other scams ( the trial lasted 30 years!) and ... rejected this application! We decided to ask a specialist in Gothic Latin. Thanks to my membership in the British Library in London (where I put in my first steps to unravel the mystery of King Vladislav - with the priceless work of Leopold Kielanowski "Odyssey of Vladislav Varnensi"), the team of professionals once again gave me a helping hand. The answer came quickly, on the same day, because the text of the king's letter was very expressive Latin (the text deals with some official matters, but there is NOT a word for the Battle of Varna or a note, where this letter was edited. For us, the most important proof is the date of writing the letter. Dr. Christian N.Ispir had no doubt, writing to me: "Dear Mr. Michow, I can tell you that the original Latin gives us the year 1445 (Anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo quadragesimo quinto"). In the archives of the Historical Museum in Lisbon there is a document, granting a land in Madeira to Henrique Alemao - Knight of the Order of St. Catherine, released by Alfonso V , on May 8th, 1452. A Document states that "the King confirms that a suitable land in the valley village Madalena do Mar has been given to him. The land extends from Riberia Seca (of the wound of the river) to the rocky shore on the other side of the road leading to Quitério penado (cliffs), and from there the hill shrines leads back to the sea ". This means that about eight years after the Battle of Varna, probably spent in prayer Currently, in Madalena do Mar there is only a new church, built in 1955. In this church long ago were exposed two icons - exceptional examples of the Flemish art from the late fifteenth century. One of them shows St. Magdalene and the other, smaller - " a meeting of St. Joachim with St. Anne." They were transferred to the Museum of Sacred Art in Funchal, where are kept to this day. The second icon instead was small - 50/45 cm. In the background, one can see an angel, and Joachim, feeding the sheep at the Knight’s Castle. The slender trimmed robes, the colour of golden-brown, richly decorated, sapphire shepherd coat, and what is even more strange - St. Joachim is with a sword, with white hair, beard, and moustaches, sharp nose, tall, expressive eyebrows. He holds the hands of St. Anne, much younger than him, looking almost like a virgin. This image was placed on the altar of the church in Magdalena, but later was moved to make room for another, the one ordered from Isabel. What's more curious, this little icon is much older than the first one. Logically we could come to the conclusion that if it was painted in Madeira, this should be associated with contemporary portraits - and if so - that one of the St. Joachim was modelled on King Vladislav. Newlyweds painted a Flemish painter Herrimenta de Bless, who stayed on the island for several years. In Funchal there is the Museum of crosses "Das Kruzas", where is preserved a tombstone, found during the excavation of the old church in Madalena to Mar. The museum is housed in an old building from the XV century, situated on a hill above the monastery next to the church St. Clara, built in the first years after the discovery of Madeira (the middle of the fifteenth century). Originally on this place stood a castle of the governor of the island, as well as its discoverer, Juan Gontsalves Zarco . Now houses a museum and botanical garden, revealing the rich flora of Madeira. This tombstone is carved with simple, dark granite, sizes are smaller than other similar plates, the edges of the plates are chipped, appear engraved Gothic letters, which are not found anywhere on similar sights. This is that unique record, found in the porch of the church of St. Mary Magdalena, when an avalanche of stones and water from the mountains destroyed the old church around the fifteenth century. The lay board has been ejected in the building of the monastery decades until it was moved to the city archives in Funchal, and then placed in the garden’s museum. Then acting Director of the Archive of Funchal, Dr. Arrago noticed images of lions, similar to those that adorn St. Stephen from Lions Gate in Jerusalem, which leads to the Via Dolorosa. The Jerusalem Leo of St. Stefan guards also the church of St. Catherine, Alexandria. Besides, you can see the outlines of the royal crown - three lilies, medium projecting front and two on the side. A similar crown is carved on the marble tomb of Vladislav in Wawel Cathedral. In the Bodleian Library, which is located near the University of Oxford, is stored one more document in the form of old parchment prayer book, which probably belonged to King Vladislav. It contains 14 figures and Italic is in Gothic, medieval. For 12 of them, one can see the kneeling figure of the king, who adores the Mother of God, Christ Crucified or guardian angels. Next to him are the symbols of the Polish Kingdom - Jagiellonian crown, sceptre and a shield with a silver eagle on a red background. One can see a thumbnail of the king, standing with a crown on his head and a sword in his hand, and at his legs, shield of an eagle. On the table before him - a crystal in a form of three-leaf clover. This crystal represents the mysteries of the prayer book. The king prays, repeating all the solid verses "... Ecce ego, Vladislaus peccator indignus ..." - "I Vladislav, the unworthy sinner, I celebrate prayer ..." According to many researchers, the most numerous in the prayers are phrases – a sinner. Nowhere is mentioned that he was the King of Poland, but he prays for peace and tranquillity in the kingdom and consent for his people. These words are associated with the figure of the king on painted miniatures, kneeling in prayer. Curiosity about this prayer book, which distinguishes it from many other similar books of the fifteenth century is that in the prayers is added a request "to penetrate the secrets of the world, thanks to the vision (Magic) in the crystal." In the late Middle Ages belief in the crystal has been not considered heresy and often combined mysticism with religious rites. Kings, and sometimes even Popes, invited in their palaces "scientists", predicting the future using crystal and did not consider it superstition. Extensive research of the prayer conducted Polish professor Podlacha . He stated that in the form in which it is presented, the date of the writings can not be earlier than the last decade of the fifteenth century. The reason for this is the heraldry and style of writing - the same ornamental plants belong to Gothic - Renaissance period, in other words, painted no earlier than the second half of the fifteenth century. Furthermore, the shape corresponds to the shield and the like, used at the end of this century. Of course, the text was written for the young Vladislav in Poland, and later in Hungary, in temporary camps for rest, before the battles (so the rush of the copyist), and illuminations (thumbnails) and last chapters containing requests for pardon the sins of "Vladislav the sinner" have been added after the defeat at Varna. The copyist probably accompanied the young king, in a constantly changing environment of frequent battles with the Turks - hence clearly visible haste and inconsistencies in the text: traces of phonetic spelling, inaccuracies in introits, casual use of time and conjugation. All this would have been unacceptable at the royal court in Krakow. If Vladislav really had lived in Madeira, the same badges and miniatures, including art features from the second half of the XV century, are an explanation, because they contain shapes just for this period of Western art. It is also interesting how the prayer got to be in the seventeenth century’s Besancon, France? Nicholas Floris, loyal companion, and King’s co-pilgrim during his painful saga trough Europe, visited the realm of Burgundy in Dijon. From Besancon to Dijon distance is small. Tracking King Vladislav traces, I was able to examine, personally, a very interesting medieval journal, mentioned by other researchers, stored in one of the largest libraries in the UK. The authentic antique book was additionally bandaged with a tape, as detached covers almost disintegrated. The first time I was holding in my hands such an old document, so a special permission was needed. (on ​​the first pages even someone had put handwriting from 1688!). The research has been worthy, because it is a tangible, visual evidence associated with the life of Vladislav Varnensi. In fact, this was a kind of diary from a Czech chronicler, who kept the diary of the events, written around the second half of the XV century. Chronicler Sasek described in the book, among other things, that in 1466 the Baron’s escort, numbering 30 horses, had been passing the road between Medina and Salamanca, near the town of La Canta Piedra. From locals, they heard, that four miles further resides a hermit. Rumours have gone, he has been a Polish king who fought with the Gentiles, and although he had signed a peace treaty with them, attacked again, was defeated, and now after all that, prays and asks forgiveness for those sins. Baron Leo got vividly interested and decided to find him. They travelled about four miles and finally saw a hermit standing in front of a wooden hut. Baron Leo approached him and asked where he came from. For that, the hermit replied, "Who cares where I come from and who I am?". Fortunately, in the Baron’s escort was a Pole, who slyly asked the hermit to exposed his feet, because he knew that King Vladyslav had six fingers on the one foot. The King refused for some time , but finally agreed. As soon as he took off his shoes, the Pole saw six fingers on the foot, and immediately knelt down, hugged his feet and exclaimed: "You are our Lord and King, who fought with the Turks!" The hermit replied. "I am surprised that you kneel before me and hugging my knees, knowing that I am not worthy of such an honour, I am a sinful man, forget about me. Perhaps God will forgive me." - And saying these words hided in the wooden hut.  Then the Pole turned to Baron Leo and told him: "He really is our king, body and soul, I remember him from my childhood." " Laudes Jesu Christo - "Praised be Jesus Christ," so begins the text of this very valuable letter, written in Gothic style. Further translation reads .. "in the sense of commitment to humanity, for the benefit of the whole of Christianity, and for his good name - I send this letter." So, it is an written admission of the letter, sent from Lisbon to the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. During World War II, the Archives of the Order of Teutonic Knights were transported from Königsberg (Kaliningrad) to Gottingen - (Germany). In the letter is mentioned that….. "a monk of the Order of preach , Nicholas Floris, wrote to the Grand Master of the Order, Ludwig von Erlihshauzen "A message about the life of the Polish-Hungarian King Vladyslav on the Portuguese island" This letter, investigated by various historians, finally was agreed that was written NOT in the years after the Battle of Varna (1452), as reported by Prof. Jorge Nicholas of Romania, or prof. John Dabrowski of Poland, but in 1472, which radically changes its meaning. Florys Scripture was written almost 30 years after the Battle of Varna! Vladyslav Varnensi at this time - according to the chronicles of the Portuguese already has spent 20 years at Madeira. The original Gothic text reads: " Vladislaus, Poloniae rex et Ungariae Vivit In insulis Portugaliae regni. " At the Archives Torre de Tombo (Portugal) is preserved a text that reads: "Datum Lissbonae, Feria Secunda Paschalis solemnitatis - Anno Domini 1472 (mille quadringeti septuginta duo) - in translation -" Certified in Lisbon on the second day of Easter in the year of our Lord 1472 ". This letter also has been studied by prof. Jose Pereira Da Costa . In the letter, one could see a lot of spelling errors, that are repeated in similar letters, written in Portuguese in the fifteenth century, and even the words used in the dialect of Portuguese sailors. For example, a ship's captain, whom Floris gave this letter is called "shipar" .The word derived from the English "ship" - in the local dialect meant - the owner. Floris letter, according to experts from the Portuguese archive matters, is authentic, written in Lisbon in the fifteenth century. Further translation reads: "Your Grace - to write this letter made ​​me no personal desire, but a social responsibility. I have personally heard from the holder of this letter, John Pole, that you are a special friend with King Vladislav, once the most eminent ruler and master of divine bounty of Polish and Hungarian kingdoms. I would like to announce to you the wonderful news that king Vladislav now lives on the islands of the Portugal kingdom, and I am his companion and co-pilgrim. Therefore, leave all doubts aside. The sole purpose of writing this letter is to eradicate mutual hatred and hostility between you and the Order of the Poles, and let it happen by the Holy Spirit .I’m ordering to the bearer of this letter, John Pole, together with his uncle, commonly called "shipar" and that miraculous coincidence which took me to his ship and to Lisbon to persuade your Majesty about things, about what they saw and what they heard. Your Grace can trust them, as in the Holy Gospel. So please, send this letter to the Royal Mother, as mother and son are most strongly bounded each other, as it dictates the very essence of eternal love. Send this letter to the Czechs and Hungarians. The thing is urgent, as I hurried from the island to Lisbon with faster ships, particularly to the King of Portugal, Alfonso and his princes, would have shown in this case their good will. Trust to Nicholas Florys seal, companion of the Polish King Vladislav. I’m sending fraternal greetings to the Reverend Provincial of the Order of Poland ". King’s descendants, DNA analyzes The author indulged in putting one more account of other researchers of the Vladislav Varnensi’s saga, as an example to encourage all lovers of the history and chronicles from the Middle Ages. Well, one can again define him as "an amateur researcher," but this one, preserved a strong patriotism and respect for the great men of the history. The word is about the old sea wolf – Andrzej W.Piotrowski, the sailor, and skipper , who quite accidentally brushed the legend of King Vladislav at Madeira - while on common regatta and sailing excursions at the Atlantic Ocean with his Portuguese colleagues. Just with one of them, Carlos Burges, established a closer friendship, through which the Portuguese discovered to Piotrowski a sensational information. Convinced, that he could trust his fellow yachtsman and the more, from Poland, he told him a story – the "Mystery of the Polish Prince", not even knowing, that there has been edited a Portuguese version of L. Kielanowski’s book - "Odyssey of Vladislav Varnensi"! When Polish sailor, deeply surprised asked him how he had known that, the other replied - that is the genealogy of my family! Piotrowski got almost shocked, but the next day they arranged a new meeting. Then, the Portuguese brought copies of documents, held by his family. Those had been rather a family tree, the text starts with the name of King Vladislav III Varnensi and his son Sigismund, describing further all his ancestors up to the Carlos. Despite the text had been in Portuguese, Piotrowski easily recognized many words concerning Poland, the battle of Varna and the King. Deeply intrigued and excited, later he found a copy of the Kielanowski book, scanned to his PC, and shared information possessed on a public forum. *In the beginning of 2017, the Michows tandem explorers, decided to make one more research expedition, having just some tiny, unconfirmed indications about the location of the person we were searching for – Carlos Borges. There was a little chance, Carlos could be on Terceira island at that time. Guided, probably, by the Columbus spirit, we landed on this small Azorean island, having experienced previous day one dangerous attempt for landing, than unsuccessful, because of a strong gust and gale – awful weather conditions. On the first day on Terceira island, Jakub, my right hand, made just a phone call and – “voila”, Carlos answered himself! Holding the only photo of the yachtsman we had in possession, we managed to meet him at the Marina Yacht Port. We reached our planned goal in full, after Carlos sent us later, copies of those precious documents, confirming his genealogical ancestors and most of his family line. Impact of the suggested doctoral dissertation thesis Unpublished and published materials on the suggested topic are extensive, and the relevant literature is somewhat general and hard to review, but still is on a solid level. However in the analyze on records, a complete research of post-battle (Varna,1444) events was never performed. The proposed subject is of a Great scientific and political value for understanding the true identity of some famous men of state. On the other side, the suggested subject also contains a distinctive pan European dimensions. By presenting the accomplished results, the framework for future research would improve and provide a synthesized answer to the question of the true identity of the discussed persons. And finally, but not least importantly, this subject is of a vital importance for building the political recognition between European countries, which rulers from Medieval were involved in secrecy, oats, and an union, due to protect such an important persons. Jordan Michow З А Я В К А на участие в работе конференции “История повседневности: человек в истории“ Михов, Йордан Янев 1. Вид исследования – «Маршрут средневекового монарха» – дипломная работа. 2. Цели исследования Историография политической сцены средневековой Польско-Венгерской империи, подъема Османской империи и ее влияние на изменение политической карты Европы. Исследование посвящено маршруту польского короля Владислава III Ягелло (Варненского) из династии Ягеллонов, предположительно погибшего на поле битвы под Варной, Болгария. Мы будем основывать наше исследование на этом первоначальном тезисе. Если это подтвердится, то о чем мы можем говорить в случае его (короля) выживания, более сенсационные последствия укладываются и в загадку о другом известном человеке XV в. 3. Исследовательская задача Исследовательской задачей предлагаемой темы является тщательная реконструкция событий, произошедших после битвы под Варной в 1444 году. Характер этих событий менялся с течением времени, как и положение польского короля, а также власть и влияние. Папства, Португалии, Испании и ордена Святой Екатерины. Конечно, это не то же самое, что изучать опубликованные на протяжении последующих столетий догматические утверждения о смерти монарха, которые определенно закрыли дверь для любых дальнейших возможных расследований. Вот почему просто никто из каких-либо академических кругов не предпринял никаких попыток исследовать путем посещения определенные места Европы и Ближнего Востока, в поисках каких-либо артефактов, документов и т. д. Все подобные аспекты придется учитывать при исследовательский процесс. 4. Материалы исследования и методология исследования. Для разработки данной темы использованы неопубликованные архивные материалы, опубликованные источники, найдено множество артефактов и литературы. Неопубликованные материалы: Решающее значение для данного исследования имеет изучение материалов, найденных в ходе нескольких исследовательских поездок: - Секретные архивы Ватикана - Национальные архивы в Будапеште, Венгрия. - Национальные архивы в Фуншале, Португалия. - Национальный государственный музей «Эрмитаж», санкт. Петербург, Россия Опубликованные материалы и литература: - Британская библиотека, Лондон, Великобритания - Бодлианская библиотека, Оксфорд, Великобритания - Университетская библиотека в Геттингене, Германия - Библиотека Святой Екатерины, Синай, Египет Методология исследования Информация, полученная в результате архивных исследований, сравнивается с результаты историографии короля Владислава III, чтобы облегчить формирование оригинальных замечаний и выводов. Историческая я- методология будет соблюдаться с подчеркнутым критическим подходом. Позитивные методы других областей науки, таких как политическая теология, будут использоваться и в отдельных конкретных случаях, когда они считается применимым. Михов, Йордан Янев, к.и.н. Мае де Деус Ст. Понта Делгада, Португалия Адрес: 3 Wilton Rd., Hounslow, TW4 7LP, London, UK E-mail: [email protected] Tel. (+44) 7880872136