The Growing Importance of Jewish Archaeology for the Jewish Population of British Mandate Palestine/EI

2023, Zion

In this article, we examine the growing importance of Jewish archeology for the Jewish population of Palestine/EI under the British Mandate by considering the impact of three formative archaeological excavations. The Tiberias hot springs excavation (1920–1921) was the first in the country to be carried out by a Jewish research institution, a Jewish researcher, and Jewish laborers, proving the Yishuv’s ability to conduct independent archeological research. It yielded unique symbolic findings and unearthed important relics but did little to inspire ongoing appreciation among the country’s Jewish population. The excavation at Beit Alfa (1928–1929) created a connection between the pioneers of the Jezreel Valley and Jewish archaeology and expanded its circles of influence. It also presented the world of the Jews of the past in a new light, drew socialist values from it, and was perceived by the Yishuv as part of the pioneering Zionist enterprise. The excavation at Beit Sheʻarim (1936–1940), coinciding with the 1936–1939 Arab Revolt in Palestine, was woven inseparably into the struggle to establish a Jewish national homeland. The persona and death of Alexander Zaïd were linked to it from the outset, and it was perceived by the Yishuv as a historic event that tethered the past to the present in a concrete manner. The development of the Yishuv’s relationship with Jewish archaeology evolved through a process that may be likened to the building of a ʻbody,ʼ the casting of ʻspirit,ʼ and the addition of a ʻsoul.ʼ This insight gives us a better understanding of the growth of the role of archaeology in the popular realm of yediʻat haʼaretz (ʻknowing the Landʼ), its use as a national tool during the British Mandate era, and the solidification of its status after the establishment of the State of Israel.


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