Dresden unter preußischer Besatzung. Staatsnotstand, Krisenpolitik und Gesellschaftsstabilisierung im Sommer 1866

2022, Města dobývaná, dobytá a okupovaná. Kontexty a důsledky neúspěšné obrany měst od středověku do 20. století

The article examines the state of emergency in Saxony during the Prussian occupation in the summer of 1866. I will put forward the thesis that the successful crisis management of the state's internal affairs was decisive for the survival of Saxony as an independent kingdom. The Politics of Crisis Management are analysed in six points: the preservation of political-administrative indipendence under Prussian occupation, the promotion of a cooperation-oriented de-escalation policy towards the occupiers, the effective crisis communication, the activities of nonstate organisations and crisis response at the diplomatic level. Finally, conclusions are drawn in relation to modern crisis policy and its effects on the stabilisation of society or the exacerbation of conflict. The course of the state of emergency in 1866 shows that the foreign policy dimension of modern crises is often overestimated and that successful crisis management relies primarily on financial, administrative-technical and socio-political measures.

AMERIGO CARUSO DRESDEN UNTER PREUSSISCHER BESATZUNG STAATSNOTSTAND, KRISENPOLITIK UND GESELLSCHAFTSSTABILISIERUNG IM SOMMER 1866 Amerigo Caruso, Dresden Under Prussian Occupation. State of Emergency, Crisis Management and Social Stability in the Summer of 1866 The article examines the state of emergency in Saxony during the Prussian occupation in the summer of 1866. I will put forward the thesis that the successful crisis management of the state’s internal affairs was decisive for the survival of Saxony as an independent kingdom. The Politics of Crisis Management are analysed in six points: the preservation of political-administrative indipendence under Prussian occupation, the promotion of a cooperation-oriented de-escalation policy towards the occupiers, the effective crisis communication, the activities of nonstate organisations and crisis response at the diplomatic level. Finally, conclusions are drawn in relation to modern crisis policy and its effects on the stabilisation of society or the exacerbation of conflict. The course of the state of emergency in 1866 shows that the foreign policy dimension of modern crises is often overestimated and that successful crisis management relies primarily on financial, administrative-technical and socio-political measures. Keywords: 1866, Saxony, Dresden, Austro-Prussian War, crisis management, state of emergency, crisis communication Auf der Titelseite der Dresdner Nachrichten erschien am 17. Juni 1866 eine Proklamation des sächsischen Monarchen, der an die Treue seiner Untertanen appellierte und verkündete, dass er sich „genötigt [sah], der Übermacht zu weichen und Mich von Euch zu trennen“.1 König Johann hatte am Vortag sein Residenzschloss in Dresden bereits eilig verlassen, um den in Sachsen einmarschierten preußischen Truppen zu entkommen. Begleitet vom Kriegsminister Bernhard von Rabenhorst und seinen Generaladjutanten bewegte er sich in 1 Dresdner Nachrichten 11/168, 17.6.1866, S. 1. 505