17 2013 ARCHEOLOGIA POSTMEDIEVALE S O C I E T À A M B I E N T E P R O D U Z I O N E A RCHEOLOGI A POSTMEDIEVA LE 17 montagne inCise Pietre inCise Archeologia delle risorse nella montagna mediterranea Carved mountains engraved stones Environmental resources archaeology in the Mediterranean mountains a cura di Anna Maria Stagno 2013 All’Insegna del Giglio montagne incise. Pietre incise Archeologia delle risorse nella montagna mediterranea Carved mountains. engraved stones Environmental resources archaeology in the Mediterranean mountains Atti del Convegno (Borzonasca, 20-22 ottobre 2011) a cura di Anna Maria Stagno Università degli Studi di genova laboratorio di Archeologia e Storia Ambientale (DAFiSt-DiStAv) Parco naturale regionale dell’Aveto Indice Editoriale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Anna Maria Stagno, Archeologia delle risorse ambientali nella montagna mediterranea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1. MAteriAli lAPiDei e Siti Di APProvvigionAMento Stone MAteriAlS AnD their ProCUreMent SiteS Anna boato, Dalle cave ai cantieri: il mercato dei materiali lapidei a Genova in età medievale e moderna alla luce delle fonti d’archivio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 elisa Pruno, La pietra, materia-prima dell’edilizia medievale: alcune note per una ricerca sullo sfruttamento e la gestione dei siti estrattivi di trachite sull’Amiata occidentale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Anna gutiérrez garcia-M., Invisible quarries? Locating the origin of stone sources of Roman Aeso (modern Isona, Lleida, Spain). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 niccolò Mazzucco, ermengol gassiot, David ortega, ignacio Clemente, David rodríguez-Antón, Lithic Procurement at the Cova del Sardo between the V-III Millennium calBC: data on mobility strategies . . . 51 Jay D. Franklin, Into the Mountain: Archaic Period Chert Mining and Chaîne Opératoire at 3rd Unnamed Cave, Tennessee, U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 2. CAve: CenSiMenti, inDAgini Di SUPerFiCie, vAloriZZAZione qUArrieS: inventory SUrveyS AnD heritAge PreServAtion nadia Campana, Marco Del Soldato, gabriele Martino, Fabio negrino, Gli aioramenti di rocce silicee in Liguria orientale e il loro sfruttamento durante la Preistoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Cristina nervi, “Exemptores quoque adirmant compleri sponte illa montium ulcera” (Pl. NH XXXVI, 125) I siti di cavatura alle pendici del sistema montuoso sulcitano nel comprensorio di Nora (CA, Sardegna meridionale) in epoca romana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Francesco A. Cuteri, Maria teresa iannelli, Stefano Mariottini, Cave costiere in Calabria tra Jonio e Tirreno . .95 luca Mario nejrotti, Lo sfruttamento dei materiali lapidei nei mulini di montagna sull’arco alpino occidentale . 107 Fabio redi, Cave di pietra e impiego dei materiali litici nel bacino aquilano (secc. XI-XVIII). Per un parco archeologico territoriale dei siti di estrazione della pietra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Marina Uboldi, Le cave del “marmo nero” e i marmisti di Varenna (LC) dall’Antichità all’età contemporanea. . . 127 Fabio tedeschi, Anna boato, roberto Cabella, Andrea giuliani, Andrea robbiano, La Pietra di Finale: un patrimonio storico-culturale da valorizzare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Daniela Pittaluga, luca nanni, Antonio Calcagno, La fornace Bianchi in Cogoleto (GE): un impianto ottocentesco in un paese che, dall’epoca medievale, ha prodotto ed esportato calce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 rita vecchiattini, “Minere di calcina in abondanza & in perfettione quanto habbia qualonque altra regione in Italia”: il Monte Gazzo a Genova – Sestri Ponente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 giuseppe Clemente, Attività estrattive e produzione della calce sulla sponda calabrese dello Stretto di Messina tra XV secolo ed età contemporanea. Primi dati di studio per un nuovo progetto di ricerca . . . . . . . . . . . 155 3. DAlle CAve Ai Siti Di lAvorAZione e UtiliZZo FroM qUArrieS to working AnD bUilDing SiteS Angelo ghiretti, con la collaborazione di enrico giannichedda, Un atelier di lavorazione della steatite ed un granaio carbonizzato, tra ine alto Medioevo ed età comunale, scoperti sul monte Castellaro di Groppallo (Comune di Farini, val Nure, PC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 Andrea De Pascale, roberto bixio, Segni di lavoro e “irme” di pietra nella città di Ahlat (Turchia orientale): i marchi dei lapicidi medievali. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Chiara lambert, Carmine lubritto, elena gigantino, Marianna Melfi, Paola ricci, Carmina Sirignano, Dalla cava all’epigrafe. Primi risultati di una ricerca multidisciplinare sulle iscrizioni dalla necropoli tardoantica di Abellinum-Atripalda (AV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 giuseppina Spadea, Il nero dell’ardesia. Qualche rilessione sull’uso nel mondo romano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Alberto Agostoni, luca Mario nejrotti, Lo studio dei materiali lapidei della Casa delle Lapidi di Bousson: dalla ricerca alla tutela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 4. ArCheologiA rUPeStre: APProCCi MetoDologiCi e inDAgini rUPeStriAn ArChAeology: MethoDologiCAl APProACheS AnD inveStigAtionS Alberto Marretta, Angelo Martinotti, Mauro Colella, Un’esperienza di procedura documentativa e analitica informatizzata di tecniche e sequenze istoriative su due frammenti litici con graiti protostorici da Piancogno (Valcamonica, BS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 luca giarelli, Arte rupestre della Valle Camonica. Illustrazione del sito UNESCO n. 94 a cento anni dalla prima segnalazione . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 thomas huet, Le incisioni a martellina del monte Bego: approcci quantitativi e spaziali . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Annamaria Delmonte, Silvia Soldano, Progetto di candidatura alla lista del Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO dello spazio transfrontaliero Marittime-Mercantour: un’opportunità per la valorizzazione integrata del patrimonio naturale e culturale alpino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Paolo emilio bagnoli, Proposta di metodo di datazione assoluta di petroglii su calcare mediante simulazioni Montecarlo dei processi erosivi naturali. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Paolo emilio bagnoli, Ferdinando Falossi, La roccia del Mascherone di Cardoso (Stazzema, Alpi Apuane) . . 237 Anna Maria tosatti, La viabilità montana nella Protostoria nel quadro delle incisioni rupestri della Toscana nord-occidentale. Un’ipotesi di lavoro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 5. SigniFiCAti e rAPPreSentAZioni MeAningS AnD rePreSentAtionS giovanni leonardi, Il sole e il capo guerriero: spunti interpretativi sul rapporto tra iconograia e ideologia sociale nell’Età del Rame ino alla primissima Età del Bronzo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Mark Pearce, Into the realm of “obscurity and thick darkness”: can we reconstruct the belief systems of past miners? . . .271 6. Miniere eD inDiCAtori AMbientAli MineS AnD environMentAl inDiCAtorS Maurizio rossi, Anna gattiglia, Rilessi ambientali dell’attività mineraria e metallurgica nella montagna piemontese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Carlo Montanari, bruna ilde Menozzi, Maria Angela guido, he vegetation of prehistoric and historic mining sites around Sestri Levante (GE, NW – Italy). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 rachel braithwaite, Stuart black, nicholas P. branch, roberto Maggi, Evaluating the environmental impact of metallurgical activities during the Copper Age and Bronze Age (~5800-2900 cal yrs BP) in the Ligurian Apennines, north-west Italy: a pilot study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 7. ArCheologiA e StoriA Dei PAeSAggi CUltUrAli ArChAeology & hiStory oF CUltUrAl lAnDSCAPeS Dagfinn Moe, Artifacts, human marks and impact in mountainous and alpine areas during upper Bronze AgeEarly Iron Age, – were the Etruscans involved? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Federica badiali, Il lago Bracciano di Montese: studio interdisciplinare di un’area sacra nell’Appennino modenese . . .323 hector A. orengo, Josep M. Palet, Ana ejarque, yannick Miras, Santiago riera, he historical coniguration of a high mountain UNESCO World Heritage Site: the agropastoral Cultural Landscape of the Madriu-PeraitaClaror Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 Federico troletti, Incisioni di epoca storica e frequentazione umana in alcuni siti rupestri della Valcamonica . . 345 Marta bazzanella, luca Pisoni, laura toniutti, Montagne dipinte: le scritte dei pastori iemmesi tra etnoarcheologia e studi di cultura materiale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Simone gaio, Archeologia e storia di una stalla-ienile della valle di Primiero (TN). Un approccio pluridisciplinare allo studio di un contesto insediativo rurale (secc. XV-XX). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 Paola Perazzi, Cristina taddei, Cultura della pietra sulla Montagna pistoiese. Indagini archeologiche in località La Fontana (Piteglio, PT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 giorgio Petracco, Il contributo della toponomastica alla ricostruzione storico-ambientale del territorio e i “segni” dei gromatici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 8. Per Un’ArCheologiA Di verSAnte: il Sito Di COSTA DEI GHIFFI (borZonASCA, ge) FroM A Monolith to A “SloPe hiStory” At COSTA DEI GHIFFI (borZonASCA, genoA) Anna Maria Stagno, A monolith and its environment. Slope archaeology at Costa dei ghii: contribution to the research approach of the Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology and History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 roberta Cevasco, Claudia Parola, Field evidence of past management practices in present vegetation: irst notes of historical ecology and dendroecology on the Costa dei ghii slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Andrea Cevasco, Engineering Geological Analyses at Mt. ghii slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 Anna Maria Stagno, Claudia Parola, Carlo Montanari, Archaeology and Archaeobotany for the history of the Costa dei ghii slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 Maurizio rossi, Anna gattiglia, Il monolito inciso M1 da Costa dei ghii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 Lithic Procurement at the Cova del Sardo between the V-III Millennium calBC: data on mobility strategies Niccolò Mazzucco*, Ermengol Gassiot**, David Ortega*, Ignacio Clemente*, David Rodríguez-Antón* their economic activities and their social practices probably embraced a wider area than the mountain environment. 1. Introduction During the last ten years the prehistory of the Pyrenees has been the subject of an increasing number of interdisciplinary researches (Rendu 2003; Galop 2006; Miras et al. 2007; Pèlachs et al. 2007; Bal et al. 2010; Ejarque et al. 2010; Gassiot et al. 2010). hose studies have revealed that, far from being marginal or peripheral, the high-mountain areas have been object of continuous and repeated processes of anthropization at least from Early Neolithic period. Almost ten years of archeological researches in the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park (PNAESM), in the Catalan Pyrenees, have strongly contributed to this research ield. Since 2004, have been carried out numerous survey in the alpine and subalpine zones of the park, between 1700 and 2900 m a.s.l. (Gassiot et al. 2010), discovering more than 300 archaeological sites. At the same time, the excavation of the Cova del Sardo, a rock-shelter situated at 1790 m s.l. in the Sant Nicolau valley (Vall d’en Bas – Lleida), made it possible to integrate the survey data with a stratigraphic sequence that from the VI millennium cal BC arrives to the Modern age (Gassiot, Rodríguez-Antón, Garcia 2010). At the moment, collected data at the Cova del Sardo for prehistoric period (5600-2500 cal BC) suggest a pattern of land-use based on short-term seasonal occupations. Although the intensity of the human occupations, as well the subsistence and settlement strategies, seem to vary trough time, pastoral activities probably occupied a central role during the entire period. However, for a better understanding of the human dynamics in the Pyrenees area, it would be necessary to extend the research focus from alpine and subalpine levels to lower altitudinal zones, especially considering that those groups were characterized by high mobility patterns. Both 2. Objectives he present study aims to investigate the provenance of the lithic materials recovered in the prehistoric levels of the Cova del Sardo. Objective of the research is not only to understand which sources of raw materials were exploited by prehistoric populations – thus participating in the understanding of the modalities of procurement, production and use of lithic instruments – but, on a more general level, we intend to outline the catchment area frequented by those populations. Raw materials, as other natural resources, are culturally recognized elements that are exploited by humans because of their values in the processes of economic and social reproduction (Mangado 2006). he study of their geographical distribution allows us to reconstruct some aspects of prehistoric territoriality and mobility. Moreover, the analysis of the supply and distribution strategies indirectly speaks about how prehistoric populations perceived the surrounding landscape and how they interacted with it (Terradas 2001). In this sense, provenance analysis could represent a irst step toward the integration of the data obtained through years of archeological campaigns in high-altitude zones, into a broader geographical perspective. 3. Archaeological Context 3.1 Geographical and environmental context he Cova del Sardo is a mountain rock-shelter located in central Pyrenees, at the NW of Catalonia (Spain). he site is located in the Sant Nicolau valley in the National Park of Aiguestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici (PNAESM), 10 km north of the village of Boí, in the Vall de Boí (ig. 1a, b). he rock shelter opens on the southern slope of a granite massif called Serrat dels Ginebros, located * Departamento de Arqueología y Antropología, institución Milà y Fontanals, Consejo Superior de investigaciones Cientíicas, Barcelona. ** Departamento de Prehistoria, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. 51 Archeologia Postmedievale 17, 2013, pp. 51-60 Niccolò Mazzucco, Ermengol Gassiot, David Ortega, Ignacio Clemente, David Rodríguez-Antón ig. 1 – a) Geographical site location. he white star indicates the location of the Cova del Sardo. he little stars indicate the other archaeological contexts cited in the text. 2) Cova de Els Trocs; 3) Cova Colomera; 4) Balma de la Margineda; b) Site location inside the Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park. Local environment is characterized by a mixed forest of Pinus uncinata Miller / sylvestris L. and Abies alba Mill, with an important component of Corylus avellana L. and Betula pendula R., Shrub open areas are dominated by Juniperus communis L., Rhododendron ferrugineum L. and Sorbus aucuparia L. However, the southern slope of the valley, in which the cave is situeted, is currently scarcely covered by this type of vegetation, while a major biodiversity is observed on the riverbanks and on the shores of Llebreta Lake. Today, the climate is characterized by a strong humidity. he Sant Nicolau valley is one of the about 50 m above the Sant Nicolau River and 1 km from the Llebreta Lake, at 1600 m a.s.l. Local reliefs, comprised between and 2700 and 3000 m a.s.l., constitute part of the Granite Batholith of the Maladeta, a huge basement of Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks substantially constituted of granite rocks. he rock-shelter has been excavated into the massif by phenomena of glacial erosion at the end of the Pleistocene. he cavity, of 9.0×3.0×1.3 m, with an inner surface of about 20 m², has been progressively illed by ravine sediments. 52 Lithic Procurement at the Cova del Sardo between the V-III Millennium calBC: data on mobility strategies ig. 2 – Sketches of the Cova del Sardo excavated area with the spatial distribution of the archeological remains for phase. Radiocarbon dating indicated the presence of a number of archaeological layers from 2901 cal BC to 5600 cal BC. Both ceramic and lithic materials were retrieved (Gassiot, Jiménez 2006). most humid valleys of the Catalan Pyrenees with an annual precipitation more than 1100 mm. he winter average temperatures range between -4 ºC and 2 ºC, while during summer between 13 ºC and 18 ºC. 3.3 Archaeological sequence 3.2 Timeline of the excavation he irst archaeological evidences of an anthropic occupation of the cave belong to phase 9, dated to 5600-5400 cal BC. Human presence is attested by a pit hearth and scarce lithic materials1 (Gassiot, Rodríguez-Antón, Garcia 2010; Gassiot et al. 2010). his stage seems to correspond to an early and brief occupancy of the site, probably a single episode. After a hiatus of over ive centuries, during the V millennium cal BC, human presence is testiied by a number of levels dated between 4800 and In 2004 all the area around the Llebreta Lake and most of the Sant Nicolau valley was surveyed. A number of archaeological remains, dated to different periods, from Neolithic to Medieval and Modern times, have been identiied. One of these is the Cova del Sardo site. A irst explorative survey inside the cave permitted to highlight the existence of an extensive stratigraphic sequence. Between 2006 and 2008 a team of researchers of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona excavated the entire inner surface and part of the external terrace, for a total area of about 60 m². 1 Phase 9 has been excluded by the study due to the scarce conservation of lithic materials. 53 Niccolò Mazzucco, Ermengol Gassiot, David Ortega, Ignacio Clemente, David Rodríguez-Antón 4350 cal BC (phase 8). During this phase human settlement is extended both to inner and external areas. Hearths and other combustion structures indicate that the site was used as domestic space. Lithic materials, not abundant, are associated to rare ceramic fragments (ig. 2a). At the beginning of the IV millennium, the cave is occupied through a series of short and discontinuous phases, dated 4400-3400 cal BC (phase 7). he main archaeological evidences are a series of pit-hearths located in the interior of the rock shelter, while the external terrace seems scarcely frequented. Fragments of ceramics, characterized by a plastic rope decoration, and abundant lithic remains are associated to highly fragmented and burned faunal remains (ig. 2b). Toward the end of the millennium, around 35003000 cal BC, a new phase of occupation is settled (phase 6). he presence of an abundant number of large fragments of burned tree trunk suggests the existence of some type of vegetal rooing covering the cave entrance. In the inner area, human traces are almost absent. Materials have been mostly retrieved in the outer terrace (ig. 2c). his later phase coincides with the beginning of a moment of major human pressure over the territories of the National Park. In fact, between the end of the IV and the beginning of the III millennium cal BC, an increasing number of archeological sites appear in the area, including: Covetes, Cova de Serradé, Abric de l’Estany de la Coveta I, Abric del Portarró, Abric de Obagues de Ratera, Coma d’Espòs e Abric de l’Estanh Gran de Saboredo (Rappalino et al. 2007; Gassiot, RodríguezAntón, Garcia 2010; Gassiot et al. 2010). he last prehistoric occupation of the cave (phase 5), dated between 2900 and 2500 cal BC, fully agrees with this phenomenon. During this phase human occupation seems to follow the same pattern documented in phase 7, with a series a brief, discontinuous, occupations, organized around a large pit-hearth in the central sector of the cavity (ig. 2d). ig. 3 – Selected items among chipped stone tool assemblage from Cova del Sardo, phases 8, 7, 6, 5; a(A) Ebro Valley chert – blades; b(A) Ebro Valley chert – geometric tools; c(C) Tremp Formation chert – blades. d(C) Tremp Formation chert – geometric tools; e(A) Ebro Valley chert – blade core; f(E) Exogenous ind chert types – blades and one foliated type point; g(B) Pardina formation chert – waste materials; h(R) Rhyolites – lakes; i(S) Slate – lakes; j(P) Porphyries – lakes. lithic procurement strategies without any limitation imposed by gaps or omissions in the archaeological record. For the petrographic identiication of the diferent raw materials we proceed according to the common practice: 1) the classiication of the materials have been realized through the analysis of the macroscopic characters of rocks, observables with the aid of a stereoscope; 2) samples have been chosen from each group for the realization of thin section; 3) the thin sections have been studied under petrographic microscope in order to identify the mineralogical and micro-paleontological characteristics of the rocks; 4) possible raw materials sources have been identiied. he entire process has been realized with the aid of the reference collections of the Lithoteque of siliceous rocks of Catalonia (LitoCAT) of the Institució Milà i Fontanals – CSIC – in Barcelona. 4. Materials and Methods Lithic materials are one of the most abundant records at Cova del Sardo. he collection amounts to 368 indings, corresponding to phases 8, 7, 6 and 5 (ig. 3). During the excavation all the lithic materials have been properly conserved, also those elements that apparently seem unmodiied or unused by humans. hus, we can properly evaluate 54 Lithic Procurement at the Cova del Sardo between the V-III Millennium calBC: data on mobility strategies ig. 4 – A-C Ebro Valley chert type; a-b) hin section view under microscope, plan-polarized light and nicols crossed (50X); c) Caroita at 8X magniication. D-F Pardina chert type; d-e) hin section view (same as before); f ) Marine foraminifera and spicule at 8x magniication. G-I Tremp chert type; g-h) hin section view (same as before), ibrous, length-slow, chalcedony; i) Iron oxides at 8x magniication. iii. Chert (C) with colorations from grey to white and a semi-translucent cryptocrystalline massive matrix characterized by the presence of ibrous chalcedony with optically positive elongation (ig. 4d, e, f ). iv. Chert (D) with a coloration from grey to white and a semi-translucent cryptocrystalline massive matrix characterized by the presence of ibrous, length-slow, spherulitic quartzite, with the presence of distinctive lenticular shaped gypsum pseudomorphs and remains of iron oxide (ig. 4g, h, i). v. Chert (E) of a yellow-brown coloration, characterized by a massive opaque cryptocrystalline matrix, azoic. 5. Results Among the studied materials, we recognized the presence of a large group of sedimentary rocks (mainly siliceous rocks), followed by igneous rocks (mainly porphyries and rhyolites) and a small amount of metamorphic rocks (slate, schist, quartzite and hornfels). Among siliceous rocks, ive diferent chert types have been identiied: i. Chert (A) characterized by a coloration from dark to brown, with a translucent massive cryptocrystalline matrix, occasionally banded, with the presence of charophyte stems and oogonies (ig. 4a, b, c). ii. Chert (B) with a dark coloration and a translucent cryptocrystalline massive matrix, with the presence of ibrous, length-slow, spherulitic quartzite, characterized by the presence of sponge spicules and other marine foraminifera. A number of elements have not grouped to any particular type, because of the scarcity of indings or the presence of strong surface alterations that limited the analysis (e.g. heavily burned rocks). 55 Niccolò Mazzucco, Ermengol Gassiot, David Ortega, Ignacio Clemente, David Rodríguez-Antón ig. 5 – Regional map of the Aragon-Catalan South Pyrenees with the main geological formations containing chert. he star indicates the location of the Cova del Sardo. he South Pyrenees Main hrust is indicated as SPMT. PA – frm. Pardina; AS – frm. Agua Salenz; GU – frm. Guarga; TR – frm. Tremp; CS – frm. Castelltallat; PE – frm. Peraltilla; AL – frm. Alcubierre; TC – frm. Torrent de Cinca. Pyrenean Central Unit. Type C and D probably belong to the Early Paleogene lacustrine deposits of the Tremp-Grauss Basin (Garumnian facies), called Tremp Formation or Tremp Group (Rosell et al. 2001) (ig. 3c-d), while type B belongs to the Cretaceous marine formations of the Sopeira Basin, named Pardina formation (ig. 3g). Rhyolites (ig. 3h) probably belong to the Stephanian-Permian formations, located in the Malpás-Sort Basin, where Noguera de Tor and Noguera Ribagorçana rivers meet. All these outcrops are located between 30 and 60 km from the Cova del Sardo (ig. 5) (Marti 1983). Chert type A (ig. 3a, b) proceeds from the Oligocene and Miocene lacustrine carbonaceous formations of the Central and Eastern Ebro Valley. Nearest outcrops are situated between 80 and 100 km from the San Nicolau Valley (ig. 5). Chert materials have been transported to the site mainly in the form of inished blank, in fact, by-products of knapping activities represent a minimum percentage of the assemblage. hose 6. Discussion 6.1 Raw material procurement strategies Lithic materials proceed at least from three diferent areas. A irst area corresponds to the granitic massif of the Maladeta. From this local context proceed the majority of no-siliceous rocks, as porphyry, slate, schist and quartzite (ig. 5). hose lithologies were intentionally carried at the site for the production of elongated lakes (rhyolites and porphyries) or large, lat blanks (slate, schist) (ig. 3i, j). Siliceous rocks mainly proceed from a regional or extra-regional context. In fact, the geological environment of the Axial Zone of the Pyrenees is characterized by a scarceness of rocks suitable for laminar knapping techniques. Prehistoric group needed to procure chert raw materials from other areas. Chert types similar to types B, C and D can be found in the pre-Pyrenees area, in the southern 56 Lithic Procurement at the Cova del Sardo between the V-III Millennium calBC: data on mobility strategies PHASE 5 6 7 8 TOT N % N % N % N % N % No-siliceous rocks Siliceous rocks Hornfels Quartzite Hyaline Quartz Schist Granite Slate Phorpyry Rhyolite Ebro Basin Tremp Pardina 1 10 12 16 21 3 1,3% 12,5% 15,0% 20,0% 26,3% 3,8% 1 5 1 27 5 22 8 1,1% 5,6% 1,1% 30% 5,6% 24,4% 8,9% 13 1 1 2 8 13 23 22 18 7 9,3% 0,7% 0,7% 1,4% 5,7% 9,3% 16,4% 15,7% 12,9% 5,0% 1 1 4 9 12 9 7 1,7% 1,7% 6,9% 15,5% 20,7% 15,5% 12,1% 2 19 1 2 7 17 62 35 52 68 18 0,5% 5,2% 0,3% 0,5% 1,9% 4,6% 16,8% 9,5% 14,1% 18,5% 4,9% Ind. TOT 17 21,3% 21 23,3% 32 22,9% 15 25,9% 85 23,1% 80 100% 90 100% 140 100% 58 100,0% 368 100% tab. 1 – Raw materials compositions of the Cova del Sardo lithic assemblage. Ind. Indicates the indeterminate elements. To assess the diferences in the distribution of the Cova del Sardo lithic materials, a chi-square test has been realized (tab. 1). We grouped materials on the basis of their provenance area («Axial Pyrenees», «pre-Pyrenees», «Ebro Basin»), excluding all materials of doubtful classiication. Results show a p-value of high signiicance (x2: 33,765; df: 6; P: 0,000). Obtained data indicate that during phase 8 local materials prevail (64,3%) while during phase 7 and phase 5 allochthonous materials are more intensively transported at the site (respectively 64,8% and 80,2%). Phase 6 probably corresponds to a single, short, episode of occupation of the site, in which we observe a certain balance between local and allochthonous materials (respectively 52,1% and 47,9%). waste materials mainly proceed from Tremp and Pardina formations, the nearest outcrops from the site, while the majority of blade blanks and inished tools proceed directly from the Ebro Depression. Considering the scarceness of cores (only one core has been retrieved in the entire sequence) (ig. 3e) and of other characteristic core trimming elements, we can assume that chert materials were involved mainly in maintenance and retouching activities at Cova del Sardo. A third area corresponds to an indeterminate extraregional territory, from which proceed a small number of tools realized with exogenous chert types. Among those tools stands the presence of a foliated point (ig. 3f ), realized on a thin chert tablet, that both from a lithological and technological point of view appears an intrusive element in respect to the local context. hese data suggest a model of land-use largely based on the direct supply of needed raw materials. Each lithology is exploited on the basis of its geographical position, that is to say its accessibility, and on the basis of its physical/mechanical proprieties. Non siliceous local rocks were used to produce non-curated (Binford 1979) or expedient tools (Andrefsky 1991) (ig. 3g-i), while ine-grained chert materials were transported on mid-long distances, mainly in the form of curated blanks or tools, e.g. blade scrapers and geometric instruments (ig. 3a-d). Exogenous materials could have been obtained either by trade, gift exchange or by direct supply. At the moment, studied materials are too few to construct a model of resource supply on a regional or sovra-regional level. However, it is important to highlight that catching strategies were not limited to direct supply but trading and exchange activities also took place (Gassiot et al. 2012a). 6.2 Territory and mobility Obtained data on the procurement strategies seems in agreement with the general model of occupation of the cavity. In fact, phase 8, when the exploitation of local materials is higher, corresponds to a phase of a more stable human occupation of the area. Pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs analysis indicate a stable human presence at the Cova del Sardo and a signiicant pressure on the surrounding environment, with a decrease in arboreal pollen and a higher percentage of herbs and shrubs taxa (Gassiot et al. 2012b). On the contrary, during phase 7 and phase 5 the transportation of a major percentage of allochthonous materials (64,8% and 80,2%) is in correspondence with a sequence of brief and repeated episodes of occupation of the rock-shelter. During those phases, from about 4000 cal BC, human pressure on the subalpine stage is progressively lower and local vegetation shows an increase in the arboreal taxa, with a dense pine-dominated forest. 57 Niccolò Mazzucco, Ermengol Gassiot, David Ortega, Ignacio Clemente, David Rodríguez-Antón look at the distribution of the possible outcrops on the territory and we consider the geographical position of the Cova del Sardo, it is easily understandable that the most practicable access to site is through the Noguera de Tor and Noguera Ribagorçana basin on the South-North axis. his portion of land, that constitutes a territory of about 1400 m² – considering its minimal extension on the basis of raw materials sources distribution – seems to have been frequented in a regular manner by the groups that inhabited the Cova del Sardo, for more than 3000 yrs. Direct supply or, eventually, exchange networks guaranteed a stable procurement of mineral resources. In support to our hypothesis, it is remarkable the presence of an archeological deposit with human occupations of similar chronologies (VI-III millennium cal BC), at the Cova Colomera, a site located 60 km south of the Cova del Sardo, in the lower course of the Noguera Ribagorçana River. his site is probably related to pastoral activities on seasonal scale (due to the presence of fumiers) (Oms et al. 2008). On the basis of the lithic raw material procurement strategies (Mangado et al. 2012) it is possible to highlight certain similarities with the Cova del Sardo cave: both sites share similar catchment areas (the Central and Eastern Ebro Basin and the Tremp-Graus Basin) and a pattern of south-north mobility through the Noguera Ribagorçana river valley. Available archaeological data for the region in study are still scarce, especially for alpine and subalpine belts. Recently has been discovered a new archaeological site, the Cova de Els Trocs (Bisaurri), located in the Pyrenees of Aragon, in the Benasque Valley, at about 1500 m a.s.l. his site is located 30 km east of the Cova del Sardo. However, the study of the archaeological materials is still in course of publication (Rojo et al. 2012). In the Eastern Pyrenees, 50 km west of the Cova del Sardo, is located the Balma Margineda rock shelter, in Andorra, in the Valira valley, at 970 m a.s.l. his site shows a large series of occupations from Mesolithic-Azilian-to early Neolithic (Martzluff, Rouaud 1995). However, procurement strategies at Margineda have been scarcely investigated and the provenance of the chert materials, which included some allochthonous inputs, has not been clearly determined. At the same time, lake-sediment records indicate a major pressure on the alpine environment, with the opening of pastures areas (Miràs et al. 2007; Pèlachs et al. 2007; Gassiot et al. 2010). In this sense, the major presence of allochthonous materials (mainly represented by chert blanks) could be interpreted as result of an enhanced mobility between the lower areas and the mountainous alpine zones. his scenario suggests a change in the pattern of occupation of the site from the early phases to the middle and inal Neolithic period. Raw material procurement strategies partially relect these transformations, even if, due to the scarcity of indings, our results should be taken with a word of caution. Provenance analyses suggest that the prehistoric groups that inhabited the Cova del Sardo had a vast catchment area, from the Ebro River Basin up to the Pyrenean range, and they probably moved along this territory. his area is characterized by a strong topographical contrast between the lower lands, with altitudes between 200 and 300 m a.s.l. and the highlands, characterized by peaks over 3000 m a.s.l. Between those extremes, land gradually rises into irregular and abrupt ridges called the pre-Pyrenees. Pre-Pyrenees are a complex of reliefs and depressions that from Basque Country stretches, at Atlantic seaboard, to NE of Catalonia at Mediterranean coast. he largeness and the extension of this system of ranges is the main diference in respect to the northern side of the Pyrenees. In fact, while on the French side, mountain slopes descend rather abruptly creating wide and gentle valleys, easily traversable, on the Iberian side pre-Pyrenees form a large mass of irregular reliefs characterized by high ridges and narrow valleys. In Catalonia pre-Pyrenees reach an extension of over 100 km, with altitudes between 1600 and 2500 m a.s.l. On the border with Ebro valley there is the Serra del Montsec, a range of over 40 km of largeness, while in the northern part of the prePyrenees, there are the Serra de Sant Gervàs, Serra de Gurp, Serra del Boumort, Serra de Prada and Serra de Cadí, a complex system of parallel ranges of more than 100 km of extension. Despite Pyrenees has been often considered as whole as an obstacle to human dispersal and interaction (Jimenez 2006), the main natural barrier to communications is probably constituted by the pre-Pyrenees, whose narrow ridges prevent human movements on the east-west axis, between parallel valleys (Derruau 1965; Benlloch 2002). his consideration is particularly important in order to evaluate the prehistoric mobility strategies. 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During the same period, central Pyrenees were characterized by colder summers and a decrease of seasonality, with a forest covering dominated by open pine woodland (Pla, Catalan 2005; Ejarque et al. 2010). hough there is not any direct connection between climate changes and the development of socioeconomic activities such as agriculture and pastoralism in the NE of Iberian Peninsula, the increasing aridity in the Ebro Depression and the availability in mountainous areas of water, wet meadows and pastures, were probably stimulating factors in the establishment, or intensiication, of a seasonal mobility from the lowlands of the central Ebro valley to the alpine highlands of the axial Pyrenees. 7. Conclusion Provenance analysis permitted to identify and characterize the raw materials used during Neolithic and Chalcolithic phases. Both local and regional sources were exploited through direct supply, even if also trading and/or exchange practices probably took places. Our study permitted to clarify which catchment area has been frequented by the prehistoric groups that inhabited the site. Procurement and supply strategies suggest the existence of a seasonal mobility between the lower lands of the Ebro Depression and the alpine highlands through the pre-Pyrenean valleys. his data, indicate a strong relation between the mountain and plain areas as complementary environments implicated in the whole economic reproduction process developed by the Neolithic communities. he Cova del Sardo is the irst site of the region for which are available clear indications for a long range mobility pattern. Our hypothesis is developed through an interpretative framework that integrates archaeological and environmental data. In this sense, the site represents an important case-study even if more archaeological contexts are necessary to integrate our data into a broader scenario. 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Terradas X. 2001, La gestión de los recursos minerales en las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras, «Treballs d’etnoarqueologia», 4, CSIC, Madrid. Abstract Current archaeological data show that Pyrenean mountainous areas were peopled since Neolithic times. his hypothesis is sustained, among others sites, by the Cova del Sardo site. his rock-shelter, located in the valley of Sant Nicolau at 1790 m of altitude, has an archaeological sequence that from the Fifth millennium BC reaches the irst half of the hird millennium. he study of prehistoric lithic raw materials found in the site indicates the existence of a number of diferent procurement strategies, varying through time. Key words: Neolithic, Pyrenees, mountain environment, lithic raw materials, mobility. Riassunto Approvvigionamento litico alla Cova del Sardo tra V-III millennio calBC: dati sulle strategie di mobilità. I dati archeologici a nostra disposizione indicano che le aree di alta montagna dei Pirenei Centrali furono oggetto di un continuato processo di popolamento sin dal primo Neolitico. La serie stratigraica della Cova del Sardo, situata a 1790 m di altitudine all’interno del Parco Nazionale di Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, testimonia un’occupazione che dal V millennio a.C. arriva sino alla metà del III. Lo studio dei materiali rinvenuti nel sito sembra indicare l’esistenza di diverse strategie di gestione delle risorse litiche, variabili nel tempo. Parole chiave: neolitico, pirenei, ambiente montano, risorse litiche, mobilità. 60 montagne inCise. Pietre inCise archeologia delle risorse nella montagna mediterranea a cura di anna maria stagno Questo volume riprende una delle proposte fondanti dell’arche­ ologia postmedievale italiana: l’archeologia delle risorse ambien­ tali. A partire da oggetti concreti – le montagne e le pietre incise appunto – e attraverso punti di vista eterogenei, i contributi ofro­ no un’ampia rassegna di metodi e percorsi di ricerca, ampliando la discussione a una rilessione sui paesaggi culturali e sui problemi della loro patrimonializzazione. Il volume si caratterizza per il taglio fortemente diacronico (dalla preistoria al XXI secolo) e il confronto tra discipline e procedure di ricerca. L’approccio non è nuovo per la rivista e, in particolare, rimanda al numero 6 (L’approccio storico ambientale al patrimonio rurale delle aree protette) che già aveva proposto alla ricerca archeologica “convenzionale” i temi dell’archeo­ logia ambientale e dell’ecologia storica. Il monograico raccoglie i risultati dell’International Workshop on Archaeology of European Mountain Landscapes (Borzonasca, GE, 20­22 ottobre 2011), promos­ so dal Laboratorio di Archeologia e Storia Ambientale dell’Univer­ sità di Genova e inanziato dal Parco Naturale Regionale dell’Aveto. € 54,00 ISSN 1592-5935 ISBN 978-88-7814-603-7