Ancient Egyptian Symbol of Sky and Oromo Cosmology Dereje Tadesse Birbirso (PhD) Haramaya University Egyptologists agree that Ancient Egyptians believed the sky was a cosmic ocean and usually they believe the anents’ sign for ‘Sky’ or ‘Heaven’ was possibly either of these two. Many researchers decipher it as “doors of the sky” or “two door hinges” and they read from Pyramid Texts saying “The doors of the sky are open; the doors of the Cold Region are pulled open.” (Philippe Collombert, The Egyptian Hieroglyphic Sign for the Sky, Hieroglyphics, (2023), 219–244) Oromo Cosmology: Corresponds with it? Waaqa, the Black-Sky Supreme Creator, existed before anything existed; even before the primordial, undifferentiated Bishaan Gurraacha Walaabuu, the Primordial Dark Sea of the Universe, come into being. Waaqa (also lower case waaqa ‘sky, heavens’) is that who is before everything else. Therefore, Waaqa is the one and the same (=monotheistic) for all, the Creator of everything, source of all life form, omnipresent, and infinite. Then, Waaqa divided e Bishaan Gurraacha Walaabuu, into two, ‘Bishaan Gubbaa” and the “Bishaan Godaa”. The concept 1 Bishaan Gubbaa literally refers to the “Water of the Above’ and Bishaan Godaa is also literally the “Water of the Below’ as bishaan refers to ‘water’ or ‘liquor’; gubbaa refers to ‘upper’, ‘Higher’, or ‘above’ and godaa refers to the ‘lower’, ‘below’, ‘beneath’, or ‘underneath’. Then, Waaqa put the Qolloo, Open Outer-space, between Bishaan Gubbaa and Bishaan Godaa, apart, and divided the Bishaan Hora Walaabuu which was under the Qolloo from the Bishaan which are above the qolloo and it was so. Therefore, the concept qolloo refers to that which covers the things of the Bishaan Gubbaa from the things of the Bishaan Godaa; the things that conceals the things of the Bishaan Gubbaa from the things of Bishaan Godaa. In this context, qolloo refers to the vault of Bishaan Gubbaa; the covering of the things in the Upper Walaabuu as it act as a physical boundary between the Bishaan Gubbaa and Bishaan Godaa. Qolloo also serves as the ‘physical’ boundary between the superhuman and human divisions of reality. Then, the Sons of Men and Women (=Oromo) called the water that remain down the qolloo “Bishaan Godaa” (or Dachee), and the water above the Qolloo “Bishaan Gubbaa” (or Ruudaa). (All obtained from informant or Megerssa, G. and Kassam, Aneesa. 2019. Sacred Knowledge Traditions of the Oromo of the Horn of Africa. Fifth World Publications, Printed by Rehobot Printers.) Now, watch the following Oromo Theology Blessing speech acts with eyes on the bold phrases: Ee…Waaqa ardaa … Yes…Waaqa the owner of sacred/ritual/ancestral lands Waaqa abbaa …. Waaqa, the owner of the rivers and the seas Ka Me’ee Bokkoo … Waaqa of Me’ee Bokkoo sacred/ancestral land Ka Dibbee Dhugoo…. Waaqa of Dibbee Dhugoo sacred/ritual/ancestral land Ka Garba Aannoo … Waaqa of Garba Aannoo sacred/ritual/ancestral land Waaqi Gujii gurraachaa, nu dhageyi ..The Waaqa of Black Gujii might respond to us Dhageettu nuu owwaadhu … In case listening us, answer/respond, please Ta Olii Oliitti nu hanqisi …. The thing above us (sky/cosmos), may Waaqa keep it there Ta Gadii Gaditti nu hanqisi … The things below (on earth, underground), may Waaqa keep it there 2 O Waaqa (Yaa Waaqi), Give us peace (Nagaa nuuf laadhu) Peace to the Bishaan Gubbaa (Nagaan Bishaan Gubbaaf) Peace to the Bishaan Godaa (Nagaan kan Bishaan Godaa haa tahu) Peace to mankind (Nagaan kan dhala nama haa tahu) Peace tu nature (Nagaan uumama hundaa haa tahu) Peace to animals (Nagaankan loonii haa tahu) Peace to the wildbeasts (Nagaankan bineensota dagalaa haa tahu) O Waaqa (Yaa Waaq) The Lord of Walaabuu (Goofticha Walaabuu) The Lord of Bishaan Gubbaa (Goofticha Bishaan Gubbaa) The Lord of Bishaan Godaa (Goofticha Bishaan Godaa) The Creator of those who dwell in the Bishaan Gubbaa (Uumaa kanneen Bishaan Gubbaa keessa qabatanii) The Creator of those who dwell in the Bishaan Godaa (Uumaa kanneen Bishaan Godaa keessa qabatanii) O one Waaqa (Yaa Waaq tokkicha) He who came into being before the beginning of time (Isa jalqaba waan hundaa) You did created dachee (Kan dachee uumtee) You did fashion man (Kan nama kalaqixxe) You did make the Bishaan Gubbaa (Kan ruuda tolchite) You did form haroo Walaabuu (Kan haroo walaabuu uumte) You did form Tulluu GaNnamaa (Kan tulluu ganamaa kalaqixxe) You have made the beast of the field to come into being 3 (Kan bineensota dagalaa uumte) Thank you (Ulfaadhu) O Waaqa (Yaa Waaqi), Waaqa of the Upper Walaabu (Waaqa Bishaan Gubbaa), Waaqa of the Lower Walaabuu (Waaqa Bishan Godaa), Your seat is above me (Masaraan kee annaa oli), You are above me (Ati naa ol Jiraattaa), I am below you (Ani sii gadin Jiraadhaa) My seat is below you (Ani si jalan taa’aa), When misfortune comes to me (Yoo hamtuun nati dhufe)…………………… 4