Digital Marketing Application for Balinese Culinary Tourism in Denpasar City

International Journal of Glocal Tourism

International Journal of Glocal Tourism Volume 2 Number 3, September 2021 e-ISSN 2774-9606 p-ISSN 2774-9614 Digital Marketing Application for Balinese Culinary Tourism in Denpasar City Gilang Ramadan1, I Ketut Budarma2, I Gede Mudana3 Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Pariwisata Dalung, Indonesia, 2,3 Tourism Department, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Indonesia email: [email protected], [email protected], 3 [email protected] 1 Received on 9 July 2021 Revised on 12 August 2021 Accepted on 30 August 2021 Abstract Purpose: This research is to analyze the application of digital marketing of Balinese culinary tourism in Denpasar City, Indonesia, based on Geographic Information System. Research methods: The data collection is collected by examining and/or exploring several journals, books, and documents as well as sources of data and or other information deemed relevant to the research. Findings: The outcome of this research is a digital marketing system design of Balinese culinary tourism in Denpasar City based on the Geographic Information System. The design is to improve the marketing of Balinese culinary tourism in the city. Implications: The digital marketing model can make the users (tourists/excursionists) easier to search in mapping the location of restaurants or culinary tourism in Denpasar City quickly and precisely and can be accessed by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Keywords: Balinese culinary tourism, digital marketing, Geographic Information System, application. INTRODUCTION Tourism is one of the engines driving the world economy which is proven to be able to contribute to the prosperity of a country. Tourism development can stimulate business activities to generate significant social, cultural, and economic benefits for a country (Utama, 2017). The tourism area in Indonesia is one of the centers of tourism development in Bali. Bali itself has a natural beauty, unique culture, and traditions which are an attraction for tourists. Bali itself is an island that is uniquely different from other islands. Besides, Bali also has a natural beauty that is supported by Balinese culture and the life of Balinese people who adhere to culture, both in religious, social, and artistic activities which are unique so that they can attract tourists to visit (Somantri, nd). Since 1970s Bali has developed a cultural tourism paradigm as stated in Perda Pariwisata Budaya Bali (Balinese Cultural Tourism Local Regulation) Number 3 Year 1974, Number 3 Year 1991, and the last Number 2 Year 2012 (Mudana et al, 2021). Bali Province has 9 regencies/cities (8 regencies and 1 city). Denpasar City is the capital of Bali Province and is actively developing tourism. As a tourist 171 destination city, Denpasar City has propagated a tagline of “The Heart of Bali” which was built as an identity based on the passion to express the charisma of Denpasar City which has a dynamic cultural tourism as well as the pulse of the island of Bali (Utama, 2017). In the tourism development in Denpasar City, it is necessary to support accommodation and other supporting elements. A very important tourism support element besides accommodation, namely food or culinary. Culinary is one part of the sixteen sub-sectors of the creative industry, which is divided into several parts including preparation, processing, presentation of a food and beverage product which contains elements of creativity, tradition, and local wisdom as the main attraction. Culinary is part of the creative economy and is a potential sub-sector for other sectors. Culinary also has a strategic role in strengthening the identity of the Indonesian nation (Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016). When viewed from a deep perspective, the culinary sub-sector has a positive impact on the economy. The involvement of the culinary sub-sector has great potential due to changes in people's lifestyles, cultural wealth, natural resources, human resources owned by an area. Marketing through digital marketing is very significant in increasing the number of foreign tourist visits. The lifestyle of people who move fast and come in direct contact with the internet, causes digital marketing to be very relevant to be applied in imaging tourism (Kominfo, 2016). Based on technological advances, consumers are currently more inclined to use social media, especially Instagram, because today's consumers are saturated if they use conventional methods and have a less positive impact today (Handika & Darma, 2018). A problem that occurs will create a new idea in solving a problem that occurs in the field. One of the solutions to the problems that occur is planning a digital marketing model. Digital media is a form of electronic media with stored data in digital format and uses computer networks for information dissemination and refers to end products such as digital video, digital audio, digital signatures, and digital art. (Laba et al., 2018). Several forms of digital media can be used in promotions, such as websites, social media, online advertising, email direct marketing, discussion forums, and mobile applications. RESEARCH METHODS This type of research is qualitative research, where this research uses methods and data collection in the form of library research, library research or literature can be interpreted as a series of activities related to methods of collecting library data, reading and taking notes, and processing research materials (Zed, 2003). The data collection technique in research is carried out by examining and/or exploring several journals, books, and documents (both printed and electronic) as well as data sources and or other information deemed relevant to the research or study. The researchers also focused on several studies or journals and articles related to digital marketing media that discussed Balinese culinary and restaurants in Denpasar City, Bali Province, Indonesia. The selection and determination of informants in this study used a literature study with an interpretive approach using existing theories. This research places Denpasar City as the location of research. Researchers also reviewed the use of an Android-based Geographical Information System application in the use of technology in the culinary field. 172 FINDINGS Traditional culinary is a type of food, drink, the snack that comes from various regions that have their taste and uniqueness. So that traditional culinary is said to have much uniqueness and rich in unique flavors. When talking about Balinese culinary delights, basically the Balinese culinary is unique, from the processing to the presentation which can be used as a high selling value. Environmentally friendly seasonings, namely the spices used come from agricultural production of the Balinese people without food preservatives and without additives from finished ingredients that are already on the market, in the end, they can produce a delicious, savory, and distinctive taste (Marsiti et al., 2017). Moving on from this regarding traditional Balinese culinary, which is an attraction for tourists visiting Bali, especially looking for a traditional Balinese culinary in a research conducted by Velyniawati, regarding tourists to traditional Balinese food, namely (1) Most of the foreign tourists (66.7% ) stated that they like the taste of Balinese Traditional Food; (2) More than half of the foreign tourists (53.3%) stated that they like the color of Balinese Traditional Food; (3) Most of the foreign tourists (95%) stated that the portion of traditional Balinese food served is adequate; and (4) Most (61.7%) level of acceptance of foreign tourists to traditional Balinese food based on nutrition is good (Velyniawati et al., 2015). The various types of traditional Balinese culinary have a unique taste and become a magnet for tourists. Bali has rich culinary delights and some of them are increasingly popular among contemporary society and tourists, such as ayam betutu, babi guling, tipat cantok (Balinese gado-gado) (Son, 2014). The traditional Balinese culinary that has become a magnet for tourists is babi guling or commonly known as be guling in Balinese, which is one of the traditional Balinese culinary delights. Babi guling is usually served in traditional ceremonies in Bali, namely by roasting it while rolling it until it is cooked for about five hours, and is marked by a change in the color of the pork skin that turns brown and looks crispy (Suryanatha et al., n.d.). Culinary tourism is experiencing very rapid development. There is an assumption in tourists when visiting an area that has just been visited is incomplete, when they have not consumed the typical culinary from that area. Culinary tourism is a local cultural asset that can be used as a type of tourism business and is stipulated in the Indonesian Constitution No.10 the Year 2009 (Undang-undang Kepariwisataan) Article 14 Paragraph 1 concerning tourism businesses (usaha pariwisata). So that culinary tourism can be interpreted that from the interest of tourists who want a tourist experience, apart from natural beauty but, it can also be seen that traditional food or culinary delights are served. At this time culinary tourism is experiencing rapid development and is becoming popular with every level of society. One of the culinary tourism practices in Bali is in Denpasar City which explores the diversity of traditional culinary delights served to tourists. If traditional culinary is rarely found, both in traditional markets and in starred restaurants, this is based on several factors, namely the erosion of Balinese culture regarding Balinese culinary and the threat to the existence of Balinese culinary. The reason for this arises because Balinese culinary is eroded by the advancement of times and technology as well as current culinary developments. So that not many local people or tourists know about the diversity of Balinese culinary delights and efforts to maintain an ancestral heritage require a solution to solve the problems that occur. The development of technology is getting faster nowadays. These advances have made information technology a necessity that cannot be underestimated. In 173 the world of business and tourism, the role of technology is very vital and it can be said that it has become a major requirement at this time. Seeing this, it can be said that technology users, especially in the internet sector, are increasingly massive, this can be seen from the results of a survey conducted by the Indonesian Internet Network Providers Association (Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia or APJII), announcing that the number of internet users in Indonesia until the second quarter of this year has increased to 73,7 percent of the population or the equivalent of 196.7 million users. Nearly 200 million users out of Indonesia's population of 266.9 million according to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) (APJII, 2020). Moving on from a server that has been done can be said to be inversely proportional, especially in the use of digital media which benefits from traditional Balinese culinary. The development of Science and Technology needs to be optimally utilized to preserve Balinese culinary delights, both through print and electronic media, especially the internet (Kadyanan, 2017). Current marketing activity cannot be separated from the influence of digital technology. The terms used in marketing that use digital (digital marketing) have changed from the beginning of marketing activities for goods and services that use digital channels to have an assumption of a broader meaning in the process of finding customers and marketing products online, building consumer preferences, promoting brands and increase sales. Digital marketing is a business that is targeted, measurable, and interactively marketing goods or services using digital technology to reach and convert prospects into customers and retain them. Its main purpose is to promote brands, form preferences, and increase sales through several digital marketing techniques (Todor, 2016). Digital marketing is a marketing technique that utilizes digital technology as a marketing medium to achieve the goals of the company through the needs of consumers who are more effective in marketing to increase sales. Social Media Marketing is a form of promoting a variety of business content in various ways to social media users. This activity is carried out to find the right formula for disseminating the information needed to drive business exposure and increase traffic (Rahadi, 2017). According to Evans (2012) in his book Social Media Marketing, social media is a collaborative process in shaping, disseminating, changing, and destroying information. Social media can collect many information and knowledge, but the truth of this needs to be considered in depth. Therefore, social media plays a more effective role in participatory actions or socializing and influencing audiences, not giving statements or controlling them. Opportunities for participation in social media can exert influence and help achieve business and marketing goals (Evans, 2012). The system designed is of course used to provide an overview or workflow of a system to be run. This design is made to make it easier for application users to search for culinary attractions. The design or description of the following system used consists of two types of searches, namely the first search is based on restaurant criteria, the user can enter several criteria that are already available on the main view of the application. As for the assessment models or criteria that can be filled in by the user himself or in ordinary users such as type of food, typical food, opening time, budget, and location. Later, these criteria will be used as a reference for finding restaurants that will be taken based on the level of satisfaction or assessment given by the reviewers (Wirangga et al., 2014). Figure 1 identifies the design or manufacturing flow of the system. 174 Figure 1. System overview [Source: Wirangga et al., 2014] The main page display of the application that has been used displays the location of restaurants or culinary tourism locations in Denpasar City. In the main page display itself, several features are consisting of the location and a list of names of restaurants or culinary tours. The following is a display of the main page of one of the restaurants or culinary tours contained in this system. It displays information from restaurants or culinary tours, maps or locations as well as reviews made by reviewers. Figure 2. The initial views [Source: Wirangga et al., 2014] This system is broadly divided into three processes, namely the quick search process based on keywords entered by the user. The second search process is a search based on the radius input desired by the user. The third or last search process is the advanced search process. This application provides several features that are beneficial to the user to provide roads and directions to the location of a restaurant or culinary tour. CONCLUSION 175 The design of this digital marketing model can make it easier for users to search in mapping the location of restaurants or culinary tours in Denpasar City quickly and precisely and can be accessed by anyone, anytime, and anywhere. The design of a digital marketing model for finding the location of restaurants or culinary tours in Denpasar City that is interactive can make it easier to find information about location mapping with an attractive and easy-to-use appearance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The researchers would like to thank profusely all those who have supported the writing of this article. They also thank for the support given by various parties who have been involved in it as well as to the supervisors who has provided direction and input in the writing of this article. REFERENCES APJII. (2020). Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII), https: // Downloaded on January 20, 2021. Evans, Dave. (2012). Social Media Marketing - An Hour a Day. 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