The Origin of the Arabs: A Critical Evaluation of the Sources

Jawad Ali, the author of the Abridged History of the Arabs before Islam (Mufassal ta’rikh al­’arab qabl al­islam) suggests that the Arabs can be divided into three major groups; namely the ‘lost Arabs’ (al-‘arab al-bÉ‘idah), second the ’true Arabs’ (al-‘arab al-Ñaribah), and third the Arabized Arabs (al-‘arab al-mustaÑrabah). Evidence for this division is recorded in Ibn Ishaq’s and Ibn Hisham’s Biography of the Prophet (al­sirah al­nabawiyyah) and Tabari’s History of the Communities and Kingdoms (Ta’rikh al­umam wa­l­muluk). However, other scholars such as ‘Abd al­Salam al-Jumahi (a critic of early poetry) disagreed with Ibn Ishaq that poems by ÑAd and Thamud proved the existence of the Arabs as a people before the time of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s). The biographer Ibn NadÊm considered the verses cited by Ibn Ishaq as fraudulent and not genuine. It is a well-established fact that the corpus of ancient Arabic poetry had suffered a lot at the hands of forgers, plagiarists, misguided philologists, and dishonest narrators. For instance, a number of poems were falsely ascribed to HassÉn bin Thabit, Prophet`s poet. Thus, this study aims at examining and assessing the validity of the Muslim sources on the issue pertaining to the origins of Arabs as a people.

96 -e 'oN'Bg tol :{ya4nnfi rlwDlsJ aqJ 'ers.{e1ey41 ,(ltsrelrun crruelq Ieuorluuralul ,em1ere1r1 ry eEen8uel clq?Jv Jo .deq eql oAIosoJ o] sldtuep f,pofs ,fteuru11ard srrf,L .uorl"srTrlro Jo olpeJc eqt pereprsuoc fl lr esmceq slsr8oyodorqlue pu, slsr8oloei :.rlaotoiro. 'slsp8yll 'streuolsrq eleurcseJ ol senurluoc eurqodosel4l luercuv 'c1e crqery_30 ,(3010poqleru sq1 ,'leeuqsl go ,10n-p.r"rsep eql eq ol u4elc rreql ol pedse.r qll^r sqerv eql go',fto1srq eql peurrrexe serpnp ,rueulel .clqetv .*iqrg .uErcrueogd reql6"d301esue3 ,'ueu,{ssv pu? ueruol,(qeg 'creumly ruo4 pellozre se8en8uey go Onos ery dgpuepi cpFros Jo uo4nlole eg] uo pesncoJ serprus ,{peloqcg eldoed" "i .rraL"a";] qery eqi u6uo eql ,, lseJetr,' Jo [e^r^eJ ,otn* n pesseu$la. eAeq ;o sepecep ]uocou :uoBcnpo4ql .eldoed e se sgervJo sur8Fo eql uo secmos uqsnhJJo,ttlplea sessesse pue seulruBxe ,(pqs srql .1eod s,1eqdor4'"qi tlqg,ll ,ql upsseH ol poqrJcse ft"Jn: e.rervr sru:od .sJol€JJeu Joqrrmu eql Jo lseuoqsrp 'spueq pue qs,30101qd peplnSsrur 'slsuerEeld -'sre3roJ V eql ls xpees Jo pereJJns ,ft1eod clryrv ]uercue go sndroc eqJ .luelnpnu{ eq o1 bqqsl uql ,(q pollc sesrel oql pereprsuoc urlpeN uqlleqde-r8blq .ruerlerqv prldorg eql Jo eruD aqr eroJeq eydoed n .n rqn "qf y eqr Jo ecuelsrxo orp pnurerlJ pue py. ,tq srueod pq1 b9qs1 uql qlLv\ ieer8esrp (,fueod dlreego crluc e) gqerunlle wpps-lu uql se s.reloqcs reqlo qcns .(44Jnra Je,n ueum-P {Hlril) sutopSuJy pae soqran(uaoC erp So ,fto$lH s.geqei_p grc (qett7,*reqea-p qetlsle) raqdord eW Zrfdiriolg r,_p-i.r11 uql pue Jo s,bgqsl uql q poprocer sr uorsrlrp qql roj ecuepl^g .(qeqet"e1snu_Je qete, -p) sqery pestqerv egl pue (rteqlte;p qiu;rn)',rdrrv J"o,'ri.(qepl,pq -le qerec-le) ,sqerv lsol, eql ,(leuruu lsOn"ora rotew'."r,11 o1q pep4lp eg uec sqerv erp teq] ssse88ns QtryJx_Je Jqeb Qen;p qryrg, g pssejnry_i) arelsl eroJeq sqerv eqtJo,tro4sry1peapuqZ eqtJo rorllru eql ,qV pg1tuh€I lce4sqv .Jord .cossv r.9ocBBtr rlBrlelos'J(I secmos eql Jo uoxrcnl?^fl I?cBrJJ v :sqgrv erluo qErc eqr I Solehah Yaacob by scholars on apparent contradictions and opposing conclusions formed their relation to other the validity and relevance of the Muslim sources and evidence of Arabic historiography dates back to the sources. The first second century A.H., focusing on the biography of the Prophet' his on the .ffiurior*, ,na tn.ii Ibn Ishdq's writing^s are based al-"Affrn ibn "Uthman traditions of his predecessors, such as Abb6n al- wutb ibn Munabbih (d.34A.H.t732C.8), "Urwah ibn aililxjt, and (d.g4 A.H.t, tic.y1, Sharhabii i' rr Sa"d (d.123A.H. n40C.E)8 htbayr that the "Asim ibn "IJmar ibn Qat'adah (d.120A.H./737C.8). He believed an field of those scholari conslsted of expeditions and constituted azas such them, followed introduction that paved the way for those who Ibn -lshaq Zuhri @.124A.H.1741C.E), Ibn Hazm (d'130 or 135A'H')' 0 was Az-Zuhrll (d.2d7A .H. t Bzzc.E). ia.;;, ini5r "r-waqidT To ""J who expanded the collection of narrations and their verification' th. or"".*ii^ (maghaz\, he used the establish this link with the early Muslim expeditions as did Ibn Islraq' who bibliography), term sTrah or narration (in the sense of of the Prophet traditions the collected historical narratives in the form of Prophet (althe of (h*a-r4, poetry and folklore". rbtt Ishaq's Bngraphy 'iaun Ibn in_rubawiyyah) is preserved only in the revised version of history of Hishdm (d.218A.iIl8i2C.Y7". Another important source for the Atthe early Muslim ummah is al-Waqidi's Expeditions (at-maghazfl". bring to historian fully-fledged first the i"U"riia.:10A.H)14 is known as Muslim historical writing to maturity and he applied his comprehensive (had-ta knowledge and methodoiogy ur a narrator of Prophetic tradition developed and a lelal scholar (kq-th). The craft of historical writing thus centres during tf,e first three centuries of Islamic civilisation, its major Basrah' and being located in Medina, Kufa The origins of the Arab PeoPle It can be agreed with Jat Retsols that the question of the origin of the Arabs Aspects of cannot be answered by relying exclusively on Arabic sources. particular to this problem that cannot be sfficiently answered by referring and established sources and may call for the aid of appropriate suggestions sources in mentioned are Arabs of origins the hypotheses. certain facets of fai older than the Islamic Arabic teits. Research on Arabic origins begins with an investigation of the origins of the term 'Arab' and offers sources explanations of the basic meaning of 'araba (.r?). Islamic Arabic explain the offer a plethora of meanings but the question arises of how to semantic accurate meaning of the- term based on morphology and from the derived term The "arabun. and ya'ribu among "araba, differences 96 -The Islamic Quarterly: Vol 58, No' 2 mt 'raba he t Imrims md pt di€d before a r cr*Ime- Retso.l ftTeser onrswds i ls Saba or Shebl fuma md \fu m ryport 6e il mqder) d Ih frfmefite tribes I o bastd ifiifiod rturql Hlemistic tms of Isfimed' arftIloss: -fl-] h[ as ,dine- s:ilsG fr putimnr Emnry- hema gtilE e Mdedrd o ffi*i& K€dG l]Lmr- J,em. I hEryhmsr trdm dhccaee of L &rybenfu ,mhtlgs ffi a ru Ii n-icim. lc.L= srch I qilre. ir rl fb# nssErtd LfEsminr dft AtHir *urycd-t- cf minim r vi qilrerkAl ,ilbfiidh @f 'oN'gS 1otl )lruDFI aqJ L6 -Z eql ol Surprocce pel€p 'pu€l Jo el€s eql ol 3ur1e1sr slcs4uoc Sunrrelum oezeg ut pequBeun eJoa splqe] uglfiErffi pue ldlrcs urroJleunc uI ue[IJ1y\ u€Ip€)p[V ]3q] esuafiLc o.4a1 ueql\ peJe.\ocun se^\ o3€n3u3l l€uuoJ eql se/\\ e^rsnlcuos sz'lxel oq] o] ,fircqueqlne eJolu puel o1 '(1duls Jo uollE[nEj crllnc JoJ uoIsJeA uBueurns e JoJ peou otll Jo esneceq JeIDIe 'flluenb:!rys 'ueIpe>P[V JW -]'; pepp" se,^a uolsrel u€Iroluns eql leql pe1se83ns sql '.I'l"E enblec € - uorsJe^ uBueurns eql uI slln€J cr1ce1u,(s snoJelunu ul€luoJ punor€ pesodruoc s1xe1 len8utllq Jo dnor8 e leql pouess". tjry 000I cl€rusrv lsoru s€'& 1t 'aou:pa--n; eql se,v\ 1eq1 ,;ia"iar*1lsoplopes€q s€ suelrolsq qcns E.':r.l-E e,lrao'I rul€lc 'l€ql uo eql inrlqtg eJuab-rE u3 ,(1e111 Jo 000I eculs ulnsulued uelqsJv eql Jo quou ruopSuq luelcu€ 'srn8Fo qutr uo eq] ruop3ur;1 {ro1( zzs.PImI ,qi tm.aa"s-.19p.&[ ;o e selruuwm elqaquot\ Surgels \ -erd elqeqord Surte8rlselul ueq iurod ;pp,fuf go uop8ur; og] uo uolssncslp e leW pe[ruqns eq -reu q u€q?rqYJo,qlu8lp eqlJo esrcreq gm rc;Jr]wJ rler0 uomu 'enp,r u1(o Jleql;o eineceq qloq 'sseql uro4i sequ JIeq} eru€u pue mnq o1 sslerqdnl pou eql '",r"1nqeN pue ees pelles uBICIeTV ue ete,t.q1 u -ueB:EJ 'sBIup€C 'Jnlef pue snseqdeN ,(+tmoc eqtr IIe pollq"qq eserlJ 'pepoqf, 'snoesetr41 'soetusetrAq 'seunpl 'ruesqelAl 'leopqY'repe;tr'qloretlw ',(leur8uo pe^uep JlasJsS :suos o^Ie./yq Ioetuq ol Iuoq eJe, a oJI^\ slql JO eq 'dn u-u'orfr se.^d. Jerporu eql ecueqllr 'ue4df8g u€ q1l1q,(q 'e31lr € peIJJBrlr ,"q6 [...J n..sseulcexe leerS q]r^\ lrmocce relncrped e a$6i ,n^ pni "q1 ,(llueserd [I^\ I uloq \ Sriiurecuoc :e8e leql ]e peslclrrncJlc s3.&\ 'surgn-rucu oql Jo u€qeJqv ol uroq wlt oq.t\ 'uolleu Jleql Jo JepImoJ egl asITL'!*l 'rn"i q1rett4ql eql JoUB eslctunc;lc ,(eql 'suelqe'ry eql roJ se lng [--"i :s,r\ofi0I * sAeI'etpJo se4tnb4uy snolu€J slq w .sueIq?JV eq1, se .le?urgslJo suo5: eql polJlluePl u,snqdesol 'ltet,t s.oslol{ o} }ser1uoc uI 'r,seruq JusIIr3{I}t{ pesEq pe$I$lr" Iqun pelueurncop lou s€A\ pu€ ecuepl^e elq€Is^e eql uo (poqd:e,re elqeut@{ pu€ seql4 eq louu€c epsurued u€lqeJv eql ur 8ur,tr1 (rypiu4)' pue q ,r'eurunq 1e o1 ,Qpuepl qerv eql Surpuslxe ',lnell slq ilpe6 ldecxs seqlr eseql Jo fue ro sqerv Jo ,tpuepl percqs eqr uod&r r'is op secmos uerr,(ssy ,fterodureluoc }eq} penSre eH er'?ss€I I pue eumf ro eqes sr 'le,oqp17 '(rpp,(e|) repe| '1o,(eqe51 'u4qnbe14 'rleqdg 'eqeqs Jasq:'d uI spJ?'truo gclqa selu€u qcns 'lueruelseJ plo eqtr ur resdde IeJe,{os '3Juapt{'r; ro3 'os1e11 peJreJer 'eldurexe qlelslJ luor; s}xo} ueu.(ssy eq} o} petrp.s$ ecJnos l€rrJolxo pu2 cIqeJY cl1g€lq uo psseq sr stseqtu'(s e aJoJeq 's1sr3o1o1qd suElrolstr[ pue eq lsilu secmos lseplo eql q ecuepl^o eq1 crruelsl ,(pee eql .(q pepduroc fpeerle ,fto1srq 3uo1 e wq sqere' loilr sa)tnos aqtlo uo4onlD^g lo)111"t) Y :sqD'tY aqtlo ur?t'tg aq1 eq] Iuo{ cI}IIBlueS eq1 ureld SECJNOS sreJJo , p sur8eq s secmos pu? SUOI JeIncIut slced sq€JV e ;o saJlueJ pedolar Gtupe4 EAISUSI Suuq -lV c 'rrl 3o .&ot UqI JO P) n4 leqdor oq,t't eq] per oI'uc S?A\ OI bpqq -ZE S2 u"F eql le puE il -le u( UgJJV a$ ut SH: eql c Jeqlo uo sl Solehah Yaacob on this finding' Zing* Assyrian calendar by the epon)im of the year' Based from the Amarna Canaan in survived ."iipi had irrf".r"A that cuneiforp"rl"aonwardrandservedastheofficialscriptforlegaldocumentswhen fragment bearing the Assyrians controlled Palestine. A small limestone AsswiancharacterswasfoundinSamariaissuedduringthereignof Sarion." AMuslimArabhistorianwhoproposesthatancientArabicwasthefirst languages derived is i;"g"";; of mankind,,Iti.o* *ti.f, ihe other SemiticAdam was taught not that plausible D;;# who states: seems more (on ifri"grill"i Ar" ,t e art of writing clay)ze, which only the names "ff "f of the world and pur."a on to his desceidants for the just eovernance rr" other."ro Notrvithstanding writing (i.e. recording) are inseparable from eich non-Arabic historians thc amongst suchL assertion raises tfr. Arabic. Aramaic, being "p'p".ition, that the first rungoug" of mankind had been claim Aramaic language' orisinallv a local diallct t-hut lrt t developed into the Arabic bril precede not i"r?#.'air."*i"*li rne fact that Aramaic did Dhawq' who stipulated thd must be considered its offshoot was argued by Aramaic.32 His Arabic formed ,t. ,o* of Qahtdn. Adnu, Hebrew'and into ancieff theory is supported by iuste"," whose research settled Sumerians the that fuflropo,u,oian civilisation led him to conclude inthenorthandAkkadianstothesouthofMesopotamia,splain immigrants from Arabia- H" *g'"' that,'i^9t^T"..h.* formed whf more advancedja the twJ languages integrated and been the faci would become the ancient Semitic linguage.35 Notrvlthslan$ng dismissed this theory, it ,rrut In*v western historians have categorically Biblio-centric approach the to offers a viable and sustainable alternative to reject Islamic mentioned earlier. Western historians tend categorically yet fail to basc sources on the subject and dismiss them as 'subjective" evidence extracted their conclusions on firm and unquestionable textual According to from non-Arabic sources, which ari presented as 'objective'. indiv.lguat referred to. as lslamic Arabic sources, one view ploposes that an 'Ya"rub' (vr.) was the first man who spoke Arabic;36 the second viev un9 a third vies being that Ishmael had forgotten his father's language" tribe learned Arabic that it was the triue oiqanian from whom the Adnan Thdbit3s: based on a classical po"i i,o- Hassan ibn Wa ya"rub yanmlhi li qatrlan, *",,frxr];it hfidin nabivvr l-allahi fawqa al- The Ya'rub came from Qahtan who descended 98 -The Islamic Quarterly: Vol 58, No' 2 66 -e 'oN 'gg to,,1 :[1.ta1.utnfi )lutDlsJ atlJ ruqsnl^l dlree '{q o] peJJeJeJ ocmos drcurpd eql i#r_ :::l j ii * $ t- .*E-!irW lcrp,,uo' 'seldruexe o^oqe:lij: ouoN p3u eql pue pos ppaq eql tr.:awaq pare oql Burlelndod ,o...gas oq^ ,l.i6"a or du,a*t:dil1. aql or pr,* ",""g olues oqr ,(q reser "rn "ql pr*d, ;i;,oo.,eldoed Ero;lem uI uenrJ./!\ eQf.Jea pJo.,!\^-"lq"H orll leql'poqqtqelse rrbpg ..sIIl ol aJnjr?Err. uJ 6t'qerv ue pellsc se^\ oq.'!L 'nqlpung-ayiX !;ebre| uJ epleq e rerJe surl un#r.yin,rq fq p"f# "*lrorO ce*i5 ry penssr rueumcop e ur pacad& lsrlJ qeJe" pJo,&\ oqJ .rurelc reql poddns ol ruoes plJo,i!\ cr$ruellaH aB uo1.{qeg .eu.{ssy ruorcue ur'au11eu6gro ru ,r"" *"+i,ir;#:i, s3mpug aq6 'se8en8uel clll.uos eglJo euo .n ,rqn y pegrsselo e^uq slsrplue,o rur*, go ,QLroteur oqJ .JolceJeq, Jo eloJ oql po^Jos lnq .r, lnoorlrg_uo, snql -,ftere,rl uorsseJdxe se,n\ Jo Iool e -euro peroprsuoc ueoq Jo^eu seq crqeJ'- 'ureod'e ,tlJreu sr '(rpod tr @qp ue^e erJnos srql sslusrp .slsrn'url ol uoseoJ ou ,", Jo sueuolsrq Je*$il qery 'up.rn| eqlgo cJqe-ry {^*, qlir"#; pore.B,rp ury ue>1ods cJq?JV ',Iuou ii,,il zry1lH er1Jo soqr4 ffi eql ot pern*o@i "q1rl! ueql se.&\ pue uotuo,t yor; poleuiapo ,yqrry -uop1pe4 sr.l} uo paqs 'eem 4fi11eq1'ur1e1ndod ueupy,0 eqr4 oqr ol eSenSuel rrqerv ap pBtI oI{ \ 'upiqeD @ Jo uos eq1 qn"qe1 ,r^ l, ,socmos eseql 01 Burproul, 's-reloqcs r"q rDr umruDr n^ 1ry-f3^r:lr*T,frr*Hlryo re>1eeds qeJV ue olur urrq no1 .etdo_s-{_sU ;lf*l',#jl3se sru uerulpeb umrurlr D-f, py, .,o e^{ EIn" uru "0,* nor treqsrrs unqrssuruu - X}ii',o,', e,t lu sI Int 'al 3u eq lfr uplqeb eupl pekJ ql lsll eldoed eq1 urc1eupffrpp, eu.uwm-f, 'po^ol qcruu pue pernol"J,{UBU ,p[rH IE 3u pu r{q Buoure uorlrsod,e3rol e Buueeq "illiXliffH:;; :Iff,iil-#o IJ IEI brlueur ur.., .,ru.o?rl'-"tr Ios,rg qesueru rtrer * ,#JJiff#H,peu-uu JI q II tr reryEpuerg mo se^r upiqe| 1ng -se e u! B,ro1 qru,eu\ W[oqS ,qetvJo roWE orl] uro+ clqerv petueel oleq rungeseg eurg, i. "urqu^nrrr s o p tr no^ ,oilrn I pue pJocoJ IpqJrurqm crleqlsoe sseuepF& eql ur EeturuB e{ll eJe,r ,crqury leeds 1ou p1no, .,o,i I legdord ruorC sn.mos aqrto uotlonlD^g loctt!.t) y :sqDty aqt/o u1h1"q aq1 Jo Btn uaq su-! ratr Solehah Yaacob historians, philologists or the Qur'an, in which various ancient Arab today communities are Ancient Syria extended over what is Semitic so-called the Jordan, East and modern Syria, Lebanon, Palestine period being from circa2400 until 538 B.C.E. and included the Aramaic, 'Canaanite (Phoenician), Amorite (Sumerian), Hebrew and Nabataean principles as a periods.a3 "AlT referred to grammatical and morphological coined Lenchmark from which semitic languages came (German scholars Semitic the term 'ursemitisch').aa Roux asserted correctly that the ancient orientalists western by purported as language being the oiigln of Arabic to has" bin reiited by modern anthropological research. According a considered be to antt ropologlcat principles, the Semites are language' homogeneous community of persons sharing, not only the same but alio the same psychology, laws and customs and the same religious beliefs. In other *oidr, the Semites are taken to be one great single 'people'.as The orientalist debate on the origins of the Semitic languages *u. ,"ra, resolved and no consensus could be achieved on whether it was Hebrew, Assyrian or Babylonian.ou Consulting Muslim sources addressing this issue, a number of poems found in Taban- may contain possible Abi alternative answers. There is, for example, the poem cited by "AlT ibn Talib on Cain's murder of his brother Abel (Qabil and HabTl) lamented over by Adam:a1 The Land and those upon it have changed Ihe face of the earth is now ugly and dusty Everything taste and colourful has changed The cheerfulness of a handsome face has become rare Father of Abel! both have been killed The one alive has become like the one who slaughtered and dead He brought evil of which he was afraid He brought it shouting On another occasion, Mu"awiyah ibn Bakara8 acknowledged the livinl descendants of the ancient Arab tribe of "Adae: you, O Qayl, Woe! Arise and murmur sofly Perhaps God will water us with a light-cloud And he will water the land of "Ad indeed "Ad Woe unto Have become unable to pronounce words From the terrible thirst; both the old And the young have lost hoPe Their women were well off l0O -The Islamic Quarterly: Vol 58, No. 2 'oN'gS lo/l IOI -Z :tlnl"nnj ttwo1s1aq1 lcullxe IIe ueql e{eur uuY\ }l }ng plrqc Jou luered Jerllleu e^eel IIV( 1I qclll!\ PY, Jo euo'(ue ereds lou ilI^\ eleq no1 uesoqc qse snordoc 'eug ,r:ul{ o} Peulelcord ecro'r e uodn aryl p:gdeu '..rele-&\ Jo lsellnJ pnolc eql q 11-i65 'pno1c {celq eq} esooqc 1" ssflq] yrnf ',."1ooed'rio,( pu€ Jlesmo'( ro; spnolc eseql Suoue uro'g -iro m 'pres eq pilnro lry, uql I{30 ueq' d s€eJel{r'r "'}senbar splss eq ra{d ilf€O O,,,peeu ipoD O,, I u,rrto ,(u qtpr a"f luerfl os ",tnq "f "*o, eql luor; pede peuteurar T!-"Ps 'uoqe8elep rroql peloldruoc p€q,teql ueUld qll^ reqleSol lsenbar mo erqd Je5eru erp'py",rqr,rn*ur,1', r..'ltt"n"''t1q g" pu? no^ Jo $lsB eq re,releqr"''zuYc^uql lfe[ oltm ]u€rD ipoD sel'r zuy' "q py,lo Jo Jelr{c eq} ,ro"pna"rtp ..'obiarl., "ei8rd Le& "ouna"p1"ql "qypY,;o pue pEH;o uor8ger eql Jo re'&oIIoJ e s 4 ,no pe,roprnqaieq 3u1,tg1 peep ry e1$' 'sn qlvY\ Suro8 ruo4 p'ES ecurs sn qlr^\ €ccelN o1 oB urq lel lou IIy( 01 ples rJEgieuffi pHu€IA[.r*r1r.11,, 'DIeg Jeq]€J slq pue qe'(r'aut're"ny1 uqr qe..,eql€r 'pqgn"-iela^\ se 'pY" Jo suelc oro'nn pp€o pue l.oex ?F& ol pue^'seepr pessessod oq'{& apsHJo uor8qer eql.tAolIoJ sreqleJeroJ elqouJo uor311er eql uopueq€ oJ eq] pue Iureu pYy eplqn" eql pu€ ppeclJo '(pueJ pJe{ jo ooiaq", eq} uopueqe o} sn >lse no'( oq eJrsep no'{ pqrrr op e'/Y\ IIL^d' JoN oAII e,{\ se 3uo1 se no'( ^(eqo re'reu IIU( o1!\ seeJetlt\ P[tuetIIJo sI Jeq]ou rno'( PUY equl elqou € Jo eJe no,( 'P"eg nqv O pelueu rqv u( elqlss( Surssa se1ll' 4 prwrel\ eq 'poH leqdordSo Je'^AolloJ e s€,l\ pecss uql ,s:peJelcep elsun Isum@ pesq€eJ pue spro/y\ eseq] pJeoq '.r1eg uql qe'(rrrure"ntr41 Jo LTJ:ry p?q eq reqr peue'\uoc ol ueq,t'ulelq eql 'lJ?qer[x-l€ uql qsur€ql€f u ol ueql 'uru no'( '(.uIeJ eq ue'rt3 1lulr oi p."-d ecuerelln sIH -"qi eq so pue'leqdtrd mo,( ,(eqo no,{ 3r 1nq 'sre'(erd rno'( q8norql uIeJ rres prw'm!i[ uql peces uql e,req ol peyoder selr r'(e;n" 11r^ no1 ipoD Fg,, 'pres eceed rou Suqeer8 Jeqlleu eAIeceJ '(sqt 'fuIN eldoed e;o uorle8elep rno'( f13n eleur pog '(ery 3uo1 tq8ru 11€ qll^\ urog eJISep no,( re'releq^\ PY"Jo - roqluolu '(ue {IIur pue f,eP uv sJeq ul€rueJ no'( e1q16 1:* o'reeJ PUV qceo;dde slseeq pII^a puv ,(1uedo ueql JoJ ?ur8uol eJs ueruo'&\ Jloql .t.rou }ng urBr'tg aq1 sn"mos aqt{o uo4onry^fl 1ru41't) Y :sqorY aqllo lI seBen; a13up snoGt 'e8eni €Pe ol 3u sls.IIel Jrlrul; peqo €sB! ueeel '3IBu cpr-ui "{epo1 qerv Solehah Yaacob Except for Ban[ al-LawdhiYYah The rightlY guided. Huz51 ibn The Banu al-Lawdhiyyahs3 were the children of Luqaym ibn their with guk together Mecca in who lived Hltzaylah, daughter tr were they for land, their maternal uncles and not with the rest of the "Ad in otfr.r "Ad left. They were the only people of "Ad alive' "o "Ad rebelled against their prophet and became Thirsty; the heaven did not wet them Their deputies were sent out for a month to seek rain But heavy clouds followed on thirst For their oPen denial of their Lord Destruction wiPed them out Indeed, God deprived "Ad of discernment For their hearts were a wasteland, air From the clear account, that they heed it And neither good counsel nor misfortune is enough May, my soul my two daughters and the mother of my children Bi ransom for the soul of our Prophet Hud He came to us when hearts were intent Upon tyranny, and the light had departed We have an idol who is called Thamfld Facing him are a corpse and dust Those who were delegated to him, saw him While misfortune overtook those who disbelieved As for me, I shall reach the people of Htrd And his brothers when night falls. In reference to the 'Children of Israel', Hishdm Ibn al-KalbT reported follows: ..Accordingtowhathasbeentransmittedtomefromar-R6,ish 102 -The Islamic Quarterly: Vol 58, No' 2 t1l -Z 'oN'gS lol :q.Duonfi cryn1s1aq1 qSI"I nqv pue zelultutuelnl I 'r4tlet7n7 ',etlErFIW\ 'urs,(e)-1e .flJUVJo esoql s€ qcns 'sureod crruelsl-erd ut osle lnq uE.r!q0 eql q peuouuelu .(po 1ou eJe p1rueql pue py, Jo sequl IUaIJIIB aqf :EeIpPddV-Ie ptulLg(I se pepoda '(Ei lpUssngle lemg),.,ipgtu?ql pm W, go fseqrrl eql uodn IIoJ ]eq]l ]loqrepunqt eq] e{rl lueurqsrundJo lloqrap@m e [o Sururoc erpl ;o no,( ru€^\ L :,(es ,(errre um1 feql JI ]ng- Su (39 'ugbmg-1e lerng)€l{ eq} Jo eldoed or{t 'pBtuBI{J pue py. [o sary eql peqsrund rrtoq requreuer] puv,, '(9-, 'qebbegle l€ms) -€@ flsnoun; purl( rrrJols e,(q pe,(o4sop eJelr f,"ql - py, eql roJ se pue :frym eqlJo] yerreeqdn luolorl e ,(q pefo4sep eJe.&,(sqt - pgueqJ aql JoJ sE -us,ii i,Qprelec ueppns 1eq1 [o s8urprl il€] o] p{, pue ptureqJ [o saqu ary e,re8 e3n1 eLlL, '(Zr'fluH-le lerng) .,fspqdord rIeI{} o}] eI eqt e.rc8 p4ury1 pue py, Eo soqut eq1] puu qeoNJo eldoed eq1 'eunl rreqt eroJeq [3uo1ry requreuer] 'no,( eqeq ,(erp JI puV,,, 'se qcns p1LrueqJ pue py" seqln (Frtluercue eql Jo uorlcrulsep eq] sosJol Jo Jequmu B ur suoqueru ug.m$ lq1 p ue4 F ;e13ue4s orll JoJ seJeus los puv saelc eq] o] rEusl I nqc peqceBe erl puv sure1rmoru pue ureyd pe1ru,(pee4e peq oq q8noq; slenbueq srg eseec ol . euo peJeql€eJ, egl pesn€c eH 6ueru dn SuqqqoE '1cede o1 JolrBJJ uoruop e sr erurJ leql no,( uuoJul lou eq prc '..u8redruec srq :ssslql ]noqe pl€s ,rs.(e|1e ,n-ruq uo peueddeq per{ teq,tr 'uefieqtezy ur u1(orr{ uo psrrer8ue e11 'e,r.qdec ueJplrqc eq] {ool pue srelq8g eqt lrrels eg 's,fup esoql ur rueql o] pe8uoleq qclq-r 'uefteqtezy Jo puel erll Jo $lrnJ oql lsuleSe lq3.oJ eH ]Eiy 1e uql rurlqs pelec uaru e 'suoruedruoc srq Jo ouo Jo pueuruoJ oql ropun Inso^ uro4r .&1e.Lec srq lno lues eH es'lnsolAtr ueql 'JEquV-le ueql 'rr.,{,{ej go sureltmou o.&} eq} pe{cepe pue eJaqt uro{ pelle^€4 eH 'uerue1 o} peum}er eq ueq} iqtleem Supepmld pu€ serr4dec 3ur4e1 '8udqs 'elpul poprsr eH 'ueluel ol ue{€} p€g pue peprer eq eldoed ruo4 perepunld Wq eq.&ooq ep Jo esnsoeq pell"c set\ eq 'pepes IqV uql qlrJEH-le se"rr etu€u srq q8noqlly 'Jqrqsnuel4l ;o s,(ep eqt Surmp se,t\ uerueA ur qsr.E5-rego u8rer eql pue sroqlorq srq pus qeleqs uql reqg uql ueDlof uqr qruce1 rorye ueruel go s8url eq] Jo euo se.iv\ (upiqe}t usplof uqr qrucBI uqr qn.fqsel o.eqes uq1 g,(e$ uqt s,(u[ uqt eJB qcrq./y\ 'seuols o/y$ sar.mos aqtlo uownlo^g lruut.t) V :sqDtv arylo u131.rg aq1 oq1lt Jept 'peqsued Sutrurr-ms Sel{\ }I lSl esooq3 I., s€^r eq pI ,(eqt rleq] qlli uql Igznr Solehah Yaacob Muslim sources thus offer substantial textual evidence on the existence of ancient Arab tribes, and this trail of evidence reaches far beyond Islamic times. The lineage of the "Ad and Thamld ended with their untimdr extinction. The fact that the traces they have left behind are minimd cannot, however, be used as an indicator for their existence only being part of local myth. In the Divine Plan, the 'Ad and Thamiid were to serye as a warning for future generations, as stated in the verse: "And that is He wb destroyed the ancient [tribes ofl "Ad and Thamud, leaving no trace them]" (Surat al-Najm, 50-51). Qur'anic exegetists added numerous detaih about the exact identity and history of these tribes. Al-Baghdddt'a, example, tried to shed light on the identity of 'the first 'Ad cited in SurI an-Najm, 5 and concluded him to be the son of "AAd ibn kam ibn 'Aws ihr Noah.6s The other "Ad were other sons of "Ad and the people of Hii which is supported by the evidence cited in the poem referred to earliers" ("but it will make them all extinct, except for Banu al-Lawdhiyyah, 6c rightly guided"). The Qur'dnic phrase fa-ma abqd ('and what is left them]') used in connection with the extinction of the two ancient Ar& tribes deserves a more thorough analysis.6T According to grammaticd rules, no modifier is allowed to precede abqd meaning that the subject md abqa was implied.68 If so, the 'Ad did not die out except for "Ad "Adiyan ibn Sdm ibnNoah. The critics of Muslim sources Early modern westem scholarship has studied the history of the people prior to Islam, as evident, for example, in Caussin de perceval Historie des Arabes avant I'Islamisme (1848), which took its i readers back to the forebears of the Muslim tribes in Arabia.6e interesting work on Arab antiquity is Muller's RealencyHopadie Altefiumswissenschaften (1896). Even though the information contai therein must be considered outdated, it remains a useful source for study of the classical texts on Arabia70. An attempt at compiling a snrvey of Arabs before Islam was written by D.O'Leary (1927) and noteworthy for its inclusion of the city cultures that existed in anc Yemen.71 Montgomery Og34) wrote his history of Arabia from exclusively Old Testament viewpoint.T2 Unfortunately, the study of Islamic Arabia conducted by western scholars has suffered loss of desired objectivity from the fact that it was done within such a framework. 104 -The Islamic Quarterly: Vol58, No. 2 gU -e 'oN'gS lotl :tlal"tDnfi crutolsl aql uql ruo{ ueluo,te e fi,xean urlq epetu '(eqr '(ueqnd z8'o.rueql ]s8uoure eqt p"eqcee.l eI{ ueqr!\ 'peJn}€Iu eq s€ jo & Iulq erllupe pue e^ol o} Itr3tp pssEm pp.qr aq[ en,rr^ srq pue 111eq] uro{ 3lqerv }rusel pue dn mer8 (leeurqq) p'J$rm qftr Iueql os .eJer0 sluoprseJ lueuerrrJed erueceq SoITIIII€J eluos legl paluas -;m pon a*n" oqrr 'seqrure; JIer0 JoJ lues ,{eq} uo Je}€l pue eJer0 ios '["'] ecce6 go ueo rer*rot eq1 ur peddo]s pue .9p€) {o '(e'a'r eqr 6norw rrin" 1.""qrn1 eq1) ,teq1 '["'] enbsoru eg] ur oceld 6eq31q eq] 18 'rrltzu"t eq] reeu eceld e o1 rurg 6u1p 3o lodi eql uo ee4 e repm q€qece) ureqerqv,' :percrm s€^\ eqs elrq.lA. Ie€uqsl uos rer{ pue (refgg) 'leq ffinorq sqerv IIe lou ]rrypg sEqqv" uql 'Iesruqsl Jo slu€puecsep ogl erea eql 'atrEln e^Ilellroqlns uoqceloc qllwq u/!\olDl sB eql Jo -l€ Jo qlq"s pue qsrqdep'm1e1 ?ua14c' -rr."IN;.pou" o1 Surproccy r8..'qeluepe) pue IeeqpY pue '4s:I uresqllN plre pue e'rirqsrry r€p€H ess€W pu€ qeumq :suorlereue8 eql 4eql ol Surprrur pue uq1oleqo51 'leeurqsl Jo uroqlsrg eseql puv" f@ or€ eq] ,"o*.r'rr"qiiq '1"n*qs1Jo suos eql Jo selu€u JoqtEJ ary s 'uo4erruguoc roJ elqlg eql 0l sreJeJ eH O8'.,squJv eI{} IIE Jo os pue Ie€uqq Jo uos e serrr upiqeo ]Eql ry Ieeurqsl -.ql ol Surprocce 'upiqeb pue leeurqsl urorj papua$ff eql ,"1r,r"*ra eql;o eldoed So eulog uql qpeqsIFHPS aJa sq€JV eql [V,, 'sspnlcuoc sruIolrro3 ,o'tl€oN uql IuPS u€lue1 er€ 1o eldcad 4 ucll tplllEgs uql rlqY; Jo uos eq1 'pept'ecsep etuo5,, r(es p9plw q-?3G 1" *bqt uro{ ugiqe6 Jo uos eq} ffia lungrnf pelueserd sIurBlJ 'fue]IM oq.rt 'IugqslH uql se smloqcs tullsnlN qcns '(q se6op=d' eql peBpeIAoDIc€ oH 8r'.,ueupv JeqleJeJoJ s.peuruetln6 lsed sre^e'( eql IIUIQ 6661 'nm pue plp ,iiql elqerler eABq lou Ieeurqsl lo lelJe aS m qerg' serSoleeue8 eq1,, '8ur'(es '(q o"urf^ ereat ser8oleeue3 sqery q|t lue$e-r pue Jeloqcs cI}IJc polueluluoc ttsruleluoJ secmos u4lsny{ Jo ulsuec lnoqe rusreodaon er'suo4lpe4 srq ,iy\oqs o1 (,pe3e11e etq,) erae,ez se qc-ns qre,r errtleSeu ,(Iffi1s Jo lel[su o1pel€rreu eg,)luwpePPerl ulel 'fteupro eqr peruusw :ilu ,(lelereqqep bpqsl uq1 leqt petse?8ns reqlmJ elun€ilInD- sr'lou ro ia-tm srq rusrctldeos ro uolln,c se^\ lue,,,elsp ,n1.rrr1*d n irqpq^ lnoqe o1 .lseq s,l\ou{ pog, s€ qcns suolsssrdxe 3o Joqumu € pesn 'ipuxt@ ut suod$ bpqsl uq1 1e{t pepecuoc ,(14e; osl€ aumelllng ,r''(qdu{olq t1{ .ro* n q1r^ (..- uryn' erulun ,(lsnorzrqo ,(ueu 3o uolsnlcul s,bgqsl uql uo Hutlueuuroc dSolopoqrcul qlpeq Isuolllp€r ol perreJer'ueuolstq'ftn1uec-qruaalryg eql 'Iq3r{eq(I-qpv ,,'r(ue ue}]ul| eAEq o] ul\roII)I 1ou suosred or smod Supnqlr$€ roJ pue'kqdurSorq slq q sureod pe8ro; Sutpnlcur 'fiAqsnq uEIeS uq aoffi rog bgqsl uql pemsuec oglY\ 'urlpelq-1e uql pu€ lqeum1-1e peuweOnpal 7o NI fq ieqdor4 eqt Jo ,(qderSorg eq] uo paseq fpq.i "qI ruolse^\ scl]lrc .,,llsntr jo secmos '[rr$ se 't,ea [ Jo ,w roql* 'eurnegrng sn"mos arylo uorlonlo^g locut.t) Y :sqDt7 arylo urBr'tg aq1 ,{&oIISU' slr Jo sl -erd 3o u€ [uo-{ lueI3Ue sr pue I elelduo eql roJ peulelu( tep e!P, Jeqlou\ palsarel s.le^eJj qBrv e UqI PY go pafr IesIleu q?JV I Jol ua aqt qE 99 IEIIJE .PTH J uqr s,t\ lems 1 JoJ 'rs slrelep lol ar oq,\l e €SBA- ued 3r Ieurul iIau5 SlrrrEIl Jo aJr Solehah Yaacob descendents of Abraham as Ishdq referred to those people Ylo^Y"t9,"ot Noah and Thamud and Judays 'Arabs', ""Ad ibn "err. i[" riu'" ibn Sdm ibn Noah and Jasm and "Imlaq and the two sons of "Abir iuo rru* ibn S6m ibn Noah are all Arabs."83 He added, Umaym the sons of Lawidh ibn Sdm ibn ..Thenlshmaelthesonof,qb,ahamdiedandhissonNabitwasinchargeof ibn coa *iled, then it was in the charge of Muddd the temple as long their Nabit' of ", and the sons "Amr al-Jurhuml, tt. tottt of Ishmael maternal ,ncles of Jurhum. their and "4., grandfather uelng vrudad itr, came forth from Yemen and Jurhum and Qatura, who were couslns' travelledtogetheru"arvr"ddledoverJurhumandSamayda",oneoftheir town When th91.c.ame to Mecca' they saw a -"rr, or.r"Qaturd't...]t"". ...] therel settled they it, and, delighted with blessed with water ura Mecca of part settled in the upper MudAd ibn "Amr with the men of Jurhum the Qatura' in the lower part of with settled in Qu"ayqui t...t Sr*"VaJ il;-#liu..,,t* This seems to contradict the statement of at-Tabai, whorecordedthatthefirstArabicspeakerwasSdmibnNoah,..Godmade umaym u"d tr: children of "Ad, ubayl, rna-ud, LrJry., "Im1ig,-Jasm, adh ibn sam ibn Noah able to Joktan ibn Eber lu"'shelrr, ib, .q.rfutt rt understand Arabic."ss Fromat-fabariwealsolearnthatlmliqwasthefirsttospeakArabicwhen they departed from ii"uvi", *d that they and Jurhum were called "Aribah seem to agree with one ;;ri6 i" .*ury, the Muslim sources do not of one particular favour in another and no fi*i coo"lrrsion can be drawn description.onemightthereforeagreewithCorneliusthattherealeno the sources that people 1nd existing solid-recorJs"on the origins of tft" Arab versions does different offer soufces but the fact thathese "r"-."r',"r.a87 notnecessarilymeantheycanbedismissedastotalltyunreliablesources. their apparent Other sources might confirm these and explain Comelius did that sorrces contradictions. TherJ exist additional Muslim lineage of the the of not consult and which could offer further confirmation Muslim historian Ibn .Ad, Arab people and their various tribes' The famous Arabs wefe the Katn-u asserted .r'*--*o,,g the pre-Ishmaelite others whose records were lost Thamfid, Tasam,lual.,l*f"i", Amaliq and called a]-,Arab a]but who had settled before the time of Abraham that of at-Tabarl' U"riiri:, rU" r",mr's narrative does not contradict in d al-"Arab al-musta"ibah settled the Hijaz came Another groop "alie had migrated from Yemen from the lineage ftf'-*f and a third group "i ieittg the" tribe of Qahtan'8e and Himyar, the most famous among tlilm Arabic ibn Qahtan who preferred According to Ibn D;;;yd" it;as Ya"rirb Most sihah.eo his in over his native Syriac, a view shared uv a-arrr"ti 2 106 -The Islamic Quarterly: Vol 58' No' g[t rirrE sh PoGr cril @! I{dr @lr Ei dr Fotr dE d hr rrid qt tk Ih tilr &/ hr flr t+ hE tu EE ff th Gl E lh' Ih th cfl f, h L qr aql lol :(qnuDnfi crwttlsl sr 'ryuFb etp leuortueru '(11enpe u'E{ q uql s" peJepueJ sI tr eJeq^\ 'qerol qna:ln -:l qEoN uqr tuES '(l8ursufung' eqr uql q ,o'ryiQl'ty';le proly\ t"^ qno5l uql urys eq q"v.!i po*eqtPi*ttuir"'*-;; uql ressel Fqr sraplsuo3 'oN'gs Lol -z ,ywt'i'";;;J **:l-]Y uqr s1r\vr uqt pY, ',fuleod cturelsl-erd '"']uercuJns s1u1od pue a-1oars leql ol :It'g"t nu€g eql rN or t't*t eJoJeJeql l,eqei-}v ellleruell€ l€nlxel qsrv eID Iuecuo3 seuetr e$m tW p* o1,(llecgrceds lues sleqdord u''p"Loi'ut'ilt^t-** q' ffi l'"Y t"op ecuepl^s Jo {*t er1^!-ynilot' esll rou 'pture{r pus pY'JoI' sil slurod Feq?i-}v i6'qlu'E FtrP 'pelslxe re,reu ,(eq} 1',q1 oop"pooc Jo lnq 'glles pue pEH si"qoo'o-'qr eql uorlue.o ,o., ,"oiqn'ot "qi';01]l: p'o^ euo *or5 p'1no13t'o-'qn'y' @4 wqt "Z'|n -t-lliy:"'o peqiln "q1 uro4'(1qerepryo' uuru uI p"iEia ue^e z6sr€too", *#*io"rJ$;a;'clqeivlselulp 'lqn'Y-:3' aqr rE q[ e8en8uel elIrB^ruIH eq1 ,u'qs(e*O "Y].-J" 'oot1n1'n"' Jo oo'l'pn'1 eql -"Tl 1sgl ug,rn$ safreff1 se,ro. "1*'p1 selrnluec 'uJt'U p"0"r"1"1'u* o,q tii ':1:: emlcru,, pue 'tiq'rn6 eql ul p:p:-::"'affi "rJrr"if .tmaa{m reqlo op s€ - pellole el€q '(€ur^slterv ro elue'(rur11 .ln^--"an"aon1 *r1orr' o1 clq€rv eqt * "an'taoq '1p1*nq1 eq] ueq^\ 'rro.r*ro '"'-t"n lluwuaw "1qn'yrleql pereqs eldoed s'Y ? esensuelu^\o ol speeu osl€ I p**- '*'v pereqs 'e8en8uel {r$ Q' t'o5""q 11 rt1* p'u"g""n reqleql( ro tou "1 p'p""p'to' sr eldoed e 5o '&uu4rnry osle rnq e8eeuq p"*ti 'oq' '(q '(po 'uollcg eJeur sE gil ereql 'e-cuelslxe rI'aW a@ ou eq o' ssruslp o1 esn€c elqegrlsnt 3@ :Y::t 'tu,gerqY eroJeq eldoed e-18uts e se ,J*"g ,rq1o secmos op lou u6uo sql Jo asts t luer3uv ''io# o* 1o "qr ro lsrxe 1?o ptp arf rreqr sr,,,uuo. uo,rton"u'l'L'*"' eq oi 'qr,(ur '(eqi relndod u1 "neq 'nq' ctuE'rn| ro peqq6lp t"^l.u*occe ul aql ruepv ]€qlJoord *'o;'in^ '(ue lo" ou leqt punoJ equec ec]epl^e rel{}o 1:{ pt';'J;;- F .@ 5014 *'4 rrq€rv p. os'uEiWO uelua^ aanet u 4l 'UBqei-r -P qerv $ol ax)r 'pY. uql aq uelr eql;o ai PIP snTI ruaredd 'secJno{ seop su s33mos ou 3Je relnf,IU euo ql qBqIJV uaq,$: or elQ Jo uaJ ap8Itr '!Jeqe Jo ]JE EJsaI Kcetncce.qr.-goor'ol pel€eleJeqlIuoJJueOe'pequeeuneqre'reu'(eru-ecue}srxe4eq}-IoJE!!CI eq] se elor 4Jry ]E s]uspuoc'"p t'oq^ puDlusur Jo ]sJg srrBumq eJ€ Ile seJmo's F@l lnq o1}soil€ toi1n1"nl'uo pes,q e^g pu, urepv;o ,'o'lnt" eql pels,,e lenpl^lpul EFF' .(ueur'eldurexe ror'1ffi1''*+ilry-1oo't1 t'n' }c€J clJolsq 'fuare lry '&pot peIJueA t"'"p'ig Jeqleq/y\ Jo "q e lou Jo ["' ]: [$ol qBJV luelcue Jo a:gffin eql urJlJuoc-pu€ seql4 uq1 qruretr Jo ,ecuelslxo t'qt rIrJIJuoc req sd Jo ai qmh eql esoddnsero 'reqt' 'p"g"'n 1ro*-1' ^"'n w tql t{hi:Jl-Ye^g 'ue.,el. ruor: 11eud9s ao e.oos Jo &rrrlo"qltt;*'"1idr urel:qv pue -1o tnqr ,umqrnl Jo sruepuacr"p "qr "i'^ 'qn'y "tfw eqleroJequro4:e1doedntnp"1"'"sq€rveqll€qleepleqtuod&tsssst sa)tnos aqllb uot|onp^fl lmllr) utBltg aq1 Y :sqotY aqllo natp pue 'ffirq 4arp uq! 1 puE "3p t{sl sBI SolehahYaacob .yaktan'.e6 According to the ancient scholar Ptolemyfl the nearest wod of accoun* for.ea[r[an, was.Kaianitae'.es Undeniable are the differences and sources Muslim by in terms of proper pre-Islamic lineage as recorded l{ mentions Torah The the Torah, as correctly identified by ya'rub, Khiyeq Jurhum, as-Salaf, ;'id;d;;;-*"rl* *ho ur. listed as al-Murtdd' Dh al-Qitdmr-' Khauthun, i.ati^, Samak, al-Harith, Nabatah, and his iruui,yaman and al_Mutalamis. No mention is made of Ya"rub no mentir makes also Bible the ;;;s.i01 it is therefore not surprising that ;;;i*."t irrit, rro*."er, is not p'oof that he did not exist' merely that h was left out. only in Arabic Apart from certain ancient names and people that appear Arab people has textual sorrfces, western criticism of the origin of the events' Because of dating focused on the issue of the correct or incorrect astronomical fixed on Arabic records of events were not based identification of the constellations and no kings ruled Arabia, the exact occurred remains difficult and, in some cases, v""r, l" which certain "r"nt. impossible.Moreover.therealsoexistedaconsiderableamountof with the creation confusion in the western world, which was only resolved of Ibn Ishdq lifetime the Calendar in 1582 C.E. During of the Gregorian do (g5 to 15iA.H.) no universal dating system existed and his writings IshSq Ibn not, therefore, contain much reference to such information. his narrative inserted numerous illustrative poems and short stories into withoutprovidingthereaderanyhintsaboutwhenaparticularevent and proper dating occurred. Orientalists use his apparent lack of precision is a similar lack there but as evidence for the fictitious ttut*" of his stories, works such as such that of dating in the sources on Jewish history. The fact primary The wars of the Jews and The Antiquity of the lews are considered people in light of the sources for the study of the history of the Jewish not been standard Torah and the Bible shows that exait dating methods had sources, neither Jewish old of practice at the time. If it is not expected should it be expected of Muslim sources' Another important consideration that impedes the accuracy of historical Jewish' narratives from long before the age of the narrator' whether historical whatever on rely to had he that fact Christian or Muslim]is the of the distant narratives he could procure. Knowledge of people and events and summaries sources' past was only available through t""o'dury rendering the in translations. This accounted for a number of inaccuracies inhabited by a of names and geographic locations. The names and places people often ihang" ou., time, some falling into oblivion altogether. 108 -The Islamic Quarterly: Vol 58, No' 2 Lr ffimr dd nnr d m*d ct o{Fi OE d r.*lrildl ILccr hfr forGri ilnn thr, ilmg trq h' Fe n* rrel mrm dL hl *r* o*r md Evaluation of the Sources The Origin of the Arabs: A Critical word ounts s and 'ns 14 hiydr, , Dhu nd his ention hat he centuries ago did not have access to Historians working and writing many thevastpoolsofdatatowhichweareaccustomedtoday.Theknowledge maps plays a crucial role in of geography and the availability of accurate of past people and events' In most cases' ;;;id"ccurate information rpuir. u"a itt" information they contained these resour-Je;;; however, oftenflawed,especiallywhenthesemapsdepicteddistantregionsbecause the oidest known world map dates the data could not u"^'r".ifr.A easily. in ancient Babylon.l03 Places from the ninth century B.C.E., produced grbvron and even the relative directions (south, located far away rr""i .rU or west) can only be considered estimates' ""ntt, tuabic The origin ofthe Arabic language rle has ecause omical MoststudiesontheevolutionoftheArabiclanguagefocusonthe channels through which its system development of eraiic grammar,_ the foreign :reation n Ishdq was subjected to substantial was adopted and on whltner Arabic Arabic in Islamic civilisation, the of influences. witt ,.rp".ii" ,rr" role that formal writings on Arabic majority of historians and linguists agree Abi Talib'100 but the issue of the grammar started in it time o1 "Alr ibn the same " uoa *t"it language has not yet created origin of the Atrb ings do r Ishdq arrative consensus.Muchdebatefocusesonnumerousassumptionsandpremature basis of textual evidence that all conclusions ,rot roroJ"o on a solid ;;i;;; il"e found equallv reliable or authoritative' r to sources in the Arabic language is The earliest extensive body of textual initial stage of of the ) cases, ,Unt Of r event dating ilar lack ; such as primary rt of the standard ;, neither historical r Jewish, historical he distant aries and rendering bited bY a iltogether. p;i; the be found in the ";;;-;ipre-Islamic PoetrY-.At when Jahili literature was created. As investigation, it -r.rli" detemined the collection of poems existed long before its name correctly oral' Gi,",, the fact that Arabic culture was essentiallv to generation *"r" ;;;;;; TJ puttto on from generationthe Arabs was ;r-J;;i;.dt these poems ;;;Jr,;his famous poet among by way of public recitation' The most of Muhalhil ibn Rabr"ah' His Imru' al-Qay, (diJ;A c'p')' the nephew in one of the seven Mtf allaqdt' phrase "Let us fruft unJ **p"'is conlained best examples of pre-Islamic Arabian a selection of poems prized as the in of the time - were publicly displayed verse that _ u".orairg;;h";; poets the most revered of all the pre-Islamic rrn*, ur_qav-. ,".ui", andhasbeenaSoufceofliteraryinspirationforArabicintellectualswell At-Tahir i,'t*,e Dictiinary of Literary^Biography' into the current Mecca. ""'ii"V' al-Qays being of the tribe of Kindah and the first -i;ilio;;n;, his Mf ailaqat(Hangirtg Poems), major Arabic ,n** n*".!Lrr"..rro* pre-Islamic Arabs' are still ##; one of ,"r., po"'iJp'i?"a uuo'e all others by 2- 109 The Islamic Quarterly: Vol 58' No' Solehah Yaacob the most famous and possibty the most cited lines in all of Arabic literature. Tine Mtf altaqaf is also an integral part of the linguistic, poetrc and cultural education of all Arabic speakers. u4 xirC *fra rd Ibn Sal6m al-Juma[rT (d. s46 c.E.) summarised the poet's genius in his Generations of the Stallion PoetstlT as follows: Gri o'Imru' al-Qays was the originator of a great many things the Arabs considered beautiful, and which wete adopted by other poets. Ttrese thkrgs lnc\u(e ca\\ing up his comparnons to ha\t xlsep\rrg sssl \s surrrs s\ dsu$srrs,\ sulrrls\\ss, \$\trg\is beloved with refinement and delicacy and using language that was easy to understand. He was the first to compare women to gazelles and eggs and to liken horses to birds of prey and to staves. He 'hobbled like a fleeing beast' [a reference to his famous description of his horse] and separated the erotic prelude from the rH Jq body of his poem. In the coining of similitudes, he surpassed everybody in his generation." as-Samarra'i hails Imru' al-Qays as the poet ol passionate love (al-sha"ir at-"ashiq) '08 and ascribes to him the ideal of an independent spirit: The Iraqi witer Madhhar "The poet Imru' al-Qais had a gentle heart and a sensitive soul. He wanted the best not only for himself but for all the people of his society. The freedom that he struggled for was not confined to the romantic and erotic relations between him and his beloved Fatimah and was not limited to his demands to lift the restrictions on sexual relations between men and women, but exceeded all this so that he was singing for the freedom of all mankind and from this point we are able to call him, the Poet of Freedom." Pre-Islamic poetry also contains reference to the ancient Arab kingdom of Palmyra ruled by Queen Zenobia' (rtrJt) in the third century C.E. when Greater Syria was part of the Roman Empire. Zenobia succeeded in extending her rule to Egypt tmtil 274 C.E. when she was defeated and taken hoitage to Rome at the orders of Emperor Aurelian.roe Arabic sources provide'indications of her Arab descent. At-TabarT recorded that she belonged to the same tribe as her husband, al-'Amlaqi, one of the four original tribes inhabiting the Palmyra region. Zenobia's father, 'Amr ibn 110 -The Islamic Quarterly: Vol58, No. 2 h h lll -Z 'oN'BS 1o1 :t7ta7nn8 ctwolsl aql eruos Jo Jeqttmu eJotu lueseJder o1 PunoJ eJel\ ,(eql 'spuesnoql ul suor1ducsu1,, ,(1nl eql o1 Pel€lnruncce sPqeqdle Ielueumuolu :ples eH 'elq€rv lnoqanorQ clq€Jv luelcue q]nouoBrelA plnoc dleq lou ;;;;;.pri" Brinuleqmre^o eql ol [uqns 1nq pue peselq -(lsnouolou se slsllsluelJo peldsut '(11ec11q1g 'i1q"t"1to gcns uelg 6ir'uollsreplsuoc clruepece t"op ,t-- J^"-IY::peFpISuor seq etup s,peururetpyl leqdor6 re8uoy ou sr pue p.11;ar1p ,r".q 3.ro1 s''(ceg eq erp eroJeq Surlurrr ou-peq s9e1v egl leql ]uetuel€}s "fteuruns selllJellurls elq€ecuou u1 'xe1urft clq€Jv pue uepd,(3g luelcue ueelqeq pe}nqlluoo osle ol€q selpn}s lducsnueu Surlee.ter .,{q ,,,uotssncsry " eq} o} uleuec Jo uolleulquroJ crqdu:8or1eq luoce1 r'sJeuel ueeel€qeN uollnlo^e eq] paurcldxe selpn,-s ,!qi,v'"cgtceds eql peJell€cs ptmoJ suoqducsu euols Jo ruJoJ uI SuIIIJ'/Y\ Jo arll ,tq sreil,l requnlle1,'Pe]ceuuocJe]uloJeA\sJel]eleg]JeruJoJeq]qlsuqlapereileJs eq eql uI l€q}Suteq ecuere;5tp pu€ polceuuocslp peul€rueJ sJellol eql JeDel ,ueee1eqe51 luercu€ q}Il\ pelslcosse eq_uBc lducs qlseu eql '"4'3 '(m1uac Sugsxa *-l auqJt'larlo }*"} "uP.*O eq} Jo serdoc ldrrcsnueu ql {sl; q pesn o1 "qi eq l,q'no 'senbeqery'" ;,,i.,i#; ueqm. 'lepelooosey\t -luelcY peuger erolu slqsJv Surlurvr e11irs eql uollsnporlul.pell€c-os Jo ',tq pspoddns Sqeq e go Buruur3eq eq] ,'""iri;* [q^ ,,,'rruuc-l€ IlEursI '(q ,,(qderarllec cep,(g qii^ ,fotf B peqsqqelse el€q.rrrlild]rs ecuepr^e srqt :i.enud1e clqe'ry ar11 Jo ur8uo eq] o] lcedser qtt16 -se se sr€Ioqcs qrt, 'clq€Jv luelcu€ JO ecuelslxe sl sH.L 'reruurer8 clqeJveql JoJ ecuepl^a ,fteretrl So ecetd elqell Jeqlous clq?Jv 'tq pesn serrr ueod re11 Jo selru cgtceds errord o1 sueueuruer8 1l rrr.rP [teveuuoS Jiib;, o{^,,,'sleod peps ueq/Y\ '3 3o uropE pue lle p suoH pe^0 olF JO EI 'Ino! u€ Jo It ;o Pod pes: eql snol oll r sH pun, Jer[ eql p* i", ,in.*ry pue aup.rtq '8,ript, o1 peruolsncce II€Iu e e{II Jlesreq peurs3 qii^ a"rrf"Fb Jq^ uI lleq -t-'-'qdosolrqd I"o1nt nnr.rfiairlisoq dlluenber; 'ueqdd8g 'srecgJo rag 51e.,9 uI luanu pu* pel"cnpo s*/Y\ erqouez glr-& Jlesreq Burp,r.ou.s r pue perl }?ID eql ,(Q ue$J,l\ '(lps8ep -,,:-Ilosrsq ueenb sureluoc clq?rv 01 fl{1, tq\.lf-l.qnt , t"!gi 5*atc..ryt * uaod u uqr Jurv moJ eql. }eq} pep elqouez equcsop socrnos ,rn*o^'1ue3111e1u1 pue InJlln€eq e se clq€'\- pepuecsep Sureq 'srb91ury' pue upe'I 0rr' rl€qlrY" qerv-l€ lt"J 1l]-yog pue uoll€repoJuoc tPInueI l€^lr erDJo pseq eql ,n -iq pepeeccns erqo]Ulez s1b91uy, eq] Jo JeII{c se1f^'qrm7-n eq] Jo sreqllleru ,(q prrirrr Jn^ .q "'oJ"q aqtto ut&tg aq1 sn.mos aqt{o uo\onln^g lzcttl't) Y :sqD"tv SHq cqeod clqeJ\ Solehah Yaacob more than one kingdom and and dates, obscurity penmsuta' th9 dialect the names' records 91e 1sicl cteared *hi'J#"h;**;+' the p"-t'tu*i" ,,wtrictr tleited uIuI T*" of the history of the omtrad bdore fre& f,[t ivi Sestio sarahrd sefety He added: unknown' was consfucted is (sic) '0... The old Arabian alphabet pointeu;i been wehaver" r,o*""tt llll ;;;.:lii*-tru, of evolution"'--see a certain amount within that alphabet we can in its foregoing that Arabic^lxisted the It can be safely established from Tht preservation of classical during basic form and structure ?""it1::i;"t;' pre-IslamicArabic,""",was-alsonotinte-rruptedbythecomingoflslam grammarians' The il;;'kt or lu'ty'Mustim but, rather, isolation from other "oruntl""o"'i does not o"*''in''"o*plete language any of evolution languages*A*rt'it"-thusthepot"Uft^-i"n"t*eofNab4taeanwriting io t""it'ai"tion to the independent and Egyptian '*##;;;''; language u' u"i"ffi form of expressing Arab development of the Arabic culture and civilisation' Conclusion the origin that the early Muslim t""t::: confirms discussion Critics The above extelfremained c'ontrov:11ial' people of the Arab with the poetry related by in h;;;;*ail oointed at cases forgery :: **..tio" rshaq' Ibn Hishdm and at-Tabart' "f "ri;;;J such renown.o u'tr'l?1l;';t''il legends' A had been""fiu""a by local suggesting that histJit-r"" discoveries for the take ioto u""orrrit'iactual to neeJs result balanced Qaydar tl"gAo';' u' the Kingdom of e"U such of easily not existence ar-e ,""ordt "*iL*" f* ,h* Jrr"tr' urr.i""t rrrrr.i."ii;" uy examined that failure to does not iustify concluding ro,",.. to,i many and unearthed in other sources Uogao-' o' ih" Arab people l"ud"' Jundibu mention other ancierriluU fact thafihe u""itnt i'tub B'C'E' does tiu" ti"g'i' ihe ninth century for an is only mentioned #"""-e'ts iiro- rrt" question that called ott at tt prove not *id"*"" to confrm that Arabs as Ita t"'t"1f til;;;ists whethet was Ishmael' answer time of the Proffi Ab'ahu* X:':ltt u travelling people existed tne arabic language is possible tflut r*t'l'"u"t then decided o, rt, iiuv i" svrr" Jurhum \remenite tritre called the in means that thev did;i;;i';Jifi; erlv#il;il"f* b"f;;il -i"'*t lt:T *hi* would not stand to settle down in"il;;;;.-iht, version ot "u"rtr ll2 -The Islqmic Quarterly: Vol 58' No' 2 lmgua @;ts o en -Z'oN'gg lotl :{lalnn@ nwnlsJ aql q PUEN peplsp Buryam I[IaBU lsB sw uB roJ p ssop T tr(m{ml gxunos q ernlF fpea t ryP,{o q roJ v 'sr ?Eqei. fq Pry scrlu] uduo r qury ft papue( fuqrra -Elso u srlf E EEISIJ ImFsq qqI 'urerlerqv pqdor6 ep eql eroJeq 3uo1 pue urBIsI Jo luelpe eql eroJeq IIe,& emllnc prre lcurlsrp e 3o eldoed e s€ pelsrxe peq sqsrv eql rcql epnlcu<x) ,(eur euo 'secmos tuqsnl I ur pelueserd ecueprlo Ieqxel eq] Bq pue se18ue luereJJrp urorg eldoed qe.rv erp Jo ur8Fo eqt Jo eql uo Surlereqgep relJy 'regeereql sequl reqlo qlrx\ Sulxrur pue 3q slueurueJ peJeilecs Jleql 'pV, Jo eqll1 JerlJ"o eql Jo uoBcn.Bssp suorluow qclrp\ 'up.rnb eql o] ecueJeJeJ rllrlk\ pseJ ueql\ tueqerqy sqeJv Jo ocuelsrxe eq] alBcrpul lBql slunoccB lecrT(ug ol sa)tnos aqtto uouonlD^X lmlryt) v :sqDty aqtto u13yg aq1 ITIg r4 'uft es rB sFx Solehah Yaacob *fr Notes ,[5d I am grateful to a number of my academic colleagues who have commented upon specifiI issues and provided supplementary material on this topic, particularly professor G. T. Yaseen wtro shaied his expertise in ancient civilisation and Prof' Dr. A. B. Kopanski. My gratitude also extends to Prof' Dr' N' A' Ibrahim who poetry, Prof. added valuabli suggestion-s on points regarding pre-Islamic Arabic Dr.H.M.NooronancientthoughtbeforetheGreeks,aswellasProf.Dr.M. 1 Azamfor his helpful comments onthe topic' 2 Introduced by the German orientalist Schlozer in 1780 whose theory is not G. supported by Arab scholars who coined the rival term'lazatiah' or 'urubah'; E' p' 124:' Ltd)' Unwin Roux, 1965, Ancient ltaq (London: George Allen and G. edit. Lingtistics, of History in Reiner, Linguistics in the Ancient Near East Lepschy (London: Longman, 1990), p' 61, Rev' A'H' Sayce, Babylonians and Aisyriii life and Cuitoms (London: Gutenbook Ebook, 2008), p' 5, Samtr as-sirydniyyah al-"Arabiyyah al-Iuzdr wal imtiddd, (Damascus: DaI "Ah' "AbdUh, ddin, 2000). p. 46. ' ,Are the Arabs Descendents of Ishmael?', p. 1, retrieved at nA lafl 0t [E nrr fur 'r fil *fr Muha-mad Kujjah, "survey on the Development of the Historical Method among Muslim Scholars until Ibn Khaldln", retrieved at http ://www.muslimheritage. com in the campaign of Halhah and az-Zubayr against his father's slayers. His name often appeari in the chain of narrators (isna{ of the canonical coilections of hadlth; Caliph "Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan appointed him as governor of Medina for seven years; renowned for his extensive knowledge of islamic tradition. See A.Guillaume, The Life of Mahammad (Oxford: Oxford University Press,), p. 14 and The Encyclopaedia of Islam (Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1979), 7 He took part Vol.1, pp.2-3. A freeman, presumably of South Arabian origin, little is known bgyond the fact that he wrote a maghazibook. Other maghazlworks were produced in Iraq' Syria and Yemen during the second century, but none of them is likely to have The influenced Ibn Ishaq and they can safely be disregarded. See A. G]ulllaume, 17 . 15 arrd Life ofMuhammad, P. 114 -The Islamic Quarterly: Vol58, No. 2 ffil F5l t lbid, p.l. 8 Hr &r m http :i/www. answering-Islam. org/author/cornelius/arabs' html u ffi rl A. A. Wafi, 1988, Fiqh a1-Lughah(Cairo: Dar al-Nah{ah), p' 6' aCornelius, ilU ffi [m *r *l r-I lrr ,*I ry ilil fur tt l T h gll -Z 'oN'gS lo/l :tUauDnS nun1s1aq1 'ecuelpn€ ustuoU,(1qrzue1so ue ro3 errrlcedsred qsunel € ruo{ plJo^\ eglJo fuo}s.u1 egt slmocer saol e(ilJo se7mb7av'(c'q Ot-c'g 99) uorledncco-uuluod lsute8e 'stlel eIP Jo seqlnbpuy pue ryA {o1er qsr.&ef eql s11mocet tell qsl^el et{J 'A'J'S sIH pegoduu 61 ur e1due1 s[ pue luelssruaf ]soru t{sr.,Le[ oqJ e$Msryom egl uo elorf, Jo uorlcrulsec eq1 14 petrlnseJ qclg,t\ JEIN ustuou-qsl^\et $4c uroqqEq qsL!\ef-ou€tuog pu€ u?uolslq reqderaor3eq peproceroql( gsyrcI ifropiq , '.,qni11inyq ueq qdesol peil?c osl€ ''g'c'g,ftnpec 619 'snqdesot snl^€ld sn{J or zrz'd'Plgt aw'eunv e,req o1 ,t err,(g'ber1 1c€J egl pu '(6161'lEt ;o sr .Trc'd.PIQI., p proJxo e8pal,s s€ u4q F l ISCIUOUSJ s.reql€J sl .AZ'd.PIgI,, 'I0I'd '(€002 'uozm3 eEpeltnog :uopuol)tQrnb4uv u sqerv eqJ 'osle11ue1 w ,, p,e I poqleN '(OtOt '.r+gJe rpq :one3) I?lnw P.'tt uewnle qryrgJ 'LmqeJ-lV ir '8IS'd '696I:;f,ry*WJB r9O :ore3 'qeqsE)lyc l?^\fiqJ, ']I'pe Jug"e14J1e'qeq'(e}n| uq1 ,, '(geet7Ww.1€ :1nneg) Imup€J tuples qP1t.;1IB rPC pqv r€rufu 'ppe'rletrueqeNle qeqsls tupqstg uq1 ., (V OOZ, \e tf,lu{ I" JB qqnX 'ypa'qetftneqeNf qe4s-le 'bpqs1uq1 ,, J€ rp(I :1nneg) IpIzBI I{€ plred pgurrtv . 'g1 p 'd 1B pe^el-r 'pewweqry,y1o eJlT erIJ 'eurnqpng 'V eos [€lop eJou JoJ '1sed eqlgo e8peyYroq TzgJEew {ooq B pue,(11ureg Irlv\o slqJo drolsrq e Sel ?H ,sexes gtroq elesorrolut o1 sured pue plo 8uno.( 'eldoed oq^ ,sesroo lqar-,, Jo slsluolrpe4 JoIBI eql Jo JelrurueJoJ eql peJeplstroJ dreuproerlxe >Iool eq leql q eg 'spdnd slq roJ suorrpen sIrI Jo eluos peprocer pu€ plze1 pu€ upqslH 5lll€I/{ reqrueru v 0r € InpqY ol Jlesullq peqceu€ '(IIIue; u€crel tr peqslnftnlsp Jo ,91V" rEC (S .trru€S pue sueru 'D 'rpa : '9.:vzr 1 'D:,Iluqtr 1ou st [.r sr erpeedoJc'bag eq1 I I8-0I8 'dd' '€ lo1 '986I ltug'f'A :ueple'I 'raepJSo ees 'pepa[oc patr osl€ 'd'perntaerln7yso eqJ eJru 'erune111n9'y ees osl€ pu? IIIx €qpolN 01 umlar eq q1!zv\ uo eql pue perueEueu€ uoqcelloc luo^\ eq IerJe1utu eqlgo e11 'e8pelmoq pelelcosse gT^{ puoces oql uorlereue8 stq uo pue 's1s1uo1qper1go pu€ reqFJ srq 3o sdelsloqy Jo segcu€Jq eseql ul pezqetceds ouocoq pue selcun eql q .,rtolloJ plnoqs eq 1u.qf Iemleu se,u. 1t 'uotsslusue4 q[peg pue qqq>p fiiua sq;o slelop ou ere oregJ, rPqQP Jo emleu dpueg eqlJo ^\aIA ul lnq oJII ,(pue Jellusu€Jl s3 rxr\ou>l setr ,(qderSotg s.pqdor4 eIIl uo sel{Joq}n€ ulsru eqlJo ouo 6 P sactnos aqtlo uouDnlD^fl lD)ttt't) Y :sqDt7 aqllo ur8ug aq1 'Il{ 'ro l 3o16 '[r1 og1( Jord pur dpelnqU uodn peil Solehah Yaacob " Titus Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the lews, Book I Chapter 12, retrievable at " Ibid, p.18. Ibn Sal6m al-Jumahl , I p. 18, .html. habaqdt as-Shu"ard', edit. Al-Lajnah al- Jami"iyah, Beirut: DEr an-Nahah al-"Arabiyah,1968, p.4 22 Professor of Ancient History, Princess Noura University, Rryadh. *trr Frt -h oE" rvl+ l-p 23 Hirdun Muhammad at-Turki, Mamlakah Qaydar (Riyadh: Maktabah M6lik Fahad, 201 l), pp.13-91. 2a See Raphael Loewe, 'Hebrew Linguistics' " E. Reiner,'Akkadian' rn History of Lingaistics, p. 88. n History ofLingaistics,p. 103. '6Ibid., p. 90. 27 A. Lods (1996) (trans. S. H. Hooke), The Prophets and the Rise of fudaism n C. K. Ogden (ed.) The History of Civilization (Ogden, London: Routledge), p. 3. tDi 28 dit Al-Baqarah: 31 lml " S"" Ibrahim Hamrah, A|-khah al-'arabI juztiruhu wa tahawwiruha (Beirut: Maktabah al-Mandr, 1987), p. 11. On Adam being the first man who spoke Arabic, see M. R. Ndsir Dhawq, 'Nasab al-"Arab', n Majallah al-"Arab, August 2006,p.2. 'o M. R. Ndsir Dhawq, Nasab al-'Arab, p. 11, see M. I. al-Numani, a|-Isra'walMfrej, edit. Abd al-Qadir Ahmdd AlE (Cairo: Maktabat al-Qur'an), p. 77. 3r See for example D.S. Margoliouth, The Relation Between Arab And Israelite prior to the Rise oflslam,p. 4 " " Yassen, G.T., personal communication with Prof, G Hassan Taha Yassen is a professor of Ancient History and Archaeology in the Department of History & Civilization, Faculty of IRKHSS, International Islamic University Malaysia. 'o S. N. Kramer, 1963, The Sumerians: Their history culture and character 35 7 3 -269. According to Schlozer, alt Semitic people were the descendants of Sam, the son ofNoah. 116 -The Islamic Quarterly: Vol58, No. 2 h, {r *E nts m-If rbid.,p.2. (University of Chicago Press), pp. ffi-I eT{ 5^ lrE *'ilI ml {ilts! Lll aql -Z'oN '89 lol :tqa4anfi crwo\sl grn-f r. sK {1-'\ { Z;d 'l'lo7'toror .{,sn 4 * tf c. c4( 'to sf 'rt€ qEB! uos eql '{ t1'f*'f o1-',*: crsf\* t'e t[r{ f'{rP ggJh* In^ in*nle '"+urn WErgJ 'treqei-lVrt 'po 'o'lnJ) I $peretl2 F 'dd '(296I I-0i ?lsf, plqgl6 InPQV' cf 'qeqhnye nqbrg 't1976 'Lq€rv"-l€ up.(eg1e Wulq:on'u3) gercr:7'xnog se8roeg peb qenfle qwlg 3 SI uesserl " 9g1'd'bet1 lgz'd't'p51aqs1e ry pE1d1t\Bf tt gzz'd'Pt$l er 06I'd'PIqI zr pqpeJnwJ?'!lY eqpersl 68I'd'PIQI rr 681'd'4bgg e{el or '68I 'd'z ]o^ :qpe,(15)'*ry:.,-o.ffi a: y,:':'f: i,W :.yr;:;i,' r','r o tt t l;11,, .16e6 1 ,{ro1s111. .bere6le ;f c e s! ol aq . op 'l Ie^ ,grsJ-, 'z 'd'9ooi 'clqerv eJ :1nneg) n s e q e er s dilrl1111 l .t paesqerv*"^og'iii1'ZplZqt'q1t'ouoa*IN:s'c'gLi'd'Ilo^'PIQIut 'g 'd 'Jvrusn ':If, #.I":'x":''r *a; fl *o ritrs'rt'J orn * r *t ro ? r1i 19-;r * f '€0' c\cfe qr- \c? h{e or.fe I'r* "l n q-1 ci{,i. --:,.\ g*1te, -*S* t'; f rW {6-t ff'\'G loL'urglst-lE '{pps-se ,uo .SI .d ,l 't )HPIN q 'loA '?16l 1''qv' ppt*'vref '29't'd Py'!:f liql'ri' ptr""t '"p''iti'w iek"H usttto 'llqsqr UPSSEH 8t peb qen,-Je ',*J, Prt q'>Ergt u ' rmt€crlupf :pupq8eg) 'ur91sr1e sartnos aqllb uorrynp^fl d', grurnqs-s e ybeqe !'lqeurn peb qen'7e lmvlt) Y g-1e IrrgIBS uql r€ sl-rl'dd'I]oA'(zL6l'Pgvl?eg u Pt{peJnwf 'qv" PgMBf st '2ry';t :sqltv arylo ur&tg aq1 {B q€d 'gI 'd ' Solehah Yaacob €*-V,4 f * English by *Il - q- JK s ;";4,v1 Franz Rosenthal, The History rft of Al-TabarI (New York: State University, 1989), Vol. I p.316. ot Who accepted the group of "Ad when they arrived at Mecca they alighted at home of him in outskirts of Mecca, he having come out of the sanctuary sheltered them and honoured them since they were his maternal uncles and in-laws. o'At-Tabarl Tdrfuh al-umam wal mulak, Vol.l, p. 112, whereby Jawwdd All considered "Ad from al-"Arab al-Bd'idah' l-Li{.:;.r }' J"t * r+ ri et41 J+! )i * u>{(Jt ,-r-.,rr.r ! l,dl -ri i:b ..r! :tc ;.ri tl-* -+l c*|?,;,ft[.L-J.ljl i;"b)\ a 1,!i a+L; c-i .ra * F. 9t3u, cilt ri; r-)ijl )-9 "-<1 Err )t *'lrk- ee.r{, ,-;-}t ;:ts * t+. rrf", 15tG uj t Q- L:U ,r:.r r-urtr ilt {frt "(g; fr.l l, " iJ.r, u)tJl-1;!,Jl l, dGl C* nu English Translation by William M. Brinner, The History ofAl-TabarlQiew York; State University, 1987), Vol.2, p.33 50 At-Tabarl Tar*h al-umam wal muluk,Vol. 1, qr t-i -or p. I 13 hcl a.:r!i /^- !i '; o" ali1f f esl*Ji * lr"a t .:UJrJ !J tili {i U ;Jru tJ-l ,/\)"rb )\1rp-;s*.ri., [t, iJl Ur"iri :r,";+:6:.; 41t 4:t *flf Ut !?) ilr ol.,i.i 51 52 The History of Al-Tabarl translated by William M. Brinner, Vol. Ibid, p.35, At-Tabarl Ta&h al-umam wal muliik, Vol. 1, l.r-i :Lp a./ .5"rair 53 See English translation by .5+ Y l, p.34. p. I 13 * ir*-1irv-1 ,>r;\ a,-;lr 6r )1 * iJ;ly :J; l.r.ll-e Y William M. Brinner, The History of A1-TabarI,Yol. 1,p.34. 118 -The Islamic Quarterly: Vol58, No. 2 n& tfr mr aL fl{ m 6ll -Z 'oN'g9lol:{lntnnfi cruo1s7 aq1 .g, .d ,0002 'qedrqery,le qegpbeql-qlV qeq€DIsI l :prES uod 'rulspo p"ururegnw lqv 'Ipe lqrftr\esntr'y1v ryeqs lqqBC-pY peurue{n11 'uqr lepegn6Jv sgqqY" lqY ees iqer,(tzrrn51 uql >p1€IN Jo rerllorg ze 'r0[ 'd'qy 'LOE'd ' pEr'tne1 ru pelonb su '7g asre,r 'rter1n7 ftbeJJernq ,n qv pglv\aef ur pelonb sB oesnlllefl,(q peype 't1eq8Jqe71 ug,t[O * .py, eql Suoue ueru lseqcu eql 'reurlH o1 '1o11'1tw peSuoleq 1eql sls€o ue suolluelu eH 6. ct*- l rrqr- ,rni*ttflr, ir i.- rfi[ gflp t: 1y-1i * cs'a€ rr+rr rrfirt i t'F ll rn:{ {q *t'' v* r--J rf:r' '86I 'd '1'1o1y'y4Jrut Jea ureunle (try'reJ 'IrBq"J-lV '62'd 'PlqI ss '62'd'Z '1o11peqe11ygo Lro1sr11 eq1 'rsuuttg 'ntr u€HII1$. .(q uotlelsuen qql3ug ees 1ueql Jo snolu"J lsoru eql sduqred 'spod crurelsl-erd 1ee.r8 xrs egl Jo euo /s 'gz'd 'plql eos JnsoIN eIIl ot rEqnv pe^olu qslcg5-Je 3o (utre 1e ,ffe1-1e qEnorql uorlceJlp 6ee ^(q qgou € ur ,(lq8nor .qe^eurN erIJ luerouB [uo+ JoAIJ eql ssoJc? berl ueqlrou Jo eJluec leer8 eq1 ,. :>lJo7\ rtA '37'd 'reuutrg 'W UTBIIIII$.,(q ps1e1sue4 lreqel1ylo .seurl ur elnsruued uBrqEJV erllJo eere IBJluec-qIou crtuelsl-erd fuo1srg orIJ ees eq1 Sulqqeqq eqlJl e ',ffe1 3o fuo1ure1 eql ut 'gurles pu€ pfv 'surelunout o^J ss ,ji af lf ll .ri *ci<ce isr *1 rf^r, \do ttrra iv ltf,l * Cprp ,Q -** gtl.r6 n 4 Ff f #' * .:r.In arlr r1t1' rq'cv- lgir rtgf- 'Tn.'f Fn f c,-5 C\e\i Cl (,fr* fr.n Tt n4 rsl , r-f{ ffC lt #o * f1 5'fl 1ia;v r1p-:f, q.* te,f P s:,{f 1r. {? r(i" -fJ ,r. -\r; *f llr or.J rfn, Tn c";{ c6yJ sxtt r'{t x !tr<"N-J 'i 1;'{ tg'ro t ?.n,c"tf cyat *41\,\ f ,-' ?II'd'IloA '4!LJmu Jeu uewnle IIY pera{eq l€ lnclll"t) V :sgotY aWlo ul8l.Q aqJ po1qE e1uls ogeqel WpeJ -lv '8€'d 'Z 1o1 'reuutlg '14I urellllly\. ,(q peplsuerl lnqe11ySo 'ftolslH eVJ x sa)"mos atg.[o uouon1D^g P9,{ :) Solehah Yaacob 63 At-Tanbfu Wal-IshrAf, p.175, As euoted In Jaww6d Al-r, p. 30g. tr lt +lolt.: Ar-Baghdad! Tafsrr Ruh Ar-Ma'anr(Beirut: Ihyd. At-Turath Al'arabr), Al-Najr& 50. 6s At-Tabarl Tafsir At-Tabarr(cairo: Ddr Ar-Ma"6rif), vol * 16, Al-Najm, 50-51. uu Ibid, p. u7 Al-Alusl Al-Baghdadr, Tafrrr Ruh Al_Ma, ant,Al_Najm, 5I. ut 6e 70 73 r fif, Jan il Retso, The Arabs in AntiquitSr, p.105. F Ibid, p.l07 Ibid, til p.lo !l 106 *,j A' Guiuaume, The Life ofMuhammad(oxford: oxford University press), p. 7a Retrived athltn:/ " A. Guillaume, 76 rbid,p.19,2o and2l. 77 The m, *J Life ofMuhamma4p. lg. *J *r See htt.,. p. 1., also (Delhi: Iddrdr Adabiyah, 1979), pp. 49-54 " rbid, p.2. 7n Ibn Hishem, al-Strah al-Nabawiyah,Vol. 81 4 25. ,l refer to Nisar Ahmed, Furu 8o 5 l. lbid. 7'Ibid, 7' .il *( t [n *[ l, p.l9 Ibid, p. 691, no 13. nS -r Genesis 25:13-15 KJV. also see p. t. nc 8'_ Sahrh al Bukhari, edited by Muhammad Zuhair Ndsir, Beirut: Ddr Najdh, 2000, Vol4, Book 55, Number 5g3. 120 -The Islamic euarterly: Vol58, No. 2 *r at-T[kii an- la -z 'oN'gg lol :qDuDna )lu0lsJ aqJ .ggg .d 69€-89€'dd 'I .I JoA !1y pprurel u I .d ,I IoA 1ll{V{v pelonb se 9I 'I 1o1 lagJsrle Jqeb qsrecle rpry, g JeqpsJnryIe !y oor ppmrrrel * L9E'd 1o1 rlv pprlr\Bf rn pelonb s2 EZ'OZ'L'dd'l pnEJqdetfloetg 'durelot4 ,. 'fgecgrpercs dJoeql cu]uecoat eql peqsllry6e 'erur1 sIrI Jo sreqde.Goe8 pue sJeruouo4se {eeJC lelluengq Foru agl Jo euo 'td,{Eg Jo uezt1tc usuroU->looJg e se,r\ fruelog sqpmlJ 15 99t'd'I 1oytugJ*1e Jqeb qenle rpryi gr JeWJnWIe !1y ppmarel * lSJeDl oqe OII'd lOA.PIQI,. 6 l€'d'| I I-g I I'dd' '1o4y1rryJsr-Je 1 1on'4gJnur Jem Jqeb ueun-le qryrgJ .geWJ-rV qenle eryt g IeWJnI IIE I'd|ge"nqs-qse ' lqeunlJu 'llEfns-se j€g 'd'I loylagJslle ,n 't1V purure1 ,, rugles uql ueqt Euoruy _ '92'.d '92' d' |'1o 1 nqln74J-Je Jqeb qetyle rFWg lepqnrule tlv pumnel ,u '62'd'l]o^ 'pIqI 06 I €'d'I 1o1 lrq1nq1e'lt!],(ns-sv 6s 'I€ 'd'I IoA'(966I qelql,le qntn){? ryg:1ruleg)twnru1e ll!,tns-sy'9SI 'd ,.[tIlB) uql 'Z1oL'(L0OZ'tqtc>IuqI rEC: sncsuureq) \elgqr71-en sl y'd 'snrleuro3 ., 8I-rI 'dd'Z1o1 'plcy :S0I'd'pIgI ru gl'd'Z'1o1!nqeago/ftotslH:SOt 'd '44Jnu Jen wurrnle qry&J TlrzpJ-ly 9n-*'dd 'plql Jo eJru eq1 'aannelllnD sacrnos aqlto uo4oryD^g 'v :ot-gt 'd 'qerrmeqeTl-ue 'gL-LL''d'pIeI ss n ornr*1#ffirffI lDctltt) v :sqDry aqllo ur8u6 aq1 'IS lVq Solehah Yaacob 101 Intemational Standard Encyclopeadia Biblica' lrT (, P' 331 ,0,D.SMargoliouth,TheRelationBetweenArabAndlsraelitepriortotheRiseof Islam,p.8 mentioned geogr"pjl -SS-e Y: fT: a war with -'f.'l' in connection e'C') during the reign of Sf,uf-u""t"t |l(ZZ+-Hindun See Syria. in i" trr. province of earqar against Jundibu, th" A;;'i;"i 6riai Givaarr: vtatiauatr Malik Fahad,2,r7), 103 Muhammad p.7 . r*t, uriitiii Ddr al-Macari0, pp' 366'372 shawql D ayf, at-Maddris an-Nahwiyah(cairo: 10a ,,t Retso, ,ou The Arab Antiquity, pp.l-92' ^a,,l Makki, At-Tahir Ahmad. ed. Cooperson, tvtict'ae'i 311. Tdtil<h al-umam wat muldh Vol' 2' pp' 32-39 r;7,#;#;hi;-ilbn-,, Ibid, vol.1, pp. 33-36 '1'Ibn"Aqll,Sharhlbn'Aq71(Beit--$:D6ral-Fikri'1998)VoL2'p'366lAt-Tabarl 2' p' 35' Tdril<h al-umam wal mullk,Vol' r13 Fll nEI ,H dt El dl @, Umminl lto Al-Arab "fuibah they were ten, "Ad' Thamld' "Amhqi' Taainl Jadis' Y ol. muluk, wal il-u*uTafikh al_Mautu., Jurhum, t, pp. 33 and 36 r11 rU roo*u' Poet and Lover (Anr{an: Ddr a1-Ibd6"' al-Samarr a'i, Mazhar' Imru' a|-Qays At-Tabarl !e il -l of Literarr Biography, Gale' 2005)' p' iho,otot' if'u*tut (Detroit: 1e93). 'oe nry ,,Imru, al-Qay s.,,,1n Dictionary to'rbid,p.222 r08 nrr wal muliik' Vol' 2' p' 35' Mentioned by At-Tabar! Tdrfth al-umam ,,0 As-SUyUtl al-MWh-UVo\.1, pp. 1 1-24 pp. 158-159, a\-MLf aiirYo|.24,1998, Ismail al-Farod1 Majallah al-Mustim Arabs and Israelrtes ptior to n"-n'io*.o"*no also see D.S. 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