NewsLocal NewsWater Cooler


Street Team learns to lifeguard at Six Flags Hurricane Harbor in Phoenix


The water park once known as Wet ‘n’ Wild is now Six Flags Hurrican Harbor after the company bought out the park’s lease. 

Your Phoenix CW’s Street Team went to the new scene to check out the water and see what it takes to be a lifeguard at the park. 

To face this challenge, Chloe Mar and Adam Waltz teamed up with CJ Horger, the head lifeguard at Hurricane Harbor. Here they dressed up in their best uniforms complete with a lifeguard t-shirt, some shorts, a fanny pack, and a classic red hat. 

The skill training includes throwing rescue buoys at cones and jumping from lifeguard chairs.

“What makes a good lifeguard is someone that knows that safety is our number one priority,” said Horger. 

Part of the training to be a lifeguard is to retrieve a ten-pound brick from the bottom of the wave pool and hold it above your head. 

One long whistle blast indicates a non-life-threatening emergency and two long whistle blasts signals a life-threatening emergency. 

The water park opens for the season on March 16. It is located at 4243 W Pinnacle Peak Road, near 43rd Avenue and Pinnacle Peak Road.

If you have what it takes to be a lifeguard, check out