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How to enter "The Bradley" - ABC Radio's art competition

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a photo of a man with a large black beard smiling with a chicken on his head

Gardening Australia's Costa Georgiadis will be the subject for "The Bradley" - ABC Radio's Portrait Prize.

So, grab your paintbrushes or crayons and have a crack at painting a portrait of Costa.

The Bradley is an ABC Radio art competition which invites submissions from members of the public.

The winning entry will hang in the ABC Brisbane Lobby and then be part of the Brisbane Portrait Prize at the State Library of Queensland from August.

Everyone is welcome: first time painters to long time doodlers, amateur and professional.

Submissions should be emailed to: [email protected].

How to enter:

You can use any medium you want.

You can paint, sketch, scribble, use crayons or charcoal, make a scarecrow, even turn Costa into a quilt!

Please include:

  • Your full name
  • Your contact number
  • The medium you've chosen
  • A bit about you
  • A bit about your design
  • And attach a high-quality photo

Your photograph will be used for the judging process – so please make sure it is good quality.

And if it is a 3D work, you may provide multiple photographs of your submission.

The dimensions must be within 2 metres by 2 meters, and maximum weight is 15 kilograms.

ABC Brisbane Gallery:

This year, we will display as many entries as we can in the ABC Brisbane foyer from August. 

So if you can, we ask for you to drop or courier your original artwork to the ABC Brisbane office, which is open 24 hours.

ABC Brisbane

Attn: Rebecca Levingston

114 Grey Street, South Brisbane, QLD 4101 

If your artwork requires framing, please ensure this is done prior to drop off or courier.

If you can't get it to the ABC Brisbane offices, we totally understand. Your digital artwork photo will be used in a multi-media display.

Entries close Friday 19 July 2024.

Posted , updated