The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Could This WikiLeaks ‘Server Error’ Be Connected to Julian Assange’s Secret

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to a plea deal with Biden’s Department of Justice that will allow him to return home without serving any more jail time. But Glenn’s spider senses are tingling. How did he land THAT deal after his involvement in one of the biggest government leaks in history? Did Assange trade anything for his freedom? And does it have any connection to something that was discovered shortly after the plea deal was announced: WikiLeaks’ entire archive of 20,000 leaked DNC emails seems to have vanished…


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So many people now today, are celebrating Julian Assange's release. Freedom after about 12 years on the run.

And time spent in prison.

I'm one of those people that I'm not giddy about it.

But I actually fall now into closer into Julian Assange's camp. Because what he did release.

Some called him a free speech warrior.

Some called him a dangerous activist, that put our military and national security at risk. Because he hacked. And then published millions of documents on WikiLeaks.

So how did this happen?

Well, he just pled guilty to espionage as part of the deal with the US Justice Department.

Now, I don't know if you know this. But espionage can actually carry a death penalty.

And espionage is a really big deal.

But the DOJ, under Biden has just said, well, time served.

For what they've been saying is the largest espionage case in our country's history?

I mean -- I just want an understanding. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with Julian Assange being, you know, freed and allowed to go.

But really.

I mean, that seems very magnanimous.

And it was the Biden DOJ. And Biden came out yesterday. And wanted to make it very clear. He had nothing to do with the deal. He doesn't know what is on his son's laptop. He's never been involved with his son's business. He has no idea what the Justice Department is doing. They had no -- no information about the Mar-a-Lago thing.

They're not trying to cancel your -- your gas stove. There's nothing further from the truth.

And they had nothing to do with this deal with Julian Assange.

Now, I find that hard to believe, only because you would think the president of the United States, you might want him to weigh in on this.

But maybe Joe is just completely out to space. And out to lunch.

And he doesn't -- he can't string three words together. He's just a nice old man that doesn't understand.

Maybe. Maybe.

But there was a deal made. We know that.

And it was made in secret.

Now, this is according to the New York Times.

A, quote, a secret hearing.

Don't like it already.

A secret hearing paved the way for his release.

In the end, the choreographed multi-national dance that led to his release, took place beyond closed doors. At a secret bail hearing in London last Thursday.

According to British officials. Now, the Ozzies were involved in this.

The British were involved in this.

The Americans were involved.

And my spider senses are tingling a bit.

Now, this morning, early, we may have gotten maybe a tip.

Or it was a mistake.

An accident.

The X account End Wokeness noticed something odd early, early this morning, while you were asleep.

All 30,000 leaked DNC emails have just been removed from WikiLeaks. Huh.

Now, they say, this is end wokeness. That this is part of the deal with Biden's DOJ. And everything now makes sense.

Well, I don't know if that's true. My team did verify that while other hack archives on WikiLeaks are still up, including Hillary Clinton's emails. When you click on the DNC archive, it does produce a server error.

Okay. They're all gone. That's odd. But maybe it just is a server error.

Is this proof the DOJ coerced Assange to cover up their embarrassing secrets in exchange from his freedom?

No. Today, it's a server error.

Now, I've had server errors before. And my company can fix them pretty quickly.

So is this just a server error that's going to be fixed and all of those will be returned?

We asked WikiLeaks to confirm if this was just a technical glitch or more evidence of a politically motivated and corrupt DOJ?

We'll let you know if they come back to us with a response. But my gut says something very dirty happened here.

And we'll never actually know, what happened in that secret meeting.

Unless, somebody from WikiLeaks gets their hands on some more documents. Then maybe we will know.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to trust law enforcement officials?

To be in it for the law, and not for themselves, or for their cronies?

Wouldn't it be nice? I would like that. I would like that on both sides. I would like that to not happen for the Republicans. I would like that to not happen for the Democrats. But maybe. Maybe that's too much to hope for.

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