Showing posts with label World Events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Events. Show all posts

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Swift Springstriders and Brightly Colored Eggs

To those of you who have stumbled here while looking for a wowhead noblegarden egg, welcome to my blog. ;) I can tell you that you are on the right track, however I will not straight up give you the answer. I can lead you in the right direction though. You can find the rare referenced in clue #2 on this post on my blog. You may even find the link in there to the hidden egg... (Anyone who doesn't know what the heck I'm talking about, wowhead is having a little Noblegarden egg hunt and they are giving away some great prizes.)

To those who do read my blog, I'm sure you all know how much I love my tallstrider mounts and matching hunter pets. I never can resist the opportunity to take a fun screen shot as well. So for your viewing pleasure I've snapped this screenie of my hunter with her new mount and pet in my all time favorite location in the game.

For any hunters interested in obtaining this matching pet, it is incredibly easy to get. You can get this skin in Northern Barrens from the Fleeting Plainstriders which are level 12-13. You can also find this skin in Mulgore  from the Elder Plainstriders which are level 8-9.

The Swift Springtrider mount as I'm sure most of you are already aware, can be purchased from any of the Noblegarden vendors for 500 Noblegarden Chocolates. Chocolates drop from eggs at a 1:1 ratio. There is also an incredibly small chance that you can obtain one from a Brightly Colored Egg. I was not lucky enough to see one from an egg and had to purchase it. It took a couple of hours tops, so it wasn't that painful.

For anyone seriously interested in farming eggs for this pretty birdy I would recommend staying away from Razor Hill on Horde side and Goldshire on Alliance if your on a big server, at least for the first few days. On my Alliance server in Goldshire there were people that had "claimed" each egg spawn point, some spawns even had a couple of people sitting on them fighting over the spawns. (NOT fun hunting for eggs that way, imo.) I farmed for my eggs at Azure Watch outside of the Exodar, which had about a quarter of the number of people hunting for eggs in Goldshire. On Horde side I had better luck in Bloodhoof Village.

Happy Noblegarden to all, and good luck finding those eggs!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pretty in Pink - Loving my Swift Lovebird

(I'm breaking the line of Bloody Rare related posts to bring you a not so rare related news bulletin regarding pink flamingos!) 

The first day the Swift Lovebird went live I had to hold myself back from buying one immediately. The moment I found out this pretty birdy was going to be added to the game I just knew he would go perfect with Mazzranache and my Mulgore Hatchling and I just HAD to have him!!

The mount costs 270 Love Tokens, which are earned through dailies, and can be purchased from Lovely Merchants in any of the capitol cities. However, you can also purchase tokens with Lovely Charm Bracelets at a 1 = 1 trade ratio. That means, 10 Lovely charms = 1 bracelet. Ouch. When I first saw this mount listed on the ah I couldn't fathom the thought of paying someone 30k gold to have what would inevitably go way down in price in a week or so. I also couldn't imagine farming well over 2k Lovely Charms to get enough Love Tokens to purchase one early.

What I did was sort of a mix between the farm/daily method. I farmed a few hundred charms last Sunday, then I used one of my husbands toons to disperse them among my "mains" so that I could turn in each capitol city daily quest every day. To make things even quicker I used his mage once or twice for ports. *Shhhh don't tell him*

If your looking for a great spot to farm Lovely Charms at level 85 my top choice is The Fleshwerks in Icecrown (Pre-phased). The mobs there have only 3780 hp each and they respawn instantly! Even with one or two other people there as competition you can still gather a hefty amount because a set number of mobs always HAVE to be up! My second choice (if the first is too crowded, or phased) is Aldur'Thar in northern Icecrown. The mobs there are plentiful and like the ones at the Fleshworks a certain number have to be up at all times.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Swift Forest Strider and Lost Torranche

Violet, the Swift Forest Strider & Lost Torranche at the Darkmoon Faire
So I know this isn't a rare spawn, but I just had to share anyway. I loved this screenshot so much I submitted it to WoW Insider and apparently they liked it too, because they used it for their Around Azeroth Column today. Here is a link to the article:

I've been riding around on this sexy new mount, the Swift Forest Strider, for the past few days and I'm loving it. Not just because he's basically a big purple chicken, but partly because I found an incredibly cool purple chicken hunter pet for him to hang with.