This tale of a threesome is quite interesting but leaves out a lot of information viewers will want. The bare facts are these: Steven, a chiropractor, and Sam, a massage therapist, are lovers. They take a younger woman, Samantha, into their apartment and relationship. They all sleep in the same bed. They also run a professional office together, with Samantha doing the grunt work. Maybe not everybody is as prurient as I am, but I think most of the audience remained curious about the actual sexual practices of this trio after the movie was over. Similarly, I was wondering about the details of the "wellness center" business on which they all collaborated; how many patients did they see? who paid how much? how were the profits divided? (As a New Yorker, I also wanted to know how much rent they paid.)It is quite possible that there is a good explanation for many omissions, but I want to know what they are. Would it have been possible to include an interview with Samantha's predecessor in Sam and Steven's relationship? Why not? And if so, why wasn't it done? I enjoyed the movie but was still hungry for information when I left the theater.