It’s kind of crazy I haven’t written this blog post yet. After creating The Fly Tying Mentor which is essentially Fly Tying Instructions for Beginners, I didn’t really explain fully to the world how it is valuable to someone who is new to fly tying.
I’ll do this today so you understand why you might want to get involved in the Fly Tying Mentor.
I created this course because I believe that everyone should tie their own flies. Jay Nicholas made this point in a recent interview I did with him on fly tying and steelhead fishing.
Jay made the point that it’s not too different than the caveman sitting around the night before the hunt, sharpening his tools and preparing for the hunt.
We are sharpening our tools and doing the same thing with fly tying.
It’s really that visceral connection with nature. There’s nothing more powerful than catching your own prey on a weapon you creating.
Ok, that may be a little extreme but gives you something to think about.
-A little fish food for thought-
Before I get into the details of why the Fly Tying Mentor is useful for you, especially given the fact that there are more fly tying videos online than porn (not true by the way), I want to tell a little bit about my story.
Click this link to watch a short video about the mentor:
Dave’s Short Story
I won’t go into detail on my story here but want to note that I have been tying flies since really before I can remember. My dad owned a fly shop back in the day and I spent a good part of my childhood there.
You could find me at the sportsman show tying flies in front of the passers by. It was fun and something I never fully got away from.
I bring this knowledge to you in the Fly Tying Mentor.
Fun Fact: I love old country. Give me a little Johnny Cash or Merle Haggard on a road trip to go fishing and I’m pretty much good.
Fun Fact 2: I just got a new camper trailer and is something I would have never thought I would have purchased. But now with small kids, a cold winter and fishing to be had I see the benefit of one.
You’ll hopefully see me tucked into the side of a remote steelhead river this year tying a few flies before heading out to swing a few flies.
(Am I a weeny for buying a trailer – let me know)
Fly Tying Instructions for Beginners (The Fly Tying Mentor)
(aka – the mentor)
As I said before, I believe all fly fisherman should learn to tie flies. I believe that this connects us with fly fishing more and keeps you more connected to nature (remember the caveman thing above?)
So, here are the basic value pieces you get with the Fly Tying Mentor:
1. Fly Tying Courses
The first and most basic piece of the mentor are a series of step x step guided fly tying courses to walk you through tying flies from beginning to end. These include basic tools and techniques and types of flies, along with other bonuses.
The first course is very basic and will take a person who has never tied a fly through the process of tying their first 6 fly pattern types. Your will get videos and action items throughout to keep you going strong.
Why is this helpful given that there are 1000’s of tying videos on line? We believe that some people like to have things set up in a step by step fashion. Although you can find it all on you tube, you won’t find the step x step instruction and group coaching we provide in the mentor.
{There is no replacement for step x step guided instruction}
2. Fly Tying Materials and Tools
If you are a beginner we will deliver fly tying tools and materials to your doorstep. I have accounts with some of the best fly material manufactures in the country and can offer these materials to you at a discount.
You will get a vise, bobbin, scissors, thread and a hair stacker to get you started.
Each fly that we learn will come with the materials to tie 12 of each pattern. This is just the right amount to get you started on your way.
Of course, if you ever need more I will be there to serve you. You will have a open door to me any time you have questions.
3. Group Coaching
When you join the group you will be connected to a new and growing community of fly tyers who are at similar and different stages as you. So you can connect with the community if you have questions.
There is this concept of a mastermind group which is essentially a small group of people coming together with similar goals.
The idea is that you will grow more and have a support group which will help you succeed.
Of course, I will be in there as well moderating and answering questions as we go. At the beginning, the beta group will be small, so although there won’t be a huge amount of students.
You will get the benefit of having a more personal connection with me.
4. Local Meetups
I will be coordinating monthly meetups around the world so you can meet in person if interested in making a connection with others in the mentor group.
Although the online world is super amazing and useful there is no replacement for meeting up in person to tie a few flies. I am super excited about continuing to build these local meetups.
Click here if you are interested in starting a local meet up in your area. (add “local tying meetup” in the subject line of your email).
5. One on One Coaching
For a select few who are interested I’ll be offering one on one coaching. This is a chance to scale up your discovery process as I’ll add extra tips and tricks as we go.
You will be able to send me photos of your flies and I can provide feedback as well as the potential to do an online skype video so I can walk you through some of the stages.
If interested in this just click here and let me know.
6. New Courses
I will continue adding courses as we go so you can get more specialized in your tying. Maybe you are interested in steelhead flies, or dry flies or bass flies.
I’ll have you covered.
As I connect with more of you during the beginner course I will be able to provide more specific information tailored to your specific needs.
I need to hear back from you so please respond as you have time!
7. Guest Tyers
I will be providing a connection to guest tyers who will be helping to create new course content as we verify where the biggest needs are.
All of our tyers will bring a new spin to the vise and provide tips and tricks that you wouldn’t have though of.
Subscription Cost
We offer three basic options to get started. click here to see more details.
Option 1: $9.99 per month – You get all of the video course work, group coaching, one on one coaching and local meetup information. You will also be grandfathered in after the beta release for all new material that I release.
Option 2: $19.99 per month – You get everything in option 1 plus you get fly tying materials for each pattern delivered to your doorstep once per month. This will include a new pattern we are working on for the month.
Option 3: $29.99 one time fee (then $19.99 per month) – You get everything in option 1 and 2 plus you get the basic tools for fly tying. This includes a vise, scissors, bobbin and thread plus a bonus each month (this is a surprise!).
If you aren’t interested in a monthly fly tying box or step x step course work you can always check out my free videos here.
If you have any questions about the mentor you can send me an email anytime. Unless I’m on the river I’ll respond within 24 hours or less.
If you’re interested in detailed step by step Fly Tying Instructions for Beginners and fly tying materials delivered to your door then the Fly Tying Mentor is what you need. I offer everything listed above plus a boat load of passion that I know will rub off on you.
Did I tell you I hope to support my kiddos with this product:
There’s no reason to do this alone. Lean on me and the group to discover fly tying together.
All great people throughout history have been a part of a mastermind group. The mentor is that group for your fly tying discovery journey.
Click the green button below to stay connected with us: