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Editorial & Disclosure Policy

At Wealthy Gorilla, our goal is to provide infotainment-style content to our readers centered around net worth, the world’s most expensive things, motivational quotes, and more.

Part of how we do that is by recommending certain products to the reader. Below, you can find more information on our editorial process, including how we pick products and places, and how we may be compensated through our content.


Editorial Process

Our main goal as a content-driven platform is to find the best solutions for our readers. That may be finding the correct net worth estimates for celebrities, researching how much things cost, and discussing products or services that we think you may enjoy.

In any case, we’re committed to useful, accurate, and practical information above all else. Solving our readers’ problems and challenges is our top priority, and we firmly believe that if we do that the right way, everything else will fall into place. We do our best to keep our stories updated with links to brands, parks, and government sites that provide additional info.

For our net worth profiles and finance-related content, we have two main writers on our team, both with an extensive background in finance/investment. 

Disclaimer: We are not professional financial advisers, and nothing we say should be taken as financial advice. Any information we provide on our site is from our writers’ many years of research and experience. Please consult a qualified professional if you have any finance-related questions after reading our content.

We pride ourselves on our research and commitment to putting out the best possible stories for our readers and welcome suggestions on how to do that better.

Each blog post we publish has hours of research, writing, fact-checking, and editing behind it.


Affiliate Links & Recommendations

In many of our articles, especially reviews, we may earn a small commission when readers purchase products through our links.

This doesn’t affect which products are included in the articles, and in most cases, our writers are not aware of which brands and products offer us a sales commission.

All of the products we highlight are recommended for their quality, performance, and overall reputation regardless of any affiliate relationships.

We only recommend the best products; many of which we do not have affiliate links for. Once we have finished researching and writing our article, we will read through it to see if there are any products we can incorporate an affiliate link for.

Commission or not, the list does not change. We only recommend what we believe to be the best products out there.


Amazon Associates & Other Programs

As an Amazon Associate, Wealthy Gorilla may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from We also partner with the following affiliate programs:

  • Share A Sale
  • Commission Junction
  • Apple TV

Our reputation as a place to provide net worth profiles, richest lists, and informational/entertaining content is important to us, and that helps us navigate what we recommend to our readers.

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