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Computer Vision Group
TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich



Informatik IX
Computer Vision Group

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching [email protected]

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We have seven papers accepted to ECCV 2024. Check our publication page for more details.

GCPR / VMV 2024

GCPR / VMV 2024

We are organizing GCPR / VMV 2024 this fall.


We have twelve papers accepted to CVPR 2024. Check our publication page for more details.


We have four papers accepted to ICCV 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.


CVPR 2023

We have six papers accepted to CVPR 2023. Check out our publication page for more details.


Dataset Download

We recommend that you use the 'xyz' series for your first experiments. The motion is relatively small, and only a small volume on an office desk is covered. Once this works, you might want to try the 'desk' dataset, which covers four tables and contains several loop closures.

We are happy to share our data with other researchers. Please refer to the respective publication when using this data.


  • The file formats are described here.
  • The intrinsic camera parameters are here.
  • We provide a set of useful tools for working with the dataset.
  • The *_validation sequences do not contain ground truth. They can only evaluated using the online tool.

Sequence nameDurationLengthDownload
Category: Testing and Debugging
fr1/xyz 30.09s 7.112m tgz (0.47GB) more info
fr1/rpy 27.67s 1.664m tgz (0.42GB) more info
fr2/xyz 122.74s 7.029m tgz (2.39GB) more info
fr2/rpy 109.97s 1.506m tgz (2.13GB) more info
Category: Handheld SLAM
fr1/360 28.69s 5.818m tgz (0.45GB) more info
fr1/floor 49.87s 12.569m tgz (0.82GB) more info
fr1/desk 23.40s 9.263m tgz (0.36GB) more info
fr1/desk2 24.86s 10.161m tgz (0.37GB) more info
fr1/room 48.90s 15.989m tgz (0.83GB) more info
fr2/360_hemisphere 91.48s 14.773m tgz (1.50GB) more info
fr2/360_kidnap 48.04s 14.286m tgz (0.74GB) more info
fr2/desk 99.36s 18.880m tgz (2.01GB) more info
fr2/large_no_loop 112.37s 26.086m tgz (1.92GB) more info
fr2/large_with_loop 173.19s 39.111m tgz (2.83GB) more info
fr3/long_office_household 87.09s 21.455m tgz (1.58GB) more info
Category: Robot SLAM
fr2/pioneer_360 72.75s 16.118m tgz (0.73GB) more info
fr2/pioneer_slam 155.72s 40.380m tgz (1.82GB) more info
fr2/pioneer_slam2 115.63s 21.735m tgz (1.33GB) more info
fr2/pioneer_slam3 111.91s 18.135m tgz (1.60GB) more info
Category: Structure vs. Texture
fr3/nostructure_notexture_far 15.79s 2.897m tgz (0.21GB) more info
fr3/nostructure_notexture_near_withloop 37.74s 11.739m tgz (0.53GB) more info
fr3/nostructure_texture_far 15.53s 4.343m tgz (0.20GB) more info
fr3/nostructure_texture_near_withloop 56.48s 13.456m tgz (0.79GB) more info
fr3/structure_notexture_far 27.28s 4.353m tgz (0.31GB) more info
fr3/structure_notexture_near 36.44s 3.872m tgz (0.43GB) more info
fr3/structure_texture_far 31.55s 5.884m tgz (0.55GB) more info
fr3/structure_texture_near 36.91s 5.050m tgz (0.60GB) more info
Category: Dynamic Objects
fr2/desk_with_person 142.08s 17.044m tgz (2.71GB) more info
fr3/sitting_static 23.63s 0.259m tgz (0.44GB) more info
fr3/sitting_xyz 42.50s 5.496m tgz (0.79GB) more info
fr3/sitting_halfsphere 37.15s 6.503m tgz (0.66GB) more info
fr3/sitting_rpy 27.48s 1.110m tgz (0.49GB) more info
fr3/walking_static 24.83s 0.282m tgz (0.48GB) more info
fr3/walking_xyz 28.83s 5.791m tgz (0.54GB) more info
fr3/walking_halfsphere 35.81s 7.686m tgz (0.65GB) more info
fr3/walking_rpy 30.61s 2.698m tgz (0.54GB) more info
Category: 3D Object Reconstruction
fr1/plant 41.53s 14.795m tgz (0.74GB) more info
fr1/teddy 50.82s 15.709m tgz (0.93GB) more info
fr2/coke 84.55s 11.681m tgz (1.43GB) more info
fr2/dishes 100.55s 15.009m tgz (1.58GB) more info
fr2/flowerbouquet 99.40s 10.758m tgz (1.77GB) more info
fr2/flowerbouquet_brownbackground 76.89s 11.924m tgz (1.25GB) more info
fr2/metallic_sphere 75.60s 11.040m tgz (1.29GB) more info
fr2/metallic_sphere2 62.33s 11.813m tgz (1.03GB) more info
fr3/cabinet 38.58s 8.111m tgz (0.52GB) more info
fr3/large_cabinet 33.98s 11.954m tgz (0.48GB) more info
fr3/teddy 80.79s 19.807m tgz (1.30GB) more info
Category: Validation Files (without public ground truth)
fr1/xyz_validation tgz (0.57GB) more info
fr1/rpy_validation tgz (0.56GB) more info
fr1/desk_validation tgz (0.66GB) more info
fr1/desk2_validation tgz (0.40GB) more info
fr1/360_validation tgz (0.53GB) more info
fr1/room_validation tgz (1.40GB) more info
fr1/plant_validation tgz (0.80GB) more info
fr2/xyz_validation tgz (2.40GB) more info
fr2/rpy_validation tgz (2.30GB) more info
fr2/360_hemisphere_validation tgz (1.14GB) more info
fr2/360_kidnap_validation tgz (0.89GB) more info
fr2/desk_validation tgz (2.26GB) more info
fr2/desk_with_person_validation tgz (2.60GB) more info
fr2/pioneer_360_validation tgz (1.25GB) more info
fr3/cabinet_validation tgz (0.44GB) more info
fr3/large_cabinet_validation tgz (0.50GB) more info
fr3/long_office_household_validation tgz (1.64GB) more info
fr3/nostructure_notexture_far_validation tgz (0.17GB) more info
fr3/nostructure_notexture_near_withloop_validation tgz (0.50GB) more info
fr3/nostructure_texture_far_validation tgz (0.21GB) more info
fr3/nostructure_texture_near_withloop_validation tgz (0.88GB) more info
fr3/structure_notexture_far_validation tgz (0.36GB) more info
fr3/structure_notexture_near_validation tgz (0.46GB) more info
fr3/structure_texture_far_validation tgz (0.46GB) more info
fr3/structure_texture_near_validation tgz (0.58GB) more info
fr3/sitting_static_validation tgz (0.43GB) more info
fr3/sitting_xyz_validation tgz (0.54GB) more info
fr3/sitting_halfsphere_validation tgz (0.59GB) more info
fr3/sitting_rpy_validation tgz (0.47GB) more info
fr3/walking_static_validation tgz (0.51GB) more info
fr3/walking_xyz_validation tgz (0.57GB) more info
fr3/walking_halfsphere_validation tgz (0.74GB) more info
fr3/walking_rpy_validation tgz (0.50GB) more info
Category: Calibration Files
fr1/rgb_calibration 50.27s 0.003m tgz (0.98GB) more info
fr1/ir_calibration tgz (2.02GB) more info
fr1/large_checkerboard_calibration tgz (0.99GB) more info
fr2/rgb_calibration 65.77s 0.017m tgz (1.15GB) more info
fr2/ir_calibration tgz (2.16GB) more info
fr2/large_checkerboard_calibration 65.02s 20.052m tgz (1.55GB) more info
fr3/calibration_rgb_depth 44.45s 0.005m tgz (0.64GB) more info
fr3/calibration_ir tgz (2.39GB) more info
fr3/checkerboard_large 53.41s 19.745m tgz (0.82GB) more info

More Information

Testing and Debugging

Sequence 'freiburg1_xyz'
For this sequence, the Kinect was pointed at a typical desk in an office environment. This sequence contains only translatory motions along the principal axes of the Kinect, while the orientation was kept (mostly) fixed. This sequence is well suited for debugging purposes, as it is very simple.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.42GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 30.09s
Duration with ground-truth: 30.00s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 7.112m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.244m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 8.920deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.46m x 0.70m x 0.44m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:16

Sequence 'freiburg1_rpy'
For this sequence, the Kinect was pointed at a typical desk in an office environment. While we kept the position fixed, we rotated the Kinect along all three principal axes (RPY=roll-pitch-yaw). This sequence is well suited for debugging purposes, i.e., to check whether orientation estimation/tracking works.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.38GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 27.67s
Duration with ground-truth: 27.42s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 1.664m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.062m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 50.147deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.15m x 0.21m x 0.21m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:16

Sequence 'freiburg2_xyz'
This sequence contains very clean data for debugging translations. The Kinect was moved along the principal axes in x-, y- and z-direction very slowly. The slow camera motion basically ensures that there is (almost) no motion blur and rolling shutter effects in the data.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 2.05GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 122.74s
Duration with ground-truth: 121.48s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 7.029m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.058m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 1.716deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.30m x 0.96m x 0.72m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:24

Sequence 'freiburg2_rpy'
This sequence contains very clean data for debugging rotations. The Kinect was turned around the principal axes very slowly on the spot (RPY stands for roll-pitch-yaw). The slow camera motion basically ensures that there is (almost) no motion blur and rolling shutter effects in the data.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.91GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 109.97s
Duration with ground-truth: 108.86s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 1.506m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.014m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 5.774deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.21m x 0.22m x 0.11m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:23

Handheld SLAM

Sequence 'freiburg1_360'
This sequence contains a 360 degree turn in a typical office environment.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.39GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 28.69s
Duration with ground-truth: 28.70s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 5.818m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.210m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 41.600deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.54m x 0.46m x 0.47m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:14

Sequence 'freiburg1_floor'
A simple sweep over the wooden floor in the office. The floor contains several knotholes which are easy to track using visual feature detectors like SIFT or SURF. Furthermore, most of the scene (the floor) is planar, except for an office chair that gets visible after a while.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.68GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 49.87s
Duration with ground-truth: 44.27s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 12.569m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.258m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 15.071deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 2.30m x 1.31m x 0.58m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:14

Sequence 'freiburg1_desk'
This sequence contains several sweeps over four desks in a typical office environment (there is also a second sequence available called desk2 from the same four desks).

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.32GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 23.40s
Duration with ground-truth: 23.35s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 9.263m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.413m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 23.327deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 2.42m x 1.34m x 0.66m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:14

Sequence 'freiburg1_desk2'
This sequence contains several sweeps over four desks in a typical office environment (similar to desk, but second recording).

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.33GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 24.86s
Duration with ground-truth: 24.28s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 10.161m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.426m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 29.308deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 2.44m x 1.47m x 0.52m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:14

Sequence 'freiburg1_room'
For this sequence we filmed along a trajectory through the whole office. It starts with the four desks (see desk and desk2 sequence) but continues around the (outer) wall of the room until the loop is closed. This sequence is well suited for evaluating how well a SLAM system can cope with loop-closures.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.73GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 48.90s
Duration with ground-truth: 48.87s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 15.989m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.334m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 29.882deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 2.54m x 2.21m x 0.51m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:15

Sequence 'freiburg2_360_hemisphere'
For this sequence, we stood in the middle of the hall and rotated the Kinect horizontally around 360 degrees and afterwards also pointed it towards the ceiling. There should be almost no translation. The result is a 360degree hemisphere of the hall.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.38GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 91.48s
Duration with ground-truth: 89.67s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 14.773m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.163m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 20.569deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 3.06m x 3.48m x 0.58m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:15

Sequence 'freiburg2_360_kidnap'
This sequence is similar to the 360_hemisphere one, except that we covered the cameras of the Kinect several times while we pointed the Kinect to a different location ("kidnap") for testing algorithms that can recover from tracking problems.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.68GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 48.04s
Duration with ground-truth: 47.49s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 14.286m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.304m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 13.425deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 4.26m x 3.44m x 0.12m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:15

Sequence 'freiburg2_desk'
For this sequence we recorded a typical office scene with two desks, a computer monitor, keyboard, phone, chairs, etc. The Kinect is moved around the two tables so that the loop is closed. A similar sequence is available in freiburg2_person, where additionally a person was sitting at one of the desks who moved various objects during the recording.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.76GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 99.36s
Duration with ground-truth: 69.15s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 18.880m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.193m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 6.338deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 3.90m x 4.13m x 0.57m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:17

Sequence 'freiburg2_large_no_loop'
This is a very long trajectory through the industrial hall. We did not close the loop in the end, therefore this sequence can be used to verify the accumulative drift of a SLAM system. A similar sequence with a loop closure is available in large_with_loop. Note that as the mo-cap system only covers the begin and the end of the trajectory, there is no ground-truth information for the middle part.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.77GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 112.37s
Duration with ground-truth: 21.37s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 26.086m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.243m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 15.090deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 3.63m x 5.07m x 0.20m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:19

Sequence 'freiburg2_large_with_loop'
This is a very long trajectory through the industrial hall. At the end of the trajectory, there is a significant overlap of the images with the beginning of the trajectory, so the loop can be closed. Note that as the mo-cap system only covers the begin and the end of the trajectory, there is no ground-truth information for the middle part.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 2.66GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 173.19s
Duration with ground-truth: 40.54s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 39.111m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.231m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 17.211deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 3.39m x 4.26m x 0.53m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:20

Sequence 'freiburg3_long_office_household'
The Asus Xtion sensor was moved along a large round through a household and office scene with much texture and structure. The end of the trajectory overlaps with the beginning so that there is a large loop closure.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.38GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 87.09s
Duration with ground-truth: 87.10s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 21.455m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.249m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 10.188deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 5.12m x 4.89m x 0.54m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:51

Robot SLAM

Sequence 'freiburg2_pioneer_360'
This sequence was recorded from a Kinect mounted on top of a Pioneer robot. The Pioneer was joysticked on the spot for a (more than) 360-degree turn. The bag files contain additionally the laser scan and the odometry data of the robot.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.62GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 72.75s
Duration with ground-truth: 72.00s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 16.118m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.225m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 12.053deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 4.24m x 4.38m x 0.06m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:21

Sequence 'freiburg2_pioneer_slam'
This sequence was recorded from a Kinect mounted on top of a Pioneer robot. The Pioneer was joysticked through a maze of tables, containers and other walls, so that several loops have been closed for map building. The bag files contain additionally the laser scan and the odometry data of the robot.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.51GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 155.72s
Duration with ground-truth: 145.86s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 40.380m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.261m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 13.379deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 5.50m x 5.94m x 0.07m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:22

Sequence 'freiburg2_pioneer_slam2'
This sequence was recorded from a Kinect mounted on top of a Pioneer robot. The Pioneer was joysticked through a large hall. The bag files contain additionally the laser scan and the odometry data of the robot.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.10GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 115.63s
Duration with ground-truth: 109.49s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 21.735m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.190m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 12.209deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 4.98m x 5.34m x 0.07m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:21

Sequence 'freiburg2_pioneer_slam3'
This sequence was recorded from a Kinect mounted on top of a Pioneer robot. The Pioneer was joysticked through a large hall. The bag files contain additionally the laser scan and the odometry data of the robot.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.34GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 111.91s
Duration with ground-truth: 105.04s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 18.135m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.164m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 12.339deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 5.29m x 5.25m x 0.07m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:22

Structure vs. Texture

Sequence 'freiburg3_nostructure_notexture_far'
The Asus Xtion sensor was moved in approximately two meters height along a planar, wooden surface. This recording has intentionally little to no visible structure and texture.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.18GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 15.79s
Duration with ground-truth: 15.80s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 2.897m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.196m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 2.712deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.24m x 2.95m x 0.05m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:59

Sequence 'freiburg3_nostructure_notexture_near_withloop'
The Asus Xtion sensor was moved in approximately one meter height along a planar, wooden surface of approximately 3m x 3m. This recording has intentionally little to no visible structure and texture. The beginning and the end of the sequence overlaps, i.e., there is a loop closure.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.45GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 37.74s
Duration with ground-truth: 37.72s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 11.739m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.319m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 11.241deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 2.98m x 3.65m x 0.34m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:57

Sequence 'freiburg3_nostructure_texture_far'
The Asus Xtion has been moved in two meters height along a textured, planar surface. The texture is highly discriminative as it consists of several conference posters.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.20GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 15.53s
Duration with ground-truth: 15.54s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 4.343m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.299m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 2.890deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.12m x 4.33m x 0.09m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:54

Sequence 'freiburg3_nostructure_texture_near_withloop'
The Asus Xtion has been moved in one meter height in a circle a textured, planar surface. The texture is highly discriminative as it consists of several conference posters. The beginning and the end of the trajectory overlap, so that there is a loop closure.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.73GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 56.48s
Duration with ground-truth: 56.49s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 13.456m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.242m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 7.430deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 3.66m x 4.79m x 0.32m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 19:04

Sequence 'freiburg3_structure_notexture_far'
The Asus Xtion was moved in one meter height along a zig-zag structure built from wooden panels. The object is fully wrapped in a white plastic foil with little to no texture.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.31GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 27.28s
Duration with ground-truth: 27.29s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 4.353m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.166m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 4.000deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.87m x 3.89m x 0.06m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:57

Sequence 'freiburg3_structure_notexture_near'
The Asus Xtion was moved in half a meter height along a zig-zag structure built from wooden panels. The object is fully wrapped in a white plastic foil with little to no texture.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.40GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 36.44s
Duration with ground-truth: 36.45s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 3.872m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.109m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 6.247deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.53m x 3.39m x 0.18m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 19:03

Sequence 'freiburg3_structure_texture_far'
The Asus Xtion was moved in one meter height along a zig-zag structure built from wooden panels. The object is fully wrapped in a colorful plastic foil with strong texture. The floor in front of the object has been covered with several posters which have also a strong texture.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.49GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 31.55s
Duration with ground-truth: 31.56s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 5.884m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.193m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 4.323deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.90m x 4.56m x 0.08m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:55

Sequence 'freiburg3_structure_texture_near'
The Asus Xtion was moved in half a meter height along a zig-zag structure built from wooden panels. The object is fully wrapped in a colorful plastic foil with strong texture. The floor in front of the object has been covered with several posters which have also a strong texture.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.53GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 36.91s
Duration with ground-truth: 36.92s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 5.050m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.141m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 7.677deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.01m x 4.01m x 0.17m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 19:02

Dynamic Objects

Sequence 'freiburg2_desk_with_person'
For this sequence, we recorded a typical office scene with a person sitting at a desk. During the recording the person moved and interacted with some of the objects (screen, phone, ..). This sequence is intended for checking the robustness of a SLAM system against dynamic objects and persons, but it can also be used for differencing maps and finding changes in the scene.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 2.38GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 142.08s
Duration with ground-truth: 119.37s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 17.044m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.121m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 5.340deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 2.30m x 3.93m x 0.51m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:17

Sequence 'freiburg3_sitting_static'
Two persons sit at a desk, talk, and gesticulate a little bit. The Asus Xtion sensor has been kept in place manually. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to slowly moving dynamic objects.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.41GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 23.63s
Duration with ground-truth: 23.64s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 0.259m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.011m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 1.699deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.12m x 0.08m x 0.05m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:50

Sequence 'freiburg3_sitting_xyz'
Two persons sit at a desk, talk, and gesticulate a little bit. The Asus Xtion sensor has manually been moved along three directions (xyz) while keeping the same orientation. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to slowly moving dynamic objects.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.72GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 42.50s
Duration with ground-truth: 42.51s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 5.496m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.132m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 3.562deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.99m x 0.93m x 1.02m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 19:03

Sequence 'freiburg3_sitting_halfsphere'
Two persons sit at a desk, talk, and gesticulate a little bit. The Asus Xtion sensor has been moved on a small half sphere of approximately one meter diameter. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to slowly moving dynamic objects.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.61GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 37.15s
Duration with ground-truth: 37.16s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 6.503m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.180m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 19.094deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.46m x 0.88m x 1.19m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:52

Sequence 'freiburg3_sitting_rpy'
Two persons sit at a desk, talk, and gesticulate a little bit. The Asus Xtion sensor has been rotated along the principal axes (roll-pitch-yaw) at the same position. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to slowly moving dynamic objects.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.45GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 27.48s
Duration with ground-truth: 27.49s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 1.110m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.042m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 23.841deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.18m x 0.12m x 0.20m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:57

Sequence 'freiburg3_walking_static'
Two persons walk through an office scene. The Asus Xtion sensor has been kept in place manually. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to quickly moving dynamic objects in large parts of the visible scene.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.44GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 24.83s
Duration with ground-truth: 24.83s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 0.282m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.012m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 1.388deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.10m x 0.05m x 0.05m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:59

Sequence 'freiburg3_walking_xyz'
Two persons walk through an office scene. The Asus Xtion sensor has manually been moved along three directions (xyz) while keeping the same orientation. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to quickly moving dynamic objects in large parts of the visible scene.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.49GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 28.83s
Duration with ground-truth: 28.84s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 5.791m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.208m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 5.490deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.94m x 0.82m x 1.15m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:50

Sequence 'freiburg3_walking_halfsphere'
Two persons walk through an office scene. The Asus Xtion sensor has been moved on a small half sphere of approximately one meter diameter. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to quickly moving dynamic objects in large parts of the visible scene.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.60GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 35.81s
Duration with ground-truth: 35.82s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 7.686m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.221m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 18.267deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.83m x 0.83m x 1.31m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 19:00

Sequence 'freiburg3_walking_rpy'
Two persons walk through an office scene. The Asus Xtion sensor has been rotated along the principal axes (roll-pitch-yaw) at the same position. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to quickly moving dynamic objects in large parts of the visible scene.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.50GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 30.61s
Duration with ground-truth: 30.62s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 2.698m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.091m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 20.903deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.79m x 0.47m x 0.14m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:56

3D Object Reconstruction

Sequence 'freiburg1_plant'
This sequence contains a plant that was filmed from different positions and orientations. In total, we did a full 360 degree walk around the plant. This sequence is also suited for people interested in 3D reconstruction of objects.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.65GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 41.53s
Duration with ground-truth: 41.24s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 14.795m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.365m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 27.891deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.71m x 1.70m x 1.07m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:15

Sequence 'freiburg1_teddy'
For this sequence, we recorded a huge teddy bear from different positions and orientations. This sequence is well suited for 3D object recognition.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.82GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 50.82s
Duration with ground-truth: 50.78s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 15.709m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.315m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 21.320deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 2.42m x 2.24m x 1.43m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:16

Sequence 'freiburg2_coke'
This sequence contains different views of a Coke can (0.2l) standing on a table. This sequence is intended for 3D object reconstruction and object recognition.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.28GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 84.55s
Duration with ground-truth: 83.71s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 11.681m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.140m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 9.432deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.60m x 2.02m x 0.73m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:16

Sequence 'freiburg2_dishes'
Kinect sequence of object reconstruction and object recognition. On the table, there were several pieces of silverware and dishes that we recorded from different perspectives. This sequence is well suited for learning object appearances from different viewpoints.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.41GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 100.55s
Duration with ground-truth: 99.53s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 15.009m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.151m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 9.666deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.79m x 2.18m x 0.67m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:17

Sequence 'freiburg2_flowerbouquet'
This sequence contains a recording of a flower bouquet. It contains thin structures (the stems) as well as thicker ones (the blossoms and leafs). A second sequence with a brown carton background is available in freiburg2_blumen_brownbackground. This sequence is intended for 3D object reconstruction. Note that the depth image probably is incomplete in the vicinity of thin structures.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.58GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 99.40s
Duration with ground-truth: 98.41s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 10.758m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.109m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 8.464deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.64m x 1.65m x 0.35m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:18

Sequence 'freiburg2_flowerbouquet_brownbackground'
This sequence contains a recording of a flower bouquet. It contains thin structures (the stems) as well as thicker ones (the blossoms and leafs). We used a brown carton for the background to simplify segmentation. A second sequence without a brown background is available in freiburg2_blumen. This sequence is intended for 3D object reconstruction. Note that the depth image probably is incomplete in the vicinity of thin structures.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.10GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 76.89s
Duration with ground-truth: 76.12s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 11.924m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.157m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 10.598deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.76m x 1.99m x 0.70m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:18

Sequence 'freiburg2_metallic_sphere'
This sequence contains different views of a perfect metalic sphere laying on a table. This sequence is intended for 3D object reconstruction and object recognition. The diameter of the sphere is 150mm.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.16GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 75.60s
Duration with ground-truth: 74.84s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 11.040m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.148m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 10.422deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.82m x 2.23m x 0.71m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:21

Sequence 'freiburg2_metallic_sphere2'
This sequence contains different views of a perfect metalic sphere laying on a table. This sequence is intended for 3D object reconstruction and object recognition. The diameter of the sphere is 150mm.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.92GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 62.33s
Duration with ground-truth: 61.58s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 11.813m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.193m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 12.946deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.74m x 1.97m x 0.77m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:20

Sequence 'freiburg3_cabinet'
The Asus Xtion is moved in a circle around an office pedestal. The pedestal has little texture and structure, but has rectangular corners and flat surfaces.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.47GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 38.58s
Duration with ground-truth: 38.59s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 8.111m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.216m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 10.248deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 2.72m x 2.50m x 0.44m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 19:07

Sequence 'freiburg3_large_cabinet'
The Asus Xtion sensor was moved in a circle around a large office cabinet. The cabinet has little texture and structure, but has mostly planar surfaces and right angles.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.46GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 33.98s
Duration with ground-truth: 33.99s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 11.954m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.362m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 8.747deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 3.70m x 5.44m x 0.28m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:56

Sequence 'freiburg3_teddy'
The Asus Xtion sensor was moved around a teddy bear in two rounds at different heights. The teddy bear has a soft fur and wears a yellow, smooth shirt.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.16GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 80.79s
Duration with ground-truth: 80.80s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 19.807m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.248m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 20.410deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 2.06m x 2.00m x 1.05m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:53

Validation Files (without public ground truth)

Sequence 'freiburg1_xyz_validation'
For this sequence, the Kinect was pointed at a typical desk in an office environment. This sequence contains only translatory motions along the principal axes of the Kinect, while the orientation was kept (mostly) fixed. This sequence is well suited for debugging purposes, as it is very simple.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.50GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 19 Oct 2011, 15:55

Sequence 'freiburg1_rpy_validation'
For this sequence, the Kinect was pointed at a typical desk in an office environment. While we kept the position fixed, we rotated the Kinect along all three principal axes (RPY=roll-pitch-yaw). This sequence is well suited for debugging purposes, i.e., to check whether orientation estimation/tracking works.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.50GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 19 Oct 2011, 16:23

Sequence 'freiburg1_desk_validation'
This sequence contains several sweeps over four desks in a typical office environment (there is also a second sequence available called desk2 from the same four desks).

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.59GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 19 Oct 2011, 16:57

Sequence 'freiburg1_desk2_validation'
This sequence contains several sweeps over four desks in a typical office environment (similar to desk, but second recording).

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.35GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 19 Oct 2011, 17:16

Sequence 'freiburg1_360_validation'
This sequence contains a 360 degree turn in a typical office environment.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.47GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 19 Oct 2011, 18:54

Sequence 'freiburg1_room_validation'
For this sequence we filmed along a trajectory through the whole office. It starts with the four desks (see desk and desk2 sequence) but continues around the (outer) wall of the room until the loop is closed. This sequence is well suited for evaluating how well a SLAM system can cope with loop-closures.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.25GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 19 Oct 2011, 18:27

Sequence 'freiburg1_plant_validation'
This sequence contains a plant that was filmed from different positions and orientations. In total, we did a full 360 degree walk around the plant. This sequence is also suited for people interested in 3D reconstruction of objects.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.71GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 20 Oct 2011, 10:31

Sequence 'freiburg2_xyz_validation'
This sequence contains very clean data for debugging translations. The Kinect was moved along the principal axes in x-, y- and z-direction very slowly. The slow camera motion basically ensures that there is (almost) no motion blur and rolling shutter effects in the data.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 2.08GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 20 Oct 2011, 02:06

Sequence 'freiburg2_rpy_validation'
This sequence contains very clean data for debugging rotations. The Kinect was turned around the principal axes very slowly on the spot (RPY stands for roll-pitch-yaw). The slow camera motion basically ensures that there is (almost) no motion blur and rolling shutter effects in the data.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 2.06GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 20 Oct 2011, 00:16

Sequence 'freiburg2_360_hemisphere_validation'
For this sequence, we stood in the middle of the hall and rotated the Kinect horizontally around 360 degrees and afterwards also pointed it towards the ceiling. There should be almost no translation. The result is a 360degree hemisphere of the hall.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.05GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 19 Oct 2011, 16:40

Sequence 'freiburg2_360_kidnap_validation'
This sequence is similar to the 360_hemisphere one, except that we covered the cameras of the Kinect several times while we pointed the Kinect to a different location ("kidnap") for testing algorithms that can recover from tracking problems.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.83GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 19 Oct 2011, 17:37

Sequence 'freiburg2_desk_validation'
For this sequence we recorded a typical office scene with two desks, a computer monitor, keyboard, phone, chairs, etc. The Kinect is moved around the two tables so that the loop is closed. A similar sequence is available in freiburg2_person, where additionally a person was sitting at one of the desks who moved various objects during the recording.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 2.01GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 19 Oct 2011, 19:27

Sequence 'freiburg2_desk_with_person_validation'
For this sequence, we recorded a typical office scene with a person sitting at a desk. During the recording the person moved and interacted with some of the objects (screen, phone, ..). This sequence is intended for checking the robustness of a SLAM system against dynamic objects and persons, but it can also be used for differencing maps and finding changes in the scene.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 2.34GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 19 Oct 2011, 21:16

Sequence 'freiburg2_pioneer_360_validation'
This sequence was recorded from a Kinect mounted on top of a Pioneer robot. The Pioneer was joysticked on the spot for a (more than) 360-degree turn. The bag files contain additionally the laser scan and the odometry data of the robot.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.06GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 19 Oct 2011, 22:31

Sequence 'freiburg3_cabinet_validation'
The Asus Xtion is moved in a circle around an office pedestal. The pedestal has little texture and structure, but has rectangular corners and flat surfaces.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.40GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:25

Sequence 'freiburg3_large_cabinet_validation'
The Asus Xtion sensor was moved in a circle around a large office cabinet. The cabinet has little texture and structure, but has mostly planar surfaces and right angles.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.49GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:25

Sequence 'freiburg3_long_office_household_validation'
The Asus Xtion sensor was moved along a large round through a household and office scene with much texture and structure. The end of the trajectory overlaps with the beginning so that there is a large loop closure.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.43GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:26

Sequence 'freiburg3_nostructure_notexture_far_validation'
The Asus Xtion sensor was moved in approximately two meters height along a planar, wooden surface. This recording has intentionally little to no visible structure and texture.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.15GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:26

Sequence 'freiburg3_nostructure_notexture_near_withloop_validation'
The Asus Xtion sensor was moved in approximately one meter height along a planar, wooden surface. This recording has intentionally little to no visible structure and texture. The beginning and the end of the sequence overlaps, i.e., there is a loop closure.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.44GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:26

Sequence 'freiburg3_nostructure_texture_far_validation'
The Asus Xtion has been moved in two meters height along a textured, planar surface. The texture is highly discriminative as it consists of several conference posters.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.20GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:26

Sequence 'freiburg3_nostructure_texture_near_withloop_validation'
The Asus Xtion has been moved in one meter height in a circle a textured, planar surface. The texture is highly discriminative as it consists of several conference posters. The beginning and the end of the trajectory overlap, so that there is a loop closure.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.81GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:26

Sequence 'freiburg3_structure_notexture_far_validation'
The Asus Xtion was moved in one meter height along a zig-zag structure built from wooden panels. The object is fully wrapped in a white plastic foil with little to no texture.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.35GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:26

Sequence 'freiburg3_structure_notexture_near_validation'
The Asus Xtion was moved in half a meter height along a zig-zag structure built from wooden panels. The object is fully wrapped in a white plastic foil with little to no texture.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.43GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:27

Sequence 'freiburg3_structure_texture_far_validation'
The Asus Xtion was moved in one meter height along a zig-zag structure built from wooden panels. The object is fully wrapped in a colorful plastic foil with strong texture. The floor in front of the object has been covered with several posters which have also a strong texture.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.41GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:27

Sequence 'freiburg3_structure_texture_near_validation'
The Asus Xtion was moved in half a meter height along a zig-zag structure built from wooden panels. The object is fully wrapped in a colorful plastic foil with strong texture. The floor in front of the object has been covered with several posters which have also a strong texture.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.50GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:27

Sequence 'freiburg3_sitting_static_validation'
Two persons sit at a desk, talk, and gesticulate a little bit. The Asus Xtion sensor has been kept in place manually. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to slowly moving dynamic objects.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.41GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:26

Sequence 'freiburg3_sitting_xyz_validation'
Two persons sit at a desk, talk, and gesticulate a little bit. The Asus Xtion sensor has manually been moved along three directions (xyz) while keeping the same orientation. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to slowly moving dynamic objects.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.50GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:26

Sequence 'freiburg3_sitting_halfsphere_validation'
Two persons sit at a desk, talk, and gesticulate a little bit. The Asus Xtion sensor has been moved on a small half sphere of approximately one meter diameter. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to slowly moving dynamic objects.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.54GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:26

Sequence 'freiburg3_sitting_rpy_validation'
Two persons sit at a desk, talk, and gesticulate a little bit. The Asus Xtion sensor has been rotated along the principal axes (roll-pitch-yaw) at the same position. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to slowly moving dynamic objects.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.43GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:26

Sequence 'freiburg3_walking_static_validation'
Two persons walk through an office scene. The Asus Xtion sensor has been kept in place manually. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to quickly moving dynamic objects in large parts of the visible scene.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.48GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:27

Sequence 'freiburg3_walking_xyz_validation'
Two persons walk through an office scene. The Asus Xtion sensor has manually been moved along three directions (xyz) while keeping the same orientation. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to quickly moving dynamic objects in large parts of the visible scene.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.52GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:27

Sequence 'freiburg3_walking_halfsphere_validation'
Two persons walk through an office scene. The Asus Xtion sensor has been moved on a small half sphere of approximately one meter diameter. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to quickly moving dynamic objects in large parts of the visible scene.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.67GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:27

Sequence 'freiburg3_walking_rpy_validation'
Two persons walk through an office scene. The Asus Xtion sensor has been rotated along the principal axes (roll-pitch-yaw) at the same position. This sequence is intended to evaluate the robustness of visual SLAM and odometry algorithms to quickly moving dynamic objects in large parts of the visible scene.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.45GB)

RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 08 Aug 2012, 08:27

Calibration Files

Sequence 'freiburg1_rgb_calibration'
This sequence contains color and depth images of the Kinect during checkerboard calibration. The side-length of the corners of the checkerboard is 0.02m. This sequence is intended to verify the calibration and re-calibration. We used this sequence for (1) finding the extrinsic camera parameters between the motion capture system and the optical frame of the Kinect and for (2) estimating the delay in the timestamps between the mocap system and the Kinect.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.87GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 50.27s
Duration with ground-truth: 50.16s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 0.003m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.000m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 0.023deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.00m x 0.00m x 0.00m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:15

Sequence 'freiburg1_ir_calibration'
This sequence contains the IR (infrared) images of the Kinect during checkerboard calibration. The side-length of the corners of the checkerboard is 0.02m. This sequence is intended to verify the calibration and re-calibration.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.26GB)

IR (infrared) movie

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:14

Sequence 'freiburg1_large_checkerboard_calibration'
This is a calibration sequence of the Kinect with a large checkerboard pattern, the side length is 0.108m. This sequence is intended to verify the calibration and re-calibration.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.90GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie

Last modified: 10 Oct 2011, 14:18

Sequence 'freiburg2_rgb_calibration'
This sequence contains color and depth images of the Kinect during checkerboard calibration. The side-length of the corners of the checkerboard is 0.02m. This sequence is intended to verify the calibration and re-calibration. We used this sequence for (1) finding the extrinsic camera parameters between the motion capture system and the optical frame of the Kinect and for (2) estimating the delay in the timestamps between the mocap system and the Kinect.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.02GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 65.77s
Duration with ground-truth: 65.10s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 0.017m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.000m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 0.096deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.00m x 0.00m x 0.00m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:22

Sequence 'freiburg2_ir_calibration'
This sequence contains the IR (infrared) images of the Kinect during checkerboard calibration. The side-length of the corners of the checkerboard is 0.02m. This sequence is intended to verify the calibration and re-calibration.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.31GB)

IR (infrared) movie
external camera view

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:18

Sequence 'freiburg2_large_checkerboard_calibration'
This is a calibration sequence of the Kinect with a large checkerboard pattern, the side length is 0.108m. This sequence is intended to verify the calibration and re-calibration.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 1.37GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 65.02s
Duration with ground-truth: 21.36s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 20.052m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.311m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 3.400deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 4.93m x 1.71m x 0.62m

Last modified: 30 Sep 2011, 15:19

Sequence 'freiburg3_calibration_rgb_depth'
This sequence contains color and depth images of the Asus Xtion for checkerboard calibration. The side-length of the corners of the checkerboard is 0.02m. This sequence was used to (1) estimate the intrinsic camera parameters (including distortion), (2) the extrinsic calibration between the motion capture system and the optical frame of the Kinect and (3) the delay in the timestamps between the mocap system and the Kinect.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.59GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 44.45s
Duration with ground-truth: 44.46s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 0.005m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.000m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 0.036deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 0.00m x 0.00m x 0.00m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:50

Sequence 'freiburg3_calibration_ir'
This sequence contains images of the infrared camera of the Asus Xtion for checkerboard calibration. The side-length of the corners of the checkerboard is 0.02m.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.37GB)

IR (infrared) movie

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:56

Sequence 'freiburg3_checkerboard_large'
This sequence contains color and depth images of the Asus Xtion on a large checkerboard target. The side-length of the corners of the 9x7 checkerboard is 0.0892m. This sequence was used to verify that the reported depths correspond to the true depths.

Download the sequence as a
tgz archieve or ROS bag file
(file size: approx. 0.78GB)

ground truth trajectory
RGB movie and depth movie
external camera view
Downsampled bag file with point clouds
Duration: 53.41s
Duration with ground-truth: 53.39s
Ground-truth trajectory length: 19.745m
Avg. translational velocity: 0.377m/s
Avg. angular velocity: 4.883deg/s
Trajectory dim.: 1.10m x 6.21m x 0.96m

Last modified: 07 Aug 2012, 18:58

Click here for more information about the file formats.

If you have any questions regarding the datasets or the data format, please don't hesitate to contact Juergen Sturm.

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Informatik IX
Computer Vision Group

Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching [email protected]

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