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The purpose of this Privacy and Cookie Policy (hereafter, the “Policy”) is to regulate VIDOOMY MEDIA, S.L.´s data processing activities (hereinafter VIDOOMY). VIDOOMY provides advanced solutions, which are compatible with all common standards which simplifies the management of advertising campaigns. These solutions enable VIDOOMY to offer the best campaigns to each user. Said activities are conducted through the website www.VIDOOMY.com (hereinafter, the “Website”) and our advertising products and services. This Policy also sets the conditions for the installation of cookies in VIDOOMY user or data subject’s browser (hereinafter, the “User”).

This Policy may be supplemented by any specific provisions that may be established to regulate the processing of specific personal data.

1. VIDOOMY’s processing of Personal Data

In compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679 on Data Protection (“GDPR”), VIDOOMY will process Personal Data that is collected through contact forms, contracting of services or any other means related to the Website or our advertising products and services. As such, VIDOOMY will be referred to as the Data Controller. User’s personal data that is collected will be treated with absolute confidentiality and in compliance with the duty of secrecy.

We may also collect information about your use of our products and services through embedded scripts on other sites that use our advertising products.

This information that we may collect is:

Likewise, VIDOOMY informs its Users that the collected personal data will be stored in a Record of Processing Activities that is solely owned by VIDOOMY. VIDOOMY has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your personal data and to prevent said data from its destruction, loss, unlawful access or unlawful alteration. In determining these measures, VIDOOMY has taken into account the scope, context, and purpose of the treatment; the current state of the art and the risks involved to develop said measures.

2. Purposes for which VIDOOMY processes Personal Data

In compliance with the principles of privacy by design, privacy by default and data minimisation, VIDOOMY will only collect the personal data that is necessary for achieving the below indicated purposes. As a matter of fact, the personal data that is collected through the Website and our advertising products and services is relevant, adequate and not excessive in accordance with said purposes. VIDOOMY does not use illegal, unfair or fraudulent procedures to obtain personal data.

The purpose for which VIDOOMY collects personal data is to provide information about services or registration of Users who access VIDOOMY’s Website (www.vidoomy.com) to either consult: (i) additional generic information related to VIDOOMY or; (ii) specific information related to the User’s own activity. Likewise, if the User expressly consent, VIDOOMY may process his or her data to send informative communications that are related to VIDOOMY’s activity, offers, events, and future services. These communications may be send by email.

Besides that, Vidoomy may also collect personal data through our embedded scripts on third party sites. The reason to collect that information is for various commercial and business purposes, such as:

VIDOOMY will request the User’s prior consent every time his or her data is used for a different purpose than that for which it was provided or requested.

3. Rights that Users may exercise before VIDOOMY or the relevant Supervisory Authority

Any User who wishes to exercise his or her rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction of the processing, to data portability or of objection must notify VIDOOMY upon written request send to the email address: [email protected] or to VIDOOMY’s headquarters, located at C/ Quintana 2, 2ª Planta 28008 - Madrid. In accordance with GDPR provisions, the contents of the rights that Users are entitled to are the following:

VIDOOMY shall comply with any User right requests within a maximum period of 30 days since the rights were exercised. VIDOOMY informs that this period could be extended to maximum 90 days upon valid justification.

4. Third party recipients that may have access to User personal data

VIDOOMY undertakes not to transfer or communicate User personal data to any third party unless prior and explicit authorisation by the User.

Nevertheless, it is possible that VIDOOMY allows access to User personal data to third parties that provide a relevant service to the User. These third parties will acquire the status of Data Processors. As such, they may only process User personal data in accordance with VIDOOMY’s instructions. Under no circumstances will Data Processors use User personal data for other purpose than those that are detailed in Section 2 of this Policy.

5. Cookies

This Website uses its own cookies and those of third parties that are necessary to allow the User enjoy all the functionalities of the Website as well as monitoring and control User activity in the Website. Cookies are small text files that are installed in the User’s browser and which are used to record his or her activity on the Website, to allow more fluid and personalized web browsing or to provide additional functionalities such as the viewing of interactive videos or graphics or to enable access to the User’s private profile.

Users may configure and order their browser to not accept cookies, block them and, if necessary, delete them. In accordance with article 22(2) of Spanish Act 34/2002 (“LSSI”), the User may refuse to install cookies when accessing the Website. However, VIDOOMY informs you that some of its Website functions demand the installation of cookies in order for it to function correctly. As such, Users understand that uninstalling or refusing cookies could limit their web browsing activities.

This Website installs the following cookies:

PHPSESSID Session Cookie Own cookie
mob_lang; lang To determine user language Own cookie
mob_soze To improve users security Own cookie
_ga; _gat To distinguish between different users Google analytics
gid To limit request percentage Google analytics
AMP_TOKEN Includes a token that can be used to retrieve a customer ID from the AMP Google analytics
_gac_>property-id< Coordinates users information with google analytics and Adwords accoutns Google analytics

Changing The Web Browser Preferences

You can change the preferences of your browser to choose which cookies it must allow access to. These preferences are usually in the menu "options" or "preferences" of your browser.

You can find more information here, or in the menu "Help" of your browser:

Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet Options > Configuration. For more information, consult Microsoft support or the Help tab.

Firefox: Tools > Options > Privacy > History > Personalized Configuration. For more information, consult Mozilla Support or the Help tab.

Chrome: Configuration > Show Advanced Options > Privacy > Content Configuration. For more information consult Google Support or the Help tab.

Safari: Preferences > Security. For more information, consult Apple Support or the Help tab.

However, if you change your preferences and block these cookies, some functions of our Website will be annulled and you will not be able to make the most of the features from our Website.

IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework Compliance

Vidoomy participates in the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework and complies with its Specifications and Policies. Vidoomy uses the Consent Management Platform with the identification number 380.