

Viceroy Residences Los Cabos is a cinematic work of art created by the architect Miguel Ángel Aragonés. Its captivating design, refined spaces, and inspired details make your time here one of continual discovery — and endless inspiration. It presents an excuse to forever capture such a fascinating setting in memorable photos. Each corner is delightful to the eye and remarkably spacious, which, combined with the sublime sense of privacy, makes you want to keep walking around and taking in the sights all day. Water is our inspiration, the element that guides the experience and takes you far beyond everyday life or anything you have seen before. You will be standing in the middle of a sea of reflecting pools surrounding every pure white tower of residences or suites connected through winding walkways.

Unlimited possibilities await you


Viceroy Los Cabos is a place to expand your horizons on a stage like no other. No matter how many times you visit, you’ll always feel like you’ve just discovered something new. Using the horizon and ocean as a guide, within a few minutes from downtown Cabo, Viceroy Los Cabos paints a multi-layered picture with the distinction you already know from our hotel coupled with luxurious designs for your own space — a Cabo home: Viceroy Residences Los Cabos.

Welcome to luxury

Unwavering privacy a space that’s distinctly your own

Luxury stays
to choose from
portfolio value
Full-service resorts