A Demo Classic game for Windows
Vector is a handy, demo multiplatform game (also available for Android and iPhone), being part of the category PC games with subcategory Classics and has been created by Nekki GmbH . Compared to other games in its class that were made around the same time, Vector has some pretty nice features.
More about Vector
Since we added this game to our catalog in 2014, it has already reached 62,974 downloads, and last week it achieved 116 downloads.
The information about the install size of Vector is currently not available. It's a game very heavily used in India, Pakistan, and South Africa.
Its current version is 1.0.0 and it has been updated on 1/03/2015. Vector is available for users with the operating system Windows Vista and previous versions, and you can download it in English, Spanish, and German.
User reviews about Vector
this is a cool game. I love games like this I think there should a vector 3