ITV Studios Finland has begun production on a local adaptation of “Cold Feet,” the beloved British comedy-drama series that ran for five seasons between 1997 and 2003 before launching a hit reboot 13 years later.

Produced for MTV and set to premiere in 2026, the 8 x 42” series (“Rimakauhua ja rakkautta” in Finnish) is written by Marika Kuortti (“Roomies”) and directed by Ville Jankeri (“Forest Giant”). Cast includes Minka Kuustonen, Saga Sarkola, Linda Wiklund, Joonas Nordman, Aku Sipola and Nicklas Pohjola. The executive producers are Maria Kangas and Pete Paavolainen for ITV Studios Finland.

“Cold Feet” will follow the lives of three couples in their thirties who are struggling to put their wild youths behind them in the face of middle age, a journey that none will get through easily. Riding the highs and lows as they fight, flirt, struggle with self-esteem, forge lasting friendships and enjoy newfound feelings of happiness, the couples will try to stay true to themselves and each other.

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Created by Mike Bullen, the original British version of the show, which won a BAFTA for best drama series in 2002, returned to the airwaves in 2016 and sold across Europe and much of the world for ITV.

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“When I was offered a remake of my favorite series, ‘Cold Feet,’ I was both excited and terrified,” said series writer Marika Kuortti. “The bar was really high. The work was made easier by the fact that the characters in the original version are already very well-constructed, and their friendships are complex and deep and therefore stand the test of time.

“However, the world we live in today is completely different in terms of technology, culture of discourse and rules than it was in the ’90s. The biggest task in making the remake was to bring the series into the present day,” she continued. “But the genre remains the same, with the comedy-drama balancing on a rollercoaster of laughter and compelling emotions, just like the original series.”

Director Ville Jankeri said that when producer Maria Kangas offered him the chance to direct the remake of “Cold Feet,” he was “instantly hooked.”

“I loved the original. After reading the new scripts, I felt the strength of the original writing was there as well,” he said. “My aim is to reintroduce the audience to these great characters and to tell a story that provides a perfect mixture of drama and comedy that unsuspectedly slides into very real and very touching moments.

“When I watched the original, I was younger than the characters and felt that, apparently, it’s okay to sometimes be lost in relationships,” Jankeri added. “Now, slightly older, I know it’s the case.”

Janne Vakio, commissions and content development manager at MTV, noted that the original British version of “Cold Feet” was a “significant” cultural experience for Finnish audiences in the early-2000s, and said it was “time to produce a Finnish version to unite loyal fans and a new generation.”

“‘Cold Feet’ holds nostalgic value, reminding viewers of a specific time in their lives. Its return tapped into this nostalgia, appealing to longtime fans and attracting new viewers,” he said. “Nostalgia is a significant trend, offering comfort and connection through revived shows.

“The goal of ‘Cold Feet’ is to offer the same warmth, humor and drama as the original series. It addresses timeless topics like relationships, love and life’s challenges in a contemporary context, exploring modern issues,” he continued. “By grounding these universal themes in today’s world, we aim to create a series that resonates with a broad audience, offering something familiar yet new.

“‘Rimakauhua ja rakkautta’ is a heartfelt tribute to ‘Cold Feet,’ while standing on its own as a reflection of contemporary Finnish life. We are confident both old fans and new viewers will love this updated adaptation.”

MTV has previously found success adapting the shows “EXIT” and “Solsidan” into Finnish versions. ITV Studios Finland recently delivered season 2 of the Finnish detective series “Helsinki Crimes.” The first season of the series, which is based on the bestselling novels of award-winning Finnish writer Matti Yrjänä Joensuu, sold to several major territories for the studio.

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