Latin America Studies Group

Study groups at the U.S. Naval War College (NWC) help to promote and exchange major research and educational relationships with counterpart institutions around the world. The Latin American Studies Group is comprised of members with an interest in the region, coordinates the planning, programming, budgeting, and execution of an extensive engagement program throughout the Latin American region.

Director, Professor Paranzino

About this Study Group

The Latin America Studies Group shares perspectives on key political, economic and security issues in the region with a focus on understanding context and providing perspective on this region of the world. The program supports theater security cooperation activities of the U.S. Southern Command, U.S. Northern Command, their naval components, and the U.S. Navy.

The study group supports a variety of regionally focused activities: conferences, war games, research projects, faculty travel to conduct lectures, workshops, and curriculum reviews, and NWC and faculty visits from the region to Newport. Additionally, the group supports the Inter-American War Game and the Multilateral War Game.

Latin America Studies Group faculty also prepare and deliver lectures and short courses at naval war colleges, defense staffs, think tanks, and civilian universities throughout the region. The knowledge gained is brought back and incorporated into the college’s core curriculum, electives, and research programs.

Signing Up

Only NWC community members can elect to join several groups with the approval of the individual program director. Please note, this group is not open to the general public.

To request more information or to sign up for the Latin America Studies Group, please email Professor Paranzino at [email protected].