Papers by Carlos Sambricio
DINÂMIA’CET-IUL, ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Dec 19, 2016
Do sentido da partilha e do interesse pela investigação partiu o desafio que lançámos ao DINÂMIA’... more Do sentido da partilha e do interesse pela investigação partiu o desafio que lançámos ao DINÂMIA’CET-IUL do ISCTE-IUL para a edição deste livro
Introduccuon Madrid Y Sus Anhelos Urbanisticos Memorias Ineditas De Secundino Zuazo 1919 1940 En Madrid Y Sus Anhelos Urbanisticos Bmemorias Ineditas De Secundino Zuazo 1919 1940 Cintroduccion Y Edicion De Carlos Sambricio Pag 13 154 Consejeria De Obras Publicas Urbanismo Y Transportes Direccion ..., 2003
Arquitectura (Madrid. 1959), 1982
El Conde de Aranda: Palacio de Sástago, Zaragoza, 1 de octubre-13 de diciembre de 1998, 1998, ISBN 84-7753-712-7, págs. 149-171, 1998
Arquitectura popular y tradición. Lectura transversal de la modernida
Madrid Tres Siglos De Una Capital 1702 2002 2002 Isbn 84 89471 26 6 Pags 251 270, 2002
Formas De Arquitectura Y Arte, 2004
Prologo a Secundino Zuazo Arquitecto En Secundino Zuazo Arquitecto Pag Xiii Xviii Colegio Oficial De Arquitectos De Madrid 1987, 1987
El Urbanismo De La Ilustracion En Viviendas Y Urbanismo En Espana Pag 139 157 Banco Hipotecario 1982, 1982
Papers by Carlos Sambricio
This edited volume brings together an international and interdisciplinary group of film, architecture, and urban studies scholars as they explore the reciprocal relationship between the seventh art and the built environment. The contributors explore a wide range of topics, including the role of film in the shifting relationship between private and public; the ways cinema as a new technology reshaped how cities and buildings are built and inhabited; the question of the mobile gaze; film and everyday life; monumentality and the construction of historical memory for a variety of viewing publics; and the effects of the digital and the virtual on filmmaking and spectatorship.
CONTRIBUTORS: Benjamin Fraser; Jorge Gorostiza; Nuria Rodríguez-Martín; David Foshee; Tom Whittaker; Juli Highfill; Patricia Keller; Josefina González-Cubero; Alba Zarza-Arribas; Emeterio Diez Puertas; María de Arana Aroca; Carlos Sambricio; Vicente Sánchez-Biosca; Samuel Amago; Leigh Mercer; Stephen. Luis Vilaseca
Intellect Books, distributed by the University of Chicago Press |
ISBN: 9781789384895
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