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Mitigating Sample Selection Bias with Robust Domain Adaption in Multimedia Recommendation

Published: 28 October 2024 Publication History


Industrial multimedia recommendation systems extensively utilize cascade architectures to deliver personalized content for users, generally consisting of multiple stages like retrieval and ranking. However, retrieval models have long suffered from Sample Selection Bias (SSB) due to the distribution discrepancy between the exposed items used for model training and the candidates (almost unexposed) during inference, affecting recommendation performance. Traditional methods utilize retrieval candidates as augmented training data, indiscriminately treating unexposed data as negative samples, which leads to inaccuracies and noise. Some efforts rely on unbiased datasets, while they are costly to collect and insufficient for industrial models. In this paper, we propose a debiasing framework named DAMCAR, which introduces Domain Adaptation to mitigate SSB in Multimedia CAscade Recommendation systems. Firstly, we sample hard-to-distinguish samples from unexposed data to serve as the target domain, optimizing data quality and resource utilization. Secondly, adversarial domain adaptation is employed to generate pseudo-labels for each sample. To enhance robustness, we utilize Exponential Moving Average (EMA) to create a teacher model that supervises the generation of pseudo-labels via self-distillation. Finally, we obtain a retrieval model that maintains stable performance during inference through a hybrid training mechanism. We conduct offline experiments on two real-world datasets and deploy our approach in the retrieval model of a multimedia video recommendation system for online A/B testing. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of DAMCAR in practical applications.


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  1. Mitigating Sample Selection Bias with Robust Domain Adaption in Multimedia Recommendation



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