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Evaluating Exploratory Reading Groups for Supporting Undergraduate Research Pipelines in Computing

Published: 12 August 2024 Publication History


This paper reports on a summative analysis of Exploratory Reading Groups (ERGs), a low time-commitment, relational, student-led reading group program designed to provide students from any background and year with a broad exploration of computing research. Since prior work, the program was institutionalized as a 1-credit course with a greater emphasis on strengthening pipelines into research labs. In analyzing 3 quarters of data from 136 participants, we found diverse indicators of impact. Surprisingly, despite the lightweight nature of the program (∼ 2 hours/week), we observed a statistically significant increase in satisfaction with their intellectual development at the university; confidence in reading, presenting, and communicating about their field; sense of belonging for women and minoritized ethnic groups; alignment with faculty goals in joining research labs (greater desire to make a research contribution and publish, decreased desire to join for the purpose of exploration); and engagement in the ‘reconsideration’ dimension of career identity formation. Over 70% of the participants continued on into group research projects for undergraduate students. The effectiveness of this scalable, lightweight initiative shows the promise of ERGs as a tool to support students in computing when connected to group research projects and points to future research directions on designing other lightweight, relational, scalable learning experiences.


2024. Exploratory Readings Groups Playbook. Retrieved June 12, 2024 from
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