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Unlocking wordline-level parallelism for fast inference on RRAM-based DNN accelerator

Published: 17 December 2020 Publication History


In-memory computing is rapidly rising as a viable solution that can effectively accelerate neural networks by overcoming the memory wall. Resistive RAM (RRAM) crossbar array is in the spotlight as a building block for DNN inference accelerators since it can perform a massive amount of dot products in memory in an area- and power-efficient manner. However, its in-memory computation is vulnerable to errors due to the non-ideality of RRAM cells. This error-prone nature of RRAM crossbar limits its wordline-level parallelism as activating a large number of wordlines accumulates non-zero current contributions from RRAM cells in the high-resistance state as well as current deviations from individual cells, leading to a significant accuracy drop. To improve performance by increasing the maximum number of concurrently activated wordlines, we propose two techniques. First, we introduce a lightweight scheme that effectively eliminates the current contributions from high-resistance state cells. Second, based on the observation that not all layers in a neural network model have the same error rates and impact on the inference accuracy, we propose to allow different layers to activate non-uniform numbers of wordlines concurrently. We also introduce a systematic methodology to determine the number of concurrently activated wordlines for each layer with a goal of optimizing performance, while minimizing the accuracy degradation. Our proposed techniques increase the inference throughput by 3-10× with a less than 1% accuracy drop over three datasets. Our evaluation also demonstrates that this benefit comes with a small cost of only 8.2% and 5.3% increase in area and power consumption, respectively.


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ICCAD '20: Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design
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