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Time-aspect-sentiment Recommendation Models Based on Novel Similarity Measure Methods

Published: 07 February 2020 Publication History


The explosive growth of e-commerce has led to the development of the recommendation system. The recommendation system aims to provide a set of items that meet users’ personalized needs through analyzing users’ consumption records. However, the timeliness of purchasing data and the implicity of feedback data pose severe challenges for the existing recommendation methods. To alleviate these challenges, we exploit the user’s consumption records from the perspectives of user and item, by modeling the data on both item and user level, where the item-level value reflects the grade of item, and the user-level value reflects the user’s purchase intention. In this article, we collect the description information and the reviews of the items from public websites, then adopt sentiment analysis techniques to model the similarities on user level and item level, respectively. In particular, we extend the traditional latent factor model and propose two novel methods—Item Level Similarity Matrix Factorization (ILMF) and User Level Similarity Matrix Factorization (ULMF)—by introducing two novel similarity measure methods. In ILMF and ULMF, the consistency between latent factors and explicit aspects is naturally incorporated into learning latent factors of the users and items, such that we can predict the users’ preferences on different items more accurately. Moreover, we propose Item-User Level Similarity Matrix Factorization (IULMF), which combines these two methods to study their contributions on the final performance. Experimental evaluations on the real datasets show that our methods outperform the baseline approaches in terms of both the precision and NDCG.


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    ACM Transactions on the Web  Volume 14, Issue 2
    May 2020
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Publication History

    Published: 07 February 2020
    Accepted: 01 December 2019
    Revised: 01 August 2019
    Received: 01 March 2018
    Published in TWEB Volume 14, Issue 2


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    1. Recommendation system
    2. aspect
    3. matrix factorization
    4. sentiment analysis
    5. time


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