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A Spaced, Interleaved Retrieval Practice Tool that is Motivating and Effective

Published: 30 July 2019 Publication History


Retrieval practice, spacing, and interleaving are known to enhance long-term learning and transfer, but reduce short-term performance. It can be difficult to get both students and instructors to use these techniques since they perceive them as impeding initial student learning. We leveraged user experience design and research techniques, including survey and participant observation, to improve the design of a practice tool during a semester of use in a large introductory Python programming course. In this paper, we describe the design features that made the tool effective for learning as well as motivating. These include requiring spacing by giving credit for each day that a student answered a minimum number of questions, adapting a spaced repetition algorithm to schedule topics rather than specific questions, providing a visual representation of the evolving schedule in order to support meta-cognition, and providing several gameful design elements. To assess effectiveness, we estimated a regression model: each hour spent using the practice tool over the course of a semester was associated with an increase in final exam grades of 1.04%, even after controlling for many potential confounds. To assess motivation, we report on the amount of practice tool use: 62 of the 193 students (32%) voluntarily used the tool more than the required 45 days. This provides evidence that the design of the tool successfully overcame the typically negative perceptions of retrieval practice, spacing, and interleaving.


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ICER '19: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 30 July 2019


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  1. desirable difficulties
  2. gameful design
  3. interleaving
  4. introductory programming
  5. procrastination
  6. retrieval practice
  7. spacing
  8. speed


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