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SLE 2015: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering
ACM2015 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
SLE '15: Software Language Engineering Pittsburgh PA USA October 26 - 27, 2015
26 October 2015
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SESSION: Language Development and Evaluation
On integrating graphical and textual editors for a UML profile based domain specific language: an industrial experience

Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) are an established means of reducing the gap between problem and solution domains. DSLs increase productivity and improve quality as they can be tailored to exactly fit the needs of the problem to be solved. A DSL can ...

An empirical study on simplification of business process modeling languages

The adaptation, specially by means of a simplification process, of modeling languages is a common practice due to the overwhelming complexity of most standard languages (like UML or BPMN), not needed for typical usage scenarios while at the same time ...

Melange: a meta-language for modular and reusable development of DSLs

Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) are now developed for a wide variety of domains to address specific concerns in the development of complex systems. When engineering new DSLs, it is likely that previous efforts spent on the development of other ...

SESSION: Model and Program Transformation
Distributed model-to-model transformation with ATL on MapReduce

Efficient processing of very large models is a key requirement for the adoption of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) in some industrial contexts. One of the central operations in MDE is rule-based model transformation (MT). It is used to specify ...

Distinguished Paper
Distinguished Paper
Managing uncertainty in bidirectional model transformations

In Model-Driven Engineering bidirectionality in transformations is regarded as a key mechanism. Recent approaches to non-deterministic transformations have been proposed for dealing with non-bijectivity. Among them, the JTL language is based on a ...

Modular capture avoidance for program transformations

The application of program transformations and refactorings involves the risk of capturing variables, which may break the intended semantics of the transformed code. One way to resolve variable capture is by renaming of the involved identifiers. ...

SESSION: Tools 1
XMLText: from XML schema to xtext

A multitude of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) have been implemented with XML Schemas. While such DSLs are well adopted and flexible, they miss modern DSL editor functionality. Moreover, since XML is primarily designed as a machine-processible format, ...

Designing languages using lightning

Modelling languages are defined by specifying their abstract syntax, concrete syntax and semantics. In the Lightning tool the definition of all these language components is based on the lightweight formal language Alloy. Lightning makes use of the ...

Distinguished Paper
Distinguished Paper
Analysis and transformation with the nuthatch tree-walking library

Nuthatch is a system for traversing, collecting information from, and rewriting trees, based on the idea of tree walking. The main application is software analysis and transformation. Nuthatch traversals are non-recursive by default and independent of ...

SESSION: Fomal Modeling and Language Validation
Reference attribute grammar controlled graph rewriting: motivation and overview

Reference attribute grammars are a well-known language engineering technique for the implementation of semantic analyses. Reference attributes provide declarative means to extend abstract syntax trees to graphs and analyse such graphs; they are well-...

Example-based validation of domain-specific visual languages

The definition of Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) is a recurrent activity in Model-Driven Engineering. However, their construction is many times an ad-hoc process, partly due to the lack of tools enabling a proper engineering of DSLs and promoting ...

A combined formal model for relational context-dependent roles

Role-based modeling has been investigated for over 35 years as a promising paradigm to model complex, dynamic systems. Although current software systems are characterized by increasing complexity and context-dependence, all this research had almost no ...

SESSION: Model Execution and Verification
Weaving concurrency in executable domain-specific modeling languages

The emergence of modern concurrent systems (e.g., Cyber- Physical Systems or the Internet of Things) and highly- parallel platforms (e.g., many-core, GPGPU pipelines, and distributed platforms) calls for Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) where ...

Supporting efficient and advanced omniscient debugging for xDSMLs

Omniscient debugging is a promising technique that relies on execution traces to enable free traversal of the states reached by a system during an execution. While some General-Purpose Languages (GPLs) already have support for omniscient debugging, ...

Using decision rules for solving conflicts in extended feature models

Software Product Line Engineering has introduced feature modeling as a domain analysis technique used to represent the variability of software products and decision-making scenarios. We present a model-based transformation approach to solve conflicts ...

SESSION: Tools 2
The whiley rewrite language (WyRL)

The Whiley Rewrite Language (WyRL) is a standalone tool providing a domain-specific declarative rewrite language and code generator. The tool is currently used to generate a critical component of the Whiley verifying compiler, namely the automated ...

Parsing expression grammars made practical

Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) define languages by specifying a recursive-descent parser that recognises them. The PEG formalism exhibits desirable properties, such as closure under composition, built-in disambiguation, unification of syntactic and ...

  • McMaster University
  • University of L'Aquila
  • Itemis AG

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering
