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10.1145/1394445.1394489acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesdisConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Reflecting human behavior to motivate desirable lifestyle

Published: 25 February 2008 Publication History


Ambient lifestyle feedback systems are embedded computer systems designed to motivate changes in a person's lifestyle by reflecting an interpretation of targeted behavior back to the person. Other interactive systems including "serious games" have been applied for the same purpose in areas such as nutrition, health and energy conservation, but they suffer from drawbacks such as inaccurate self-reporting, burdens placed on the user, and lack of effective feedback. Ambient lifestyle feedback systems overcome these challenges by relying on passive observation, calm presentation style and emotionally engaging feedback content. In this paper, we present an ambient lifestyle feedback system concept and provide insights from the design and implementation of two prototype systems, Virtual Aquarium and Mona Lisa Bookshelf. In particular, we discuss the theory and practice of effective feedback design by drawing on elementary behavioral psychology and small-scale user studies. The work is aimed at aiding in the design of ambient persuasive technologies and ambient interaction in general.


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cover image ACM Conferences
DIS '08: Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Designing interactive systems
February 2008
487 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 25 February 2008


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Author Tags

  1. ambient feedback
  2. behavior modification
  3. experience design
  4. intelligent smart objects
  5. interaction design
  6. motivation
  7. persuasive technology
  8. serious game


  • Research-article


DIS08: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2008
February 25 - 27, 2008
Cape Town, South Africa

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