Papers by Massimo Meccarelli
Pratiques sociales et politiques judiciaires dans les villes de l’Occident à la fin du Moyen Âge
in Law and Diversity: European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective Vol. 1: Fundamental Questions, edited by P. Collin, A. Casagrande, Frankfurt am Main, 2023, pp. 467-500, 2023
The essay aims to study the relationship between diversity and legal protection in stages of lega... more The essay aims to study the relationship between diversity and legal protection in stages of legal experience characterised by the dominance of the principle of equality, which led
a process of reductio ad unum of the social fabric in the legal scope, and more in general by the monistic configuration of the legal system. After identifying some particular features of legal monism in the 19th and 20th century, the analysis provides a survey of how these kind of legal systems addressed the problem of diversity; in particular, the purpose is to consider the function of special law. To this end, considering in particular the Italian case, three different approaches to the issue will be taken in account: one relating to inclusion, another emphasizing exclusion, and a third focused on anti-assimilation.
Pluralismo giuridico e spazio eccedente. Il laboratorio storiografico brasiliano visto dall’Europa, inPluralismo giuridico. Itinerari contemporanei, 2023
Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine, 2023
This essay reflects on the experience of time as a factor of social cohesion and on its attributi... more This essay reflects on the experience of time as a factor of social cohesion and on its attributive force with respect to the configurations of law. In this regard; a decisive component is the simultaneity of regimes of historicity and the consequent dispute about the past. The article points out its prominence in the transitions from dictatorship to democracy and; in particular; in that of Italy in the second half of the 20th century. The discussion then turns to the dispute about the memory; to consider the question of the rights to truth; to restitution and to resentment; highlight-ing how history; if declined in a victimological perspective; can make an original contribution to understanding the problem of the justiciability of the past.
LawArt. Rivista di Diritto, Arte, Storia, 3, 2022
Paper included in volume 3 of LawArt Magazine, part of a special discussion around the biography ... more Paper included in volume 3 of LawArt Magazine, part of a special discussion around the biography of W.G. Sebald, by Carole Angier.
Artigo publicado em co-autoria com Massimo Meccarelli no livro “Curare la democrazia – una rifles... more Artigo publicado em co-autoria com Massimo Meccarelli no livro “Curare la democrazia – una riflessione multidisciplinare", organizado por Giovanni di Cosimo (Milano, CEDAM/Wolters Kluwer, 2022)
Cristiano Paixão and Massimo Meccarelli (eds.),Comparing Transitions to Democracy. Law and Justice in South America and Europe, Springer, Cham, 2021, , 2021
This chapter focuses on Italy’s struggle to hold Fascism to account between 1943–1946 within the ... more This chapter focuses on Italy’s struggle to hold Fascism to account between 1943–1946 within the complex framework of the nation’s transition to democracy after World War II. This historical turn will be taken as an example of a specific regime of temporality, one in which the conjunctural features of time exercise an attributive force over legal issues. Responding to the demand for justice was an unavoidable step in the aftermath of the dictatorship, and the manner in which this issue was handled qualified some long-term solutions that were absorbed into the democratic legal order. The tension between restorative justice and national appeasement will be considered on two analytical levels: normative framework and legal debate. The concluding remarks will propose some methodological considerations on the importance of transitional time for historical research, with ascriptive time also being examined in general terms.
LawArt. Rivista di diritto, arte, storia /Journal of Law, Art and History, 2020
The article reflects on literature as a source for legal history, considering two novels – La Cha... more The article reflects on literature as a source for legal history, considering two novels – La Chartreuse de Parme by Stendhal and L’Orologio by Carlo Levi – that, in their diversity, place the problem of time and history at the centre of the narrative plot. The first part of the essay insists on an observation of the law “put into action” in the story and, thus, restored in its historicity. In the central part is instead the attributive character of time (in particular of the transition) in relation to the law, to constitute the object of investigation. The third part focuses on the issue of subjectivation of the past, considering the problem of the production of memory. As a whole, this study intends to show how the field of relations between law and literature provides legal history of new margins in order to develop a critical discourse in contemporary legal debate and, therefore, in order to offer its own contribution to the objectivation of the present.
Historia do direito. Revista do Instituto Brasileiro de História do Direito, 2020
A proposta desse texto é considerar a possível vantagem heurística que o conceito analítico da “i... more A proposta desse texto é considerar a possível vantagem heurística que o conceito analítico da “inovação” pode oferecer para a compreensão das mudanças no marco jurídico, sobretudo quando empregada em conjunto com o conceito de transição. Considerada tanto como forma de mutação do direito (problema teórico) quanto como ferramenta analítica para analisar a mutação do direito (problema metodológico), a noção de inovação nos permite articular a análise histórico-jurídica ao destacar a base pré-jurídica dos sentidos das formas que o direito adquire. Conclui-se que a díade inovação-transição permite recuperar um nível de compreensão da fenomenologia jurídica relevante tanto para o passado quanto para o presente, o que representa para a ciência jurídica não apenas uma oportunidade de sustentar sua capacidade de desenvolvimento como ciência crítica, mas também de se tornar efetivamente inovadora.
Journal of Constitutional History, 2020
This is a paper with Massimo Meccarelli about constituent power and constitution-making process i... more This is a paper with Massimo Meccarelli about constituent power and constitution-making process in Brazilian history. Published in the Journal of Constitutional History, in a special issue on Brazilian constitutional history. In a phase such as the present one, which is marked by the crisis of the expansive trajectory of the constitutional state, is it possible to carry out a constitutional history without assuming a retrospective point of view? The paper takes this question as its starting point in order to identify an innovative potential for research in this field. An attempt to articulate the historical phenomenology of constituent processes will lead to distinguishing, in them, constituent and constituent dynamics. Upon this background, we will explore some interpretative itineraries in Brazilian constitutional history; the focus will be on the ascribed times of transition, exception, and insurgence. In conclusion, we will look into constitutional issues in present days, highlighting the Brazilian case as a privileged ground for research, so that we may understand in depth the meaning of constituent processes in constitutional history
Questo scritto propone una riflessione di taglio storiografico. Dopo aver fornito un quadro dei p... more Questo scritto propone una riflessione di taglio storiografico. Dopo aver fornito un quadro dei principali studi sulle tendenze della storia del diritto in Italia e Germania, il saggio individua i caratteri del comune paradigma disciplinare che, negli ultimi sessant’anni, ha favorito una circolarità di temi e problemi tra queste due realtà. Nell’analizzare, poi, le ragioni strutturali e congiunturali della crisi dello spazio di dialogo nella fase attuale, la trattazione passa a considerare l’ipotesi di un recupero di quello spazio, da conseguire esplorando nuovi campi di ricerca, attraverso innovativi approcci metodologici. In particolare viene presa in esame la prospettiva della global legal history, come opportunità per rinnovare le categorie analitiche, per scoprire nuovi temi o anche ripensarne alcuni che hanno già formato oggetto di studio e, più ampiamente, come possibile terreno di convergenza per la storia del diritto e per la Rechtsgeschichte.
Le carte e la storia, 2/2018, pp. 18-25, 2018
This essay reflects on the relationship between time and law and on its importance for historical... more This essay reflects on the relationship between time and law and on its importance for historical research, considering "time" in its value of ascriptive factor that affects the contents that law takes. The article especially focuses on the kind of temporal condition that supports regimes of impermanence of law such as transition, crisis and emergency. Examples are given in order to describe the attributive effect of the conjuncture and its fallout on the legal regimes in the medium and long term.
Criminal Law: Before a State Monopoly, in The Oxford Handbook of European Legal History Edited by Heikki Pihlajamäki, Markus D. Dubber, and Mark Godfrey, Oxford University Press, 2018
This article aims to study features and development of criminal law in the medieval and modern ag... more This article aims to study features and development of criminal law in the medieval and modern ages. The emergence, at the end of the eighteenth century, of the state monopoly on punishment, connected with the establishment of the statutory law as an ordering factor, represents a historical turn. Before, criminal law—much more than to the exercise of a right to punish—is related to the problem of determining justice in order to produce a public space substitute for revenge. The chapter, considering this different foundation, analyses the ordering factors structuring the criminal law system. It then focuses on peculiar features of the criminal trial and on key aspects such as the role of the judge, the sanctions regimes, the taxonomy of the crimes, and the regimes of proof. Some cursory remarks, as to how the criminal legal order turns into a system under a state monopoly, serve as a conclusion.
The End of Empires, in Rechtsgeschichte, 26, 2018, 2018
Diritti e coesione sociale. Una prospettiva storico-giuridica, in L. Mauro (a cura di), Social cohesion and human rights. Reflections on the Contemporary Society, , 2017
El espacio de los derechos en el pensamiento tardoescolástico. Una perspectiva iushistorica, in Actas del XIX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano: Berlin 2016, edited by Th. Duve, Madrid Dykinson, , 2017
the Scholastic thought in the early modern Age, developed in a complex historical phase in which ... more the Scholastic thought in the early modern Age, developed in a complex historical phase in which the universality of the Respublica Christiana was challenged by two novel problems of opposite sign: the discovery of America opened to Christianity a sphere of expansion towards a new world; the religious Reformation in Europe, however, dre boundaries limits within the Christian world. In the framework of the studies of the late scholastics the problem of
legal-protection regimes arises, and the new horizon of individual rights is explored. This article tries to analyze this original construction of legal-protection regimes, and to understand the legal space that it configures, and to assess what relevance the issue of rights has within the framework of the discursive strategies of the late scholastics in legal topics.
M. Meccarelli (ed.), Reading the crisis: legal, philosophical and literary perspectives, , 2017
Papers by Massimo Meccarelli
a process of reductio ad unum of the social fabric in the legal scope, and more in general by the monistic configuration of the legal system. After identifying some particular features of legal monism in the 19th and 20th century, the analysis provides a survey of how these kind of legal systems addressed the problem of diversity; in particular, the purpose is to consider the function of special law. To this end, considering in particular the Italian case, three different approaches to the issue will be taken in account: one relating to inclusion, another emphasizing exclusion, and a third focused on anti-assimilation.
legal-protection regimes arises, and the new horizon of individual rights is explored. This article tries to analyze this original construction of legal-protection regimes, and to understand the legal space that it configures, and to assess what relevance the issue of rights has within the framework of the discursive strategies of the late scholastics in legal topics.
a process of reductio ad unum of the social fabric in the legal scope, and more in general by the monistic configuration of the legal system. After identifying some particular features of legal monism in the 19th and 20th century, the analysis provides a survey of how these kind of legal systems addressed the problem of diversity; in particular, the purpose is to consider the function of special law. To this end, considering in particular the Italian case, three different approaches to the issue will be taken in account: one relating to inclusion, another emphasizing exclusion, and a third focused on anti-assimilation.
legal-protection regimes arises, and the new horizon of individual rights is explored. This article tries to analyze this original construction of legal-protection regimes, and to understand the legal space that it configures, and to assess what relevance the issue of rights has within the framework of the discursive strategies of the late scholastics in legal topics.
The particular aim of the studies collected in this volume is to explore the impact of the crisis on law, culture and society, in order to test the depth of the problem, by comparing the analytical perspectives obtainable from legal and human sciences. The book focuses on three main issues: the crisis as a social object, in order to consider the crisis in terms of its attributing force; the problem of democracy, which is becoming an increasingly central question now, as the changes imposed by the crisis have begun to settle down; the interdisciplinary challenge that, in time of crisis, questions paradigms of knowledge, competences and methods, in order to enable an heuristic dialogue between human, social and legal sciences.
È in un continuo e sofferto rapporto dialettico che diritto e diversità si sono reciprocamente inseguiti lungo i secoli della modernità giuridica. Eppure non è stata una preoccupazione per la diversità a segnarne gli itinerari. Di essa il diritto moderno si è molto occupato ma in chiave sempre strumentale, avendo posto al centro dei suoi svolgimenti la questione dell’individuo prima che della società. Al contempo la fase attuale evidenzia una certa usura degli strumenti giuridici tradizionali e un limite complessivo di tale approccio al problema, soprattutto se si considerano i nessi della questione con la tutela dei diritti fondamentali e umani. Appare, dunque, opportuno avviare una riflessione complessiva sulla questione, assumendo la diversità, pur nella sua pluralità di valenze, come ambito tematico unitario e come categoria a partire dalla quale interrogare il diritto. Il presente volume, costituisce un tentativo in tale direzione. Esso - prendendo le mosse da tali constatazioni e avvalendosi di molteplici punti di vista disciplinari - si propone di esplorare aspetti del complesso rapporto tra diritto e diversità, assumendo come cornice di riferimento la questione dei diritti e della giustizia.
The aim of this volume, however, is not to offer abstract methodological considerations, but rather to rely both on concrete studies, out of which a reflection on this conjunction emerges, as well as on the reconstruction of certain research lines featuring a spatiotemporal component.
This analytical approach makes a contribution by providing some suggestions for the employment of space and time as coordinates for legal history. Indeed, contrary to those historiographical attitudes reflecting a monistic conception of space and time (as well as a Eurocentric approach), the book emphasises the need for a delocalized global perspective. In general terms, the essays collected in this book intend to take into account the multiplicity of the spatiotemporal confines, the flexibility of those instruments that serve to create chronologies and scenarios, as well as certain processes of adaptation of law to different times and into different spaces.
The spatiotemporal dynamism enables historians not only to detect new perspectives and dimensions in foregone themes, but also to achieve new and compelling interpretations of legal history. As far as the relationship between space and law is concerned, the book analyses experiences in which space operates as a determining factor of law, e.g. in terms of a field of action for law. Moreover, it outlines the attempted scales of spatiality in order to develop legal historical research. With reference to the connection between time and law, the volume sketches the possibility of considering the factor of time, not just as a descriptive tool, but as an ascriptive moment (quasi an inner feature) of a legal problem, thus making it possible to appreciate the synchronic aspects of the ‘juridical experience’.
As a whole, the volume aims to present spatiotemporality as a challenge for legal history. Indeed, reassessing the value of the spatiotemporal coordinates for legal history implies thinking through both the thematic and methodological boundaries of the discipline.
Beyond the statute law identifies also the procedure that brings the statute law towards hybrid tools, in the border area between statute law and administration, between the "shine" and publicity of the statute law and the opaqueness of regulatory and administrative acts. An area of interest – little studied, at least in Italy – is precisely that of circulars, instructions, notes, accepted practices, etc. Therefore, sources of regulations which should define the most minute details of the execution or regulate only administrative operations, contribute, instead, to defining, in a direct way, law policies in strategic sectors of the criminal law system.
Texts by: Floriana Colao, Luigi Lacchè, Massimo Meccarelli, Carlo Sotis, Claudia Storti, Monica Stronati, Maria Letizia Zanier.
Pubblicata online open access, LawArt intende proporsi come strumento per favorire il confronto tra gli studiosi che sono coinvolti nelle innumerevoli variazioni del rapporto tra diritto, arte e storia, al fine di percepire i diversi modi in cui l’arte plasma, esprime e narra le dimensioni astratte e storicamente contestualizzate del fenomeno giuridico. Oltre all’incontro del diritto con la letteratura nella storia, dunque, saranno di interesse per questo foglio anche i fruttuosi incroci con le arti visive, il cinema, la musica, il teatro, i nuovi media e le forme espressive emergenti. Allo stesso tempo, LawArt si propone di indagare anche l’ambito delle questioni legali connesse alla regolamentazione interna e sovranazionale, al commercio e alla protezione delle opere d’arte e del patrimonio culturale.
I fascicoli annuali della rivista saranno articolati in tre Sezioni. La prima, Aperture, è pensata come sezione miscellanea attraverso la quale esplorare, di volta in volta, nuove sfaccettature del prisma diritto e arte. La seconda sezione, Percorsi, è di tipo monografico e intende proporre itinerari all’interno di ambiti tematici caratterizzati da una relativa omogeneità, al fine di individuare spazi – formali, sostanziali, metodologici − di convergenza nel campo degli studi su diritto e arte. La terza sezione Dialoghi, è pensata come luogo di confronto, nella quale pubblicare studi su orientamenti e tendenze di ricerca, rassegne bibliografiche, recensioni, interviste, presentazioni di progetti, incluse anche cronache e notizie su eventi scientifici e culturali.
Un aspetto finora rimasto in ombra è proprio quello relativo alla competenza non comune di Sciascia nell’uso di fonti giuridiche antiche, alla sua profondità di analisi di istituzioni, vicende processuali, personaggi, rilevanti per la storia del diritto; alla capacità di spaziare in contesti ed epoche diversi.
Participants and Organizers:
Leo Barleta, Lucio Biasiori, Anne Conchon, Federica Favino, Paula Findlen, Tiago Gil, Jo Guldi, Howard Hotson, Mélanie Lamotte, Katie McDonough, Massimo Meccarelli, Rachel Midura, Diego Pirillo, David Richardson, Dan Riches, Beatriz E. Salamanca, Rosa Salzberg, Luca Scholz, Suzanne Sutherland, & Thomas Wallnig
Entrevista transmitida el 28 de mayo de 2020
Problems and methods of legal innovation, to understand the phenomenology of legal innovation;
Law and technological innovation, to analyze the relationship between law and how new technologies are used, with special reference to the digital sphere;
Law and social innovation, to study law in relation to present-day social, economic and cultural change.
Starting from an overview on the current framework, in which a crisis of effectivity affects fundamental, social and human rights, the teaching will propose a long-term path in the legal thought of the modern and contemporary age. The analysis, considering the different theoretical declinations, will focus on the kind of legal spatiality which is shaped through the use of the concept of right. In particular will be taken into account: the jurisdictional pluralistic space for rights, outlined by the Iberian scholastic of the modern age; the state monistic space for rights, conceived in the doctrines of natural law and social contract in the 16th and 17th centuries as well as in the main trends of legal thought in the 18th and the 19th centuries; the space of justiciability of power with respect to rights and its ultra-state dimensioning, in the constitutionalism of the second half of the 20th century up to the present time.
The purpose will be also to gain a critical point of view on three phenomena, which are linked to the history of rights, and mark important changes in the modern legal experience: the relationships between the issue of diversity, the problem of legal protection and the (program to implement) equality principle; the change of function for legal protection, from an instrument to enforce justice (in legal order), to an instrument to enforce freedom (of human beings); the paradigmatic transition from legal pluralism to legal monism in legal systems.
The final part of the teaching will offer some methodological suggestions on features and function of legal history in addressing this kind of topics, which set an interdisciplinary challenge for legal studies.