Books by Sérgio Carneiro
In the first part of our paper we propose a theoretic and methodological plan to develop an inves... more In the first part of our paper we propose a theoretic and methodological plan to develop an investigation line in Archaeology of Architecture, orientated from Landscape Archaeology propositions. In this plan we articulate a methotodological frame that include analysis techniques from different disciplines: Archaeology, Architecture, Anthropology and Psychology (stratigraphical analysis, formal analysis, perception analysis). This is the theoretical and methodological frame of the Archaeotecture. The second part includes a example of this kind of analysis, which is integrated into a major project about Heritage Management of a hillfort in North West of Spain: the Castro of Elviña (A Coruña, Galicia). Our archaeological research unit and A Coruña Council contracted for develop a Director Plan which put the basis to build an archaeological park in this site. The planning included several works among whose was the study of architectonical record. In this context we make a formal analysis of several domestic buildings and a stratigraphical analysis of one of them. At this point our research allow us know the evolution of domestic space and changes in social patterns from Iron Age until Romanization. In the same way this work give us a rich information about architecture that was used for a CAD reconstruction of the major house dirt in the site. This study not only contribute to identify the different constructive periods but also to design an architectonical reconstruction of an Iron Age dwelling into the future archaeological park.
This volume has been produced by European Association of Archaeologist (EAA) as a result of the c... more This volume has been produced by European Association of Archaeologist (EAA) as a result of the contributions presented by different authors during the sessions held under the general heading “Architectural Archaeology” in Lisbon (Portugal) in 2000, and in Esslingen (Germany) in 2001, both of which were coordinated by the editors of this volume. Archaeotecture: Archaeology of Architecture is a compilation of the majority of the papers presented during these sessions, organised according to their subjects or the chronological periods they cover. All of them share a common factor: the study of constructions and architectonic spaces, analysed from an from an archaeological perspective
Papers by Sérgio Carneiro
O Pelourinho: Boletin de Relaciones transfronterizas, 2015
Rethinking the Concept of ‘Healing Settlements’: Water, Cults, Constructions and Contexts in the Ancient World, 2019, ISBN 978-1-78969-037-8, págs. 61-80, 2019
Comparing the recently excavated Roman healing spa of Chaves, Portugal with the other known simil... more Comparing the recently excavated Roman healing spa of Chaves, Portugal with the other known similar sites in the Iberian Peninsula, we propose a reflexion on the architecture of these complexes and the relation between sacred and profane areas within them. The definition of religious spaces is analysed within the general framework of Roman religion studies and critically contrasted with the latest data available for these spaces. The influence of the architecture of water displays on Roman spas is also discussed.
Neste trabalho pretendemos dar a conhecer os novos dados sobre a TSHT proveniente das unidades es... more Neste trabalho pretendemos dar a conhecer os novos dados sobre a TSHT proveniente das unidades estratigráficas seladas das termas medicinais romanas de Chaves (Aquae Flaviae), O estudo apresentado faz parte do projecto de estudo e valorização do património arqueológico do largo do Arrabalde, que inclui outros estudos parcelares. Todos os materiais aqui apresentados provêm de unidades estratigráficas seladas e as cronologias são corroboradas pelas dos restantes materiais, em fase de estudo e publicação. Pretende-se contribuir para a afinação cronológica da produção e difusão de TSHT, bem como datar os contextos de onde o espólio é proveniente, contribuindo assim também para o estudo da evolução urbanística da cidade, e para um conhecimento mais aprofundado da economia e comércio da cidade de Aquae Flaviae durante o Baixo Império.
The Roman healing spa of Chaves is a monumental complex with two large pools; eight smaller indiv... more The Roman healing spa of Chaves is a monumental complex with two large pools; eight smaller individual ones; a large open yard and a nymphaeum. The complexity of the 3rd century water abstraction, supply and drainage system reveals great ingenuity and inventiveness in adapting to local needs, topography and water temperature
A violacao nao se ficou pelo patrimonio, a monstruosidade foi tal que roubaram-se os aneis, corta... more A violacao nao se ficou pelo patrimonio, a monstruosidade foi tal que roubaram-se os aneis, cortaram-se os dedos, pilharam-se as pulseiras, deceparam-se as maos, surripiaram-se os torques e amputaram-se os bracos, deixando apenas um corpo queimado e retorcido, «macicamente» privado dos seus membros, como o tristemente celebre menino cujas imagens correram os noticiarios de todo o mundo.
Archaeotecture: Archaeology of Architecture. British …, 2003
Ayán et al. Archaeotecture: …, 2003
Quaternary International, 2016
Revista Aquae Flaviae nº 54, 13-42, 2017
Os Romanos exploraram quase todas as nascentes medicinais conhecidas hoje em dia na península Ibé... more Os Romanos exploraram quase todas as nascentes medicinais conhecidas hoje em dia na península Ibérica 1. Infelizmente, a maioria destes estabelecimentos foram destruídos ou grandemente danificados durante o renascimento do termalismo europeu, nos séculos XIX e primeira metade do XX da nossa era e, de entre os poucos que escaparam a este destino, só um punhado deles foram objecto de intervenções arqueológicas recentes. Em 2006, na sequência do projecto de construção de um parque de estacionamento subterrâneo no Largo do Arrabalde em Chaves, cujas sondagens arqueológicas prévias haviam detectado a presença de estruturas monumentais de época romana (Silva et al. 2007), deu-se início à escavação arqueológica do Balneário termal romano de Aquae Flaviae, com vista ao seu estudo e valorização.
Rethinking the Concept of ‘Healing Settlements’: Water, Cults, Constructions and Contexts in the Ancient World
Rethinking the Concept of ‘Healing Settlements’: Water, Cults, Constructions and Contexts in the Ancient World, 2019
Comparing the recently excavated Roman healing spa of Chaves, Portugal with the other known simi... more Comparing the recently excavated Roman healing spa of Chaves, Portugal with the other known similar sites in the
Iberian Peninsula, we propose a reflexion on the architecture of these complexes and the relation between sacred and profane
areas within them. The definition of religious spaces is analysed within the general framework of Roman religion studies and
critically contrasted with the latest data available for these spaces. The influence of the architecture of water displays on Roman
spas is also discussed.
Gilbert Wiplinger (Ed.), Wasserwesen zur Zeit des Frontinus. Bauwerke – Technik – Kultur. Frontinus Symposion Trier, Mai 2016, Leuven: Peeters, 2018
The Roman healing spa of Aquae Flaviae is one of the best preserved of its kind recently excavate... more The Roman healing spa of Aquae Flaviae is one of the best preserved of its kind recently excavated. It is a large monumental complex and the results of the current excavations may shed new light on the meaning and function of spas in the Roman Empire and their relation to indigenous communities.
Anejos de AEspA, 78: Termalismo antiguo en Hispania: un análisis del tejido balneario en época romana y tardorromana en la península ibérica, 2017
The roman healing spa of Aquae Flaviae is one of the best preserved of its kind recently excavate... more The roman healing spa of Aquae Flaviae is one of the best preserved of its kind recently excavated. It’s a large monumental complex and the results of the recent excavations may shed new light on the meaning and function of spas in the Roman Empire and their relation to indigenous communities.
El balneario terapéutico romano de Aquae Flaviae es uno de los mas bien preservados de su tipo recientemente escavados. Se trata de un establecimiento monumental y los resultados de las últimas excavaciones pueden aclarar el significado y función de estas estructuras en el império romano y su relación con las comunidades indigenas.
The Roman healing spa of Chaves is a monumental complex with two large pools; eight smaller indiv... more The Roman healing spa of Chaves is a monumental complex with two large pools; eight smaller individual ones; a large open yard and a nymphaeum. The complexity of the 3rd century water abstraction, supply and drainage system reveals great ingenuity and inventiveness in adapting to local needs, topography and water temperature.
Books by Sérgio Carneiro
Papers by Sérgio Carneiro
Iberian Peninsula, we propose a reflexion on the architecture of these complexes and the relation between sacred and profane
areas within them. The definition of religious spaces is analysed within the general framework of Roman religion studies and
critically contrasted with the latest data available for these spaces. The influence of the architecture of water displays on Roman
spas is also discussed.
El balneario terapéutico romano de Aquae Flaviae es uno de los mas bien preservados de su tipo recientemente escavados. Se trata de un establecimiento monumental y los resultados de las últimas excavaciones pueden aclarar el significado y función de estas estructuras en el império romano y su relación con las comunidades indigenas.
Iberian Peninsula, we propose a reflexion on the architecture of these complexes and the relation between sacred and profane
areas within them. The definition of religious spaces is analysed within the general framework of Roman religion studies and
critically contrasted with the latest data available for these spaces. The influence of the architecture of water displays on Roman
spas is also discussed.
El balneario terapéutico romano de Aquae Flaviae es uno de los mas bien preservados de su tipo recientemente escavados. Se trata de un establecimiento monumental y los resultados de las últimas excavaciones pueden aclarar el significado y función de estas estructuras en el império romano y su relación con las comunidades indigenas.
The waterlogged material studied, included several types of archaeobotanical remains: timber used for construction (beams, poles, boards and wedges), wooden objects (combs, bowls and containers, corks, handles, spindle whorls, etc.) and macro carpological remains (seeds, fruits, pine scales and cones, etc.). The study of the wood assemblage was focused firstly on the identification of the material selected for woodworking and also on providing answers regarding the technical and technological features used in manufacturing these items. Regarding fruits and seeds, the analysis was oriented towards macro remains species identification. A selection of species for specific purposes was clearly identified both in timber pieces and in several types of objects as well as the carving of specific features in these pieces according to its function. Active management of wood resources could also be inferred. Furthermore, relevant information was gatheredconcerning the presence of Pinus pinea, Castanea sativa, Buxus sempervirens and several species of the Prunus family, which show great importance on a regional or supra regional levels. The first presence of cypress tree (Cupressus sempervirens) during Roman times in western Iberia was also identified.
Pretende-se contribuir para a afinação cronológica da produção e difusão de TSHT, bem como datar os contextos de onde o espólio é proveniente, contribuindo assim também para o estudo da evolução urbanística da cidade, e para um conhecimento mais aprofundado da economia e comércio da cidade de Aquae Flaviae durante o Baixo Império.
i del 2012 al 2015 van descobrir un conjunt d’es- tructures en un estat de conservació excepcional, les termes medicinals romanes que havien donat nom a la ciutat: Aquae Flaviae (Carneiro, 2013). Aquest complex termal és un dels més grans i més ben conservats que s’han excavat recentment.
El museu del jaciment que s’està desenvolupant actualment aportarà nova llum al significat i a
la funció de les termes en l’Imperi romà i la seva relació amb les comunitats autòctones.
1. Història del jaciment
[ES] En las últimas décadas la Arquitectura ha incrementado su interés hacia enfoques sobre nuevos contenidos. Muchos de estos temas eran raramente estudiados por la Arqueología tradicional. En este sentido, por ejemplo, los restos arquitectónicos sólo eran analizados partiendo de un acercamiento formalista y tipológico, pese a su importancia como reflejo material de procesos sociales. Hoy la necesidad se ha impuesto al aumento de perspectivas investigadoras, asimilando nuevas líneas que hacen posible maximizar la información que provienen de un espacio construido. Esta necesidad está justificada por cuestiones como la inconsistencia del estudio del registro arquitectónico y la superación de la investigación tradicional que incluso defiende la imposibilidad de tratar con una interpretación social e integral de este registro. A pesar de estos factores condicionantes, estudios alternativos e instrumentos analíticos fueron desarrollados recientemente en un nuevo campo de investigación, designado Arqueología Arquitectónica. Esta disciplina engloba diferentes metodologías: Análisis formal o arquitectura primitiva; el estudio de estratigrafía vertical, particularmente usada en el estudio de yacimientos medievales; el análisis funcional y simbólico que reconoce factores sociales y aspectos simbólicos de la arquitectura; el estudio del uso simbólico del espacio con una comunicación no verbal, son todos aspectos que están abordados en el estudio de la arquitectura de las sociedades pasadas. Por lo tanto, la Arqueología de la Arquitectura ofrece nuevas metodologías de análisis para nuevas visiones sobre el registro constructivo. Sin embargo, en realidad es necesaria una sistematización teórica y metodológica que permita extraer una definición de Arqueología de la Arquitectura como una línea de trabajo específica dentro de la Arqueología. Este es el principal objetivo de este capítulo.