Papers by Taís Crema Remoli
Creativity and working memory are academic and professional success markers. Paradoxically, corre... more Creativity and working memory are academic and professional success markers. Paradoxically, correlational studies do not always find associations between these constructs; some studies show positive associations between them and others show negative associations. Probably, the contradictory findings arise from different parameters, because of that it is important to identify them in order to have a more coherent understanding of this relationship. Thus, this systematic literature review aimed to answer the questions: “What is the relationship between working memory and creativity? Do update and serial recall mnemonic processes also interfere in the production of convergent or divergent thinking?” For this purpose, a survey of specific descriptors generated 384 articles found in Scopus, Web of Science and Pubmed databases, from which fifteen studies were selected. Despite the methodological variability between the selected studies, the results found suggest association between workin...
Revista Educação Especial, 2019
Atualmente no Brasil, são poucos os alunos identificados com Altas Habilidades/Superdotação (AH/S... more Atualmente no Brasil, são poucos os alunos identificados com Altas Habilidades/Superdotação (AH/SD) e ainda mais problemática é a oferta de atividades de enriquecimento a tal público a partir de áreas de seu interesse. Por isto, optou-se por realizar um programa de suplementação para crianças com AH/SD que demonstraram interesse em aprender língua inglesa. Tal programa foi elaborado com o objetivo de desenvolver não apenas o idioma, mas também a criatividade dos participantes. Alunos sem AH/SD e com as mesmas características do primeiro grupo ingressaram no projeto, totalizando 12 participantes, seis meninos e seis meninas. O trabalho foi realizado durante o segundo semestre de 2015, tendo como objetivos verificar o desenvolvimento da criatividade antes e após o programa de suplementação e comparar o desempenho dos grupos a fim de analisar a intervenção realizada. Para a obtenção dos dados, foram realizados dez encontros destinados à intervenção e outros dois para aplicação do Teste...
Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial, 2017
RESUMO: alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação (AH/SD), embora sejam parte do público-alvo con... more RESUMO: alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação (AH/SD), embora sejam parte do público-alvo contemplado pela Educação Especial brasileira, muitas vezes não recebem a mesma atenção que alunos com deficiência. Uma das características de alunos com AH/SD é a criatividade, que deve ser estimulada a fim de ser desenvolvida. Nesse contexto, este artigo apresenta uma revisão de literatura elaborada a partir de artigos produzidos entre 2005 e 2015 visando a descrever a relação entre os constructos criatividade e altas habilidades/superdotação e verificar como tem ocorrido o estímulo da criatividade a tal público. Uma busca nas bases de dados Web of Science e Dialnet com os unitermos "giftedness" e "creativity" foi realizada e obtidos 20 artigos que abordavam a inter-relação dos temas apresentados. Eles foram classificados em: estudos teóricos (4); revisão de literatura (4); e estudos experimentais (12). Após a leitura dos textos encontrados, verificou-se que a temática...
Psicologia em Estudo, 2017
A criatividade e a memória operacional são marcadores de sucesso acadêmico e profissional. Parado... more A criatividade e a memória operacional são marcadores de sucesso acadêmico e profissional. Paradoxalmente, estudos correlacionais nem sempre encontram associações entre esses constructos, algumas pesquisas evidenciam associações positivas entre os mesmos, e outras, associações negativas. Provavelmente, os achados contraditórios decorrem de parâmetros distintos, sendo importante identificá-los para uma compreensão mais coerente de tais relações. Assim, esta revisão sistemática de literatura teve como objetivo responder às questões: “Qual a relação entre memória operacional e criatividade? Processos mnemônicos de atualização e de recordação serial interferem igualmente na produção de pensamento convergente ou divergente?” Para tanto, um levantamento com descritores específicos gerou 384 artigos encontrados nas bases de dados da Scopus, Web of Science e Pubmed, dos quais, foram selecionados 15 estudos. Apesar da variabilidade metodológica apresentada entre os estudos selecionados, os r...
Journal of Education and Human Development, 2015
Ao longo dos anos, o numero de alunos brasileiros identificados com altas habilidades/superdotaca... more Ao longo dos anos, o numero de alunos brasileiros identificados com altas habilidades/superdotacao (AH/SD) vem crescendo, no entanto, professores e instituicoes de ensino ainda carecem de maior conhecimento a respeito da tematica para melhor atender as necessidades desse publico, assim, e muito importante que novos trabalhos sobre o topico, especialmente com objetivo de nortear educadores a respeito e lhes auxiliar a elaborar metodologias voltadas ao melhor trabalho com tais criancas e jovens, sejam realizados. Por isto, realizou-se uma revisao de literatura por meio de consulta ao banco de dados da Capes utilizando-se os descritores “altas habilidades”, “Brasil” e “Sao Paulo” a fim de se realizar uma relacao das producoes que vem sendo publicadas nas diferentes regioes brasileiras, classificando-as por estados. O objetivo principal deste trabalho e apresentar os resultados obtidos, com enfoque maior no estado de Sao Paulo devido a sua expressividade nessa area, bem como apresentar ...
Revista Psicologia da Educação
RESUMO: alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação (AH/SD), embora sejam parte do público-alvo con... more RESUMO: alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação (AH/SD), embora sejam parte do público-alvo contemplado pela Educação Especial brasileira, muitas vezes não recebem a mesma atenção que alunos com deficiência. Uma das características de alunos com AH/SD é a criatividade, que deve ser estimulada a fim de ser desenvolvida. Nesse contexto, este artigo apresenta uma revisão de literatura elaborada a partir de artigos produzidos entre 2005 e 2015 visando a descrever a relação entre os constructos criatividade e altas habilidades/superdotação e verificar como tem ocorrido o estímulo da criatividade a tal público. Uma busca nas bases de dados Web of Science e Dialnet com os unitermos " giftedness " e " creativity " foi realizada e obtidos 20 artigos que abordavam a inter-relação dos temas apresentados. Eles foram classificados em: estudos teóricos (4); revisão de literatura (4); e estudos experimentais (12). Após a leitura dos textos encontrados, verificou-se que a temá...
Revista Educação Especial, 2019
Atualmente no Brasil, são poucos os alunos identificados com Altas Habilidades/Superdotação (AH/S... more Atualmente no Brasil, são poucos os alunos identificados com Altas Habilidades/Superdotação (AH/SD) e ainda mais problemática é a oferta de atividades de enriquecimento a tal público a partir de áreas de seu interesse. Por isto, optou-se por realizar um programa de suplementação para crianças com AH/SD que demonstraram interesse em aprender língua inglesa. Tal programa foi elaborado com o objetivo de desenvolver não apenas o idioma, mas também a criatividade dos participantes. Alunos sem AH/SD e com as mesmas características do primeiro grupo ingressaram no projeto, totalizando 12 participantes, seis meninos e seis meninas. O trabalho foi realizado durante o segundo semestre de 2015, tendo como objetivos verificar o desenvolvimento da criatividade antes e após o programa de suplementação e comparar o desempenho dos grupos a fim de analisar a intervenção realizada. Para a obtenção dos dados, foram realizados dez encontros destinados à intervenção e outros dois para aplicação do Teste...
Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial, 2021
ABSTRACT: In this article, it was proposed to conduct a search in a national database (SciELO) a... more ABSTRACT: In this article, it was proposed to conduct a search in a national database (SciELO) and in two international ones (Scopus and Web of Science), in order to investigate possible connections between the themes giftedness, creativity and bilingualism, as interest in the three terms has been growing. In the verification carried out in 2020 with different combinations of these uniterms, written in Portuguese and English, no work related to the three topics was found, but ten articles addressing the connection between two of the topics were obtained. The connection between giftedness and bilingualism was the most recurrent theme, with six studies. Most of them investigated how to evaluate and work with gifted bilingual students inserted in different realities with the authors’ criticism of the standardized evaluations and tests that were not concerned with encompassing cultural and linguistic differences in these instruments. The four other articles addressed creativity and bilingualism and were focused on comparing different measures of creativity of bilingual and monolingual children. Through the data obtained in the texts, there was a more significant gain in different measures of creativity for bilingual children. From the analysis of the findings, there was little production related to the themes presented, even though the search was limited to the connection of only two of the aforementioned uniterms. Thus, new studies are suggested in bilingual environments with a focus on target students of Special Education, specifically those with giftedness. It is also recommended the development of creativity in this context and the dissemination of more empirical research so that new works can be replicated.
KEYWORDS: Special Education. Giftedness. Creativity. Bilingualism. Literature review.
This study aimed to identify the number of gifted children, and the teachers' (mis) conception ab... more This study aimed to identify the number of gifted children, and the teachers' (mis) conception about giftedness. The study was carried out in public schools in the city of Bauru in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Data was collected by asking teachers to fill in a standardized form about the characteristics of gifted children and to answer a questionnaire agreeing or disagreeing with assumptions regarding gifted students' behavior. The research was carried out with 111 teachers from elementary school: 82% with a major degree in pedagogy and 22.5% with a post-graduation (lato sensu) course. This research revealed important and relevant data that may be used as guidelines to plan teacher development courses and seminar on the subject, including that 29% of the teachers have little knowledge on the subject; 36,9% teacher were currently teaching gifted students and 93,6% of them had students with three or more characteristics of i SUPERDOTACIÓN: INVESTIGACIÓN SOBRE NIÑOS BRASILEÑOS Y LA CONCEPCIÓN (ERRÓNEA) DE EDUCADORES Resumen: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar la cantidad de niños superdotados y la concepción (errónea) de los maestros sobre la superdotación. El estudio se realizó en escuelas públicas de la ciudad de Bauru en el estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil. La fecha se recopiló solicitando a los maestros que rellenen un formulario estandarizado sobre las características de los niños superdotados y que respondan a un cuestionario de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con los supuestos sobre el comportamiento de los alumnos superdotados. La investigación se realizó con 111 docentes de la escuela primaria: 82% con especialización en pedagogía y 22.5% con un curso de posgrado (lato sensu). Esta investigación reveló datos importantes y relevantes que pueden usarse como pautas para planificar cursos y seminarios de desarrollo docente sobre el tema, incluido que el 29% de los maestros tienen poco conocimiento sobre el tema; el 36.9% de los maestros actualmente enseñaban a estudiantes superdotados y el 93.6% de ellos tenían estudiantes con tres o más características de superdotados en sus clases. Los niños superdotados se informaron principalmente en Artes (19.82%), en segundo lugar en razonamiento lógico (5.41%) y en tercer lugar en inteligencia (4.5%).
Psicologia em Estudo, 2017
Creativity and working memory are academic and professional success markers. Paradoxically, corr... more Creativity and working memory are academic and professional success markers. Paradoxically, correlational studies do not always find associations between these constructs; some studies show positive associations between them and others show negative associ ations. Probably, the contradictory findings arise from different parameters, because of that it is important to identify them in order to have a more coherent understanding of this relationship. Thus, this systematic literature review aimed to answer the questions: "What is the relationship between working memory and creativity? Do update and serial recall mnemonic processes also interfere in the production of convergent or divergent thinking?" For this purpose, a survey of specific descriptors generated 3 84 articles found in Scopus, Web of Science and Pubmed databases, from which fifteen studies were selected. Despite the methodological variability between the selected studies, the results found suggest association s between working memory and creativity, which are explained by the attentional, inhibitory, analytical and motivational processes involved. A systematic review of these studies concluded that the characteristics of experimental tasks to study creativity and working memory used can influence the results of this association. It is also possible to infer that working memory overload can impair creative performance.
Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial, 2017
ABSTRACT: Gifted students are part of the audience contemplated by Brazilian Special Education, ... more ABSTRACT: Gifted students are part of the audience contemplated by Brazilian Special Education, they do not often receive the same attention given to students with disabilities, though. One of the characteristics of students with giftedness is creativity, which should be stimulated in order to be developed. In this context, this article presents a literature review from articles produced between 2005 and 2015 aiming to describe the relationship between creativity and giftedness, and to verify how creativity stimulation in this population is occurring. Searches in the Web of Science and Dialnet databases with the uniterms giftedness and creativity were carried out and 20 articles addressing the interrelationship of the presented issues were obtained. They were classified as: theoretical studies (4); literature review (4), and experimental studies (12). After reading the articles, it was found that the most frequent theme was the comparison of creativity in students with and without giftedness, especially with elementary school students as audience. Different results also reveal a concern about the reliability of results obtained through tests, especially regarding to its influence on participants' emotional factors, and also the lack of standardization among the instruments, which impair accurate analysis of the relationship between giftedness and creativity. The lack of articles about creativity enrichment programs for students with giftedness indicates that there is greater concern in measuring than developing creativity in this population.
Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Educação Especial, 2018
Conhecer as peculiaridades de cada aluno, especialmente suas potencialidades e dificuldades, é e... more Conhecer as peculiaridades de cada aluno, especialmente suas potencialidades e dificuldades, é essencial para que o processo de ensino e aprendizagem ocorra da melhor maneira possível. No entanto, apenas identificar tais diferenças não garante um processo eficaz sem que ajustes curriculares apropriados sejam realizados. Assim, este relato de experiência tem como objetivo apresentar as concepções de professores de língua estrangeira a respeito do tema, a partir das definições de Fonseca (2011), e verificar se estas englobam o público alvo da Educação Especial definido pela legislação vigente, com foco especial em alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação. Os participantes da pesquisa são professores de Língua Inglesa inscritos em um curso de formação continuada à distância, os quais responderam a um questionário inicial como forma de verificação de conhecimento prévio. As respostas ao questionário foram tabuladas e analisadas e, por meio delas, verificou-se que cursos de formação continuada a respeito de ajustes curriculares e público da Educação Especial são importantes ferramentas para maior reflexão a respeito práticas atuais nas aulas de língua estrangeira, as quais nem sempre favorecem a todos os alunos, especialmente aqueles com altas habilidades/superdotação. Palavras-chave: Ajustes curriculares. Educação Especial. Professores.
According to many authors, giftedness and creativity are usually connected. Because of that, this... more According to many authors, giftedness and creativity are usually connected. Because of that, this
paperaimed to test this hypothesis, evaluating and reportingconnections between gifted and non-gifted
children and creativity by evaluating Brazilian students from a public school. The researchinvolved a group
of gifted students and a control group with non-gifted ones. The first group was previously identified with
giftedness in a master degree research conducted in 2013 and published in 2015(MENDONÇA, 2015).
Both groups consisted of 2nd to 5th graders, studying in the same place. Children were evaluated by using
a creativity test (Torrance Test of Creative Thinking) and their scores were analyzed and compared. From
the analysis of the obtained data, the central questions that guided this paper were answered: "Is there a
connection between giftedness and creativity? Are all gifted students more creative than non-gifted ones?
The consolidation of school inclusion paradigm requires changes in education systems to ensure ac... more The consolidation of school inclusion paradigm requires changes in education systems to ensure access and learning for all students. The adjustments are one of these fronts and offer flexibility to the curriculum access, but it also requires that teachers are able to do so. In this context, continuing education programs – face and distance learning – have enabled to empower educators to carry out curricular adjustments according to the students`differences. This study aimed to identify what education professionals said about curriculum adaptations and compare whether groups with different experiences differed on how to implement them. Nine hundred and four school workers enrolled in distance teaching continuing program responded to an electronic questionnaire about curriculum adjustments. The collected data were submitted to descriptive and statistical analysis. As a result, significant differences were found among different groups of Regular Education for the categories " Significant adjustment score " and " total of adjustments " while the Special Education groups presented differences only in " Significant adjustment score ". There was also positive and weak correlation between " time experience " and the categories of " adjustments ". The findings suggest that the time of professional experience favors curricular adjustments, but other factors that corroborated for the execution of these practices should be investigated.
The consolidation of school inclusion paradigm requires changes in education systems to ensure ac... more The consolidation of school inclusion paradigm requires changes in education systems to ensure access and learning for all students. The adjustments are one of these fronts and offer flexibility to the curriculum access, but it also requires that teachers are able to do so. In this context, continuing education programs –face and distance learning –have enabled to empower educators to carry out curricular adjustments according to the students` differences. This study aimed to identify what education professionals said about curriculum adaptations and compare whether groups with different experiences differed on how to implement them. Nine hundred and four school workers enrolled in distance teaching continuing program responded to an electronic questionnaire about curriculum adjustments. The collected data were submitted to descriptive and statistical analysis. As a result, significant differences were found among different groups of Regular Education for the categories “Significant adjustment score” and “total of adjustments” while the Special Education groups presented differences only in “Significant adjustment score”. There was also positive and weak correlation between “time experience” and the categories of “adjustments”. The findings suggest that the time of professional experience favors curricular adjustments, but other factors that corroborated for the execution of these practices should be investigated.
Papers by Taís Crema Remoli
KEYWORDS: Special Education. Giftedness. Creativity. Bilingualism. Literature review.
paperaimed to test this hypothesis, evaluating and reportingconnections between gifted and non-gifted
children and creativity by evaluating Brazilian students from a public school. The researchinvolved a group
of gifted students and a control group with non-gifted ones. The first group was previously identified with
giftedness in a master degree research conducted in 2013 and published in 2015(MENDONÇA, 2015).
Both groups consisted of 2nd to 5th graders, studying in the same place. Children were evaluated by using
a creativity test (Torrance Test of Creative Thinking) and their scores were analyzed and compared. From
the analysis of the obtained data, the central questions that guided this paper were answered: "Is there a
connection between giftedness and creativity? Are all gifted students more creative than non-gifted ones?
KEYWORDS: Special Education. Giftedness. Creativity. Bilingualism. Literature review.
paperaimed to test this hypothesis, evaluating and reportingconnections between gifted and non-gifted
children and creativity by evaluating Brazilian students from a public school. The researchinvolved a group
of gifted students and a control group with non-gifted ones. The first group was previously identified with
giftedness in a master degree research conducted in 2013 and published in 2015(MENDONÇA, 2015).
Both groups consisted of 2nd to 5th graders, studying in the same place. Children were evaluated by using
a creativity test (Torrance Test of Creative Thinking) and their scores were analyzed and compared. From
the analysis of the obtained data, the central questions that guided this paper were answered: "Is there a
connection between giftedness and creativity? Are all gifted students more creative than non-gifted ones?