

Business Consulting and Services

The ways of working, culture and engagement diagnostic for progressive organisations

About us

In a nutshell, WorkPulse is a ‘ways of working’ diagnostic tool and your partner for upgrading collaboration, culture, and employee engagement. - WorkPulse is designed to align with and uncover the patterns found in progressive organisations that need a little attention in your workplace. - We also identify challenges and opportunities while providing comprehensive insights into organisational culture and employee engagement. - WorkPulse is all about empowering you with a deeper understanding of your workplace dynamics and equipping you with actionable methods for improvement.

Business Consulting and Services
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2-10 employees


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    View profile for Mark Eddleston, graphic

    Founder @ WorkPulse | Upgrading Collaboration, Culture, & Engagement with the patterns found in progressive organisations.

    🤖 Excited to share the New Ways of Working Navigator! This ChatGTP is your go-to resource for navigating the complexities of modern, progressive organisations. 🧭 With the Navigator, you'll dive into the latest practices in effective meetings, participatory decision-making, growing a culture of feedback, and much more. It's designed to help you upgrade the way you work, creating environments where collaboration and empowerment thrive. 🔗 If you're a ChatGTP Plus user, explore this new tool here: And no worries if you're not, you can access it for free over here: 🔧 It's the perfect tool for leaders and teams eager to embrace progressive work practices.

    ChatGPT - New Ways of Working Navigator 🧭

    ChatGPT - New Ways of Working Navigator 🧭

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    View profile for Mark Eddleston, graphic

    Founder @ WorkPulse | Upgrading Collaboration, Culture, & Engagement with the patterns found in progressive organisations.

    🙏 I'm working on a chatbot for New Ways of Working and I'd love your help testing it: (you'll need a plus account) Please fire away with your questions and let me know how helpful (or not) the responses are in the comments. So far it's been 'trained' by my New Ways of Working Playbook, and it's learning more every day!

    ChatGPT - New Ways of Working Navigator 🧭

    ChatGPT - New Ways of Working Navigator 🧭

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    View profile for Mark Eddleston, graphic

    Founder @ WorkPulse | Upgrading Collaboration, Culture, & Engagement with the patterns found in progressive organisations.

    🤔 Why haven't org development experts become more expert at developing organisations? 🌀 Because they're applying linear solutions to complex problems.

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    View profile for Mark Eddleston, graphic

    Founder @ WorkPulse | Upgrading Collaboration, Culture, & Engagement with the patterns found in progressive organisations.

    🤔 We've been led to believe that management theories are the gospel, offering neat, linear pathways to organisational nirvana. Wouldn't that be nice? Organisations, in their quest for identity, often pledge allegiance to the latest managerial fad. But peel back the layers, and it's all smoke and mirrors. Most outfits mash up bits and pieces from various ideologies, creating a hybrid that barely resembles the purist versions touted in glossy brochures. Theories, by their nature, aim to distil chaos into clarity, to find patterns in the pandemonium. Yet, they often fall short, tripping over the complex reality of organisational life. The architects of these theories constructed their edifices on the sands of linear thinking, blissfully unaware that they were setting the stage for a comedy of errors. As these theories rub shoulders with reality, they tend to unravel, prompting a frenzied patchwork of amendments and adjustments by theorists. In the grand scheme of things, our attempts to corral organisations into neat, theoretical pens have led us on a wild goose chase. The reality is that organisations are more like cocktails, with a dash of this theory and a splash of that, constantly mixing and morphing in response to the ever-changing beat of the business drum. This heady mix defies the one-size-fits-all solutions peddled by management gurus, requiring instead a nuanced understanding of the unique blend of ingredients that makes each team tick. It's about recognising the enduring patterns amidst the chaos and focusing on what genuinely fosters healthy, high-performing teams. So, where does this leave us? In a world that craves simplicity, the complexity of organisational dynamics can feel like a thorn in the side. But here's the twist – embracing this complexity, with its unpredictable twists and turns, is not a bug; it's a feature. In the end, the journey to organisational excellence is not a straight line but a meandering path, filled with learning, unlearning, and relearning. It's a journey that requires us to be ready to pivot and adapt as the landscape evolves. And in this ever-changing world, perhaps the most valuable compass we have is our ability to embrace the beauty of complexity, to find harmony in the chaos, and to forge paths that lead to truly progressive and high-performing organisations. Find your teams path with a little help from the New Ways of Working Playbook:

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    View profile for Mark Eddleston, graphic

    Founder @ WorkPulse | Upgrading Collaboration, Culture, & Engagement with the patterns found in progressive organisations.

    Back in 2021 I shared with the world The New Ways of Working Canvas 🎁 It was designed to help you to get clear about some of the themes that are important for new ways of working. Think purpose, roles and responsibilities, how you meet, how you make decisions, how you feedback to one another, and how information flows. Also to help you to reflect on relationships, how you communicate, and the tech you use. 👉 Check it out over here...

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    View profile for Mark Eddleston, graphic

    Founder @ WorkPulse | Upgrading Collaboration, Culture, & Engagement with the patterns found in progressive organisations.

    So, what's #WorkPulse for? Ever found yourself in a #meeting thinking, “Could this have been an email, Slack or Teams message?” Or perhaps, wrestling with decisions that feel like they’re being made in a mysterious boardroom far, far away? Welcome to the club of modern workplace frustration! 😤 Now imagine a world where #decisions flow as freely as coffee in the break room, where your voice doesn’t just echo in the void but shapes outcomes. That’s not a utopian dream; it’s the essence of distributed decision-making. 🌍✨ But wait, there’s more! We need of course #psychologicalsafety - that magical feeling when you can voice a wild idea, challenge a process, or admit a mistake without the fear of being turned into the office meme. It’s the secret sauce for innovation, yet as elusive as that one sock that disappeared in the laundry. 🧦 And let’s talk #feedback. Not the “Great job!” plastered on your report, but the real, raw, constructive kind that helps you grow. A culture of feedback is like having a personal trainer for your professional skills, minus the muscle aches. 🏋️♂️ Enter #experimentation, the playground of the business world. It’s about trying new things, failing fast, and learning faster. Because if we always stick to the “we’ve always done it this way” mantra, we might as well be sending faxes in the age of instant messaging. 📠➡️💬 So, how do we weave this tapestry of modern work principles into the fabric of our organisations? How do we navigate the tightrope between innovation and chaos, structure and flexibility? That’s where WorkPulse steps in. 🌟 Think of WorkPulse as your guide through the maze of new ways of working. It’s not just a tool; it’s a partner in reimagining how your team collaborates, decides, learns, and evolves. With WorkPulse, those daunting meetings transform into hubs of creativity, decision-making becomes a team sport, and feedback turns into the golden nuggets of personal growth. Ready to turn the page and start a new chapter in your organisational story? Dive into the world of WorkPulse, where we make the new ways of working not just aspirational but achievable. Check us out and book a demo: Let’s make work not just something you do, but something you love. 🧡 #NewWaysOfWorking #WorkPulse #Culture

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    View profile for Mark Eddleston, graphic

    Founder @ WorkPulse | Upgrading Collaboration, Culture, & Engagement with the patterns found in progressive organisations.

    🌟 Big Reveal on the Horizon! 🌟 I'm on the cusp of launching my best work into the world and I'm bursting with excitement to share it. The journey began last summer, diving deep into beta testing and refining every detail. Since then, I've been collaborating with our pioneering WorkPulse clients, including an inspiring stint in Istanbul just last week! But this is just the beginning. My vision for WorkPulse stretches far and wide, and I'm eager to bring you all on board. 🚀 Stay tuned for the grand unveiling and make sure you're in the loop by signing up for updates (link in comments). Let's upgrade #collaboration #culture and #engagement together with #WorkPulse. The countdown has begun... are you ready? #NewWaysofWorking

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