The HRologist

The HRologist

Business Consulting and Services

Ripley, England 95 followers

HRologist | Helping Educational, Care, and Social Enterprises, 🌶️ up People Strategies

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Business Consulting and Services
Company size
1 employee
Ripley, England
Talent Management, Employee Engagement, Employee Relations, Change Management, Project Managment, Lean Six Sigma - Process Improvement, Wellbeing and Mental Health, Psychologist, and Holistic HR


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    Passionate HRologist shaping positive cultures for organisational success

    When you find your place, when you find your people everything just falls into place! I am so grateful to Michelle Hartley FCIPD and The HR Geek Squad for just being the most awesome community there is! You are all pure supportive magic! It's the 2nd Birthday of The HR Geek Squad and we've had the most awesome of gifts... CAKE!! Need I say more but THANK YOU, Mrs Awesome Hartley!!

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    I'll be honest, reaching out to Pinky Ghadiali after seeing one of her posts was both exciting and a little nerve-wracking! Does anyone else get those pre-conversation jitters? 😅 Just as I joined our call, a wave of heat washed over me - a classic hot flush decided to make a surprise appearance! However, Pinky's warmth and humour instantly put me at ease. We shared a laugh about the perfectly timed hot flush, and from there, the conversation flowed effortlessly. Her calming energy was a breath of fresh air, and we had a wonderful chat about life, our businesses, and the exciting possibilities. This experience reminded me of something Pinky mentioned recently: sometimes, the simplest act of reaching out can spark genuine connections. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the online world, but taking a moment to truly connect with someone on a human level can be incredibly rewarding.  So, next time you see a post that resonates with you, don't hesitate to reach out! You never know what amazing connections and opportunities might be waiting on the other side.  #Community #Connection #Compassion #LifeHappens

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    Passionate HRologist shaping positive cultures for organisational success

    Compassion matters! Share your thoughts on how we're doing in our brief survey. Your insights will help us build a more compassionate workplace for everyone. Let's make corporate compassion a priority, together.

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    I'm contemplating Homeschooling my Neurodiverse Son My son is 6 years old, autistic, and incredibly bright. However, he doesn't fit the mould of mainstream schooling, nor does he perfectly fit into the Special Educational Needs (SEN) framework. He learns in his unique way, through his interests, and when he wants to learn, he dives deep and focuses intensely. Traditional instruction isn't his forte, and we suspect there might be some Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) at play. I'm seriously considering homeschooling to provide him with the environment he needs to thrive. I'm curious to hear from others who have experience homeschooling neurodiverse children. Do you have other children? Are they homeschooled too, or are they in mainstream education? Beyond my situation, I believe the world of work must be ready to embrace the diverse and unique needs of neurodiversity. We need to create workplaces that value and leverage the strengths of individuals who think differently. #Neurodiversity #Homeschooling #Autism #PDA #Inclusion #Futureofwork

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    Reflecting on a Cluttered Mind: A Journey of Rediscovery Through Buddhism A year ago, I felt completely lost and overwhelmed, my mind a tangled mess of thoughts and emotions. By chance, I found a Buddhist temple near my home offering a retreat called "Declutter Your Mind," so I decided to give it a try. Sitting in silence, focusing on my breath, and simply observing my thoughts brought a sense of peace and clarity that I hadn't felt in a long time. The teachings of impermanence, non-attachment, and mindfulness resonated deeply with me, and I began to understand that my cluttered mind was due to clinging onto thoughts and emotions that no longer served me. Through regular meditation and studying the Buddhist philosophy, I gradually learned to let go of these attachments and live in the present moment. The temple's serene environment and the wisdom of its monks became a source of solace for me 💚 Today, I am incredibly grateful for this trans-formative journey. Buddhism has helped me de-clutter my mind, find inner peace, and appreciate the beauty of life's impermanence, If you are feeling overwhelmed and lost I strongly recommend giving a Buddhist retreat a go. #Mindfulness #Buddhism #InnerPeace #DeclutterYourMind #MeditationJourney #SpiritualGrowth #TransformativeJourney #Serenity #Gratitude #MentalClarity

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    Confidence, is described as a belief in one's abilities and a feeling of self-assurance, is more than just a personality trait. Research suggests that confidence plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. From mental and emotional health to career success and personal relationships, confidence acts as a catalyst for positive outcomes in various aspects of life. Mental and Emotional Health Recent studies have shown a strong correlation between confidence and positive mental health. Confident individuals tend to experience lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. They possess a greater sense of self-efficacy, believing in their ability to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. This mindset empowers us to cope with life's ups and downs more effectively. For instance, a 2023 study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that individuals with higher self-confidence reported greater life satisfaction and resilience in the face of adversity. They were more likely to view challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. Career Success and Personal Relationships Confidence extends its influence in the professional sense as well. Confident individuals are more likely to take on leadership roles, pursue ambitious career paths, and negotiate for their worth. They exude an air of competence that inspires trust and respect from colleagues and superiors.  Furthermore, confidence plays a pivotal role in personal relationships. Confident individuals tend to attract healthy and fulfilling connections. They communicate their needs assertively, set boundaries effectively, and are less likely to settle for less than they deserve. The Importance of Cultivating Confidence While some individuals seem naturally confident, confidence is a skill that can be learned and developed over time. There are numerous strategies for boosting confidence, such as setting achievable goals, practising self-compassion, and surrounding oneself with supportive individuals. A study conducted in 2024 by the University of California, Berkeley, revealed that practising self-affirmation techniques, such as writing down positive qualities about oneself, can significantly enhance self-confidence. These techniques work by reinforcing positive self-perceptions and countering negative self-talk. Confidence is not about arrogance or an inflated sense of self-importance. It's about recognising your worth, embracing your strengths, and believing in your ability to navigate life's challenges. Cultivating confidence unlocks a wealth of benefits for your mental, emotional, and social well-being. Take that small step, to be 1% more confident confidence, what will make you more confident this week?  Are you ready to level up? #SocialWellbeing #Leadership #Confidence #Mindfulness #Wellbeing

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    At The HRologist, we're all about bringing kindness and compassion to the workplace. We team up with companies to offer culture coaching that: 🌈 Helps individuals thrive 🌈 Builds high-performing teams 🌈 Fosters a culture of well-being and growth If you value your people and know how important their happiness at work is, let's chat. Let The HRologist help unlock your company's true potential. #WorkplaceWellbeing #CultureCoaching #TeamPerformance #EmployeeHappiness #GrowthMindset #CompanyCulture #ThriveAtWork #KindnessMatters #CompassionateLeadership #UnlockPotential

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    Why I Started Drama Classes 🎭 A few months ago I decided to take a plunge into something completely new, drama classes, and I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made, I cant recommend it enough, and here are some of the reasons why 🌈 I've Stepped Completely Out Of My Comfort Zone I tend to shy away from the spotlight, public speaking makes me nervous, and the thought of performing in front of others was downright terrifying. But staying in my comfort zone wasn’t helping me grow, this has been the perfect way to challenge myself and face those fears head-on 🌈 Boosting My Confidence Walking into that first class was intimidating, but everyone was so welcoming and supportive that I quickly felt at ease, speaking up became easier, and I've started to trust my instincts more, its a win win 🏆 🌈 Meeting New People This I knew I was going to love. I’m a people person 💛 🌈 A Safe Space For Self-Expression Drama classes offer a safe space where you can be yourself and explore different aspects of your personality without fear of judgment. This has been particularly liberating for me. It’s a space where I can experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them. The freedom to express myself is incredibly empowering. So my advice is to push yourself! Try something new and uncomfortable, you never know what wonderful things may come of it. #ConfidenceBuilding #CreativeOutlet #PublicSpeaking #NewExperiences #PersonalGrowth #MeetNewPeople #SelfExpression #StepOutOfYourComfortZone #FindYourVoice Image: Naomi and a fellow thespian and friend smiling

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    Passionate HRologist shaping positive cultures for organisational success

    “Compassionate leadership begins with the intention to see as others see and feel as others feel. By practising genuine empathy, leaders are better positioned to cultivate mindfulness in others, enabling them to fulfil their own potential and unleash it in those around them for a greater good.” Margie Warrell, Forbes

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