Try mapping out your customer journey and see if you can think of a piece of content or CTA that would move them from one stage to the next… If there are some gaps, what content could you create to keep customer interested and nudge them along to the next stage of the process?
“Let’s connect on LinkedIn.” vs “Please buy my thing!” Don’t be that person at a networking event that goes straight in with a sales pitch. Be cool, man, be cool. “But I really want them to buy my thing!” Ok, so think about how you can tempt them along the journey until they eventually get to a point of sale. Here’s how you can do it with content… 1. Meet at event → “Let’s connect on LinkedIn” 2. Connect on LinkedIn → “Thought you’d find this article interesting” 3. Read TOFU article post → “Download our how-to guide” 4. Download how to guide → “Attend our industry panel webinar” 5. Attend industry panel webinar → “Watch our video case study” 6. Watch video case study → “Try our online diagnostic tool” 7. Try online diagnostic tool → “Book a consultation with our team” 8. Book a consultation → “Here’s a proposal” 9. Read proposal → “Become a customer” Just remember, you can’t rush the process. Providing all of these touch points actually gives your potential customer time to build trust in your brand, making the final deal much easier to get over the line. Now cut and paste the list above so you can refer back to it. And if you need more help with adapting it to your business plan, give us a shout. *I totally stole this list from Rin btw, obviously.